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Sunday 30 April 2017

P I p assessment part 2

On Friday 28th April 2017 I had to attend a second party p.i.p assessment at Holsworthy medical centre due to the fact that had a newer problem to add to previous claim for this benefit. The nurse I saw seemed very disinterested and spent most of the time looking at the computer and asked the usual questions about my illnesses. And I did not to to do the physical test. The only things she was worried about were the following my flat mood or depression and fact had not seen an outreach therapist for use of crutch to aid my walking as got crutch myself due to fact get dizziness to aid balance. I expect to fail as the government wish to get people back to work in an ideal world.


Nappercise if you wish to give it a go is a new fad exercise in which tired parents sleep to reinvigorate themselves. But at the moment you can only do this exercise if live in Sidcup, South East London.

Greater wax moth answer to plastic bags

... many search?q=greater+wax+moth+eat+plastic+bags&oq=greater+wax+moth+eat+plastic+b&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j33l3.31253j0j4&client=tablet-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
As many of us know plastic bags and packing are a problem. But some scientists think that the greater wax moth is the answer. This is due to fact there found out by accident that the larvae of this moth species eat plastic when one of them placed the said larvae in a plastic bag And found it full of holes later on

Wing tsun martial arts

Tan sau punch..... Before throw punch point your weaker hand at nose of attacker it confusing to them and acts as a blocking move then follow through with the punch using stronger hand. Double eye gouge... A strike and defence against an accident attacker using both hands to grab your head or strangle you. Raise your arms above your head and clench hands together then slam down your side breaking attacker's grip who's body will go down and you will be able to slide your hands up and jab them in eyes. Deflect a heavy attack... Position your body to the side of your attacker rib with a punch or kick then pull the attacker down towards you and using an elbow strike them in a vital area part.. Temple of neck, throat. Wooden dummy technique... From this defensive position you can can target all assailants weak points at same time and respond to their attack with a swift palm to ribs and a kick to the knee this will bring them down or lease make them smaller so you can follow up. Kup Jan... Key to self defense is to channel all your force in one small point such as the elbow, with this move aim for Bridge of the nose and if your attacker recoils your your elbow will hit their throat, collar bone or chest and this move is difficult to defend against. Other self defence tips.... Use shortest and most direct route of attack, defend and attack simultaneously, hit vital areas.. Eyes, throat, ears, groin, strike from the centre so your attacker does not see it coming, use anything as a weapon.

News void

It seems that their is no news during weekends apart as during weekdays you get it hourly or half hourly but I wonder why. As mentioned in previous sentence it's becomes an overload of information in which you become immune to the serious of it or is it the world stops at weekends or the aliens controlling the real news and feeding us the fake who knows or cares.

Matt Harvey interviewed

What inspired me?

As a child and a teenager I had lots of scary experiences. Shadows would dart around my room as a kid, my pillow was forcefully pulled from my arms as I was trying to sleep, the closet door would open and a man would be in there and as I got into my teens we moved to a house that was way worse. This house is where I got my start into ghost hunting. I seemed to be home alone often. I always had strange scary experiences. Everything from seeing a black hooded figure, cold spots in the middle of summer when it was 80 degrees in the house, having the closet door open on it's own and having something peer out the blinds at me when no one was home and something walking around in the attic. That was the day my girlfriend now my wife said to me ( you can't be afraid of that thing). That is the day I started investigating the house. The more I investigated, the more I was hooked. My wife really was the one who inspired me. 22 years later, I am still investigating the paranormal. 

What are my aims?

My aims are to continue to investigate ghosts / demonic activity in homes and other locations. To continue my research into other paranormal creatures / activity. I want to collect conclusive data that show that they are real. I would also like to expand my research into other things more like UFOs and other phenomenon in the paranormal. 

My plans for the future? 

My plans are to try and do more Bigfoot research, still help those in need with ghosts at there location, continue to search out more new locations to research the paranormal, be it ghosts, UFOs or other cryptozoological creatures and continue to learn and grow as a paranormal investigator. Getting my own show or being able to get a sponsor to help fund my research would be great. 

Thank you for allowing me to answers your questions.