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Sunday 8 January 2017



Hi and welcome to Eddie Hall's website, here you can find official links to Eddie's sponsors, contact his manager for bookings, buy merchandise including signed photos and t-shirts, tickets to his next UK Strongman contest, and keep up to date with Eddie's competitive accomplishments and lifestyle.

Eddie was born in Stoke-on-Trent, England 1988. His athletic career started as a National Championship swimmer; but bored of endless laps of the pool he turned his attention to the gym at 15. On leaving school, he worked as a truck mechanic up to the age of 26 and then became a full time strongman upon meeting his manager Mo Chaudry.

Eddie has since dedicated his life to becoming the world's strongest man, and his famous ever lasting words have been "if you never see me on the podium at world's strongest man, I probably died trying"

He's broken world records in front of Arnold Schwarzenegger, he's lifted things so heavy his eyes balls have burst out of his head, but mos

Thousands of toy eggs washed up on a German beach

Thousands of toy eggs washed up on a German beach and the pictures are intense
What could be more enchanting and colorful than a thousand plastic round eggs washing up on to a German shore? Well, probably a lot of things, but a thousand colored plastic eggs washing up this week on the North sea coast on the island of Langeoog and it’s really a sight to be seen. Each little toy, lining the sand on the beach were greeted by tons of curious German children.
Reports say that police suspect the toy eggs came from a freighter that “lost part of its cargo during an intense storm,” according to NPR. Now, the eggs have been collected by the residents of Langeoog and everyone seems to be intrigued.
Of course with the happiness of the gifts also come the reality of the trash that washed up on their shoreline. Mayor Uwe Garrels told the Associated Press, “At first I thought this was a wonder, because everything was so colorful and so on, but then we realized that this is a huge mess in the end. ”-Read More

One-mile-long stretch of ancient trees is chopped down because squirrels have gnawed at branches causing them to fall in front of drivers

The beech trees along the A38 have been coppiced after squirrels were found to be gnawing branches, causing them to fall into the busy road
Gnawing squirrels have forced officials to chop down hundreds of thriving trees across a mile-long stretch of road.
Some 750 towering beech trees used to flank this section of the A38, a busy road running through picturesque parts of Devon and Cornwall.
But they have been reduced to barren, 4ft stumps because squirrels were chomping off branches, which then fell in front of drivers. 

Baby elephant tries to forget her fear of water as she receives hydrotherapy in bid to learn to walk again after injuring her foot in a trap

A baby elephant named Clear Sky is learning to walk again in a swimming pool after she injured her foot
THIS baby elephant is trying to forget her fear of water as she learns to walk again after losing part of her foot.
The nervous six-month-old grabbed a keeper for support as she was lowered into the pool at an animal hospital in Chonburi, Thailand.A baby elephant named Clear Sky is learning to walk again in a swimming pool after she injured her foot-Read More

Zombies Would Wipe Out Humans in Less than 100 Days

The zombie apocalypse won't take long.
A new article in a peer-reviewed student journal finds that the zombie hordes would take Earth's population down to a mere 273 survivors in 100 days.
The paper, published in the University of Leicester's Journal of Physics Special Topics, was a fanciful use of the so-called SIR model, which is used in epidemiology to simulate how diseases spread over time. It's not the first time zombies have been used as a public health metaphor. In December 2015, for example, the British medical journal The Lancet published a tongue-in-cheek paper titled "Zombie infections: epidemiology, treatment, and prevention." And a viral blog post from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged zombie-apocalypse preparations as a a metaphor for real-life disaster preparedness.
In the new analysis, the University of Leicester undergraduates assumed that each zombie would have 90 percent success at finding and infecting one human per day — a rate that would make the zombie virus twice as contagious as the Black Death, the plague that devastated Europe in the 1300s. [Zombie Animals: 5 Real Cases of Body-Snatching]-Read More

Pedro Gets Rescued.

A  cat called Pedro managed to get himself trapped up a 40 ft tree and was saved by recuer standing underneath a ladder.Pedro was back home after his ordeal and got a check up.



Sepsis is a rare but serious complication of an infection.
Without quick treatment, sepsis can lead to multiple organ failure and death.
Read on or go straight to:
Symptoms in children under five
Symptoms in older children and adults
Tests to diagnose sepsis
Treatments for sepsis
Recovering from sepsis
Who's at risk of sepsis
Different terms

Sepsis symptoms in children under five

Go straight to A&E or call 999 if your child

  • looks mottled, bluish or pale
  • is very lethargic or difficult to wake
  • feels abnormally cold to touch
  • is breathing very fast
  • has a rash that does not fade when you press it
  • has a fit or convulsion

Get medical advice urgently from NHS 111

If your child has any of the symptoms listed below, is getting worse or is sicker than you'd expect (even if their temperature falls), trust Read More