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Sunday 24 April 2016

titanic final lifeboat

a handwritten note and photos of a grisly account of titanics last lifeboat are up for sell.

we want boaty mcboatface?

this is a name -124,109 votes,that was going to be given to a 200 milllion polar exploration ship but the killjoy government have dismissed it and reqiure a more sensible name.

pitrm1- possile cure for alzheimers?

this is a protein found in the cell organism mitochondria .low levels of pitrim1 increase deposits of protein amgloid in the brain ,this clumps together and wrecks memory .metochondria can be passed down generationms.

idiot annoys tiger at zoo

pee could be used to generate electricity?

scientists have devolped mircobial fuel cells that use the natural biological processes of bacteria .they react as the urine passes through the inch square devive-cost 1 to 2 pounds ,created by university of london and bristol bioenergy centre.

108 year old bottle

information about dinosaurs may not have not been wiped out by astiod