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Saturday 18 January 2014


At a caravan site MANOR PARK,HAPPPISBURGH,NORFOLK,Scentists on a archaeological site  dig have unearthed ancient community containing stone axes,fossilised   remains,butchered animakls belonging to HOMO ANTECESSOR- a predessor of modern man and  the earlest known species to make into europe shortly to go to on exhibition at NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM.HOMO ANTECESSOR HAD A SMALL BRAIN,MAY HAVE BEEN A CANNIBAL AS WELLAS A HUNTER,NO COMPLETE SKELETON HAS BEEN FOUND,FOSSILS REMAINS DISCOVERED IN SPAIN MAKE THEM ABOUT 5FT 6FT TALL ,WEIGH 9-14ST.


THE EMPIRE OF THINGS  SELECTED READINGS 2003 -2013-C.J.STONE -GONZO MUTIMEDIA MMXI-IBN -978-1-908728-36-4-WWW.CJSTONE.CO.UK.This book is unusual collection of various subjects from vlad the impaler to finding out what a ranter is and why the author thinks he is one.Part spiritual,some poltics this book when read will make you think and enjoy the journey of life.I give thanks to JONATHAN DOWNES  for giving me this book which if you read this blog i recommend to you my reader .

Monday 13 January 2014

African tigerfish catch swallows in flight

African tigerfish have been filmed catching swallows in flight by scientists.
Some species of fish are known to feed on stationary birds but experts say this is the first evidence of one catching birds on the wing.
Tigerfish are a predatory freshwater species that are best known for their large, razor-sharp teeth.
The behaviour was filmed at Schroda Dam, a man-made lake in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Researchers from the Water Research Group of North West University, South Africa, described their findings in the Journal of Fish Biology.

Predators in the water

African tigerfish takes bait
"The African tigerfish is one of the most amazing freshwater species in the world," said Prof Nico Smit, co-author of the study.
"It is a striking fish with beautiful markings on the body, bright red fins and vicious teeth."
The fish, Hydrocynus vittatus, is known as a voracious predator and according to Prof Smit, its characteristic jump makes it a favourite species for freshwater anglers.
It is a protected species in South Africa and Prof Smit and colleagues were conducting a study into how it uses different habitats in Schroda Dam.READ MORE

Black rhino hunt permit auctioned in US

Protest outside the Dallas Convention Center where the Dallas Safari Club held its weekend show and auctionA permit to hunt and kill an endangered Black Rhino in Namibia has been sold at a US auction for $350,000 (£212,000).
The Dallas Safari Club in Texas says the hunt will help protect the species by removing an old aggressive rhino, and funding future conservation.
However, the auction has been fiercely criticised by conservationists, and has even drawn death threats.
Namibia is home to about a third of the world's 5,000 black rhinos, and issues just three hunting permits a year.
It is the first time a permit has been auctioned outside the southern African nation.
'A sad joke'
The auction was held amid tight security at a Dallas convention centre, where dozens of protesters had gathered.
The winning bidder - who has not been named - will hunt an old, non-breeding male rhino.READ MORE

Saturday 11 January 2014


Whilst out for a walk at WESTWARD HO ,DEVON a pair of walkers stumbled across a BABY GREY SEAL,it seemed friendly.Another  GREY SEAL  was spotted at CROW POINT blown ashore by the storms ,it was unttangled and set free from its debris and helped back into the sea-NORTHDEVOJOURNAL-PAGE 31-9/01/2014


A  millionare is planning to complete a study on a controlled release of WOLVES,to gainpermission for the animals to roam across 50,000 arces behind a 10 foot fence .So far he has tried  wild boar,elk,bison ,red deer,highland cattle ,red squirrel,scottish wildcats on his esate in SUTHERLAND,35 MILES FROM INVERNERNESS.HE plans to fit tracking devicesand a team of 8 men to watch them but may not happen dueto the rite to roam the scottish highlands laws.


1,771 BADGERS wwre killed since cull begun in AUGUEST  coating 7.3 MILLION of which the taxpayer-you and me -picked up a sshare of 5.8 MILLION of this bill-CARE FOR THE WILD-ANIMAL CHARITY.This works out at 2,200 per BADGER,the cull taking pace in GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND SOMERSET.The farmers only paided1.49 MILLION-wow -policing 2.66 MILLION,3.17 MILLION  to various goverment agencies,this proves what  a waste of life to BADGERS and the so called farmers got off lightly -see thier payment above-and stiil the sheep bleat that it was justified,but  almost scientists universersally say that the cull wont have any significant impact on t.b.