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Thursday 31 May 2018

Barbee Rehab try out

The Blur

The Blur  DAY 5  It seems different now the plague is beginning to affect me . I have found the cure its so simple but easily missed  in our reliance on science,the answer is .... Day 1 The day began like ever other day , woken up by the local radio playing latest naff hit of the week. At work behind my prison cell of a cubical sitting tapping my computer ,boring accounts. Then suddenly people began to scream ,run,stand looking like rabbits in the headlights, a figure arose from their  cubical its face ,body were all blurred,it was walking at a snails pace towards me. Sorry to say i ran for my life. Day 2  With cars, buildings, offices, shops abandoned, ravaged and plundered for supplies like Viking days of old.N o electric as due to plague spreading creating more blurred creatures. I was holed up in a warehouse, once full of toys waiting for a child to play with, now dunk and on my own. Day 3 I ran out of food so moved on, whilst on the road, I was a lonely old man wearing a white coat, rimmed glasses and he had the air of a person who knew something. After being starved of the human company for a while I tried to spark up a conversation with the white coat man. He was ranting -WHY DID YOU WHAT THE BLUR YOU FOOLS, I stood looking at the rimmed glasses and saw these eyes were small similar to when an illegal drug has been taken. The white coat man then had a lucid moment in which he told how and why the blurs had come about . You see some rich would be star did not wish to be seen when out so he thought why not look like the blur you see on TV shows when no one wishes to be seen also. The white coat man had managed this but it went a wrong bit like a b movie plot in the 50s.Day 4 I then made it my mission to save the human race, despite all its problems.But as i looked down my feet were beginning to blur. So  breaking  into a paper shop i found a pen and this dairy to write in ,which i hope any other survivors find. Day 5  Cure is so simple its ...........................................


To many, the carer who is at home looking after their loved one is forgotten about by the other professional caregivers, doctors, nurses, etc. Those who young and old that do the day to day routines and supply emotional support and are lowly thought about, so please remember people like myself and my stepson and the thousands of others in Britain.

Sunday 27 May 2018


Plot Generator

20 Twist Ideas For 'My Winter of Fear'

by Writer Unknown

1. The town they live in doesn't really exist.
2. It turns out they are all living in a computer game.
3. It turns out Joshua Blunder only exists in the cloud.
4. Daniel Ball was bitten by a zombie much earlier in the story but signs were delayed.
5. The whole plot is a premonition, not reality.
6. Joshua Blunder has been possessed the whole time.
7. Joshua Blunder is actually Mary McCallister's brother, time travelling.
8. It turns out they are all monkeys.
9. Earth has been destroyed and they're all living in a virtual reality.
10. The entire plot was a ruse designed to teach Mary McCallister a lesson.
11. Mary McCallister was stolen as a baby and brought up by kidnappers.
12. During the course of the story, Mary McCallister picked up the secret to eternal life and therefore doesn't die.
13. Mary McCallister used to be a spy but didn't realise as she has been suffering from amnesia.
14. The whole things is not a story but a brainwashing tool used by the government.
15. The beginning of the story was staged by Joshua Blunder to teach Mary McCallister a lesson.
16. Daniel Ball is really a vampire.
17. A religious text shows that Mary McCallister was always destined to save the day.
18. It's really the year 2199.
19. Joshua Blunder was just using Mary McCallister for information.
20. Daniel Ball was switched with another baby at birth.
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Saturday 26 May 2018

end of an era

Today I have had to stop doing the various blogs i have done due to a site i have used for years suddenly changed how to access news i thank you not,so it back to the dark ages where you only to need to now the latest gossip bullshit.