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Sunday 15 May 2016

Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit-bbc iplayer

In this first episode, Mary Beard reaches back to the myths and legends of the origins of Rome to gain an insight into the deep-rooted psyche of the people of Rome - a city born through fratricide and rape. But from the very beginning, Rome was also an asylum for outcasts and exiles and because of this, it adopted a uniquely inclusive approach towards its neighbours and defeated enemies. The expansion of the city brought territory in first in Italy and Sicily, where Rome first came head to head and eventually defeated her great rival, Carthage.
Mary then travels to Greece, where Rome adopted a complex mix of brute force and cultural cringe, and France, where she finds evidence of war methods akin to outright genocide. In typical myth-busting style, Mary argues that the period of greatest Roman expansion occurred when Rome itself was little more than a provincial backwater, a shantytown of mud and brick. The marble, monumental Rome we know came about because of imperial conquest - not the other way round. And likewise, the creation and possession of an empire transformed the politics of Rome forever, creating the conditions for one-man rule, and ending the centuries-old Roman

dancing tigers

picture shows a pair of tigers seeming to be dancing yogether in kunal khinwasaria,mumbai,india.

Giant pelican spotted in the UK for the first time in centuries: Red-billed Dalmatian

A huge pelican - the largest of its kind and one of the biggest birds in the world - has been spotted in the UK for the first time in centuries
A huge pelican - the largest of its kind and one of the biggest birds in the world - has been spotted in the UK for the first time in centuries.
The giant Dalmatian Pelican, whose wingspans measure up to 11 and a half feet, is thought to have been carried here on last weekend's humid weather from Europe.
The red-billed bird, native to Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia, was first seen on Saturday at Gwithian in Cornwall.

mercury .

mercury appeared in the sky over the week as a tiny black dot which seemed to crawl across the sun -8 hour transit -surface,moving 31 miles a second .

wiki leaks has a kitten .

julian assange has got a new kitten and its going to tweet from inside the Ecuadorian embassy,London.

sue,s essentials.

police in ely,cambs have come up with a weird idea to help cut shoplifting.this idea is to give teens free pants and toiletries to stop them from embarrassment and bullying which in turn causes low self esteem and may make teens turn to crime.

moon changes mood?

I personally disagree with an article seen in a newspaper stating that the moon does not effect behaviour ,mood,sleep .In the article it states no evidence supports the belief we are influenced by its gravitational  forces and only effect full moon is on children sleep five minutes less -eastern ontario research institute,Canada. I myself have work in mental health for a number of years and most patients did act differently near  or during full moon .