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Saturday, 19 December 2020


Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality.

But...there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...a dark side.

The dark side is always there, waiting for us to enter — waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.

Halston was a bit confused when he received The call for his services as a Norman as The intended victim was a black cat but who was he to judge people's foolish behaviour And it was his usual £100000 Pounds fee.

Halston drives up to The mansion house of his new employer a Mr Drogan and knocks on the door to be greeted by his butler whom appeared to look down at him as if he was a bit of chewing gum on his shoe and he Leads him through to the main parlour room where he is greeted by Drogen a elderly man well dressed in a wheelchair who am a him to sit down And offers him a cigar.

 "I presume you may think it bizarre that I have asked for your services to dispatch with a mere black cat"says Drogan.

" Yeah it's a bit bizarre but work is work And your paying me to do it"says Halston.

 "Your see Mr Halston  I believe this black cat is a creature from help as it was seen at various terrible fatal accident s to m members of my pharmaceutical company from my sister,my closest friend,and recently my butler swears he keeps seeing this black cat everywhere he goes and it just states at him and let's out a disturbing meow,I believe I will then be next" says Drogan.

 "It does sound a bit paranoid And how do you know it The same black cat every time solely that's not possible but just give me a photo and I do my job and get my money And leave you to your comfortable life"says Halston.

Mr Drogan hands Halston a photo of a very cute looking jet black cat with green emerald eyes,no over defining marks,or even a simple collar,so Halston takes the photo And walks away telling  Mr  Drogan he will contact him when he has done his job.

Back at the apartment of Halston he again looks at the The black cat in the photo and decides to let it live and just wait a few days then say The deed has been done and collect a easy payday.

A few days pass,Halston gets to phone Mr Drogan to say he has done the hit and can be send the money to his Swiss bank account but he gets no reply which sparks his curiosity so he decides to go back to the mansion of Mr Drogan and demand his payment as he had a reputation to keep.

As he approach s the mansion door he realised that the door was wide open,he enters not knowing what to experience,he finds no butler to look down At him so he walks towards the main room and opens the door to findhe finds that the cat has killed Halston by climbing down his throat. The cat emerges from the corpse  of Mr Drogan and jumps at Halston, giving him a fatal heart attack.

Exactly At the same time the pharmaceutical company owed by Mr Drogan burns down to the ground,this company was known by The animal anti cruelty league to have killed 5,000 cats while testing a new drug,leaving The scene of both events was a jet black cat with green emerald eyes with a grin that looked like he had done a cosmic revenge.

The jet black cat with green emerald eyes walks into the shadow and a hole opens up with leads back to the depths of hell.

 The dark side is always there, waiting for us to enter — waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.


 The dark side is always there, waiting for us to enter — waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.

Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality.

But...there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...a dark side.

Tales From The Darkside -Lot No. 249 by Mark Antony Raines

 Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality.

But...there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...a dark side.

Poor graduate student Edward is feeling I bit sorry  for himself as dispite all his hard work in the archaeological department in trying to prove that ancient Egyptian curses were real and not myth he was mocked and booed by his fellow students and even the tutor thought it was some sort of wind up and cordially gave him a fail in his oral exam. 

As Edward is sitting in his room slowly getting more bitter and angry about his treatment by his fellow collage students so his paranoid thought s in his head tell him why not show his fellow students how the curse of the Egyptian mummies is very real.

So he drives in his car to a local storage  unit were in Lot 249,he places the key inside the lock then slowly opens the door,switches on the light,the fluorescence bulb flick ers on and off for a few seconds then kick s out its full light to reveal a large crate in the corner.

He walks to the crate,jemmys open it with his crowbar,to reveal a six foot,heav y set mummified body wrapped in cotton strips of material from head to toe.

He then removed a parchment from its mouth and reads a series of Hieroglyphs-Hieroglyph, a character used in a system of pictorial writing, particularly that form used on ancient Egyptian monuments. Hieroglyphic symbols may represent the objects that they depict but usually stand for particular sounds or groups of sounds. Hieroglyph, meaning “sacred carving,” is a Greek translation of the Egyptian phrase “the god’s words,” which was used at the time of the early Greek contacts with Egypt to distinguish the older hieroglyphs from the handwriting of the day (demotic). Modern usage has extended the term to other writing systems, such as Hieroglyphic Hittite, Mayan hieroglyphs, and early Cretan. 

So Edward read it aloud saying the words it was to seek revenge for all at the archaeological department tonight and tomorrow morning if be his time to gloat And inside his head be laughing At their misfortune.

But nothing happened,the mummified corpse just stayed in its crate like an inanimate object it was,he tried again but still the same result he even tried A third time for luck,but nothing happened At this point he swore and cursed he had been conned by that Egyptian archaeologists assistant he found online,what A waste of A thousand pounds,so he throws the crow bar into the storage room floor,slams the shutters making them make A loud tinny noise,walked back to his car,drive back to the college,went his room and gets blind drunk and passes out.

Inside lot 249  something is stirring and beginning to make a groaning noise its arms and legs move with a stiffness:it walks out of its crate the mummy is Alive and it must obey its

 orders given by its caster of the parchments words last spoken so many centuries ago by the priest  that casted this curse upon him who was once a guard to the pharaoh until he fell in love with the pharaoh s daughter and was bewitched into trying to take over his masters place at his daughter stay request her she pursued the priests that it was in whom bewitched her so I was sentenced to death and placed a curse on to do as I was ordered .

During that night unearthly screaming was heard although the archaeological department dome students rooms .

Finally the mummy opened

the room to Edward room and walked over to his bed and it then plunged a knife straight through his heart, at this point a puff of smoke emerged and the mummy was back in his crate in its state of being between the realm of the living and the dead knowing it had done as requested. 

The dark side is always there, waiting for us to enter — waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.




This year has been the scariest I have ever encountered in my life as it has completely changed my outlook on life and at one point drove me to the verge of a paranoid thought s overload and made me realise how scary I get when the dragon inside me takes over. 

So I have had revaluable myself into thinking whom am I and what do I give to the world as I mentioned at my worst paranoid thought s in even felt for the frIst time in years suicidal and felt I was losing my identity I found the frist lock down the hardest as it gives me the sense of grief of losing the things I did not realise until much later meant at lot to me and not anyone else.

I  dread Coronavirus or Covid 19 as you don't know which version you will get and I remember the times my wife was told to expect the worst when I was in a coma due to a high sugar levels of 124 and other when my wife had possible sepies  and I was told to expect the worst both events affected both of us and it took along time to recover and I don't know if I have that fight in me anymore. 

It's getting hard to have Hope as everytime something comes along to challenge that thought process; is this the beginning of society breaking down ?the true Apocalypse? Or will history prove it's self again as the human race tends to a hardy one who knows not me

Wear a mask _wash your hands _social distance _open a window _

Introduction €😂😃😐_Mark Antony Raines Ghostman Radio Station

















Friday, 18 December 2020

Tales from the Darkside -The story Starts by Mark Antony Raines

 Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality.

But...there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...a dark side.

To stop being The main course at a dinner party for cannibal s planned by what he thought was his kindly affluent suburban housewife next door neighbour who had invited him over for dinner using all her womanly charms.

When Timmy entered the house he was knocked on the head as he was passed out he was chained to The kitchen stove while Deborah ,the kindly affluent suburban housewife next door neighbour was prepared The stuffing for him to be forced feed to make him more delicious to eat.

To stall for time he was going to tell her three stories from his book he got from his uncle Mark called Tales from the Darkside.

What follows next are the stories told.

The dark side is always there, waiting for us to enter — waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.

Tales From the Crypt -Finale by Mark Antony Raines

The Crypt Keeper awakes from his slumber in his coffin to find he has the company .

The first is a lady by the name of Joan,the other is Major Tom Rodgers,Mr and Mrs Smith ,James and Ian.

Each tell them of listening as he tells each of a personal story of horror ,weird tale which happened to them.

Of course each in turn did not believe a word until the doors of Hell open,then the Crypt Keeper states each straight At the face with his job existence eyes and tells them it's time for them to go home as he wishes to go back to his slumber.

Each in turn walks forward and he watched as their fall into the fiery abyss.

And now, who's next?" asks the Crypt Keeper, turning to face the reader  as he says "Perhaps...YOU?" 

Tales From The Crypt-Blind Alley by Mark Antony Raines


The residents At The Home for the Blind care home were wondering what the new owner was going to be like as the old one treated them with great respect and it was a shame his family had no intention of taking over the business .
The new owner turns out to be an ex military man by the name of Major Tom Rodgers who with his loyal German Shepherd dog ,Shane begin slowly to make financial cut backs,less food,turns off the heating,takes the television away from the lounge area as sees this as result total waste as their pants see it anyway.
All this was done while we lived in luxury of of life he fought he deserved.
When One of the residents died of hypothermia a rebellious spirit is sparked by the other residents lead by Patrick who has devised a plan for revenge against the Major.
The Major asks around as his dog Shane bras gone missing,he reports it to the local police who say will.let him know if anything comes up.
Patrick asks The Major to see him as he has information about his dog Shane,as The Major enters the room he is subdued by the residents And locked in basement where for days and nights all be can hear is loud hammering,movement of heavy boards,and the whining of poor old Shane.
The Major heard his temporary prison door open to nothing but blackness,no lights of any kind,as he slowly walked forward to feel his way around he realised he was a construction of a small man made corridor.
Then out of nowhere he heard a voice over a make shift speaker.
It was Patrick.
"Major Tom you have treated us all cruelly and sit contempt and lived a life of luxury while we suffered"
Major Tom replies.
"Come now let me go and all be forgiven"
" I am afraid not as we want see how you will cope in our world,some days ago we took your beloved Shane and starved him to the point he has reverted back to his origins of a wolf like status and he is ravenously hungry "
"What is that to do with me "
"We are going to release him,we going to give you a fighting chance,if you reach the end of the corridor in the next ten minutes I open the exit door And let you go,so I advise you to RUN!"
AS the Major true to  find his way around the man made dark  corridor as he touched the walls he quickly realised their were covered in broken razor blades which inflict many burning wounds causing him to bleed his own sweet smelling,iron rich ,crimson blood.
The Major finally reached the end of this horrific corridor And moved to to feel for the exit.
Suddenly bright light fills the room ,he sayings his eyes to readjust when heard the loud panting of his dog Shane,he looks at Shane and sees that means best friend had disappeared and in its place was a now-ravenously hungry Shane.
O nly for Patrick  to turn the lights off,  to a cheers  and claps of joy for the baying residents with that  Major Tom Rodgers is  heard screaming as the starving Shane  catches up with him and tips him to pieces in a savage frenzy.

The next month the Home for The Blind had a new manager by the name of Patrick who treated all his fellow residents with the respect and kindness their deserved.

Tales From The Crypt- Wish You Were Here by Mark Antony Raines


Mr and Mrs Smith were eagerly anticipated the arrival of their beloved son Richard,a Sergeant Major who just finished a tour of India,both knew he would come back telling fantastic tales of his latest adventures.

Richard talks for some time then says the most bizarre take he had was when he meet a local fakir who sold him a mummified monkeys law which is said to grant three wishes but if used it will come at a cost you may not like,but Richard himself refused to believe in such rubbish and put it down to a fragment of the imagination.

So after weeks had gone by and Richard had gone back to back to camp,Mr and Mrs Smith curiosity was getting the better if them and after much teasing And daring finally Mrs Smith picked u the mummified monkeys paw and wished for a million pounds to help but the house,have a better car,holidays and some money to have a comfortable life.

The next day Mr Smith goes to work as always to the local factory as he has done for the last forty years 

After hearing of her husbands death Mrs Smith receives a phone call from her husband s insurance company informing her she was to receive a payment of one million pounds once the investigation was over has her husband had taken a life insurance policy out with them some time ago.
A week after Mr Smith funeral and Max with grief Mrs Smith wishes her husband was still alive .
About an hour a knock came to the door and Mrs Smith fumbled At the front door wondering who it was.
She open s the door to find standing in front of her ,her departed husband badly mutilated body,trying to get in to be with her,and in a moment of sheer panic wishes this series of events never happened At all.
Suddenly Mr and Mrs Smith disappear nothing left but a brief minute moment of existence then nothing but air.

Tales From The Crypt- Poetic Justice by Mark Antony Raines


Peter used to love his neighbours and the neighbourhood as it was like the old days when everyone knew each other if needed any help that was until the neighbours saw a way to make some quick money selling to be large consortium.

Peter was known getting constant phone calls from James Morrison the consortium agent about him selling his house at a reasonable profit,but he keeps saying to James he cannot move as his house contains all the good memories of his deceased wife Diane.

Peter then kept getting knocks on the door at strange hours,eggs thrown at his window,dog poo in envelopes through his door which was starting to make him depressed.

Then on St Valentine's day the cruelty was extended by various insulting cards bbabout his wife,Peter could take no more so took his own life.

One year later on the very day St Valentine's fell upon a hand pushed through the earth were Peter was buried then Peter rises from his grave as a vengeful Zombie.

Peter walks slowly to his previous home in a slow,methodical approach,he gazes inside the window to see James and his wife cuddly up on the sofa watching something naff on the television.

Peter then shuffles to the front rand out of muscle memory he pushed the doorbell.

James walks to the door to answer it,when he does he sees the decomposing cadaver of Peter,he is just about to let a scream for help when Peter with a supernatural force drivers his hand into his torso and tips out his heart,and then writes in red crimson blood 


And with that Peter returns to his grave to sleep the eternal sleep of the dead.

Tales From The Crypt- Reflection of Mark Antony Raines


Ian was finally going to leave his wife to be with his lover as he is driving down a winding county lane when suddenly out of nowhere a deer leaps over a hedge into the road.

Ian quickly puts on his breaks to avoid the deer this causes his car to crash into a nearby oak tree.

Sometime passes and Ian stumbles out of the wreckage,battered and bruised and his head hurting he walks down the road until luck for him he finds a red telephone box,he opens its doors and then searches for some loose change to make a call but finds none he then goes to make a call to the operator at first the numbers look odd but this does not bother him as he knows the operator number well.

The operator asks him for a phone number he gives his home number,it rings a strange man answers the phone this throws Ian off as it not anyone he knows ,was his wife seeing someone behind his back like he was.

Having no joy with the phone call he walks unsteady down the road until he reaches its junction And then waits at the junction in hope of a car coming along to hitch a ride.

After what seems ages a car comes along but it's driving on the left ,yet again he puts this down to his recent accident .

He gets into the car and gets a lift to the nearest town which just happens to be where his lover works in an estate office.

Ian enters the estate agents to find Shella  working as the manager,when did she get her promotion she was just a normal employee last time he saw her which was only last week.

As Ian approached Shella she just have him a blank state and then went into estate agent patter asking him what can of house and area was he looking for.

Ian let out a smirking laugh,and told Shells to stop being silly and can be have the keys to her flat as his head was really hurting and he needed some rest,at this point Shells let out a scream of help to her fellow worker s.

A couple of the male staff came to her aid,she demanded that Ian be escorted out of the building as she had no clue who he was.

Ian was completely stunned by this revelation,and keep calling out her name as he was escorted out of the estate agents,he was told by the two make staff if he came back again the police would be called.

Ian then wondered around the town wondering what was going on,it has to be a side effect of his bump in the head it was the only explanation he could think of,so he checked his pockets of his wallet,yes he had some cash to get a taxi driver back to his wife,as at least he could go and sleep on a nice warm bed.

Ian walks up to his home s front door but it's locked,he gets the key on his keyhole but it does not fit so out of frustration he presses his finger on the doorbell until he gets an answer.

Finally the door opens,with the security chain on so he unable to gain access so he then calls out to his wife Enid to let him.

Enid in turn says who are you,Ian replies for her to stop playing at being silly and let him on as he is her husband,Enid laughs and then shouts upstairs at another man called Ian.

The other Ian appears and he looks almost like Ian apart from having a beard and close cut hair and his voice when he spoke was just that big deeper,Ian steps back and is in complete shock,then his head really hurts he feels very dizzy and faints.

When Ian awakes he is back in his car just before the accident,he looks around And again something is a bit off with the writing inside the cars dashboard,it finally clicks it's all a mirror image of the words.

Ian quickly puts on his breaks to avoid the deer this causes his car to crash into a nearby oak tree.

Dont Worry it be over by christmas?by mark antony raines


Merry christmas by mark antony raines


Not Banksy By mark antony raines


On thin ice by mark an tony raines


Thursday, 17 December 2020


My_Angel_dog_not_a_devil_by_Mark_Antony_Raines.mp3 episode of Mark Antony raines -Ghostman