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Sunday, 15 January 2023

Doctor Who -Carnival of Monsters_Episode 1

 The TARDIS misses Metebelis Three and materialises on the SS Bernice, a ship that suddenly disappeared while travelling the Indian Ocean. Being repeatedly arrested as stowaways, the Third Doctor and Jo find out that ship's occupants keep repeating their actions, having no recollection of earlier encounters. The pair escape from the ship through a strange hatch plainly visible to them both but ignored by the crew and passengers. The Doctor and Jo venture through the circuitry of some sort of giant machine and arrive at marshlands.

They soon discover that they are not outside but are still inside the machine. Chased by Drashigs, huge swamp-dwelling carnivores, they escape back into the circuitry. Here, the Doctor realises that they have materialised inside the compression field of a Miniscope, a machine that keeps miniaturised groups of creatures in miniaturised versions of their natural environments. The Time Lords have banned such machines, but apparently one escaped. The Drashigs break into the circuitry and the Doctor and Jo flee back to the ship. They are separated in the confusion as the crew defend against the Drashigs.

The events inside the miniscope are intercut with events involving its owners, travelling showman Vorg and his assistant Shirna, who have just arrived at the planet of Inter Minor but are suspected of being spies and refused entrance by a tribunal. The tribunal learns that objects removed from the machine soon return to their normal size when Vorg extracts a foreign object stuck in the circuitry – actually the TARDIS – from the machine. Two of the tribunal members, Kalik and Orum, dissatisfied with the leadership of their planet, plot to let the Drashigs escape from the machine and allow them to wreak havoc, causing a crisis and the president's resignation.

The Doctor eventually finds a way to the real outside and is restored to normal size. He cooperates with a reluctant Vorg to return into the machine by linking it with the TARDIS. After he goes back into the Scope, which is now overheating due to the Drashigs' damage, the device he attached is shot by a tribunal member and ceases to function, leaving the Doctor stranded. He finds Jo, but they collapse on the floor as the heat gets to be too much for them.

Two Drashigs escape, but Vorg kills them by fixing the eradicator, sabotaged by the mutinous tribunal members, who later are killed by the Drashigs. He fixes the Doctor's device, pushing the Phase Two switch which brings the Doctor and Jo back, just in time, and also returning all of the Scope's other occupants to their rightful space-time positions.

As the penniless Vorg tries to get enough credit bars to return home by using the old three-magum-pods-and-a-yarrow-seed trick, the two travellers depart in the TARDIS.

Doctor Who The Three Doctors _Episode 4


Free Audio comic -Judgement day


Velma (2023) s01e01 Episode Script Velma

 Velma is implicated when Brenda is murdered in the school locker room, and is tasked with clearing her name within twenty-four hours. After hearing from Norville that it might be connected to a missing camera and a cover-up in the malt shop bathroom, she suspects that Sophie is involved, but she is soon proven innocent. Aman explains that Diya simply left them on purpose, supposedly solving the mystery. Velma attempts to move on, only to be confronted by the other girls, including Daphne, who lets it slip that Fred has some insecurities and is known to kick partners out of the malt shop bathroom. Velma and Norville sneak into his mansion and find the latter's camera, revealing that Fred was the one who covered up the evidence. Fred explains that he is simply embarrassed about being a late bloomer and seemingly plans to kill Velma, but actually just wants to buy her silence. He is nonetheless taken in by Donna and Linda. With her name cleared, Velma strives to pick up mystery-solving again and figure out what really happened to her mother, only to find that Krista has been murdered as well.

Free Audio Comi_Spiderman, Venom -Avengers


Goo goo muck_The Cramps _Version by Ghostman


Friday, 13 January 2023

YouTube taken down

 Video deleted by me in 2022 -Why new strike -totally bullshit YouTube I admit content taken down was mature but not meant too cause upset much more worth on YouTube 

go listen to more from Peter Benson on my youtube channel


Peter Benson -CEO of Energies of Service -PODCAST Interview -Podcast

 Peter was a normal "mechanic and technician-engineer" when he experienced a major awakening process that opened up his connection to his Higher Self and the Angelic Realm. He discovered his angelic origins as part of Archangel Michael’s army of light. Guided by Archangel Michael and Ascended Masters, Peter was guided on how to create profound Tensor technology with palpable healing properties. His research and creations led him to build Tensor rings (all cubits), crystals infused pendants, Merkaba, healing coils, sound frequency amplifiers, PTSD restoratives and more.

Peter speaks about these healing modalities, is extremely articulate, and an often-requested international public speaker.

His powerful copper healing and grounding tools are inspired by and channeled from the quantum field of Creation. His handcrafted products are carefully attuned energetically to help people heal, balance, and live in harmony with their resonance field. These are energy tools for ascension and conscious living. Wearing them regularly can help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain, improve sleep quality and increase energy levels. He also has the technology to show his various tools while he talks about them, should your show want to see them during an interview.

Peter is a speaker at Sedona Ascension Retreat, Dimensional Bridge of Consciousness Retreat, Hidden Secrets Revealed Cruise, Mount Shasta Summer Conference, and more. You can also find his booth at the annual Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo.

How would you like a pendant that creates an energy field similar to a dome of light around you, project and amplify all crystals’ benefits from inside out?

Energies of Service / Tensor Energy Tools

Are you ready to understand how powerful you are as an aspect of source?

When wearing Peter’s pendants, anklets, or using his various energy tools they connect to your auric field to creates a protective light around your subtle bodies of light. This force field will protect your core energy field from lower influences, including environmental, building, negative energies/entities, and people. They work directly with your conscious intentions.

Peter Benson uses his advanced knowledge of both technology and quantum physics to bridge the gap between science and consciousness. In every product, Peter taps into the energy frequencies of potent healing to help you remove existing patterns that stand in the way of achieving optimum health, happiness, and financial freedom. These tools are designed with mathematical and quantum principles to harness profound angelic energy helping you make your life better and reimagine your reality — just by wearing his jewelry. Each piece is beautiful to look at, plus the wearer can feel its healing and calming ability right away.

Doctor Who The Three Doctor s_Episode 3


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone -J.kRowling _Chapter 6


The Handmaid's Tale (2017) s01e01 Episode Script Offred


THREE MEN IN A BOAT(to say nothing of the dog). byJEROME K. JEROME-Chapter 6


Summer Love (2022) s01e01 Episode Script Jules & Tom and Jonah & Steph


Ugly American s _Pilot