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Thursday, 21 July 2022

The Couch by Mark Antony Raines #Ghostman Horror

 (Hay why does no one not even the prison guards go near that prisoner sitting near the wall banging his head repeatedly against it)

I replied

(It is because of the brutal way he let his wife die)

(May I ask how)

(It's no big secret, but I hope you have a good stomach for the last time I told someone they through up for a week)

(Ok)the fellow prisoner said nervously.

(When the local police were called to his block of flats due to a complaint of obsessive flies and an unbearable smell they got the shock of their lives when they saw that prisoner's wife melted into their couch covered in urine, liquid faeces, maggots and insect bites )

(Upon being asked how this had happened he said he would refuse to bring her meals as she refused to leave the couch complaining of being unwell and it was a woman s job to cook and clean and make her husband comfortable)

(He used to watch her urinate and defecate  into the couch, it took the local police hours of careful peeling to remove his wife a body, and this and the couch were the reason way the room reeked and the floor under the couch was buckling )

With this, the prisoner listening to this tale run towards the toilets as if he was in a hundred meters race.

The prisoner banging his head against the wall can still hear the screaming, and pleading of his wife locked in his private version of Hell in his Brain.

I dedicate this story to a brave, beautiful soul who was taken away from this earth in a cruel horrible way that was involved in the true story this horror story is based on may her star shines bright in the sky, rest in peace.