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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Wise Owl news 29-09-2021


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DARBY FOX Child And Adolescent Family Therapist, Author,Book Rethinking Your Teenager: Shifting From Control And Conflict To Structure And Nurture To Raise Accountable Young Adults. Published by Oxford University Press. Website -DarbyFox.Com


 The teenage years. . . parents fear this stage, dreading it even while watching their adorable toddlers explore the world. When it arrives, they try to control their teenager, in turn causing their teenager to push back more intensely. It's a natural instinct on both sides: teenagers are changing in every way while trying to assert their independence, and parents are faced with the challenge of coming up with rules, expectations, and standards for behavior without a genuine understanding of what is happening. But the result of this pattern is a parent-child relationship defined by conflict and reactivity--a breeding ground for stress, anger, and anxiety, all of which reinforcing those same cultural stereotypes and worst fears.

But it doesn't have to be this way. In this book, family therapist Darby Fox challenges parents to redefine the goals of adolescence by reorienting their focus from what they want their child to be to on who they want their child to be. Darby not only equips parents with the insight to understand the changes taking place in their child's brain and body and support their adolescent's bid for independence, but also offers an approach that allows parents to engage their adolescent in a relationship instead of struggling in an endless battle for control. The book is organized around a series of persistent myths about adolescence, each of which the author tears down with a combination of cutting edge neuroscience research, developmental psychology, and her own mix of clinical observations and experience raising four children.

Darby offers a new model for the parent-child relationship, encouraging parents to let go of the attempt to control their teenager and focus instead on creating mutual respect, providing structure and nurture, and encouraging independence in their developing teenager. She walks through the keys to combining structure and nurture and teaches parents how to connect with their teen while holding them accountable for their behavior. If parents approach teen years with the same thoughtful preparation, sense of awe and wonder, and responsibility that they do the early childhood years, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding developmental stage that deepens, rather than damages, parent-child relationships.

About the Author:
Darby Fox, LCSW, is a child and adolescent family therapist in private practice in Connecticut and New York. With over twenty years of experience, she is an expert on parenting, child psychology, and family topics. Appearing regularly on-air and in print media, Fox covers a range of topics, from parenting questions and discipline techniques to current trends in child development. She has also collaborated with Meath Media Group to develop a television series called Fractured Family with Darby Fox. Learn more about Darby @ and follow her on IG and Twitter for more!

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Vampism by Mark Antony Raines

To some it is a mistake too believe in the belief of vampirism as you do be thought absurd for having these thoughts as vampire myth is mostly unknown until about the eighteenth century in places like Wallachia, Hungary, Poland , Russia.
Voltaire in the book Philosophical Dictionary 

“We only heard of vampires from 1730 until 1735; they watched for them, their hearts were torn out, they burned them: they resembled the ancient martyrs; the more we burned, the more there were. "
Of all the popular mistakes, the belief in vampirism is certainly the most absurd; I do not even know if it is not more so than the tales of ghosts. Vampires were hardly known until around the eighteenth century. Wallachia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, were their cradles. Voltaire, in his Philosophical Dictionary, tells us: “We only heard of vampires from 1730 until 1735; they watched for them, their hearts were torn out, they burned them: they resembled the ancient martyrs; the more we burned, the more there were. "

It is astonishing that reasonable beings could have believed for so long that the dead left cemeteries at night to go and suck the blood of the living, and that these same dead then returned to their coffins. 

Arnold Paul by Mark Antony Raines

 This tale comes from a small village in the country of Hungary,it's name is Medreiga.

In Medreiga lived a poor peasant who was called by name Arnold Paul who unfortunately died whilst doing some work for the local farmer ,he fall from a wagon full of hay and some of the heavy bails landed on him.crashing him too his untimely death.

This at the time recorded in the village death records just seemed a unlucky fate for Arnold Paul had not been for a written account of a month later or as the record s state thirty days after his death four people in the village were found dead said too have died as those molested by vampires.

Rumours at this time in the early 17 th century said that Arnold Paul neighbour s in Cassova which is On the border of Turkey and it's was said for over the centuries that an unnamed Turkish Vampire was preying on the local s and that somehow Arnold Paul had become a victim to the curse of vampire but he knew from long forgotten text books that if bitten and slowly drained by a vampire the victims themselves become a vampire,so he decided to try a possible cure by eating off the Turkish vampire s land and rubbing in his blood.

Arnold Paul fully presumed the remedy was a cure,but the local s in his village of Medreiga became very scared and frightened that a vampire was roaming around so consequently it was decided by full vote by the local s to dig up the body of Arnold Paul after he had been interned in his burial plot in the grave yard for a mere forty days.

When the coffin was opened Arnold Paul body was found ruddy,hi hair and beard renewed but the most disturbing thing were his veins were full of iron rich crimson fluid blood.

The local bailiff who was present at the exhumation who was experienced in the ways of vamperism ordered the local carpenter to make a wooden stake and sharpen its point this was to driven into the heart of the living corpse of Arnold Paul and executed in the spot .

Terrible cries and jerking body movement s came from Arnold Paul as if alive ,to make sure he was absolutely dead his head was cut off and his bodily remains burned to ashes on a large pyre.

The four other victims were given the exact same treatment to destroy any further outbreak s of vampire s.

Dispite this drastic measures the terror of vamprism reappeared two years after the first occasions then now recently over a three months period affecting people from the young to old,boy or girl,man or woman each suffered miserably being violently sick and having langour  and all perished.

One victim by the name of Stanoska who was a young girl after going to bed one evening in perfect health in the middle of that same night woke shaking all over her body ,uttering terrible cries in which she mentioned a bit by the name of Millo who had been dead for nine weeks visited her And tried to strangle her but failed .

The very next day Stanoska became very ill and died after a further three days of illness.

Suspicious that Millo that was a vampire he was unearthed and recognized as one of the blood sucking fiends and was accordingly executed .

The body of cadaver was kept to be examined by doctors and surgeons to see how vamprism had been reborn by after considerable study time and deep research it was discovered that Arnold Paul was indeed the first vampire in this series of bizarre events and that along with the people killed,including Millo were several cattle had been dates so this lead to side spread fear through Hungary which in turn lead to thousands of people cadaver s believed too be vampire s ,eighteen in total all had their hearts pierced ,heads cut off,burned and ashes thrown in the rivers nearby .

It is recorded that these measures extinguished vamprism in Hungry,especially the village of both of one Arnold Paul,Medreiga.

Wise owl news 26-09-2021


The Birds Daily...Comedy Friendly Zombie Production

Ghostman Raines

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