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Saturday, 24 October 2020

EVENT by Mark Antony Raines By mark antony raines Fantasy / Humor 

EVENT by Mark Antony Raines

By mark antony raines

Fantasy / Humor

This is about what happens to a group of boys during a event in Holsworthy Devon England.

Chapter 1

In the middle of nowhere In a town In Devon,England an unusual event was occurring and it all happened after the strange putrid,choking,pukifing gas that had looked In the air one cold September morning In the year of our Lord 2020.

The survivors of this pandemic like event were a group of children or as their preferred preadolescence.

Among them were unexpected leaders of the two newly formed fractions,Ralph,Chubby Fair Haired,bespectacled and had the cruel nickname given to him of Piggy,The other was Red head by the name of Jack.

Due to the fact it was hard to hear each other over the chatter of fellow strugglers and survivors a bullhorn was obtained from sources unknown,but I doubt legally.

With said Bullhorn In hand it was easier to rely to the other At the organized meeting.

Ralph was optimistic that other survivors mainly of the adult population variety would one day rescue them but the need to act proper was required to help get some sense out of the unknown.

Ralph was put In charge of as he would say,Chief as he had some reasonableness of authority that the of us were quite looking for and missing.

However as In all society of In case of an global event few of the others led by a Jack, a member of all things the choir despite his dishonable reputation so he and his fellow fellows decide to rebel and be a clique of hunters and live by their own rules.

Ralph decided on three simple rules ,Have Fun,Survive and constantly maintain a smoke alarm fire for possible rescuers to see.

The boys establish a form of democracy by declaring that whoever holds the conch shall also be able to speak at their formal gatherings and receive the attentive silence of the larger group.

Next Chapter

In A FLASH By mark antony raines Fantasy / Humor 


By mark antony raines

Fantasy / Humor

short flash fiction stories yesterday i wrote this selection of the most effective flash fiction stories


FLASH Fiction novelette Flash fiction is a fictional work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development. Identified varieties, many of them defined by word count, include the six-word story;the 280-character story (also known as "twitterature"); the "dribble" (also known as the "minisaga," 50 words); the "drabble" (also known as "microfiction," 100 words);"sudden fiction" (750 words); flash fiction (1,000 words); and "micro-story".

Some commentators have suggested that flash fiction possesses a unique literary quality in its ability to hint at or imply a larger story. Thanks to our friend Wikipedia for that bit of information my flash fiction stories are going to be in a short format and been inspired by a podcast interview with Author Karina Kansas so here there are I going to be a bit brave and put the three words that are the inspiration for each story before the sad story so I hope you enjoy my latest book available free on my blog Ghostman..

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