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Sunday 30 December 2018

Saturday 22 December 2018



President/Founder A.P.R.A. - Brandon Alvis has always had interests and questions about the paranormal after tragically losing two brothers, one to cancer and the other to suicide. Starting with a few friends using standard tools and procedures, he realized the many mistakes "commonly found" when investigating the paranormal. This motivated him to propagate a team specializing in many fields and to develop new methods not only reliable but convincing, introducing the "scientific approach" and naming this team: "American Paranormal Research Association" aka A.P.R.A. This new approach along with his leadership and entrepreneurial skills has propelled A.P.R.A., becoming a highly recognized name. His hard work, dedication and passion to this science are greatly respected, often allowing A.P.R.A. to investigate in areas normally closed-off to others. Pioneering fundraisers and special events, he along with his team, provide participants an insight into the paranormal wherein proceeds go to the preservation of the historical structure. His determination to find "cold hard facts, to prove or disprove" makes A.P.R.A. what it is today.
Brandon Alvis 
Director | Producer | Writer | Editor

Peggy Gypsy future possible guest on Holsworthy mark Podcast show

Peggy Gypsy comes from a strong line of spiritual mediums from the Dominican Republic. She had her first medium experiences start at six years old. Over the following years, she has reached out to different religions to help learn more about her visions and connections with the spiritual world. Peggy was about to suppress her gifts until a life-changing event changed her mind in 2003. Recently in 2017 Peggy Gypsy had a near death experience ,which lead to the enhancing of her abilities. She has been following the paranormal field ever since she could remember. The spirit world and Peggy have a long history together. Most of her ancestors were spiritual healers and have been practicing the art  for generations. Peggy Gypsy offers spiritual guidance to any soul who might be looking to learn more about the spirit world. She attends paranormal cons and even offers private sessions at famous haunted locations, which increases her healings. Her latest travels had her visiting the notorious Hinsdale house located in New York. The location was featured on popular paranormal shows like  “Paranormal Lockdown” as well as Graestone Manor (Gasport , NY) ,Brushy Mountain Penitentiary ( Petros, TN) and many more locations. She has investigated with top paranormal investigators and always looks forward to working with new faces in the paranormal community. Peggy Gypsy is currently a co owner of Mysterious Journeys were she and Lynn Czekaj from Vidi Space Within these Walls, travel and takes regular people and investigators alike on haunted tours. 

Tucson Ghost Company possible future guest on Holsworthy mark podcast show

Becky and Will Gydesen are the owners of Tucson Ghost Company, they run 3 different ghost tours and are planning on adding some history tours in the future. They are also founders of the nonprofit paranormal team, Tucson Ghost Society, and radio host to Mysteries Explained that airs every Tuesday at 9pm eastern on Becky is also in the process of writing her first book, Haunted Tucson, which has a release date set for October 2019.

Although they have only had the company and team since 2013, Becky has had experiences her whole life that lead her to wanting to know more. Her passion grew when she saw the show Ghost Hunters on TV and saw that people actually did talk about the paranormal. She started a quest that seemed to be the path she was meant for with opportunities approaching her. Her husband, Will, was a huge support and soon became active in the community as well. 

They do not claim to be experts and always continue to learn as everyone in the field should. They started to see downfalls to the field and people doing things they shouldn’t like charging clients, not having one on one contact with the people with concerns, and some teams even scaring the clients even more instead of helping. They also saw how tv and some teams yelling “ghost” or worse “demons” to everything was not helping this field and making it a joke. They decided it was time to try to take the field back in any small steps they could. Through education videos in their YouTube, to their radio show, and finally starting a Facebook page for all paranormal teams to come together and stand up for what’s right—the paranormal roundtable.

Becky and Will Gydesen
-Owners of Tucson Ghost Company 
-Founders & lead investigators of Tucson Ghost Society 
-(520) 353-5387
-Host of Mysteries Explained every Tues @ 9pm eastern on 
-YouTube: Tucson Ghost Company 

Also find us on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram

Friday 21 December 2018



Ericka Boussarhane has been called the “Oprah of the Paranormal. While in college Ericka began to develop her own psychic abilities and realized she was also touched with the gifts of paranormal ability. Although Ericka used her education to begin a career in psychology and to open two child care facilities, the lure of the paranormal was always there.

Ericka decided to develop her paranormal skills further and studied psychic development and mediumship at the Astrological Institute of Integrated Studies, the same place that well known psychic John Edward received his training. In 2004, Ericka began to put her paranormal abilities to work by providing Tarot card readings and channeling at new age stores, psychic festivals and during television appearances. Over time it became apparent that Ericka has the unique gift to communicate with loved ones who have passed and she began using her abilities to help families with crime and cold case profiles. 

Ericka is an author, radio personality, public speaker, paranormal investigator,  and professional psychic medium who is sought after around the world. She has been featured on television programs dealing with the paranormal and interviewed by national radio stations across the country. When the Syfy Network’s “Ghost Hunters” came to investigate the Pensacola Lighthouse, Ericka was featured on the episode. Ericka has also hosted two radio programs: "Whispers from the Heart Radio" and "Paranormal CSI Radio" both of which have an international audience. During her radio career, she has interviewed such guests as John Zaffis, Jeff Baker, Sonia Choquette, John Holland, Rosemary Altea, Glenn Klausner, Psychic Medium Carole Lynne, Michelle Babiarz, Christopher Moon, Sandy Anastasi, Loyd Auerbach, Rita Straus Berkowitz, Edgar E. Cayce, and many more.

Ericka Boussarhane has become a highly respected psychic known for her amazing abilities to communicate with loved ones from the other side. She has helped countless people with issues in relationships, career, family, health, finance and more.S he uses her mediumship, psychometry, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience to help others find closure and insight in the lives. 
Ericka is available for public and private events as well as speaking engagements across North America and Canada. She provides in depth psychic or mediumship readings to clients in person or via the telephone and is also available for corporate events, group readings, and psychic parties. Ericka is often available 24 hours / 7 days a week. Interested parties can contact Ericka at or by calling 850 941 4321

, Sylvia Brown, Doreen Virtue, John Holland, Jeane L Dixon, Helena Blavatsky, Betty Shine, John Edward, Terry and Linda Jamison, Lisa Williams, Hayal Alekperov, John Holland, Charmaine Wilson, James van Praagh, Miche