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Sunday, 26 June 2016

boring-old-fart -weird -just me mark aka ghostman

  1. not interesting; tedious.
    "I've got a boring job in an office"
    1. 1.
      having lived for a long time; no longer young.
      "the old man lay propped up on cushions"
      synonyms:elderlymatureaged, older, senior, advanced in years, up in years, getting on; More
    2. 2.
      belonging to the past; former.
      "valuation under the old rating system was inexact"
      synonyms:bygonepastformerolden, of old, remotepreviousearly, earlier, earliest;
      1. 1.
        emit wind from the anus.
      2. 2.
        waste time on silly or trivial things.
      1. 1.
        an emission of wind from the anus.
      2. 2.
        a boring or contemptible person.
        "he was such an old fart"weird
        1. 1.
          suggesting something supernatural; unearthly.
          "weird, inhuman sounds"
        2. 2.
          connected with fate.
        1. 1.
          a person's destiny.
        NORTH AMERICANinformal
        1. 1.
          induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone.
          "blue eyes weirded him out, and Ivan's were especially creepy"
        1. 1.
          suggesting something supernatural; unearthly.
          "weird, inhuman sounds"
        2. 2.
          connected with fate.
        1. 1.
          a person's destiny.
        NORTH AMERICANinformal
        1. 1.
          induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone.
          "blue eyes weirded him out, and Ivan's were especially creepy"

rubber ducks break bylaw?

in the village of bourton-on -the -water ,gloucs had a charity rubber duck race stopped by local police  due to ancient bylaw .locals placed bets as a 100 of these ducks floated down river to raise money for a motorbike delivery service for hospitals .but a few people complained about bikes being parked on village green but got in trouble due to a bylaw that states that the river windrush and the green cannot be used on sundays for fundraising activities so local police had to halt event.

drunk chimpanzee

a troop of chimps have been found in africa drinking fermented sap  from raffia plant .there have developed leaf sponge tools to get it out as keen on alcohol.these green vervet monkeys ,st.kitts ,caribbean showed signs of inebriation similar to humans.

britain's historic decision

this was the big debate on remain or leave european union on thursday 23rd june 2016 .as to be expected a lot of media overkill on television and radio and debate during night and beyond. the turn out was 73% with leave winning by over a million votes .it has lead to pm david cameron to resign and labour leader losing shadow cabinet and liberal party saying will have a pro eu stance in next election it will take time to adjust but a majority win has to be respect as if not not democratic and may lead to anarchy or right wing shared government.

buzzard in van

the picture shows a buzzard wedged in a front grill for 12 hours after being hit by van .the driver released the bird which was alive  and taken to a local vet who fixed dislocated leg and broken wing for free .

The great raft spider or fen raft spider (Dolomedes plantarius) set free

400 of these spiders were set free by chessington zoo .the fern raft spider have brown bodies with white stripes and span of almost 3 inches and largest of britain's 660 varieties .live in wetlands and eat spiders,larvae,small fish ,tadpoles.this was done in aid of conservation to increase the size of endangered spider in the wild.