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Sunday, 5 June 2016

will i lose me?

recently dear reader i have being having trouble with my memory and even sometimes become over vacant .i went to see my local quack who did the standard test but after a chat with my wife has referred me to an memory assessment clinic after blood test .why worry as most of the internet info says some minor memory lose is common after  50  well its due to my dear departed dad who had similar problems and started to get dementia before his death .i dont wish to lose me and i  hope i dont .

the electric ant, also known as the little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata,coming soon

experts fear an invasion from this asian ant which may come in from imported plants .these ants can chew through electricity cables,causing blackouts and fires  and their bite is very painful and resistant to poison.

From the archive, 3 December 1986: How Elvis won his anti-drugs badge from Nixon

Elvis with NixonElvis with NixonElvis Presley bitterly denounced the Beatles for their anti-Americanism during a White House meeting with President Nixon in December, 1970.
The rock and roll star, who died of longterm drug abuse in 1977, also told the President that he could influence the hippie movement against the use of drugs and asked to be made a federal drug enforcement agent. Eventually he was given a specially-made Bureau of Narcotics badge.
A note of the encounter is one of 1.5 million documents from Mr Nixon's Presidential papers, finally made public by the National Archivist in Washington. The former President has fought tenaciously for the past 12 years to prevent their appearance, citing everything from executive privilege to personal privacy. Now he has been overruled by the combined judgments of Congress, the Supreme -read more

Britain's first plastic banknote revealed - What do you think?

winstonBritain's first plastic banknote featuring Sir Winston Churchill will, like the great stateman's reputation, "stand the test of time", the Governor of the Bank of England has more

lead ingot found by novice

a novice treasure hunter found a -2 ft long ..84 lb block -known as a pig on a farm in wells,somerset .it could be worth a lot of money as dated back to about 164 ad and has a stamped on it -emperor marcus aurelius ,romans mined lead then cast in blocks then sent them to rome.

Device used in Nazi coding machine found for sale on eBay

Lorenz teleprinter purchased by the National Museum of ComputingFor codebreakers with the allied forces, it was more important a discovery than the Enigma machine, offering encryption for the Nazi command that, when cracked, would hasten the end of the second world war and lead to huge breakthroughs in modern computing.
Less than 80 years later, for a thrifty woman in Essex, the “telegram machine” was little more than a dusty old gadget languishing in the garden shed.
But after an eagle-eyed volunteer with the National Museum of Computing (NMC) spotted an ad on eBay this week, the extremely rare, military-issue Lorenz teleprinter has been saved and provides the latest piece in international efforts to rebuild Hitler’s complete encoding device.
After finding the component on the online auction site, and receiving a long-term loan of the Lorenz SZ42 cipher machine from the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum in Oslo, the NMC is now looking for the final parts to restore the encoder to working order.
“To do that we have to replace some missing components, in particular the drive motor – and it’s the drive motor that’s our next quest,” said John Whetter, a volunteer engineer with the NMC.
Whetter and his colleagues are calling for people across the country to search -read more

Why Was Harambe the Gorilla in a Zoo in the First Place?

Harambe, a 17-year-old male western lowland gorilla, was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo to save the life of a four-year-old child who fell into his cage. Opinions vary as to whether the boy was really in danger and who was to blame, the zoo (why was the boy able to get into the enclosure and why wasn’t Harambe tranquilized?) his mother, or both? Playing the blame game will not bring Harambe back and for me the real question, while also considering why Harambe was killed, is “Why was Harambe in the zoo in the first place?”
As I watched footage of the event I was reminded of an incident that happened in 1996 at Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo in which a female western lowland gorilla named Binta Jua rescued a three-year-old boy who fell into her enclosure. She became a worldwide celebrity. I also thought about the movie King Kong.-read more
People worldwide are outraged by Harambe’s death. This global interest is all part of a heightened awareness about the nature of human-animal relationships, the focus of a rapidly growing field called anthrozoology

Saturday, 4 June 2016

rare animal

nazi,u.f.o and magic

Family "abducted by aliens" in Stanford in the Vale feature in new book The Veiled Vale by Mike White

WHAT really happened to the family who encountered a UFO in Stanford in the Vale?
What tragedy made a young Wallingford girl daub a wall with her own tears?
And what does the Uffington White Horse get up to once every hundred years?
An amateur paranormal investigator from Grove has answered these and dozens more questions in a new book of unexplained mysteries from southern Oxfordshire.
Father-of-two Mike White has spent two decades compiling his collection of spooky stories while working in the civil service and in IT.
Now he has published the collection in a tome called The Veiled Vale.
The 55-year-old said: "The Vale of the White Horse and the beautiful countryside of South Oxfordshire is a landscape steeped in thousands of years of legends, history and mystery: there are witches, monsters and ghosts; old legends and modern-day tales of strange encounters with the unknown."
Among the unexplained anecdotes is the story of a family who thought they were abducted by aliens while driving through Stanford in the Vale near Wantage.
In 1978, John Mann, wife Gloria, and his sister Frances were driving home to Gloucestershire through the village with their children, Natasha, five, and Tanya, three, at 10pm.
They saw a bright white light in the sky up ahead, pulled over and got out the car, staring at it.
The light became a "vast circular shape, more than 100 feet up" moving very slowly over -read more

In memory of muhammad ali..a legend

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Astonishing new footage shows gorilla 'PROTECTING' boy and holding his hand before being shot dead

Astonishing new footage how Harambe the gorilla was protecting a four-year-old boy who fell into his cage - minutes before he was shot dead.
Moments later, the 17-year-old gorilla was fatally shot by zoo staff in a bid to protect the boy who had fallen 12 feet into the enclosure.
However, eyewitnesses have claimed that the gorilla was showing no aggressive behaviour towards the boy.
It is claimed that screams from those watching the unfolding situation panicked the animal, causing him to drag the child at a quick speed across the and watch video

Sunday, 29 May 2016

STONER SHEEP get the MUNCHIES after feasting on £4k worth of cannabis plants

A flock of sheep that are about to meet their maker at the abattoir got high on cannabis plants worth £4,000, after the drugs were ditched in a Surrey field.
"My sheep weren't quite on their backs with legs in the air but they probably had the munchies," farm shop manager Nellie Budd told local rag the Surrey Mirror.
"They haven't had any other side effects but I'll tell you about the meat next week."
The stash of marijuana plants, which were each roughly three foot tall, were dumped at the edge of Fanny's Farm in Markedge Lane, the paper reported. Budd's shop was just 200 yards from where the drugs were fly-tipped, apparently.
Police told Budd that the cannabis had a street value of about £4,000.
She added:
"My sheep being inquisitive had an interesting feast on it," she said. "At first I thought it was someone's hedgerow rubbish. I went down to get the bags so the sheep weren't eating black plastic.
"When I got there I realised it was a form of herbal cannabis plant. They were very strong in scent."
Budd said she was puzzled by how the plants came to be in the field, and speculated that someone could have taken a detour off the motorway to offload the drugs.
The stoned sheep, meanwhile, are understood to be wandering around r-e-a-l-l-y-s-l-o-w-l-y and feeling a tad bit paranoid while searching for a massive chocolate bar and a family-sized bag of crisps, man

Cask from the past: archaeologists discover 5,000-year-old beer recipe

Chinese villagers could have been raising a pint 5,000 years ago, according to new research.
Archaeologists studying vessels unearthed in the Shaanxi province of China say they’ve uncovered beer-making equipment dating from between 3400 and 2900 BC - an era known as the late Yangshao period - and figured out the recipe to boot.
“China has an early tradition of fermentation and evidence of rice-based fermented beverage has been found from the 9000-year-old Jiahu site. However, to our knowledge, [the new discovery] is the first direct evidence of in situ beer making in China,” said Jiajing Wang of Stanford University, first author of the new research.
The team examined residues in the vessels to reveal that the brew was made from a wide range of plants, including broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) and barley.
The discovery marks the earliest known evidence of barley being used in China, suggesting that the crop arrived in the country around 1,000 years earlier than previously thought. =read more

would ban all smacking?

could all smacking soon be illegal due to britain's  children's  commissioners pleading to the u.n to back ban on any form of present in england and wales only parents can give a child a light tap or a reasonable chastisement .

Bones of Thomas Becket to return to Canterbury – via Hungary

The murder of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of CanterburyA fragment of bone believed to come from the body of Thomas Becket is to return to England from Hungary for the first time in more than 800 years in a vivid symbol of reconciliation between Anglicans and Roman Catholics.
The relic, held in the Basilica of Esztergom, the country’s most important Catholic church, is to form the centrepiece of an elaborate week-long “pilgrimage” to London and Canterbury involving the Hungarian President János Áder, and top-level clerics from the two churches.
It will be reunited temporarily with a handful of other relics revered for their associations with the murdered archbishop as it travels from his birthplace on Cheapside in the City of London to the site of his murder in Canterbury Cathedral.-read more

25 million to one eggs.

2 sisters managed  to fry a breakfast with a rare triple yolk egg followed by 3 double yolkers which had odds of 25 million to one.

lion shot dead over mans apparent suicide .

in santiago metropolitan zoo ,chile  ,visitors looked in shock when a naked man clambered into the lions cage screaming about religion.the african lions were shot dead due to sinking teeth and claws into man,the man is critically ill in hospital.

chapel of king arthur.

in glastonbury,somerset the remains of a medieval church are being excavated to learn age as said to have been visited by king arthur .

school bans playground whistle.

st.monicas catholic school ,milton  keynes has decided to ban teachers from blowing a whistle at end of playtime as it may scare the the teachers put up a hand and wait for children to notice.