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Saturday, 18 October 2014

Stephanie b-interviewed by mark antony raines -ghostman

what inspired me?
Well i have always been into the paranormal from a very very young age. You could round about the age of 5 when i had my first experience with a spirit in my mothers house and then after that i got it a lot. So you could say i have always had a passion for it :)

What are you aims?
My aims in the paranormal field is to try and do what everyone else in the field does and prove to sceptics that there is life after death and spirits/ghost do exist.

What plans do you have for the future?
I don't know my plans for the future to be honest. I take every day as it comes. Live life like its your last. And when it comes to paranormal investigating i will be doing it as long as i live :)

BBC digitises Radio Times back issues -

The Radio Times issues in the BBC Genome project include this 1965 issue
The Radio Times issues in the BBC Genome project include this 1965 issue featuring Doctor Who episode The Web Planet. Photograph: BBC
The BBC has launched a website where users can browse listings from every edition of Radio Times going back to 1923, after completing an ambitious project to digitise the TV and radio listings magazine.
BBC Genome allows users to search by programme, date or Radio Times edition, revealing a snapshot of the corporation’s schedule on any given day in its 91-year history – and a fascinating insight into changing social and cultural trends over nearly a century.
The listing for the first ever Blue Peter, broadcast on the 16 October 1958, runs: “Toys, model railways games, stories, cartoons. A new weekly programme for younger viewers with Christopher Trace and Leila Williams.”
On 22 November 1963, the day John F Kennedy was assassinated, BBC viewers may well have been watching Scottish medical drama Dr Finlay’s Casebook.
After breaking in to scheduled programming between 7pm and 8pm with brief reports that the president had been shot and then that he was dead, BBC executives decided to continue with the planned Friday night lineup, prompting a flood of complaints.
The BBC Genome project involved digitising 4,469 editions of Radio Times from 1923 to 2009, with information after that point collated from online programme records.
Digitisation of the Radio Times archive was completed last year but Thursday is the first time it will be available to the general public.
“The publication of the BBC Genome marks a significant step forward in helping us to open up more of the BBC’s vast and priceless archives to the public,” said Tony Ageh, controller of archive development.
Some of the listings records are inevitably inaccurate due to scheduled programming being scrapped to make way for coverge of major news events, such as the death of Princess Diana in August 1997.
There are also 11 weeks where there is no information when the Radio Times was not published, between 1926 and 1983, for reasons including printing disputes, the 1926 general strike and 1947 fuel crisis.
The BBC is aiming to update the records by allowing members of the public to click an “edit” button and submit information and suggest corrections.
“This information will be invaluable to anybody looking to discover more about the BBC and the wonderful and important broadcasts from years gone by and it will also be our first chance to invite them to help us establish where there are gaps in our information and knowledge about the breadth and depth of our enormous collections,” said Ageh.
The corporation will then begin to be able to match its stock of physical programmes with the BBC Genome records to find out what shows are missing.
“It is highly likely that somewhere out there, in lofts, sheds and basements across the world many of these ‘missing’ programmes will have been recorded and kept by generations of TV and radio fans,” said Hilary Bishop, editor, archive development, BBC Archive and Jake Berger, programme manager, Digital Public Space, in a blogpost. “So we’re hoping to use Genome as a way of bringing copies of those lost programmes back in to the BBC archives too.

Conservationist's delight at arrival of new bird

This fluffy little chick has given conservationists cause to celebrate after it was found pecking around in Westcountry undergrowth.
The baby storm petrel is the first of its species ever recorded on Lundy Island, off the North Devon coast, and its discovery has provided further evidence that the island’s seabird protection project is making progress.
Bird ringers Luke Phillips, Tony John and Tony Taylor – all members of Lundy Field Society – came across the tiny chick while searching for manx shearwater hatchlings in a west coast colony, and were amazed at the find.
“We saw a small dark shape moving in the bracken and as we approached, we quickly realised it was a storm petrel,” explained Mr phillips.
“We realised it was a very special one indeed when we picked it up and found its belly was coated in down,” added Mr Taylor. “This was certainly my most special Lundy moment in the past 40 years.”
Lundy’s seabirds are protected by its designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
But a gradual decline in bird numbers prompted residents and conservationist to establish the island’s Seabird Recovery Project to improve conditions for breeding.
The scheme was initially targeted at boosting puffin and manx shearwater populations by reducing the local rat population, which are a known predator for burrow nesting birds.
However, Lundy warden, Beccy MacDonald, said there were always hopes that it would encourage other bird species on the island.
“We’ve been celebrating the success of the Seabird Recovery Project through news of the large increases in our Manx Shearwater and Puffin populations and hoped that one day we would find a Storm Petrel chick,” she said.
“We are ecstatic at the news that these wonderful seabirds have begun breeding on Lundy.”
A small, black and white bird, adult storm petrels usually weigh less than 30g and retreat to nests located in burrows at night to avoid predators.
Nik Ward, of Natural England, said their discovery on Lundy “adds another significant species to the list for this important colony”.
National Trust’s head of conservation, David Bullock, also recognised the importance of the find.
“I have been visiting Lundy for over 20 years, including in the dark days when rats were everywhere, shearwaters were rare and storm petrels non-existent,” he said.
“The discovery is the first evidence we have that indicates this beautiful bird of the ocean is now on the island.”

Read more: 


A person in Herburn,Tyne and Wear ran from her bathroom when saw a 3 ft Royal Python in the tub. Thought to belong to the family that live next door as use to bred snakes and lost one in july but thougt dead.lars thomas said Possible if the snake was small but not very likely. Modern plumbing has a lot of obstacles.


Norfolk police used heavy handed tactics to kill 2 cows.Helicopter,Armed police,the animals had fled from a Norfolk Animal Reserve,think a case of being overzealous and think the police should do proper research as not heard of cows  being a threat to human life.

Monday, 13 October 2014


I've just made a film about my experiences at the Boom festival in Portugal.
And in mid-September I finished building the labyrinth arts-garden at a local country house hotel on their old derelict tennis courts.
And I continue to write, which I've always done. 42 books published so far, with about 260,000 sales - but that's over more than half a lifetime!
All the best

King Arthur Pendragon interviewed by mark antony raines -ghostman

It would be true to say that what inspires me is Myth, and Magic. Anyone who’s read The Trials of Arthur,  
A book I co-authored with C.J.Stone will know that I am not talking about the Romantic notion of either but the everyday reality of both. Who or what I was or was not in a previous life is of no importance; who and what I am now is of great significance. I believe that there are three Arthur’s and that the same spirit dwells within each, A pre-Roman, archetypal Welsh; A post Roman, Dark age British; And a Post-Thatcher  Druid activist, and that’s who and what I am now, a Post Thatcher environmental and Libertarian activist. And I live my life accordingly, inspired by tales from the past and working with the ‘Magic’ of the moment; Synchronicity and the seeming ability to make the impossible a possibility. Many of my successes and that of my Order, The Loyal Arthurian Warband have at the outset seemed a less than likely outcome. Winning the right through the courts to bear my sword, helping to bring about an end to the exclusion of pilgrims at Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice; Changing the rules in British Prisons as they relate to Pagans, and many more instances of ‘How the Magic works’ My main inspiration however as a Pagan and a Druid comes from the Goddess, that which we call nature…..
My aims; if you can call it thus; Is to ‘Fight’ for and in the ancient virtues of Truth of Honour and of Justice. I often jokingly say, “I’m an old war horse, I’ll fight for peace, but if we ever get it, I’m out of here.” But on a more serious note; The only aim and or epitaph I’ll be happy with is, ‘He made a difference’…..
My plans for the future are the same as the past, to continue ‘fighting’ for Truth for Honour and for Justice, and I plan next year to stand as the proposed Independent Parliamentary candidate for Salisbury in the General election; Giving the people of Salisbury the choice of electing a real General to champion their cause: By for and of the People rather than by for and of the party…..
© King Arthur Pendragon /|\

Sunday, 12 October 2014



The Reality Of The Wheel(s): The UFO Phenomenon
Bro. Ilia "Rashad" Muhammad tackles, proves and explains the reality of The Mother Wheel and baby planes that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught as well as The Vision-like Experience of The…
Added on 15/05/2010
This is no joke or science fiction conspiracy theory. It is deadly serious.
BY Art Greenfield
Founder UFO Channel
Everyone is welcome to help me bring an end to all these wars that are started by outside influences. We are up against forces that have advanced capabilities which make this work dangerous beyond description. So that you don't think I am crazy, I'm enclosing information from some famous Muslim leaders themselves, who admit publicly they are controlled by these aliens. (Other leaders like Putin and Obama are controlled against their will too.)
I recently talked to a Muslim man on Facebook who was skeptical about the existence of UFOs and Repto Sapien aliens. if you are a Muslim you should believe in them because it is in the Quran. Watch these videos put out by the Muslims that show Muhammad was influenced and guided by them. Even today it shows that they are guiding modern Muslim leaders like Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, both of whom swear that they were taken up to the mother ship and say they are now completely guided by them. Do you think these famous Muslims are lying? I know they are telling the truth. The Repto Sapiens always "guide" key religious, military, and political leaders of all religions and nations to bring about war to generate dead bodies for the reptilians to harvest.
There are old Arabian legends that tell of the bodies of dead warriors being floated up into the sky at night after big battles. There are Norse legends that say that too. Hitler said that when he was a soldier in World War 1 he was abducted by two tall reptilian figures who took him to an underground base. He said they scared him. Follow the meat. They do this about every 50 years. We are all being harvested, people of every race and religion. We must stop slaughtering each other for them. We can supply their needs by entering into a mutually beneficial trade agreement with them. These Muslim leaders are already in contact. They need to ask our alien Repto Sapien cousins to come to the U.N. to negotiate.
Listen to every word that the Muslims believe:
The Reality Of The Wheel(s): The UFO Phenomenon
UFOs Prove The Nation Of Islam Is Right And Exact!
The Mother Plane (The Truth About UFO's)
The Wheel and The Chosen People of God
Louis Farrakhan's 2011 Nation of Islam on UFOS with the New Ager Jaime Maussan

Farrakhan Dares The World To Challenge Him On UFOs -

UFOs And The Nation Of Islam - Minister Farrakhan's Proof!

Aliens in the Quran
Check out the patents on electronic mind control equipment. This is how they control the minds of certain world leaders. Some devices here were back-engineered from recovered alien equipment:


'Reptilian Breeding Zoo' - Interview with Art Greenfield on the Reptoid agenda:
Aliens On The Moon - The Truth Exposed 2014

Tesla's Alien Enhanced Genius by Art Greenfield Founder UFO Channel AN ARTICLE

Tesla's Alien Enhanced Genius

Tesla's Alien Enhanced Genius
by Art Greenfield
Founder UFO Channel
Nikola Tesla's work has an alien origin. This can be seen in Tesla's own autobiography. From Tesla's own words, he was obviously abducted and inadvertently given a master control implant that allowed him to mentally access the database in the alien artificial intelligence mainframe computer that was located somewhere near Vienna, Austria. That implant allowed him to do very advanced things, like crystal clear remote viewing, projecting holograms of advanced equipment that others could see, projecting images of blueprints of advanced alien equipment into the minds of people in another room, and more. Those master implants are what the aliens themselves use. The aliens probably meant to give one of their standard locator implants to Tesla during his abduction. The standard implant abductees usually receive is like a high tech GPS cow bell that helps the aliens find you when they want to re-abduct you.
Tesla's implant enhanced mental capabilities.
In Tesla’s autobiography, he described what was going on in his mind, and the fact that he was now able to project the blueprints he saw in his mind into the mind of a person in another room. He was also able to accomplish remote viewing, even being able to fly his consciousness around to look at things near and far. He saw that he could project the images of equipment he mentally accessed in the alien database like a hologram, so that other people could see them. He said he was able to seek out the minds of other people at great distances, communicate with them, and make friends with them. These abilities are all capabilities he got from a master control implant. All of his senses were greatly enhanced. He could hear the thud of a fly landing on a table, and see things far away like through the eyes of an eagle.
The above is a short synopsis of Tesla's enhanced senses from his autobiography. The excerpts from his work below was copied verbatim from his autobiography. It shows how Tesla really acquired the ideas and "blueprints" for his inventions, based on Tesla's own recollections. Keep in mind here that those master control implants are normally only implanted into the Gray aliens that do abductions. It was probably put in Tesla in error. That implant performs several functions that allow the Grays to conduct their abduction operations. It acts like a modem and gives them a direct link to their ship's computer. It allows the Grays to mentally dominate abductees through contact with the abductee's implant, it allows mind to mind communication with the abductee by transmitting the alien's thoughts to the abductee's implant. That is called synthertic telepathy. The Grays can even use their control implant to render an abductee unconscious.
Below are some excerpts from Tesla's autobiography showing how the implant functioned from Tesla's viewpoint to aide him mentally (and unknowingly) in not only accessing technology in the alien's data banks, but doing computer modeling to pretest the equipment before he even put it on paper and built his "inventions." Tesla’s full autobiography is at:
Tesla: In attacking the problem again, I almost regretted that the struggle was soon to end. I had so much energy to spare. When I understood the task, it was not with a resolve such as men often make. with me it was a sacred vow, a question of life and death. I knew that I would perish if I failed. Now I felt that the battle was won. Back in the deep recesses of the brain was the solution, but I could net yet give it outward expression.
One afternoon, which is ever present in my recollection, I was enjoying a walk with my friend in the city park and reciting poetry. At that age, I knew entire books by heart, word for word. One of these was Goethe's "Faust." The sun was just setting and reminded me of the glorious passage, "Sie ruckt und weicht, der tag ist uberlebt, dort eilt sie hin und fordert neues leben. Oh, da§ kein flugel mich vom boden hebt ihr nach und immer nach zu streben! Ein schšner traum indessen sie entweicht, ach, au des geistes flŸgein wird so leicht kein korperlicher flugel sich gesellen!" As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightening and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand, the diagram shown six years later in my address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and my companion understood them perfectly. ***The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stone, *** so much so that I told him, "See my motor here; watch me reverse it." I cannot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing his statue come to life could not have been more deeply moved. A thousand secrets of nature which I might have stumbled upon accidentally, I would have given for that one which I had wrested from her against all odds and at the peril of my existence...
There was a large flour mill with a dam across the river near the city where I was studying at the time. As a rule the height of the water was only two or three inches above the dam and to swim to it was a sport not very dangerous in which I often indulged. One day I went alone to the river to enjoy myself as usual. When I was a short distance from the masonry, however, I was horrified to observe that the water had risen and was carrying me along swiftly. I tried to get away but it was too late. Luckily, though, I saved myself from being swept over by taking hold of the wall with both hands. The pressure against my chest was great and I was barely able to keep my head above the surface. Not a soul was in sight and my voice was lost in the roar of the fall. Slowly and gradually I became exhausted and unable to withstand the strain longer. Just as I was about to let go, to be dashed against the rocks below, *** I saw in a flash of light a familiar diagram illustrating the hydraulic principle that the pressure of a fluid in motion is proportionate to the area exposed*** and automatically I turned on my left side. As if by magic, the pressure was reduced and I found it comparatively easy in that position to resist the force of the stream. But the danger still confronted me. I knew that sooner or later I would be carried down, as it was not possible for any help to reach me in time, even if I had attracted attention. I am ambidextrous now, but then I was left-handed and had comparatively little strength in my right arm. For this reason I did not dare to turn on the other side to rest and nothing remained but to slowly push my body along the dam. I had to get away from the mill towards which my face was turned, as the current there was much swifter and deeper. It was a long and painful ordeal and I came near to failing at its very end, for I was confronted with a depression in the masonry. I managed to get over with the last ounce of my strength and fell in a swoon when I reached the bank, where I was found. I had torn virtually all the skin from my left side and it took several weeks before the fever had subsided and I was well. *** These are only two of many instances, but they may be sufficient to show that had it not been for the
inventor's instinct, I would not have lived to tell the tale.***
There was another and still more important reason for my late awakening. In my boyhood I suffered from a peculiar affliction ****due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light,*** which marred the sight of real objects and interfered with my thoughts and action.*** ***They were pictures of things and scenes which I had really seen, never of those imagined. When a word was spoken to me the image of the object it designated would present itself vividly to my vision and sometimes I was quite unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tangible or not.*** ***This caused me great discomfort and anxiety. None of the students of psychology or physiology whom I have consulted, could ever explain satisfactorily these phenomenon.*** ***They seem to have been unique although I was probably predisposed as I know that my brother experienced a similar trouble.***
***The theory I have formulated is that the images were the result of a reflex action from the brain on the retina under great excitation.*** ***They certainly were not hallucinations such as are produced in diseased and anguished minds, for in other respects I was normal and composed.*** ***To give an idea of my distress, suppose that I had witnessed a funeral or some such nerve-wracking spectacle. The, inevitably, in the stillness of night, a vivid picture of the scene would thrust itself before my eyes and persist despite all my efforts to banish it.*** ***If my explanation is correct, it should be possible to project on a screen the image of any object one conceives and make it visible. such an advance would revolutionize all human relations. I am convinced that this wonder can and will be accomplished in time to come. I may add that I have devoted much thought to the solution of the problem.***
*****I have managed to reflect such a picture, which I have seen in my mind, to the mind of another person, in another room.***** To free myself of these tormenting appearances, I tried to concentrate my mind on something else I had seen, and in this way I would often obtain temporary relief; but in order to get it I had to conjure continuously new images.*** ***It was not long before I found that I had exhausted all of those at my command; my 'reel' had run out as it were, because I had seen little of the world -- only objects in my home and the immediate
surroundings.*** ***As I performed these mental operations for the second or third time, in order to chase the appearances from my vision, the remedy gradually lost all its force. *****Then I instinctively commenced to make excursions beyond the limits of the small world of which I had knowledge, and I saw new scenes. <<--(very enhanced remote viewing) These were at first very blurred and indistinct, and would flit away when I tried to concentrate my attention upon them. They gained in strength and distinctness and finally assumed the
concreteness of real things. I soon discovered that my best comfort was attained if I simply went on in my vision further and further, getting new impressions all the time, and so I began to travel; of course, in my mind. every night, (and sometimes during the day), when alone, I would start on my journeys -- see new places, cities and countries; live there, meet people and make friendships and acquaintances and, however unbelievable, it is a fact that they were just as dear to me as those in actual life, and not a bit less intense in their manifestations.*****
*****This I did constantly until I was about seventeen, when my thoughts turned seriously to invention.***** *****Then I observed to my delight that I could visualize with the greatest facility.***** I needed no models, drawings or experiments. I could picture them all as real in my mind. Thus I have been led unconsciously to evolve what I consider a new method of materialising inventive concepts and ideas, which is radially opposite to the purely experimental and is in my opinion ever so much more expeditious and efficient.******
<<I think you are starting to get the idea>>
The moment one constructs a device to carry into practice a crude idea, he finds himself unavoidably engrossed with the details of the apparatus. As he goes on improving and reconstructing, his force of concentration diminishes and he loses sight of the great underlying principle. Results may be obtained, but always at the sacrifice of quality. *******My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get an idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination. I change the construction, make improvements and operate the device in my
mind. It is absolutely immaterial to me whether I run my turbine in thought or test it in my shop. I even note if it is out of balance. There is no difference whatever; the results are the same. In this way I am able to rapidly develop and perfect a conception without touching anything.******* *****When I have gone so far as to embody in the invention every possible improvement I can think of and see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form this final product of my brain. Invariably my device works as I conceived that it should, and the experiment comes out exactly as I planned it.***** *****In twenty years there has not been a single exception. Why should it be otherwise? Engineering, electrical and mechanical, is positive in results. There is scarcely a subject that cannot be examined beforehand, from the available theoretical and practical data. The carrying out into practice of a crude idea as is being generally done, is, I hold, nothing but a waste of energy, money, and time.*****
My early affliction had however, another compensation. The incessant mental exertion developed my powers of observation and enabled me to discover a truth of great importance. I had noted that the appearance of images was always preceded by actual vision of scenes under peculiar and generally very exceptional conditions, and I was impelled on each occasion to locate the original impulse. After a while this effort grew to be almost automatic and I gained great facility in connecting cause and effect. *****Soon I became aware, to my surprise, that every thought I conceived was suggested by an external impression.***** ***** Not only this but all my actions were prompted in a similar way. In the course of time it became perfectly evident to me that I was merely an automation endowed with power of movement responding to the stimuli of the sense organs and thinking and acting accordingly. The practical
result of this was the art of teleautomatics which has been so far carried out only in an imperfect manner. Its latent possibilities will, however be eventually shown. I have been years planning self-controlled automata and believe that mechanisms can be produced which will act as if possessed of reason, to a limited degree, and will create a revolution in many commercial and industrial departments. I was about twelve years of age when I first succeeded in banishing an image from my vision by willful effort, but I never had any control over the flashes of light to
which I have referred. They were, perhaps, my strangest and [most] inexplicable experience. They usually occurred when I found myself in a dangerous or distressing situations or when I was greatly exhilarated. In some instances I have seen all the air around me filled with tongues of living flame. Their intensity, instead of diminishing, increased with time and seemingly attained a maximum when I was about twenty-five years old. While in paris in 1883, a prominent French manufacturer sent me an invitation to a shooting expedition which I accepted. I had been long confined to the factory and the fresh air had a wonderfully invigorating effect on me. On my return to the city that night, I felt a positive sensation that my brain had caught fire. I was a light as though a small sun was located in it and I passed the whole night applying cold compressions to my tortured head. Finally the flashes diminished in frequency and force but it took more than three weeks before they wholly subsided. When a second invitation was extended to me, my answer was an emphatic no! These luminous phenomena still manifest themselves from time to time, as when a new idea opening up possibilities strikes me, but they are no longer exciting, being of relatively small intensity. *****When I close my eyes I invariably observe first, a background of very dark and uniform blue, not unlike the sky on a clear but starless night. In a few seconds this field becomes animated with innumerable scintillating flakes of green, arranged in several layers and advancing towards me. Then there appears, to the right, a beautiful pattern of two systems of parallel and closely spaced lines, at right angles to one another, in all sorts of colors with yellow, green, and gold predominating. Immediately thereafter, the lines grow brighter and the whole is thickly sprinkled with dots of twinkling light. This picture moves slowly across the field of vision and in about ten seconds vanishes on the left, leaving behind a ground of rather unpleasant and inert gray until the second phase is reached.
Every time, before falling asleep, images of persons or objects flit before my view. When I see them I know I am about to lose consciousness. If they are absent and refuse to come, it means a sleepless night. To what an extent imagination played in my early life, I may illustrate by another odd experience.*****
Seeing a blue screen in his mind is very interesting. It appears the master control implant tweaked and greatly enhanced all of Tesla's nervous senses too. It even gave him some senses and abilities we don't normally have:
My sight and hearing were always extraordinary. I could clearly discern objects in the distance when others saw no trace of them. Several times in my boyhood I saved the houses of our neighbors from fire by hearing the faint crackling sounds which did not disturb their sleep, and calling for help. In 1899, when I was past forty and carrying on my experiments in Colorado, I could hear very distinctly thunderclaps at a distance of 550 miles. My ear was thus over thirteen times more sensitive, yet at that time I was, so to speak, stone deaf in comparison with the acuteness of my hearing while under the nervous strain. In Budapest I could hear the ticking of a watch with three rooms between me and the time-piece. A fly alighting on a table in the room would cause a dull thud in my ear. A carriage passing at a distance of a few miles fairly shook my whole body. The whistle of a locomotive twenty or thirty miles away made the bench or chair on which I sat, vibrate so strongly that the pain was unbearable. The ground under my feet trembled continuously. I had to support my bed on rubber cushions to get any rest at all. The roaring noises from near and far often produced the effect of spoken words which would have frightened me had I not been able to resolve them into their accumulated components. The sun rays, when periodically intercepted, would cause blows of such force on my brain that they would stun me. I had to summon all my will power to pass under a bridge or other structure, as I experienced the crushing pressure on the skull. *****In the dark I had the sense of a bat, and could detect the presence of an object at a distance of twelve feet by a peculiar creepy sensation on the forehead.***** My pulse varied from a few to two hundred and sixty beats and all the tissues of my body with twitchings and tremors, which was perhaps hardest to bear. A renowned physician who have me daily large doses of bromide of potassium, pronounced my malady unique and incurable.
Like most children, I was fond of jumping and developed an intense desire to support myself in the air. Occasionally a strong wind richly charged with oxygen blew from the mountains, rendering my body light as cork *****and then I would leap and float in space for a long time.***** It was a delightful sensation and my disappointment was keen when later I undeceived myself.
<end excerpts>
From Art: My wife is an abductee and she remembers as a child being able to float around her bedroom as she was being returned from abductions. The aliens float people back into their beds. Are you familiar with diamagnetic lifters? Physicist Andrey Geim won a Nobel Prize in physics working with them.
"Everyone's Magnetism" - Andrey Geim
(From Physics Today, September 1998)
Though it seems counterintuitive, today's research magnets can easily levitate seemingly nonmagnetic objects, thereby opening an earthbound door to microgravity conditions.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Don’t panic! Can Dad’s Army remake match comedy classic? IN MY OPINION DON'T RUIN A CLASSIC

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A new Dad’s Army film is expected to draw huge cinema audiences when it is released in 2016. Simon Parker considers the possible pitfalls of trying to recreate a British institution
Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Parker...?
Toby Jones as Captain Mainwaring? Bill Nighy as Sergeant Wilson? Tom Courtenay as Corporal Jones? Don’t panic!
It was announced this week that director Oliver Parker had begun filming a big screen version of Dad’s Army, with a stellar cast that includes Michael Gambon, Bill Paterson, Blake Harrison, Danny Mays, Mark Gatiss, Catherine Zeta Jones and even Alison Steadman. Shooting will mostly take place in Yorkshire, with an initial release date of early 2016.
Possibly the most popular TV sitcom of all time, the story of a hapless bunch of Home Guard recruits who meet in a Walmington-on-Sea church hall in order to defend Britain against an imminent Nazi invasion, is rare among period comedies in that... it’s still funny.
An enduring staple of current daytime TV schedules, via channels like Dave and UK Gold, its appeal for today’s retired generation is twofold – the older ones can remember the war, while the younger ones grew up laughing along with the likes of Arthur Lowe, John Le Mesurier, Clive Dunn, Ian Lavender, Arnold Ridley, John Laurie, James Beck and Bill Pertwee.
I know it may seem like only yesterday – possibly because Dad’s Army is repeated as often as Only Fools And Horses and Gavin And Stacey – but the last time the BBC screened a new episode was way back in 1977. Think Jim Callaghan, Kenny Dalglish, British Leyland strikes, 16 per cent inflation, the Queen’s Silver Jubilee and The Sex Pistols.
The 1940s-based 30-minute show, which ran for nine series and a massive 80 episodes from 1968 to 1977, is still fondly regarded as one of Britain’s greatest TV comedies. In 2004 it came fourth in a BBC vote to find Britain’s best sitcom of all time – beaten only by Only Fools And Horses, Blackadder and The Vicar of Dibley.
For that reason, tampering with something as popular and deeply embedded in the collective psyche as Mainwaring & Co is always going to be a risk. So why do it? Presumably its makers believe it is precisely because of the show’s enduring charm that it is likely to be a guaranteed box office hit. Mmm... just like the film version of Steptoe And Son? Or Bilko? Or Till Death Us Do Part? Or The Likely Lads? Even Eric and Ernie couldn’t make people laugh in The Intelligence Men. Then there was On The Buses. Oops, my mistake, On The Buses was rubbish on the telly, too.
And let’s not forget there is a precedent to the latest project. The first Dad’s Army feature film was shot at Shepperton Studios and premiered in 1971. Even then, with the television show consistently topping viewing figures, the big screen version received a mixed reception.
Perhaps the key to the success, or otherwise, of the forthcoming Dad’s Army film will be its ability to appeal to a new generation of cinema-goers with no knowledge of the Croft-Perry original.
Oliver Parker’s big screen remake will feature the writing talents of Hamish McColl, whose previous credits include Johnny English Reborn and Mr Bean’s Holiday. It remains to be seen, however, if McColl’s comic couplets can compare to those immortalised by Jimmy Perry and David Croft any more than Tom Courtenay can fill the shoes of Clive Dunn.
Let’s face it, Dad’s Army wouldn’t be Dad’s Army without all the character catch-phrases and one-liners. Will McColl be at liberty to use them?
Cinema audiences will inevitably be waiting to hear them all. Oh, come on readers, let’s indulge ourselves: “Don’t panic, Captain Mainwaring... my sister Dolly’s upside down cake... stupid boy... put that light out... the vicar’s not going to like this... would you mind awfully just falling in, in your own time...”
All of which begs the question as to what – assuming he’s allowed to plunder that little lot and more – there is left for Mr McColl to do with his pencil, other than whip up a handful of new and improbable scenarios. Insiders have hinted that the new story line will involve Catherine Zeta Jones playing a glamorous journalist sent to report on Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard before MI5 discovers a German spy in the town.
What do you think of that? Don’t tell him, Pike!
Diehard fans have already – somewhat inevitably – voiced their doubts, with Twitter and Facebook awash with comments like “please don’t ruin the greatest sitcom ever” and “very dubious about this remake”.
However, producer Damian Jones is making lots of reassuring noises, stating that the film will “remain faithful to the spirit of the original show”.
Let’s hope he and Oliver Parker are true to their word. Otherwise, like fuzzy-wuzzies, I’m pretty sure they won’t like it up ’em!

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Why are birds numbers increasing on strikes on airplanes .Is it man ignoring the birds mitigation habits?arnithologists    are baffled .The most common birds to strike planes  are-HERRING GULLS,SKYLARKS,WOOD PIGEONS ,COMMON GULL ,SWIFT,SWALLOW.A study in AMERCIA showed that nearly half of bird strikes happen shortly before landing or just after takeoff.


Sorry folks the next GHOSTBUSTERS film is going to be an all female line up and to be directed by Paul Feig.

Isaac Rodriguez- AN ARTCILCE

Hi Ghostman
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Garlic injection could tackle tree diseases

Injecting trees with a concentrated form of garlic might help save trees in the UK from deadly diseases.
Operating under an experimental government licence, a prototype piece of technology to administer the solution is being trialled on a woodland estate in Northamptonshire.
Widespread use of the injection process is impractical and expensive.
But it could potentially help save trees of historic or sentimental value.
Garlic is one of nature's most powerful antibacterial and antifungal agents.
It contains a compound called allicin, which scientists are interested in harnessing.
The experimental injection device is made up of a pressurised chamber and eight "octopus" tubes.
The pressure punches the solution through the tubes and through special injection units in to the tree's sap system. The needles are positioned in a way to get allicin evenly around the tree.
The moment the active agent starts to encounter the disease, it destroys it. The poison is organic and isn't rejected by the tree.READ MORE AND SEE VIDEO LINK-


This is  a picture of a 6 ft spider web made by a spider only 1 and a half inches long outside a garage in Colerne ,Wilts.

Man believes snake spotted in East Grinstead is king cobra which has been eating cats

DEADLY: A king cobra can deliver enough venom in one bite to kill an elephant or 20 peopleA MAN who believes he saw a deadly cobra crossing a footpath outside Queen Victoria Hospital fears recent cases of missing cats could be linked to the reptile.
Trevor Gamble, 49, saw a snake outside the hospital on Holtye Road at 11.40am on Sunday morning as he was walking to his home which is on the same road.
Mr Gamble said he “almost earned a Darwin award for inadvertently doing something really stupid” after bending down to get a closer look, not believing at the time it could be dangerous because it was in Britain.
When the snake reared up and “spread what looked like a hood” around its head he suddenly panicked and stood stock still.


He explained: “I’ve got a bit of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) about losing things so I always look behind myself every now and then. I turned around to look back and I saw the snake come onto the path as if it had been waiting for me to pass.”
Mr Gamble then lived up to his name and decided to try and grab the snake by the tail to get a better look at its markings when it reared up and “its head came up to just above my knees”.
He added: “It was swaying there looking right at me; I had my heart in my mouth trying not to breathe. I just held my breath and kept completely still. It was a bit more than an arm’s length away from me, then it just went down and carried on going, obviously deciding I wasn’t a threat.
“That’s when I legged it.”
Mr Gamble described the snake as having a white underside and face with a dark grey body, which is typical of some types of king cobras. The snakes have enough venom in a single bite to bring down an elephant or kill 20 people.
Mr Gamble was so concerned he dialled 999 but was told it wasn’t an emergency so should call 101, the police non-emergency number, which he later did.
Police advised him to contact the RSPCA who passed him on to a company called Proteus Reptile Trust, who deal with the welfare of captive snakes.
Staff there explained they do not deal with snakes spotted in the wild.
A spokeswoman for the RSPCA has since said they were unable to send out an inspector because of a lack of resources meaning they would only do so if they could be directed to the snakes exact location.
Mr Gamble said: I’m just worried because there have been a lot of missing cat posters up in this area recently and I’m thinking maybe they have been dinner for this snake. And I haven’t seen any rats or mice recently either thinking about it."
The RSPCA spokeswoman said: "Because of the volume of calls, our inspectors cannot go out looking for a snake when we don't know where it is but we would ask that if anyone sees it, they could monitor it from a safe distance so we can come out and collect it quickly and take it into safe care.
"As we only have one inspector per 100,000 people and often only one inspector covering a county we do not have the resources to scour the wood looking for a snake.
"In this instance the call was logged as an advice call. We cannot identify snakes over the phone which is why we sometimes ask people to ring other specialised animal welfare organisations."
Mr Gamble said his friends have been somewhat sceptical of his claims. He said: "I told a few friends what I saw and they said 'Trev, had you been drinking?' I said 'no, but I needed a couple of pints afterwards'."
Have you seen the snake around the Holtye Road area? Call our newsdesk on 01737 783860

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Heard on the radio about people feeling lonely in Devon.Part of this is to in my opinion the following -getting access to transport to get to local groups /clubs the another is we still hang on to the old ways when most of Devon is now full of folk from cities who have a less friendly attitude.


Picture is of a Victorian Vampire Slaying Kit displayed via Terror and Wonder -The Gothic Imagination Exhibition -British Library ,London.

Sunday, 5 October 2014


There is going to be an array of Hollywood props to go under the hammer -October 6.10.2014 .Vue Entertainment and Prop Store Auction,London among the 375 items are stuff from -James bond,star wars,back to the future,terminator,batman and may more.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Aids: Origin of pandemic 'was 1920s Kinshasa'

Kinshasa in 1955Kinshasa in 1955 Kinshasa, pictured in 1955, was at the centre of the pandemic, scientists say Continue reading the main story Related Stories Early HIV drugs are 'not a cure' Aids can be 'under control by 2030' HIV origin 'found in wild chimps' The origin of the Aids pandemic has been traced to the 1920s in the city of Kinshasa, in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, scientists say. An international team of scientists say a "perfect storm" of population growth, sex and railways allowed HIV to spread. A feat of viral archaeology was used to find the pandemic's origin, the team report in the journal Science. They used archived samples of HIV's genetic code to trace its source, with evidence pointing to 1920s Kinshasa. Their report says a roaring sex trade, rapid population growth and unsterilised needles used in health clinics probably spread the virus. Meanwhile Belgium-backed railways had one million people flowing through the city each year, taking the virus to neighbouring regions. Experts said it was a fascinating insight into the start of the pandemic. HIV came to global attention in the 1980s and has infected nearly 75 million people. It has a much longer history in Africa, but where the pandemic started has remained the source of considerable debate. Family affair A team at the University of Oxford and the University of Leuven, in Belgium, tried to reconstruct-READ MORE-