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Saturday, 18 January 2014


We look upon the pigeon as a pest but during ww1 -ww2 this bird was used to carry important meeages that in turn saved lives,the germans during ww1 even had a squaddon of hawks to intercept them.More than 100,00 pigeons served with the british services ,95 % suussess rate in delievering messages,212 singled oput for meritious service,in 1914 a law was pased that hurting a pigeon in anyway  lead to a fine or jail.ALSO  a mention of mules,donkeys-transport,supplies to the front ww1,circus elephants,camels -used to plough fields,ww2 dogs sniffed mines and cats wre polular mascots in ships during ww1-ww2and the most usual one  is glowworms  used in ww1 in trnchs to read ,shows how much man and animals help each othrr.


At a caravan site MANOR PARK,HAPPPISBURGH,NORFOLK,Scentists on a archaeological site  dig have unearthed ancient community containing stone axes,fossilised   remains,butchered animakls belonging to HOMO ANTECESSOR- a predessor of modern man and  the earlest known species to make into europe shortly to go to on exhibition at NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM.HOMO ANTECESSOR HAD A SMALL BRAIN,MAY HAVE BEEN A CANNIBAL AS WELLAS A HUNTER,NO COMPLETE SKELETON HAS BEEN FOUND,FOSSILS REMAINS DISCOVERED IN SPAIN MAKE THEM ABOUT 5FT 6FT TALL ,WEIGH 9-14ST.


THE EMPIRE OF THINGS  SELECTED READINGS 2003 -2013-C.J.STONE -GONZO MUTIMEDIA MMXI-IBN -978-1-908728-36-4-WWW.CJSTONE.CO.UK.This book is unusual collection of various subjects from vlad the impaler to finding out what a ranter is and why the author thinks he is one.Part spiritual,some poltics this book when read will make you think and enjoy the journey of life.I give thanks to JONATHAN DOWNES  for giving me this book which if you read this blog i recommend to you my reader .

Monday, 13 January 2014

African tigerfish catch swallows in flight

African tigerfish have been filmed catching swallows in flight by scientists.
Some species of fish are known to feed on stationary birds but experts say this is the first evidence of one catching birds on the wing.
Tigerfish are a predatory freshwater species that are best known for their large, razor-sharp teeth.
The behaviour was filmed at Schroda Dam, a man-made lake in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Researchers from the Water Research Group of North West University, South Africa, described their findings in the Journal of Fish Biology.

Predators in the water

African tigerfish takes bait
"The African tigerfish is one of the most amazing freshwater species in the world," said Prof Nico Smit, co-author of the study.
"It is a striking fish with beautiful markings on the body, bright red fins and vicious teeth."
The fish, Hydrocynus vittatus, is known as a voracious predator and according to Prof Smit, its characteristic jump makes it a favourite species for freshwater anglers.
It is a protected species in South Africa and Prof Smit and colleagues were conducting a study into how it uses different habitats in Schroda Dam.READ MORE

Black rhino hunt permit auctioned in US

Protest outside the Dallas Convention Center where the Dallas Safari Club held its weekend show and auctionA permit to hunt and kill an endangered Black Rhino in Namibia has been sold at a US auction for $350,000 (£212,000).
The Dallas Safari Club in Texas says the hunt will help protect the species by removing an old aggressive rhino, and funding future conservation.
However, the auction has been fiercely criticised by conservationists, and has even drawn death threats.
Namibia is home to about a third of the world's 5,000 black rhinos, and issues just three hunting permits a year.
It is the first time a permit has been auctioned outside the southern African nation.
'A sad joke'
The auction was held amid tight security at a Dallas convention centre, where dozens of protesters had gathered.
The winning bidder - who has not been named - will hunt an old, non-breeding male rhino.READ MORE

Saturday, 11 January 2014


Whilst out for a walk at WESTWARD HO ,DEVON a pair of walkers stumbled across a BABY GREY SEAL,it seemed friendly.Another  GREY SEAL  was spotted at CROW POINT blown ashore by the storms ,it was unttangled and set free from its debris and helped back into the sea-NORTHDEVOJOURNAL-PAGE 31-9/01/2014


A  millionare is planning to complete a study on a controlled release of WOLVES,to gainpermission for the animals to roam across 50,000 arces behind a 10 foot fence .So far he has tried  wild boar,elk,bison ,red deer,highland cattle ,red squirrel,scottish wildcats on his esate in SUTHERLAND,35 MILES FROM INVERNERNESS.HE plans to fit tracking devicesand a team of 8 men to watch them but may not happen dueto the rite to roam the scottish highlands laws.


1,771 BADGERS wwre killed since cull begun in AUGUEST  coating 7.3 MILLION of which the taxpayer-you and me -picked up a sshare of 5.8 MILLION of this bill-CARE FOR THE WILD-ANIMAL CHARITY.This works out at 2,200 per BADGER,the cull taking pace in GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND SOMERSET.The farmers only paided1.49 MILLION-wow -policing 2.66 MILLION,3.17 MILLION  to various goverment agencies,this proves what  a waste of life to BADGERS and the so called farmers got off lightly -see thier payment above-and stiil the sheep bleat that it was justified,but  almost scientists universersally say that the cull wont have any significant impact on t.b.


6 stallions became trapped in a submerged field in floodwater from tributary-RIVER AVON.A FACEBOOK GROUP was set up after the outcry on social media,but the recuers found that thier matters wose by frightening the horses into deeper waters,RSPCA,LOCAL POLICE  moved the people away from field as threating the operation to save them CHRISTCHURCH,DORSET.


Plans to develop a gypsy site in EFFORD AREA,PLYMOUTH have been scrapped,permission for the 10 pitch site at MILITARY ROAD was agreed in 2011 despite the normal objections and residents protests.PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL decide to honour a historic commitment not to develop site and turn into a wildlife reserve instead,yet again ifvyour way of life is different from the norm others shun you,thier is good and bad in everyone and are we no equal in the eyes of god.


People in  AUSTRALIA are taking  part in protests to kill large sharks,WESTERN AUSTRILIA GOVERNMENT  is to install baited hooks off PERTHS BEACHES in response to 7 fatal shark attacks in 3 years.The cull is not the answer and a danmage to the seas eco system-BBC-RED BUTTON NEWS-4.0.2014

Friday, 10 January 2014

More than three quarters of large carnivores now in decline

A majority now occupy less than half their former ranges according to data published in the journal, Science.
The loss of this habitat and prey and persecution by humans has created global hotspots of decline.
The researchers say the loss of these species could be extremely damaging for ecosystems the world over.
The authors say that in the developed world, most carnivorous animals have already succumbed to extinction.
When they looked at 31 big meat eaters, they found that they were under increasing pressure in the Amazon, South East Asia, southern and East Africa.
"Globally, we are losing our large carnivores," said lead author Prof William Ripple from Oregon State University.
"Their ranges are collapsing. Many of these animals are at risk of extinction, either locally or globally."

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Honeybee shortage threatens crop pollination in Europe

beesn more than half of European countries, there are not enough honeybees to pollinate crops, according to new research.
Scientists believe that a boom in biofuels has sparked a massive increase in the need for pollination.
The shortage is particularly acute in Britain which has only a quarter of the honeybees required.
Researchers believe that wild pollinators including bumblebees and hoverflies are making up the shortfall.
The study is published in the journal Plos One.
Food for fuel The number of honeybees in the UK and elsewhere has been in decline in recent years, with both pesticide use and disease being blamed for losses.
Across Europe though, overall numbers of honeybee colonies increased by 7% across 41 countries between 2005 and more

Saturday, 4 January 2014

MIKE DAVIS: Seems like an Hour



A rare ASIAN BAR-HEADED GOOSE  has been spotted on EXMINSTER MARSHES.The BAR-HEADED GEESE breed  in  CENTRAL ASIA  in colonies of thousands near mountian lakes in SOUTH ASIA as far  south as PENINSULAR ,INDIA.The bird has grey plummage,black barred head and black tipped yellow beak and seen regularly on BOWLING GREEN MARSH and DARTS FARM NEAR EXETER.Believed to be an escapee from a private collection.SOURCE -WESTERNMORNING NEWS-PAGE 8-FRIDAY 2/01/2014


A victim  was found in the LADEFENSE BUSINESS AREA OF PARIS,FRANCE.The victim had his throat slashed and dumped in car park,the suspect of the murder was covered in blood ,his hand bleeding but his hand bleeding but seemed to be lot more blood than was coming for wound  .He told the police he had been drinking  his victims  blood,the dracula-like murder suspect was charged with murder.


A wild deer was reportly been shot in the head with a cross bow in a barbaric act.The innicident wasin  PLYMBRIDGE WOODS NEAR PLYMOUTH,DEVON,the person who was suspected of this crime was only arrested on suspicion of possessioning  an offensive weapon in a public area and released on bail,the deer is believed to be wouned and alive ,i think not.SOURCE BBC RED BUTTON-WEST-SOUTH WEST NEWS.


A foossil hunter found a skeleton of a 5ft long  ICHTHYOSAUR -a giant toothy   marine reptile that resembles a dolphin.Embedded in rocks at CHARMOUTH BEACH .NEAR LYME REGIS,famed lyme regis fossil hunter  MARY ANNING discovered the skeleton of the frist ICHTHYOSAUR to be recongnised locally.