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Saturday, 23 November 2013


my cfz talk plea

just one more hour

OPEN ALL HOURS is to be aired over christmas on bbc,it is going to be called GRANVILLES and is written by ROY CLARKE  starring SIR DAVID JASON  and LYANDA BARON  as NURSE GLADYS.


AS the picture below shows items of NAZI SOUVENIRS are being autioned on E-BAY  and other such like sites.FROM AWOCHWITZ VICTIMS UNIFORN,CAMP GHETTO JEW NAZI GERMAN STAR,NO i do not agree with this bieng traded but as long as sick people sell it no one will buy.

oswald-lone assasin-luke haay theory

LUKE HAAS -FIREARMS EXPERT did a serious of tests and concluded OSWALD fired 3 shots -2 missed-1 killed JFK.OSWALD used a ITALIAN .65 MANNICHER-CARCANO M91/38 RIFLE,the bullets are rounded which mean their go straight through and keep going.MORE INFO IN THE SUN -PAGE 28 18/11/2013.

warrior dr who -john hurt

JOHN HURT revealedthat his role as the WAR DOCTOR in THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR was one of his toughest challenges.HE found it hard to learn the quasi-scientific nonsense,he says his doctor is a little more stillier an d reflective,little more world weary.THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR -BBC1-7.50PM-23.11.2013


A set of stamps is to be produced by the royal mail to honour ANTONY TROLLOPE-VICTORIAN NOVELIST who introduced the PILLAR BOX to BRITIAN  in 1852 aftee seeing used in france


FIVE year old MILES SCOTT -CANCER PATIENT-got his superhero dream.HE rescued a damsel in distress who was strapped to a bomb ,foiled the RIDDLER as he attemted to rob a bank,stopped the PENGUIN fron kidnapping the SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS BASEBALL MASCOT LOU SEAL

Saturday, 16 November 2013

oh no docotor

TREPANNING-drilling hols through the skull to treat -migrain,epileptic siezures,depression,bipolar disorder.PUPPIES-used to treat cough and chills-new born,gut them,cut off the feet and boil in water-14TH CENTURY DOCOR STBARTS,LONDON.A version of VIAGRA IN 1920 BY A HOLLYWOOD DOCTOR-he removed the testicles from the rich and gullibl e man who were having problems with the woman in thier lives andrepaced them with goat testicles.THICK HAIR-10TH CENTURY- catch a swallow-burn it to ashesunder a tile and apply to affected area.TOOTHACHE-17TH CENTURY- thought was a worm entered the teeth via the gums-hit the tooth and the one causing the least painwas the worm,tooth  then yanked out.

space-oddities-not david bowie

SLEEP-you float in a pod.3  main things to train for -1-contaminated atomsphere in spaceship-2-fire-3-an impact-100 tons of meteor debis a day miss us in space.CLOTHES -carry  no smell or wrinklr,YOU can pee upside down,NO bread  due to crumbs,also you see an enless stas and planets and it not so easy to believe we are not alone.

oddities by ghostmanraines

A  angler in RINGWOOD,HERTS, claimed he wrestled a  catch  from a crocs jaw,exottic pet expert MARK ROUSE said-someone may have dumped a crog as can grow large.Drinking  2 cans of popa day can lead to kidney disease ,increases the risk of the organs malfunction by 10 per cent-OSAKA UNIVESITY,JAPAN.APPLEY NEIGHHOOD POLICE  held an  identity parade with sheep in the line up due to sheep rustling,shepherds bought in to regonize them.142 gils aged 11 to 14 had abotions in ENGLAND AND WALES last year.

kennedy assassination-50 years

november 22,1963 the president was shot and rushed to PARKLANDS EMERENCY AND TRAUMA HOSPITAL ,as surgeons worked worked on hima nurse PHYLISS HALL made a discovery,,a gaping wound on his skull,the bullet had ripped it clean away,it was unusual as it was about1 and half inches long.THE nurse believes that OSWALD was not alone that fateful day.

typoon HAIYAN

ITS is believed this monster storm  that struck the PHILIPPINES will rise into the thousands in death toll,rain and 1 95mph winds caused massive flood,huge landslides;IT also shredded houses and flattened entire towns,it was a natural event across the world in various names which is very sad to watch.


A woman visiting a family tomb fled when she heard a faint groaning,scratching and the (corpse) thrust his head and hands out of freashly dug grave,police believed the man may have been assaulted the buried-SAO PAULO,BRAZIL

wallaby;animal wellf

A rescuedwallaby found in DARTMOUTH PARK,NORTH LONDON caught using fishing net died despite best efforts of R.S.P.C.A. vet

The Night of the Doctor: A Mini Episode - Doctor Who: The Day of the Doc...

Today’s Trailer: Dr. Who: The Day of the Doctor

Saturday, 9 November 2013