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Saturday 15 September 2018

Geralyn st Joseph

Geralyn st Joseph....A psychic reading from Geralyn St. Joseph is often very specific in detail and always highly transformative. Her information uplifts the spirit and gives one a sense of direction filled with many possibilities. She has helped clients through difficult times by assisting in discovering the reasons for a seemingly traumatic event."  - Christopher Ilo - Shaman in Hawaii, Huna Fire Energy Healer
Psychic Geralyn St Joseph is a clairvoyant, intuitive reader utilizing a variety of divination tools. She enjoys helping others through her spiritual gifts.  Geralyn combines her metaphysical talents with her education to offer different spiritual guidance services; ranging from couple’s guidance to business consulting. She has a BA in Communications with concentrations in Law and Psychology.   Psychic Geralyn St Joseph has been reading for others since age 11, and has offered her services professionally since 1994. Geralyn’s client base spans the world including India, Japan, Australia and more.  Psychic Geralyn St Joseph offers her readings and guidance by phone and in-person; and classes by Internet for long distance or time challenged clients.
Psychic Geralyn St Joseph is a highly effective motivational speaker, delivering talks on various subjects. Seminars and Classes include: Intuitive Tarot, Completing the Circle – Path to Self Empowerment, Power of Gemstones, Living from the Heart Series and more!
Hire Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph
Geralyn St Joseph available for private psychic readings, group psychic readings, mystical parties, business consultations and corporate events: as a psychic reader or a motivational speaker.

Friday 14 September 2018

Deering Estate | Talking to Peter the Child Ghost (9/7/2018) | PRISM Par...

Mitzi Official Guard Dog ..Holsworthy Mark Podcast Show

Hi my name is Mitzi I am a Jack Russell and I like to go for walks and play with my selection of toys .When the postman or woman or possibly or girl I like to play mark and try to snatch items in the letter box.I have a volunteer day job I am the official Holsworthy Mark Podcast Show Guard Dog I get paired in gravy bones.You may hear me barking or snoring in the background so I say hi to my fans I sure I got more than my owners.

Uf o Event Czech republic 21 September 2018

Meeting researchers schedule  (ČESKY DOLE) : - Czech Štíří Důl near Krucemburk
Friday 21 September 2018

17:00 - 18:00 -  arrival and accommodation
18:30 - 19:30-  dinner
20:00 - 22:00-  A memorial evening for friends and scholars who are no longer among us
Ivan Mackerle, Frantisek Libica, Pavel Kobza and others

Saturday 22 September 2018

08:30 - 09:15  - Václav Quad Urban - from  right slavic language to today
10:00 - 12:00  - Jan Koňas - The role of Czech in transcribing history and physics
12:30 - 13:30  - lunch
14:00 - 17:00  - Jarda "Čáryfuk" Drábek and group EPRV 777. Czech Ghost Hunters.
Narrative, screening of videos documenting group research -
questions and answers to interesting topics
17:15 - 18:15 Jan Pavlík  - Exopsycholgie - preparing people to contact extraterrestrials
18:30 - 19:30 -  dinner
20:00 - 22:00  - Iva and Ilona Podhrazske - Contact with the extraterrestrial entity that he says
Olie EBE and demonstrations of communication with this entity, presentation of the book on
contact that came out in the US

Sunday, September 23, 2018

08:30 - 09:30  - breakfast
09:45 - 10:45  - Milan Knob - Mysteries for Your Eyes
11:00 - 12:00  - František Antoš and the Mysteries of the Old Slavs
12:00 - 13:00  - lunch
13:30 End of the meeting and departure home ======================================================   ČESKY:  Program setkání záhadologů - Štíří Důl blízko u Krucemburku  Organizator :  Milan Knob Mobil: ( 608 533 398 ) .
 Pátek 21. září 2018

17:00 – 18:00 - příjezd a ubytování
18:30 – 19:30  - večeře
20:00 – 22:00 - Vzpomínkový večer na přátele a badatele, kteří již nejsou mezi námi
Ivan Mackerle, František Libica, Pavel Kobza a další

Sobota 22. září 2018

08:30 – 09:15  -Václav Quad Urban  - Od praslovanštiny k dnešku
10:00 – 12:00 -Jan Koňas – Úloha češtiny v přepisu dějin a fyziky
12:30 – 13:30 - oběd
14:00 – 17:00 -  Jarda „Čáryfuk“ Drábek a skupina EPRV 777. Čeští lovci duchů.
Vyprávění, promítání videí dokumentujících výzkum skupiny –
otázky a odpovědi na zajímavá témata
17:15 – 18:15 - Jan Pavlík – Exopsycholgie – příprava lidí na kontakt s mimozemšťany
18:30 – 19:30  - večeře
20:00 – 22:00 -  Iva a Ilona Podhrázské – Kontakt s mimozemskou entitou, která si říká
Olie EBE a ukázky z komunikace s touto entitou, prezentace knihy o
kontaktu, která vyšla v USA

Neděle 23. září 2018

08:30 – 09:30- snídaně
09:45 – 10:45 - Milan Knob – Záhady na Vlastní oči
11:00 – 12:00  - František Antoš a záhady starých Slovanů
12:00 - 13:00 - oběd
13:30  - Zakončení setkání a odjezd domů

Thursday 13 September 2018

Exorcism_a_story_by_a_eyewitness_..Lincolnshire Spirit Seekers podcast



Various E.V.Ps…

Afternoon sounds Holsworthy

Holsworthy mark Podcast show recommends Lady Madam CoCo

A great artist recommend by Holsworthy mark Podcast show.
Lady Madam Coco, Singer, Songwriter and Producer. She learned to sing at an early age, learned techniques from her older brothers who also sang as children. She performed and sang in concerts, clubs and studio's working under the mentorship of Marcus Belgrave jazz (trumpeter) recorded in studios and had the opportunity to perform background vocals in concert for former lead singer of the Spinners the late Philippe Wynn. Madam Coco's melodic, sultry and sexy vocals adds a smooth soft and unique touch to her music
Website..Facebook Revernation..It's Beautiful by Lady Madam CoCo/MGo .......Musicoin


Ebe OLie Telepathic spiritist contact . Medium Ivana Podhrázská and contact writing ILona Podhrázská from the Czech Republic.

1. PART 23. June 2018: -  From Ebe OLie   Telepathic spiritist contact . Medium Ivana Podhrázská and contact writing  ILona Podhrázská from the Czech Republic. With Humanoid EBE – OLie from 12 Dimension, planet ELieLji : .........................................................................................................................................    23. June 2018:  Aleluja oo! Welcome! Aleluja oo! Energy intermingling, blends in the central space of your universe.In your simple system of elements connected to planets. Is also internal planetary system.but human perception does not see it. They are associated with other dimensional time shifts. The  Time-space of the Nucleus ( core )  in other galactic dimensions, is zone of all the system connected to the laws NANO - GAMA PARTICLES, which pulsate strike with frequencies 066 from the zone  GAMA PROJECT from the Galactic System.                                                .                                                                                                              .                              We researching  everything necessarily to these laws connected to your dimension the existence of evolutionary order and other of  beings identical from another dimensional system, which is intermingling with yours. Everything is in the  sign, shape  ( laid  8 ). Sign of infinity  . The shape ( laid 8 )  of an infinity sign which is  in a circle. Circles signify the protection of cosmic law, connected to the endless existence of molecules. The molecules created with the Space they are indestructible and eternal. You humanity is just a program of your cosmic system. The soul needs this law and body. Soul is protected by the body so that the core of the soul can manifest visible values .....   I Ebe OLIE listens, hearkens even though we have no ears developed.  We make sounds through our mouths, but we do not have ears developed for hearing. We understand the movements of hand and telepathy. We do not need ears as a conductor for communication. We listen  our sensors in body and  around body. You have human perceptions. Not us.We have a spectrum of sensors needed for listening,  reproducing. Our laws are linked. We are not cruel .We are hearken  to human evolution. Our created  a plan. We have  to be hearken it. Chaos in government is shifted to greater negative purposes for manipulating humanity. Large chaos  will occurs in 2019 - 2020. During a strange solstice. Yes, we will not talk more. It could be really dangerous. It is still in secret and must be tolerated. These values of tolerance, the dignity of most people is lacking.                                                   .                                                                       .                                       1) Clas Svahn: Ufo Museum AFU :/  I have these questions to start with:
What abilities to get your information do you use? Technical? Spiritual? Other means?  Could you see into the future?/ -   Our abilities are spiritual. We are semi-gods.  We do not share our technological abilities with the spiritual.                                                    .                                    Technological capabilities are our priority utilization, used  for purposes nano - particles and development of various material metals for our ships,  primarily. We are spiritual beings. We are not heartless, ruthless, souless.  Your souls are mature , but they are backward in the shift of evolution. There are few spiritually-minded people.  These are those individuals who perceive your world differently. They have a mature soul. Everything is clear, everything repeats . Presence, past, future it create  a spiral.                         2)  Brett Morris:/   What is they want ? /  - We have our rules, the tasks . which we need. We do not want wars, we want peace, yes. That we want !                                     .                                   3)  Dave Cruz – Radio /  Is the Sun fake ?   /    -    The Sun is an object in your planet system. The Sun is an object in your planet system. The sun is full of energy. Many extraterrestrial operations are still running around the solar gate corona.    The sun is not fake. It is only used for the purpose of your system for orbiting, for life. And the Sun is also for  our source of energy , which draws solar energy into our controlling the central cabins  in our Ships . All civilizations that are able to penetrate your world. The sun is connected to your system. Loss and strength Korony is common.  Nibiru is near an invisible angle. Sometimes from other places on Earth you are at an uncovered angle.                                                                                                      .                                             Your governments are with  manipulating the universe and your system.  The Sun has been created along with the cosmic order of molecules, particles and energies in spirals infinitely closed in a circle. So was created the Space and his system. Atom, molecules created from nothing. From vacuum - empty spheres  created atoms for life, dimension, and others.                                                                                               .                                         4) Julia Sellers,  White House: What Ebe know about  her husband  Michael Sellers - Unknown acts of all people.But to hide more people. They are afraid of their private affairs. You Ilona and Ivana make an open circle of this information. You should also be aware that it is dangerous. He Michael is enclosed within itself. He is manipulated , but not us. He is not sincere  to his power of love for Julia. We do not know their tasks.  There are many such individuals connected to many other entities.Ahoj Mark! How are you? I translate and translating... 5) Ken Oz : Does Ebe breath our air? Thank You my friend for sharing 😍 ....................................................  6) David Griffin, Exopolitics Exopolitics United Kingdom : exopolitics uk. Thanks Ilona - just when you get time...Ask about  chemtrails and the threat of a 40% kill-rate  HN type flu death virus if you can...?!    If you know of any UFO docs from your region you can  translate or just find and pass on -  i'll try and raise some funds for the translation work. We did one last year that now has  3,8 million views. David      ........................................................   7) Peter A Flynn:  One of my next questions is to ask him if they genetically engineered themselves for deep space travel.Meeting researchers schedule  (ČESKY DOLE) : - Czech Štíří Důl near Krucemburk
Friday 21 September 2018

17:00 - 18:00 -  arrival and accommodation
18:30 - 19:30-  dinner
20:00 - 22:00-  A memorial evening for friends and scholars who are no longer among us
Ivan Mackerle, Frantisek Libica, Pavel Kobza and others

Saturday 22 September 2018

08:30 - 09:15  - Václav Quad Urban - Od praslovanštiny k dnešku
10:00 - 12:00  - Jan Koňas - The role of Czech in transcribing history and physics
12:30 - 13:30  - lunch
14:00 - 17:00  - Jarda "Čáryfuk" Drábek and group EPRV 777. Czech Ghost Hunters.
Narrative, screening of videos documenting group research -
questions and answers to interesting topics
17:15 - 18:15 Jan Pavlík  - Exopsycholgie - preparing people to contact extraterrestrials
18:30 - 19:30 -  dinner
20:00 - 22:00  - Iva and Ilona Podhrazske - Contact with the extraterrestrial entity that he says
Olie EBE and demonstrations of communication with this entity, presentation of the book on
contact that came out in the US

Sunday, September 23, 2018

08:30 - 09:30  - breakfast
09:45 - 10:45  - Milan Knob - Mysteries for Your Eyes
11:00 - 12:00  - František Antoš and the Mysteries of the Old Slavs
12:00 - 13:00  - lunch
13:30 End of the meeting and departure home ======================================================   ČESKY:  Program setkání záhadologů - Štíří Důl blízko u Krucemburku  Organizator :  Milan Knob Mobil: ( 608 533 398 ) .
 Pátek 21. září 2018

17:00 – 18:00 - příjezd a ubytování
18:30 – 19:30  - večeře
20:00 – 22:00 - Vzpomínkový večer na přátele a badatele, kteří již nejsou mezi námi
Ivan Mackerle, František Libica, Pavel Kobza a další

Sobota 22. září 2018

08:30 – 09:15  -Václav Quad Urban  - Od praslovanštiny k dnešku
10:00 – 12:00 -Jan Koňas – Úloha češtiny v přepisu dějin a fyziky
12:30 – 13:30 - oběd
14:00 – 17:00 -  Jarda „Čáryfuk“ Drábek a skupina EPRV 777. Čeští lovci duchů.
Vyprávění, promítání videí dokumentujících výzkum skupiny –
otázky a odpovědi na zajímavá témata
17:15 – 18:15 - Jan Pavlík – Exopsycholgie – příprava lidí na kontakt s mimozemšťany
18:30 – 19:30  - večeře
20:00 – 22:00 -  Iva a Ilona Podhrázské – Kontakt s mimozemskou entitou, která si říká
Olie EBE a ukázky z komunikace s touto entitou, prezentace knihy o
kontaktu, která vyšla v USA

Neděle 23. září 2018

08:30 – 09:30- snídaně
09:45 – 10:45 - Milan Knob – Záhady na Vlastní oči
11:00 – 12:00  - František Antoš a záhady starých Slovanů
12:00 - 13:00 - oběd
13:30  - Zakončení setkání a odjezd domů...For the first time a set of information and answers from Alien Olie by an argument and from this information what has already been archived.  From Author Bendidi Abdelhai.  ......  ČESKY:
Poprvé soubor informací a odpovědí od Alien Olie argument a z těchto informací, co již bylo archivováno. Autor Bendidi Abdelhai

Wednesday 12 September 2018

The unsolved lights of Lubbock Lights uf o sighting s

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History Stories

AUG 8, 2018

The Unsolved Mystery of the Lubbock Lights UFO Sightings

Hundreds of people, including several university scientists, witnessed the flying blue-green lights in August 1951. One person even took photos.
The Lubbock Lights, photographed by 19-year old Carl Hart, Jr. on August 30, 1951 in Lubbock, Texas.
The Lubbock Lights, photographed by 19-year old Carl Hart, Jr. on August 30, 1951 in Lubbock, Texas.
August 25, 1951 was a quiet summer night in Lubbock, Texas. That evening, a handful of scientists from Texas Technical College were hanging out in the backyard of geology professor Dr. W.I. Robinson, drinking tea and chatting about micrometeorites. It was quite the brain trust: chemical engineering professor Dr. A. G. Oberg, physics professor Dr. George and Dr. W. L. Ducker, head of the petroleum-engineering department.
Which made the story of what they witnessed that night all the more curious.
“If a group had been hand-picked to observe a UFO, we couldn’t have picked a more technically qualified group of people,” wrote U.S. Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt later in his definitive 1956 casebook, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects.In the early 1950s Ruppelt served as lead investigator for Project Blue Book, the official Air Force investigations into UFO sightings, after working on its precursor effort, Project Grudge.
Sightings of the blue-green lights kept growing
Around 9:20 p.m., the university colleagues saw something otherworldly in the expansive Texas sky: a V-shaped formation of 15 to 30 blueish-green lights passing overhead. Stunned, but still using their trained scientific reasoning, they figured the lights would reappear. And they did, about an hour later, in a more haphazard formation. The scientists were all in agreement: They had witnessed something fantastic—but what was it?
The professors weren’t the only credible witnesses to the mysterious blue-green lights that night. At dusk, in Albuquerque, New Mexico (about 350 miles away from Lubbock), an employee of the Atomic Energy Commission’s top-secret Sandia Corporation—a man with a high-level “Q” security clearance—had been sitting outside with his wife. According to Ruppelt:
They were gazing at the night sky, commenting on how beautiful it was when both of them were startled at the sight of a huge airplane flying swiftly and silently over their home… On the aft edge of the wings, there were six to eight pairs of soft, glowing, bluish lights.
An hour or so after, according to a retired rancher from Lubbock, his wife had seen something terrifying in the night sky. Ruppelt described it this way:
Just after dark, his wife had gone outdoors to take some sheets off the clothesline. He was inside the house reading the paper. Suddenly his wife had rushed into the house…“as white as the sheets she was carrying.” The reason his wife was so upset was that she had seen a large object glide swiftly and silently over the house. She said it looked like “an airplane without a body.” On the back edge of the wing were pairs of glowing bluish lights.
By the time Ruppelt flew into Lubbock to investigate the sightings in late September, hundreds of residents had seen the lights over a period of two weeks.
Edward Ruppelt oversaw Project Blue Book for the U.S. Air Force, a program that monitored and investigated UFO reports.
Edward Ruppelt oversaw Project Blue Book for the U.S. Air Force, a program that monitored and investigated UFO reports.
Locals investigate, and even snap some photos
But not everyone had waited for the government to start looking into the matter. After alerting local papers like the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, the Texas Tech professors started their own informal investigation. In the weeks after their initial August 25sighting, they and their friends observed the lights 12 more times. They measured the lights’ angles, roughly calculated their speed and noted that they always traveled from north to south. Armed with walkie-talkies, the scientist-sleuths and their friends formed two teams and attempted to measure the UFO’s altitude, with little success.
As the days went on, more and more Lubbock residents claimed to have seen the lights. And when the professors cross-checked these reports against what they themselves had seen and recorded, many of the facts lined up, Ruppelt wrote. Of course, few if any had recorded the phenomena with the same level of detail as the professors.
But while many observers offered incomplete or poorly expressed recollections, there’s little doubt that whatever people were seeing was something real. UFO sightings are usually one-off events, but these blue-green lights were observed multiple times, by hundreds of people.
Plus, for many, there was physical proof: black-and-white photos taken by a Texas Tech freshman named Carl Hart, Jr. On August 31—the same night an Air Force wife and her daughter claimed to have seen a UFO while driving northwest from Matador, Texas, to Lubbock—Hart was keeping vigil in his bedroom, looking out for the infamous lights. According to Ruppelt:
It was a warm night and his bed was pushed over next to an open window. He was looking out at the clear night sky, and had been in bed about a half hour, when he saw a formation of the lights appear in the north… cross an open patch of sky, and disappear over his house. Knowing that the lights might reappear as they had done in the past, he grabbed his loaded Kodak 35, set the lens and shutter at f 3.5 and one-tenth of a second, and went out into the middle of the backyard. Before long, his vigil was rewarded when the lights made a second pass. He got two pictures. A third formation went over a few minutes later, and he got three more pictures.
These hotly debated images, which show a cluster of dim lights in a V-formation moving through the night sky, are the only visual representation of what hundreds were now claiming they saw.
Captain Edward Ruppelt, standing between the two seated men, with other officers of the U.S. Air Force at a 1952 news conference where they announced the installment of more than 200 cameras in attempts to obtain data on the unidentified flying objects reported from various parts of the nation.
Captain Edward Ruppelt, standing between the two seated men, with other officers of the U.S. Air Force at a 1952 news conference where they announced the installment of more than 200 cameras in attempts to obtain data on the unidentified flying objects reported from various parts of the nation.
Was it birds? Or planes? The government's investigator goes coy
As Ruppelt began his formal investigation, he found that the lights had affected all who saw them, including a hardened old man from Lamesa, who had witnessed them with his wife. “He broke off his story of the lights and launched into his background as a native Texan, with range wars, Indians and stagecoaches under his belt,” Ruppelt recalled of their interview session. “What he was trying to point out was that despite the range wars, Indians and stagecoaches, he had been scared. His wife had been scared, too.”
The old Lamesa man had suggested that the lights were actually plover birds, a theory to which Ruppelt would lend some credence. But just like many people Ruppelt interviewed, the old man admitted he and his wife had been looking for the lights after reading about them in the paper. This was a common thread tying together many of the witnesses. “One point of interest was that very few claimed to have seen the lights before reading the professors’ story in the paper,” Ruppelt wrote. “But this could get back to the old question, ‘Do people look up if they have no reason to do so?’”
So, what exactly did all these people witness? In The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Ruppelt—by all accounts an honorable and fair man who oversaw what many describe as the “golden age” of the government’s official UFO investigations—offers a strangely evasive explanation:
I thought that the professors’ lights might have been some kind of birds reflecting the light from mercury-vapor street lights, but I was wrong. They weren’t birds, they weren’t refracted light, but they weren’t spaceships. The lights that the professors saw…have been positively identified as a very commonplace and easily explainable natural phenomenon…I can’t divulge exactly the way the answer was found because it is an interesting story of how a scientist set up complete instrumentation to track down the lights. Telling the story would lead to his identity and, in exchange for his story, I promised the man complete anonymity... With the most important phase of the Lubbock Lights “solved”—the sightings by the professors—the other phases become only good UFO reports.
And so, the mystery of the Lubbock Lights remains unsolved.
“The Lubbock Lights incident persists in the memory of many older citizens, and to this day captivates researchers from across the country,” Dr. Monte L. Monroe, Southwest collection archivist at Texas Tech University told Texas Highways Magazine. “Mention the event, and everyone has an opinion. Some believe the bright, semicircular, so-called ‘string of beads’ crossed the sky at great speed, high in the stratosphere. Few agree with the streetlight-illuminated, migratory duck-bellies theory ventured at the time by skeptics or in the Air Force report.”
According to Monroe, the professors and other witnesses—tired of explaining themselves and what they saw—almost totally ceased giving interviews by the 1970s. In a rare informal interview, more than 40 years after the sightings, Carl Hart, Jr. reportedly told an interviewer he still had no idea what he had photographed that pleasant August night many moons ago. But like hundreds of others witnesses in and around Lubbock that strange Texas summer, he saw something he would never forget.
VIDEO: Comic-Con Trailer: Project Blue Book Watch an exclusive clip of the new series Project Blue Book on HISTORY.