Thursday 4 May 2023

Terror Tales-Thunderbird

 The world had changed drastically in the past few months. A great thunderbird had been seen flying across the sky, its wings stretching for miles, thunder and lightning crashing from its wings. No one knew where it had come from or why it had appeared, but it was an ominous sight that could be seen from miles away.

Miles and his family lived in a small village that was tucked away in the woods. They had heard the stories of the thunderbird, but hadn't seen it yet, until one night when it flew over their village. Miles and his family huddled together in fear, wondering what would become of them.

The next day, a messenger arrived in the village with news that the thunderbird had caused a great disaster in the nearby town. It had destroyed buildings, killed innocent people and caused a great deal of chaos. The messenger warned them to stay in their homes until the thunderbird left.

Miles and his family were terrified. They stayed in their homes, not daring to step outside. They heard the thunderbird's wings beating against the sky and felt the ground shaking beneath their feet. Even though they were safe from the thunderbird, they were still scared.

A few days later, the thunderbird had moved on and the village was finally able to come out of hiding. The damage caused by the thunderbird was devastating. Many of the villagers had lost their homes and their livelihoods.

Miles and his family were lucky to have escaped with their lives, but they were still shaken by the experience. They would never forget the terror of the great thunderbird and the destruction it had caused.

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