Thursday 4 May 2023

Terror Tales -Friday 13th

 Friday the 13th was always a special day for Lisa and her boyfriend, John. The couple had been together for two years and they would always find a way to make that day extra special. This year they decided to do something daring.

It was late when they arrived at the strange old hotel. The building had a dark ominous feeling to it and Lisa couldn't help but feel a chill on her spine as they drove up. John tried to ease her worries by telling her it was all part of the adventure.

The night clerk at the hotel smiled an eerie smile when he handed them the key to room 1313. John joked that it was a sign that their luck was about to change. But Lisa couldn't help but feel the unease as they stepped onto the elevator and made their way to the 13th floor.

The room was surprisingly luxurious and inviting. But when the couple opened the door, a wave of cold air greeted them. Lisa felt a chill in the air and she shivered as she looked around the room. Everything seemed eerily quiet and still.

It was late when the couple finally settled in for the night. Before they went to bed, John grabbed his camera to take some pictures of the room. Lisa was still feeling uneasy, so she warned him not to take any pictures of the mirror that was hanging above the bed.

But John didn't listen. He snapped a few shots of the mirror and then got into bed.

That night, Lisa awoke to the sound of John's screams. She quickly got out of bed and rushed to his side. He was thrashing about wildly and pointing to the mirror. She followed his gaze and saw the figure of a man with a face of pure evil staring back at them from the other side of the glass.

The couple screamed and ran from the room. They never returned to that hotel and never forgot the terror of that night.

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