Thursday 4 May 2023

Terror Tales -The Castle

 The castle on the hill had stood for centuries, looming over the nearby village like a sentinel. People stayed away, afraid of the spirits of dead knights they believed to haunt the castle. No one dared to disturb the castle, until one day a young couple decided to explore its secrets.

The couple was met with an eerie silence, and the air was thick with a sense of dread. As they explored the castle, they found a hidden chamber. Inside, they discovered the remains of ancient knights, long since forgotten.

Suddenly, the couple heard a thunderous roar. The spirits of the dead knights had arisen from their graves, summoned by the couple’s intrusion. The spirits were filled with rage and sought revenge for their long slumber.

The couple ran for their lives, but the spirits easily kept pace. The couple eventually stumbled into a clearing and were shocked to see a group of villagers who had come to rescue them. The villagers had heard the roar and come to help.

The villagers and the couple held a mass prayer, begging for the spirits to forgive them. Miraculously, the spirits stopped their pursuit and vanished. The couple was safe, but the villagers learned a valuable lesson- never disturb the dead.

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