Wednesday 4 August 2021


Unadorned consequences jellied garnish, 
Demean outstanding indivisible commotion, 
Inflexible camel train skill and cunning, 
Friend forsake  screen  idol Humphey terminate  ,.
Orchestral work pasture hitch,
Western musical hold fast wide vista,
Wet weather garment ten year span,
Legendary voyager lengthen Wall climber,
Political adviser result not,
Died without clothing in savoury jelly, 
Dreadful disgrace aristocracy, 
Married noise crashing like a mule,
Travelling group boat captain devil in desdeemona,
Dessert Garbo frost on stage ,
Etc honeyed wine ,
Shatter and echo unbroken view,
Mackintosh rotter wicked ,
Makes offer trendy roses, 
The end of yet another strange  pose.

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