Friday, 9 April 2021

Oxford/AsterZenenca -Yes To Jab as we dont worry about over the counter drugs we ta mmm e every day by Mark Antony Raines

 I find it strange about the kick up about side effects of the Oxford/AsterZenenca vaccine jab ,whivh was 0'00095 per cent of causing a blood clot but we happy be taking over the counter tablets for years that have known proven side effects but i do not see people stop taking them soon.

Penicillin-Diarrhoea-Vomiting-Skin Rash,Breathing Difficulties-Throat Swelling-Hives-Fever-Black Hairy Tongue,Anaphylatic Shock-Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

Aspirin-Indigestion-HeartBurn-Vomiting-Anaphylatic Shock-Inflamation of Blood Vessels-Kidney Failure-Stroke-Stomach Ulcers.

Cough Syrup-Drowsiness-Dizziness-Stomach Upset-Hyperthermia.

Paracetamol-Chest Pain-Vomiting-Chest Pain-Heart Problems-Pancreatitis-Liver Damage-Spontanous Bleeding.

Ibuprofen-Skin Rash-Dizziness-Nausea-Heartburn-Tinitus-Itching Skin-Water Retention-Conspipation-Adominal Pain-Heart Attack-Throat Ulcer-Kidney Failure-Liver Damage-Stomach Ulcer-Jandice-Anaphylaxia-Skin Blistering.  

Cold and Flu Tablets-Nausea-Vomiting-Chest Pain-Adominal Pain-Rashes-Heart Palpitations -Liver Failure.

Contraceptive Pill-Breast Pain-Nausea_Acne-High Blood Pressure-Weight Gain-Stomach Cramps-Blood Clots-Kidney Disease-Hepatitis.  

Antihistamines-Drowsiness-Dizziness-Headache-Blurred Vision,Muscle Weakness-Diffuculty Peeing-Haemolytic Anaemia.

This is just a sample as any meditation can cause a side effort as its tecnically a poision in your body but we accept these risks as we know we are better  for taking them dispite the side effects as i do not know of many drugs that do not have a side effect of some kind or other but if its for benefit if our help we take it.

And yes when its time for me and my family to have our second dose of Oxford/AstraZeneca Vaccine i gadly roll down my sleeve not just for my benefit but for all those around me to protect them .

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