Thursday 18 February 2021

This is a reworking of my autobiography Dairy Of An Essex Weirdo by Mark Antony Raines in a screenplay sort of format -Act 1

This is a reworking of my autobiography Dairy Of An Essex Weirdo by Mark Antony Raines in a screenplay sort of format 

 The day starts as a typical rainy day in the County of Essex in the south east area of England. 

We enter a maternity ward at Rochford Hospital were on the hospital bed 

Mrs Barbara Raines is giving  birth 

Nurse "Mrs Raines you given birth to a boy "

Mrs Raines gives no reply as is feeling very tired after the process of giving birth. 

Later in in a maternity ward 

Barbara _dark hair _glasses prone to  panic attacks. 

"Tony we have a son "

Tony Raines once upon a time and bit of a teddy boy and at this time working as a dustman for local council. 

Tony "what are we going to name him"

Barbara "I like the bible name of Mark and a middle name of Antony "

Tony "I like fact he has a name like mine "

Inside Barbara s mind we hear the following 

"No its because I fancied Richard Burton character of Marc Antony in the film Cleopatra "


Sometime later we see a young Mark with curly hair playing in a milk float in the back garden  then we first forward to his first school Our of Lourdes Manchester Drive .

Mark is sitting shyly at his desk when the teacher calls his name.

 "Mark we need to play a part in the play we going to do for the classroom"

 " I don't want too miss I too shy "

The fellow pupils laugh out loud.

Mark is Taken out of his chair and placed in front of the classroom by the teacher and then asked to kiss a girl for she is to be Cleopatra And I was to be my name stake,at dreadful thought I commence to run to the classroom door and keep running as fast as my little legs who go all the way out of school,I take a lot of persuading to get me back,today I find this amusing back then I just wanted the world to open up.


I am sitting at a dinner table getting ready to tuck in to eat my piece of chocolate rice crispy cake when suddenly

 "O U C.H"

I had chipped my front tooth and I was crying.

Next a dark shadow looks over the headmistress office sitting in two chairs are Mark and a fellow pupil a girl

Headmistress "I have something very important to tell you both "

 "What's THAT" we both said in unison

Headmistress "I kept you both back a year in class as in my opinion at the time is that you both needed to catch up.with your fellow pupils"

 Both of us say in stunned silence.

Years later this event still plays on Mark s mind as he always feels like he is playing catch up and not a worthy person ,this developed into having paranoid thoughts.

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