Friday 19 February 2021

The bizzarre Doctor by Mark Antony Raines -Part 1

 A blue box appears out of thin air making a groaning whirling straining noise .

The blue box is now sitting in a good of nothingness,no time of space just the complete emptiness of weekly endless white silver no life forms are present in this void expect inside the blue police box known throughout time that was before as the tradis.

Inside the tradis is a figure collapsed on the floor emitting a strange beans of Light from its limbs and head the previous being known as the doctor is regenerating .

Jill wakes up from being thrown to the floor of the tracks after her latest adventure with the doctor defeating the latest of aliens set On ruling or destroying the universe .

Jill looks around to gather her bearing s and walks slowly to the control panel of the tradis to see how the doctor is as the last time she saw her she shouted at Hill to get out of the way as something was wrong but was unsure what.

The doctor s regeneration had unknown to him or her gone dramatically wrong this was going to be the most bizarre adventure of the doctor while many lifetimes one that may seal the fate of the time Lord forever.

Jill was looking at the doctor very strangely,her eyes were transfixed to what was before her very eyes,the doctor at first could not understand her gaze ,then he began sensing a array of strong aromas coming from all directions,he could hear the high pitch of the tradis listings straining as if inbetween phasing in And out but the oddest of all was he no longer saw the world in colour but in a monochrome of black and white,then he tried to speak but instead of words he let a series of barks,inside his head he thought it my God I am a dog.

Precisely at the same moment Jill was thinking the same thing the doctor was now a dog and this did not bode well for w hat maybe waiting them the the other side of the tradis door once it opened to reveal its latest planet

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