Friday, 26 February 2021


 This show is sponsored by Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd 

Announcer "Listen you can hear the howling of the werewolf; the flapping of vampire bat wings ;chains rattling as I bring tonight s tale of horror of how the devil found a new way to scare you "

We come upon a film set of director Peter Andre who is giving directions  to his actor's and film crew on a new film The Haunted House 

Peter Andre "Hey you have that bat ready to fly across the medieval castle scenery "

A couple of men enter carrying a backdrop of a medieval castle and a model  of a bat on a wire is flown across it .

Peter Andre "Cut"

The next scene is then ready when an actor enters wearing horns and hooved feet .

Peter Andre "When the smoke disappear s I want you  the devil to look straight at the camera"

This the actor being the devil does by imagining he is the living embedment of Mephistopheles himself. 

Peter Andre turns to the script writer and Mr Nightmare and asks what is next.

Mr Nightmare says "I put down in my script  that an assistant magical is summoned by the devil along with a cauldron and then a woman  is then conjured up"

Peter Andre "Are you sure this will work "

Mrs  Nightmare "Oh yes this will make the audience gasp with fear and surprise "

Pete Andre "Ok ;get ready for the next scene "

Two actors enter dressed as cavaliers and then a slightly smaller actor  dressed in a top hat and tails enters behind them.

Peter Andre "I don't get this scene Mr Nightmare why is it in the film"

Mr Nightmare "I included this scene to provide a bit of comedy as a way of fooling the audience into a lull before the main scare"

In the next scene the smaller actor dressed in top hat and tails precedes  to poke the backs of the cavaliers as each gets confused as he is invisible to them but not the film audience then one of the cavaliers runs away leaving the other to stay .

Sometimes before the dawn of this film in the hades the devil is fishing in a lake of boiling larva for human bones .

Each time the devil reels in the bones he reanimates them back to  human firm and out of boredom picks them up and throws them back to watch them boil alive. 

An imp arrives by the name of Mr Nightmare. 

Devil "Mr Nightmare you have been letting me down recently by the fact I not getting my feed from the human souls as getting less scared of your dreams "

Mr Nightmare "Yes master I agree but I have a solution "

Devil" What is your solution it better be  good or I return you to your old job of scraping off the flesh of the new arrivals "

Mr Nightmare "I seen with my eyes the creation by humans called  film ;with this website could make their nightmares seem real and haunt them with their own 


Devil "I like this idea and I think I should be in its first story and I would like it to be known as Horror "

Mr Nightmare "Yes master I get it done"

We return to  the film set where the next scene is in progress. 

The remaining cavalier has the following tricks played on him:furniture moved around by  the use of cables then an actor appears wearing a skeleton costume. 

The cavalier produces a wooden sword painted silver to look more realistic and attacks  the actor in the skeleton suit then the bat model on the wire is used again with the aid of smoke and then the actor portraying the devil appears and he in turn conjures up four actors dressed in ghost costumes playing at being spectres. 

Peter Andre "Now you the spectres attack the cavalier and bring him to cauldron to  be tempted by the actress playing the woman. "

Actress "What do you require me to do"

Peter Andre "Look sexy but vulnerable at the same time "

Woman "Ok but I not comfortable with it but I need the money "

So the scene is set as the cavalier is held by the spectres in front of the woman in the cauldron to weaken him to surrender to the Devil. 

Peter Andre "Cut hey Mr Nightmare I going  to change the last scene as i like a hero to overcome and good to beat evil "

Mr Nightmare "Fine by me "

The last scene is put into motion as the cavalier breaks free of the spectres who disappear in a cloud of smoke. 

The actor playing the cavalier grabs a large crucifix and comes face to face with the devil; the devil seeing the crucifix vanishes back to hades. 

Peter Andre turns to all the  cast and crew and gives them a thank you and tells them he will see them at the premiere. 

Later that month at the  Scottish Court Cinema the poster read premier of Peter Andre  newest film a horror by the name of The Haunted Castle. 

Sitting at the back in the darkness are two figures; one is a Mr Nightmare the other a Mr Mephistopheles both smiling at their new way of feeding hades .

Announcer "So my fiends I have to go back to my coffin as sunrise is on the horizon :so goodnight and unpleasant dreams "

You have been listening to Ghostman Horror production of The Haunted House brought to  you by its sponsor Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd. 

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