Saturday 27 February 2021


                       This show is sponsored by Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd 

Announcer "Listen you can hear the howling of the werewolf; the flapping of vampire bat wings ;chains rattling as I bring tonight s tale of horror of how an Innocent doll is not so innocent at all in The doll"

Emily a sweet girl by nature is out in the woods with her mum and dad to have a walk and take in the clean natural air.
Mum and Dad let Emily walk ahead ;Emily walks a bit deeper  into the woods and soon finds herself lost.
Mum"Wheres Emily I can't see her"
Dad "Nor can I "
Both look at each other in a state of panic and in unison shout out. 
"Emily " 
Emily finds by a big oak Tree in the woods a decrepit and scary looking doll which seems to have been abandoned by someone. 
As Emily  looks into the dolls eyes she no longer sees the doll as ugly but cool and cute ;in the distance she hears her parents shouting for her and runs towards the voice so; both mum and dad are glad to see she is OK. 
Mum"Emily you really frightened me and your dad ;it's time we went home."
Dad "Whats that in your hand Emily "
Emily "Its a doll I just saved as it was left be by her former owners "
Mum"What's the dolls name ?"
Emily "I am going to call Emily just like me"
After a short walk along the family reach thier home and seat down and have tea. 
After tea Mum says to Emily .
Mum "Can I have your doll to give it a wash and a bit of a makeover"
Emily "I don't really want to "says as she is reluctant to give the doll to anyone else. 
Dad"Come on Emily it needs a bit of a clean it look much nicer "
Emily "OK Daddy"
Emily s mum takes the doll down to the cellar were the laundry room is based and places the doll in a box marked junk in hope that by morning after a good night's sleep Emily would have forgot about her promise to give it a makeover. 
Later that night thier all get dusted by the Sandman. 
Inside the box marked Junk the doll sits bolt upright ;it climbs out of the box and precedes in a slow waddle crawl towards the cellar stairs ;stopping in its s tracks now and again to see if it s movement s have been discovered. 
The doll slowly advances up the cellar stairs; the door is ajar as Mum forgot to close it probably as she often did.
The doll crawls along the floor to the next flight of stairs that lead to the famlies  bedroom s.
The doll reaches the bedroom door with Emily on it,the doll then bends its legs in a squat position and in one mighty leap me to pull The door handle down as seen countless times on cat videos on youtube.
The doll creeps silently like a ninja towards the sleeping beauty that is Emily.
Before Emily has a chance to awaken from her slumber the doll places it's tiny plastic hands on Emily beating chest t and and pushed her hands into her chest and rips out her soul and placed inside its body instead.
Morning arrives.
Mum shouts upsides 
 "Emily your breakfast bus ready"
Their is no reply band no usual tiny feet running down the stairs and a friendly "Coming Mum"
Emily mum thought this was highly unusual behaviour for Emily and decided to go up The stairs to investigate.
So Emily s mum walks up the stairs towards Emily s room to find the do or slightly ajar and sense of foreboding begins to overwhelm her.
As she enters the room she sees The doll lying in Emily's bed and Emily sitting in the chair beside her bed.
Before she can digest what is happening The doll sits up and says.
 "Is Breakfast ready mum I must have overslept"
 With this her Mother lets out an almighty scream upon realising that the doll is now her daughter And The daughter is The doll.

Announcer "So my fiends I have to go back to my coffin as sunrise is on the horizon :so goodnight and unpleasant dreams "

You have been listening to Ghostman Horror production of The Doll brought to  you by its sponsor Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd. 



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