Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Black cat paranormal interviewed by mark antony raines, ghostman

Hi there, here is the interview;

What inspired you?
Both Michelle and I have seen and had experiences with the spirit world since being children. We both look for a deeper meaning life and want to bring what we experienced and what we experience in the future to everyone so they can see, feel or affiliate with those same types of experiences in the future whilst making their own minds up about whether they believe there is an after life or not.

What are your aims?
We, like many groups want to get that one piece of evidence to show the world that there is an afterlife, and indeed the soul lives on after the body dies. Energy can change but it cannot disappear. Bridging the gaps between the two worlds would be amazing!

What plans do you have for the future?
At the moment we plan on carrying on what we are doing and how we are doing it. We are building a fantastic fan base on Twitter and Face Book but the support for our Youtube channel has wowed us! We are getting hundreds of views a day and some lovely comments from believers and sceptics alike. Out aim is not to drum 'you must be a believer' into people but just to present the evidence how we find it and what we think to allow others to make up their own minds.

You can find Black Cats Paranormal on'

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