Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Big cat debate re-ignited by a chance photo which captures 'the Beast' -mysterycatblog post repost

Big cats are again in the headlines with a claimed but disputed sighting in West Cornwall. With new evidence on the phenomenon expected later this year, Lyn Barton examines whether it is the stuff of silly season or a genuine cause for concern.
In the broad light of a Cornish day, a creature leapt at a amateur photographer leading to claims that a big cat, akin to the Beast of Bodmin Moor, is yet again on the prowl.
Henry Warren as out and about taking pictures in fields near his home in Gwinear, West Cornwall, when the large cat-like creature pounced.
The 19-year-old, who despite being stunned managed to keep his finger on the shutter button to grab an image, said he was convinced the animal must have been a big cat.
The publication of his photograph has once more re-ignited the debate about whether the Westcountry is home to packs of secretive puma-like creatures which roam the fields or - as many people claim - that the only thing on the loose is an overactive imagination.
Mr Warren said he was in no doubt about what he saw.


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