Saturday 28 December 2013


The BARN OWL -a british farmland favourite is in trouble,the BARN OWL TRUST  cliams fewer are nesting in ENGLAND since farming began about 300bc.DEVON BARN OWL TRUST -out of 170 nests normally in DEVON by now only 44 found -most failed or  just a single owlet.BARN OWLS  need prey rich foraging habitat not suppplementary feeding as stated in article found in WESTERNMORNING NEWS -PAGE 14- FRIDAY 27/12/2013.Any one who owns a building or a nestbox containing a roosting BARN OWL is urged to keep a small stock of dead day old poutry chicks and start to put food out as weatther drops below sub -zero.TO HELP OR IF SEE A DEAD OR LIVE BARN OWL-WWW.BARNOWLSURVEY.ORG.UK -WWW.BARNOWLTRUST.ORG.UK

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