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Wednesday 22 November 2023

The Dalek's Master Plan Original Airdate: 13 Nov, 1966

 The Dalek's Master Plan

Original Airdate: 13 Nov, 1966

(Transcriber's note - There are only 3 video episodes of this story available, parts 2,5 and 10. The rest are audio only from the 2001 CD set.)

Episode 1 - The Nightmare Begins


(Escaping the carnage of Troy, the Doctor, Steven and Katarina are safe aboard the Tardis, Vicki having decided to stay behind. But Steven's battle injury's more serious than first appeared, and blood poisoning makes him feverish. Katarina, the serving maid from the palace of King Priam, stands by helplessly as the Doctor tries to make Steven more comfortable. Steven lies on a divan, semi-conscious. The Doctor is at the Tardis controls trying to work out where they may be heading whilst Katarina hovers, concerned.)

KATARINA: He has a strange sickness. Can you not help him?

DOCTOR: I'm doing the very best I can, my child. Oh dear, dear, dear. It is such a worry. This poison seems to be spreading throughout the whole of his system. Yes, we need a special drug. I shall have to land somewhere.

KATARINA: What is that?

DOCTOR: Oh, we're slowing down, my dear. We're going to land in a moment.

KATARINA: Can we have reached the place of perfection so soon?

DOCTOR: Ah, well, I rather doubt it. At least, that is, we shall be stopping at a lot of places before that. Now, I want you to look after Steven, if you will, and see that you keep that wound clean. Please? That's a good girl.

[Kembel - Jungle clearing]

(Bret Vyon is bent over a small transmitter as large animals roar. Everyone say Hi! to Nicholas Courtney)

BRET: Five Zero Alpha to Charlo Charlo Egan, Five Zero Alpha to Charlo Charlo Egan, come in! Charlo Charlo Egan, this is Five Zero Alpha, can you read me? Come in!

(Close by, Kurt Gantry lies on the ground, his leg in a crude splint. He exchanges a look of despair with Vyon.)

BRET: Nothing! When we get back to Earth, I'll have every fool in CCE court-martialed!

KURT: If we get back to earth. If Central Communications has gone dead on us, we haven't a hope!

BRET: We're not dead yet.

KURT: Don't fool yourself. They're out there looking for us right now. They'll find us, and then

BRET: All right, all right, they may well find us, but we've got to get through to Earth first or the whole solar system is finished.

KURT: I know. I know. Try them again.

BRET: Five Zero Alpha to Charlo Charlo Egan, come in. Five Zero Alpha to Charlo Charlo Egan, come in!

[Earth - Central Communications]

(Millions of miles away, in the central communications control room on Earth, Vyon's call is registering on the operations board. Unfortunately, the small flashing light that signals the incoming communication remains overlooked. The large room is dominated by a map of the galaxy on one wall. Shaven-headed technics go about their tasks while the two duty officers, Roald and Lizan, return to their posts after a break.)

ROALD: So it's checkmate, isn't it? I want to see the Venus-Mars games. You want to see your hero, Mavic Chen.

LIZAN: (a woman) I just happen to admire him, that's all. Well, I'm going to do some work now, even if you aren't.

(Lizan takes an observation chart and moves across to the console.)

ROALD: I tell you what. If we tune into Channel 403, we'll get the news. That should cover both our requirements. Agreed?

LIZAN: Ah, but we may only get a report of what Mavic Chen said, not actually see him.

ROALD: That's hardly likely. The Guardian of the Solar System is going away on holiday. He will, no doubt, say a few well-chosen words. Every well-chosen word will no doubt be transmitted.

LIZAN: And what about the routine calls?

ROALD: Oh, you worry too much. The next one's Five Zero Alpha.

LIZAN: Five Zero Alpha?

ROALD: It's not for another twenty minutes. Well, what about 403?

LIZAN: Bring up 403 please. Five Zero Alpha? Is that the patrol out looking for Marc Cory?

ROALD: Yes, the agent who disappeared near the planet Kembel. Probably crashed, so they think. Hey, bring up the sound! It's Mavic Chen on holiday.

CHEN [OC]: Yes. The mineral agreement with the fourth galaxy proved a little more complicated than was at first expected.

INTERVIEWER [OC]: And as that has been concluded so successfully, I'm sure that no one will begrudge you little time off. Where are you going to on this trip?

CHEN [OC]: That I am keeping a secret. I hope to be able to get away from all interviewers. I'm just going to climb aboard my Spar and drift about the solar system.

LIZAN: Drifting round the solar system! That's the life if you can get it.

ROALD: Well, become a galactic politician and who knows? Maybe one day you will. As far as I'm concerned, give me terra firma any day.

LIZAN: You are in a rut, my friend. Now if I had the latest Flip T-4, I

ROALD: It's a trifle brash, isn't it? There are other space vessels, you know.

LIZAN: You mean the Spar 740?

ROALD: Yes. If I had to travel around ultra-space, I'd think the 740. Elegance, plus ultimate technology.

LIZAN: It hasn't got the speed.

ROALD: Speed isn't everything.

INTERVIEWER [OC]: Is there anything you would like to say to the citizens before you depart?

CHEN [OC]: Yes. It is my earnest hope that the solar system may continue along this path of peace, this path that was laid by the signing of the non-aggression pact of 3975. Now, in this year of 4000, we can feel justly proud of that pact. May the past twenty five years prove that they are the dawn of an everlasting peace which will spread throughout the universe. Let us go forward together, secure in the knowledge that the life ahead is built on the cornerstone of richer understanding, not only of the past or of the present, but also of the future. And may it be this cornerstone, so firmly laid, be built upon in brotherhood and bring peace, progress and prosperity to each and every one of us.

INTERVIEWER [OC]: Thank you sir. I'm sure that all throughout our system echo your thoughts.

LIZAN: Even you must agree he's an impressive man.

ROALD: Yes, it's nice to hear his speech again.

LIZAN: Cynic.

LIZAN: Was that a flash?

ROALD: Where? There's nothing coming through.

LIZAN: I thought I saw one.

ROALD: You're imagining things.

LIZAN: Okay, so I'm imagining things.

[Kembel - Jungle clearing]

(Vyon abandons the transmitter. Kurt is gazing nervously into the jungle.)

KURT: They are out there, I know it. And they're getting closer.

BRET: You're imagining things. Now shut up.

KURT: Do you think I'm a fool? There's something out there and it's close.

BRET: Look, I tell you

KURT: Just listen. There.

BRET: Shh!

KURT: You heard it?

BRET: Yes. Come on, we've got to get out of here.

KURT: I stay.

BRET: What? But you know we can't fight them. Our weapons are useless against those things. Now we must move out.

KURT: How can I keep on the move with this? Have you got any more bright ideas? All that will happen is I'll hit one of those spiked plants. I nearly fell on one before.

BRET: We won't go fast, just keep moving. I'll make sure we avoid the Varga plants.

KURT: If I fall and hit one, you know what happens then.

BRET: Don't be a fool!

KURT: That could be what happened to Cory. He tripped, pricked himself on a thorn, and then he turned into one.

BRET: You're letting your imagination run riot again. Besides, we haven't seen any Varga that look like him.

KURT: Joke away, but you know I'm right. There's been no trace of Marc Cory anywhere.

BRET: Perhaps they took him prisoner.

KURT: You know they don't take prisoners.

BRET: All the more reason for you to come with me. Now come on.

(Bret moves to help Kurt to his feet, but Kurt pushes him away angrily.)

KURT: This is no time for phony heroics. I'll just slow you down, and then we'll both get it. Now without me you've got a chance. It's not a good one, but it's a chance. Just stay alive and get that message through.

BRET: I'm not going without you, is that clear?

KURT: Get out! Get out of here or I'll kill you now!

(Kurt presses his gun into Vyon's chest. Bret is shocked, but realises his friend is deadly serious and moves to pick up the transmitter before walking to the edge of the clearing.)

KURT: Bret. Good luck.

(Vyon nods briefly, then quickly turns and disappears into the jungle. Kurt moves awkwardly to a better defensive position, his gun levelled at the darkness of the forest.)

KURT: All right, I'm ready for you now.

(There's no response from the depths of the jungle. Kurt stares around wildly, becoming more and more unsettled.)

KURT: Where the devil are you? Come on!

(Behind him, there's a trembling of leaves, and a dark shape emerges from the jungle. A Dalek. As Kurt falls lifeless to the ground, the second Dalek glides out of the forest and scans the area.)

DALEK 2: One man remains. Find and destroy him!

DALEK 1: I obey!

(The Daleks glide away. Dashing through the dark jungle, Bret Vyon dodges to avoid a couple of Varga plants but then trips and crashes to the ground, smashing his radio transmitter. Vyon picks up the useless piece of equipment and looks at it in despair. As he tries to work out what to do next, a strange noise disturbs him. At the edge of the clearing, Bret watches in amazement as the Tardis materialises. He approaches the blue box cautionsly, ducking back out of sight when the door opens. The Doctor emerges, followed by Katarina.)

KATARINA: Strange place. Can you find help here?

DOCTOR: I don't know my dear, but I must try. Now, I want you to stay here and look after Steven. I shall be as quick as I can.

KATARINA: I'll do as you ask.

DOCTOR: Splendid. Now you know which switch to pull to close the doors, don't you, so I want you to do that straight away. I have my key to let myself in.


DOCTOR: Yes. This, child. Key. This opens the door from the outside. Now go in please, and shut the door. Charming.

[Outside the Tardis]

(With Katarina safely back inside the Tardis, the Doctor sets off into the jungle. Once he's gone, Bret comes out of hiding and examines the Tardis doors. After a moment he turns and hurries after the Doctor.

[Kembel - Jungle]

(Before long, the Doctor catches sight of lights up ahead. Moving closer, he sees a cluster of buildings in a wide valley, surrounded by dense jungle. i

DOCTOR: Ah. A city or perhaps a town. I wonder where we are? All I have to do is get through that jungle and perhaps then I can get some help. I must say it's a strange place to put a city.

(Bret steps into the Doctor's path, gun in hand.)

BRET: Keep absolutely still.

DOCTOR: What is it you want?

BRET: The key.

DOCTOR: What key?

BRET: Give me that key or I'll kill you.


(Steven has regained consciousness.)

KATARINA: The Doctor will return very soon. He will get help.

STEVEN: Where are we?

KATARINA: On our way through the underworld.

STEVEN: What? Look, I don't understand. Vicki. Troy. Oh. You helped me when that Trojan

KATARINA: Deep calm. You must rest.

STEVEN: Did the Doctor bring you on board?

KATARINA: Yes. We all make the journey together.

STEVEN: Who are you?

KATARINA: Katarina. I served as handmaid to the High Priestess Cassandra. But you must rest. The Doctor will bring help. Don't ask any more questions.

STEVEN: I, I want.

(Steven passes out again as the doors open. Katarina turns in surprise to see Bret enter the Tardis.)

KATARINA: Did the Doctor sent you?

BRET: That's right. The old man sent me.

KATARINA: Have you bought help?

BRET: This is fantastic. You, what's your name?

KATARINA: Katarina. Did the Doctor send you to cure the sickness?

BRET: Yes, but we must shut the doors first. The old man said you knew the switch.

KATARINA: Yes, here.

(As Katarina closes the doors, Bret continues to gaze around the outsized Tardis interior in amazement.)

BRET: What sort of craft is this? I've seen most, but nothing like this. From the outside it looked so small. How do you work this thing?

KATARINA: Only the Doctor works his temple.

BRET: His what?

(Bret tries a few switches.)

KATARINA: You must help Steven.

BRET: Yes, yes, of course I'll help Steven, but we must get back to Earth first. I explained this to the old man, the, er, Doctor.

(But the agent only succeeds in unknowingly activating the exterior scanner.)

KATARINA: We can't go back to Earth, we've left it.

BRET: That means we can get back?

(Coming round once more, Steven struggles to understand what's happening. On the scanner, he can see the Doctor approaching outside.)

BRET: Katarina, are you sure you don't know how to work this?

KATARINA: How could I know? It belongs to the Doctor.

BRET: The old man said this was no ordinary ship, and he was right.

[Outside the Tardis]

(Outraged but unharmed, the Doctor has returned to the Tardis.)

DOCTOR: So, you'd use physical violence, would you? You don't know what you've let yourself in for. So you've left the key in the door! Well, well, that's the first big mistake, isn't it? Yes, very foolish. Very foolish indeed, young man. Well now, it's brain, or brawn rather, versus brain? I've got you beaten from the start, young man!


(Bret is still trying to make sense of the Tardis controls when Steven attacks him with a spanner.)


[Outside the Tardis]

(Outside, the Doctor is distracted by a roaring overhead.)

DOCTOR: I wonder if that spaceship has anything to do with that violent young man, or any connection with that city below. Yes, there are one or two questions I must have answered.

[Reception hall]

(In the reception hall of the city, a Dalek reports to the Dalek Supreme.)

DALEK 2: Control reports space vessel 1-11 in landing circuit.

BLACK: Is all prepared?

DALEK 2: Everything is ready.

(The Black Dalek waits to greet the new arrival.)


(When Bret comes round he has a splitting headache, and finds himself unable to move.)

DOCTOR: (chuckles) I doubt that you'll be able to get out of there in a hurry, my friend.

BRET: What is it?

DOCTOR: Oh, it's a little invention of mine, I call it the magnetic chair. It has a forcefield strong enough to restrain a herd of elephants, so I wouldn't waste your energy trying to escape. You will stay there until I direct otherwise.

(The Doctor crosses over to Katarina, who is tending to Steven.)

DOCTOR: How is he, my dear?

KATARINA: He's asleep.

DOCTOR: Yes. Oh, by the way, I've found a city. And just as I was about to ascertain it's locale, that young ruffian set about me.

KATARINA: Can you get help for Steven?

DOCTOR: Oh yes, I hope so. Just a minute. That young man, did he say anything?


DOCTOR: That's strange. Yes, I shall have to cross-examine him when I get back. But don't worry, he's quite safe. Our guest is quite unable to move until I press that little switch at the back. So you're quite safe. Yes, he's quite harmless. Oh, and quite comfortable, I hope?

[Kembel - Jungle]

(Leaving the Tardis, the Doctor struggles through the thick jungle towards the city, oblivious to the dangers around him. Narrowly avoiding a Varga plant, he approaches the city walls and stumbles across a humanoid skeleton still covered in scraps of clothing. The Doctor examines the body quickly.)

DOCTOR: Well, I wonder. Is this the solar system?

(A spool of tape is lying discarded a few feet away.)

DOCTOR: It's very strange.

(Pocketing the tape, the Doctor continues on his way.)

DOCTOR: Yes, strange indeed. Well.

[Reception hall]

(The spacecraft that the Doctor observed lands at the Dalek spaceport.)

DALEK 2: Space vessel 1-11 touch down completed.

BLACK: Excellent. I will await our guest here.

(Concealing in the shadows by the landing area, the Doctor is horrified by what he sees.)

DOCTOR: Daleks!


(Steven's fever is getting worse. Katarina sits at his side pressing a cool cloth to his brow.)

BRET: What's the matter with him? I said, what's the matter with him?

KATARINA: He's sick. The Doctor says he's poisoned in the blood.

BRET: There are some tablets in the pouch of my belt. Give him two.

KATARINA: But you're an enemy. The Doctor's gone to get help.

BRET: He won't find any on this planet, believe me, so why not try the tablets? I hate to see anyone die through stupidity.

KATARINA: I do not understand you.

BRET: For heaven's sake, girl, take the tablets and give them to him!

KATARINA: All right.

BRET: Now you're showing some sense.


BRET: Yes. It's all right. I won't harm you. This chair of the Doctor's seems to be everything he claimed. All right. The tablets are in that tube.

KATARINA: Are these tablets?

BRET: What do they look like? Take two and put them in his mouth. They dissolve quickly and take effect almost immediately. Praise be that you're not nursing me! It's all right. He'll be all right now. You can leave him alone.

KATARINA: If you're wrong, the Doctor will be angry. I've disobeyed him.

BRET: If Steven, or whatever his name is, recovers, you'll be forgiven. and if the Doctor gets back here soon.

(Glancing up at the scanner, Bret sees a Dalek enter the clearing.)

BRET: (sotto) No!

[Reception hall]

(The Doctor continues to watch the Daleks in the reception area.)

DALEK 2: Our new ally approaches!

(The Dalek's visitor comes into sight. Tall, distinguished, stern yet almost benign looking with grey flecked beard and slightly oriental appearance, and eyebrows permanently arched quizzically, it is Mavic Chen, Guardian of the Solar System.)

BLACK: We welcome you as we welcome all allies of the Daleks.

CHEN: I am honoured to be here, and to be part of your plan to conquer Earth and all the planets in the solar system.

(The Daleks lead Chen from the reception hall and into the city. With great urgency the Doctor edges away from the city walls. Half running, half stumbling, he retraces his steps through the jungle back to the Tardis.)

[Outside the Tardis]

(Reaching the edge of the clearing, the Doctor stops in his tracks. Something is wrong. The door of the Tardis is ajar, and as he watches, a Dalek appears from behind the ship, followed by two more.)

Episode 2 - Day of Armageddon

(from the 'Lost in Time' DVD)

[Outside the Tardis]

DALEK 1: Inform base security that a further intruder craft has been located.

DALEK 2: I obey.

DALEK 1: Security patrols five and seven will converge on this area. Priority alert. Invaders to be located and destroyed.

(Deeply concerned for his companions, the Doctor edges back deeper into the cover of the jungle. In the clearing, the Daleks receive their new orders.)

DALEK 1: A message from the Dalek Supreme. Operation Inferno to be put into execution at once.

DALEK 2: Inform all units. Evacuate patrols to safety areas. Confirm with units in position. On confirmation, start abbreviated countdown for Operation Inferno.

[Conference room]

(Mavic Chen is seated in solitary splendour, writing left to right then right to left, at the head of the huge table. Having missed the preliminary sessions of the conference, he's spent the last hour studying transcripts of the meeting. As Chen reads, a humanoid creature wearing a full length black cloak and hood with slanting gashes for eye holes sweeps down the entrance ramp into the room, a sinister menacing figure. He approaches Chen who looks up, his concentration disturbed.)

ZEPHON: Mavic Chen, Guardian of the Solar System?

CHEN: Yes?

ZEPHON: I am Zephon, Master of the Fifth Galaxy.

CHEN: Of course. I had hoped to meet you once before, at the Intergalactic Conference of Andromeda.

ZEPHON: I did not attend, and now you know the reason. The Daleks held a separate council at the same time. None of us of the outer galaxies went to yours.

CHEN: Except Trantis.

ZEPHON: We agreed to send a delegate in order that the conference should not become suspicious.

CHEN: I've been reading the reports on the previous meetings here. The Daleks have evolved a most interesting plan.

ZEPHON: We of the outer galaxies have contributed to it also.

CHEN: Of course. But you must admit the Daleks have a genius for war.

ZEPHON: That is so. However, one thing surprises me. That you, Guardian of the Solar System, have agreed to become one of us.

CHEN: Why the surprise? As you say, I am Guardian of the Solar System. But that is nothing more than a part, however influential, of one galaxy. Would you be satisfied with just a part of a galaxy?

ZEPHON: The solar system is exceptional. In its power lies influences far outside its own sphere. Surely by joining with the forces determined to destroy that power, you mark yourself up as a supreme traitor?

CHEN: Traitor? (laughs) An archaic word for so advanced a man as yourself. Considering that the planet Fisar and the Embodiment Gris have both, at different times, tried to depose you, do you still maintain that you're the mouthpiece for your own galaxy?

ZEPHON: I do, now that I am all-powerful with my position.

CHEN: True. But then you do not understand the conflicting powers within our solar system. Now let us go and take some air. This is hardly the time or the place for so serious a discussion.

ZEPHON: But first we must

CHEN: Some air.

(Unaware that their conversation has been monitored, Chen and Zephon leave.


(A Dalek reports their exchange to the Dalek Supreme)

BLACK: Report.

DALEK 1: Guardian of the Solar System Chen must be watched. His ambitions exceed his usefulness.

BLACK: When he has served his purpose, he, like the others, will be eliminated. No power in this universe can stop the Daleks.

[Kembel - Jungle]

(When Steven awakes he is confused to find himself in the jungle.)

STEVEN: Where's the Doctor?

KATARINA: He will be here soon.

STEVEN: I don't understand. Where are we? I can't think straight.

KATARINA: You must rest. The tablets I gave you have made you better, but you must still rest.

STEVEN: Tablets? What's going on here? What are we doing out here in the jungle?

KATARINA: We had to leave the temple. The Tardis. The evil ones came.

STEVEN: Evil ones?

KATARINA: He called them the Daleks?

STEVEN: Daleks!

(Still weakened by his fevers, Steven drifts back into unconsciousness. Katarina watches over him with some concern when a small sound behind her makes her turn. The bushes part and the Doctor emerges.)

DOCTOR: Katarina!

KATARINA: My lord.

DOCTOR: Doctor. Doctor. What are you both doing here?

KATARINA: The evil ones searched for us but Bret helped us. He said they were evil.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, whoever this Bret is, he's quite right. The Daleks are evil things.

KATARINA: Bret is the man you put in your magic chair.

DOCTOR: What? That young ruffian?

KATARINA: But he helped us.

DOCTOR: And you released him?

KATARINA: Was I not right to do so? When the evil ones came he said we had to flee from your temple.

DOCTOR: Girl, my Tardis, child, my Tardis. Yes, you were right. I mean, he wasn't to know that you were quite safe away from the Daleks in there. How is this young man?

STEVEN: I'll be all right in a minute or two, thanks, Doc.

DOCTOR: Good, good, good.

KATARINA: Bret says the time is four thousand, and he came here and only just got away from the evil ones. He gave Steven some white tablets, and he's almost well again.

DOCTOR: I see, I see. Yes, and I clamped him in that chair, and he's the very fellow with the antitoxin. Well, young man, you'd better pull yourself together. We've got some work to do.

(Hiding in the bushes, looking down into the clearing towards the Tardis, Bret watches as two more Daleks, both carrying flame-throwing equipment instead of sink-plungers, join the rest of the patrol.)

DALEK 1: Operate pyro-flames!

DALEKS 2 + 3: We obey!

(The Daleks turn their flame-throwers on the surrounding jungle and instantly the trees are ignited, trailing fire down into the undergrowth. In seconds an inferno is raging, spreading and growing into a curtain of flame. Horrified, Bret scrambles to his feet and hurries back to the place he left Katarina and Steven. A little way off, the Doctor and his companions are as yet unaware of the danger they're in. Steven is struggling to get to his feet as Bret approaches.)

DOCTOR: Aren't you feeling better?

STEVEN: Look, Doctor, I think I can manage on my own.

DOCTOR: Carefully, carefully. Now, just rest for a minute. Take a few deep breaths. Don't you try to run before you can walk, although you might have to. Oh, it's Bret, isn't it? Yes, thank you. Tell me what's happening?

BRET: It's the Daleks, they're using flame guns. I think they're going to burn down the jungle.

DOCTOR: Good gracious me. We must try to get back to the Tardis. We're in grave danger here.

STEVEN: Doctor, don't you see? It's a trap. That's exactly what they want us to do.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, possibly, possibly.

STEVEN: We can't act without thinking.

DOCTOR: I never do and never shall.

STEVEN: You were all set to go straight back to the Tardis.

KATARINA: He said we should never have left it.

DOCTOR: Yes, you're quite right, my dear. It's the safest place.

STEVEN: Oh, yes. If the Daleks are waiting outside for us, it will be suicide.

DOCTOR: Oh, not necessarily, not.

STEVEN: Who's going to play the scapegoat?

KATARINA: Supposing Steven were right?

DOCTOR: Well, in this instance, child, he might be, but I know the Daleks.

STEVEN: So do I, Doctor. Look, I say we should stay here until we know exactly what they're going to do.

DOCTOR: They could track us down at any time.

STEVEN: We'd hear them. I mean, the Mechanoids

DOCTOR: Oh, they were robots.

STEVEN: So what?

DOCTOR: These are Daleks. Now you listen to me, young man, I am in charge of this situation.

BRET: Sir! Will you shut up! At least that's stopped you arguing.

DOCTOR: Well upon my soul.

BRET: Now, look here, I don't care what happens to you, but I have got to warn Earth.

DOCTOR: Yes, and you will have to do far more than that. If the Daleks are doing something drastic, then we have to stop the Daleks. Now will you shut up, sir?

(The Daleks spread out, relentlessly blasting at the undergrowth. Unchecked, the fire spreads quickly, enveloping more and more of the forest. Jungle creatures begin to howl and screech in panic, and a think paul of black smoke rises. blotting out the stars. As the fire rages closer, the Doctor and Bret are still arguing about what to do next.)

BRET: One, learn the Dalek plans.

DOCTOR: We know, young man.

BRET: And two, get the information back to Earth.

DOCTOR: Now just listen, listen, listen. Think back for a moment. Just think back. If the Daleks were going to attack Earth, as you seem to fear, then you must tell Earth to look back in the history of the year 2157, and that the Daleks are going to attack again. History will show how to deal with them.

BRET: Who cares about history?

DOCTOR: Now listen

STEVEN: I can smell smoke. Yes, look!

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, you're quite right, young man. They're going to trap us.

KATARINA: Doctor, it's like the wall of fire.

DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no. Not quite, not quite, my dear. We've got to get out of here. Come on. This way.

BRET: What? That's the way to the Dalek city.

DOCTOR: But of course. That's the last place they will expect us to go. Come along.

[Reception area]

(From the safety of the reception area in the Dalek city, Chen and Zephon observe the fire as it decimates the jungle.)

CHEN: The magnificent power of the flame. Primitive but efficient.

ZEPHON: You, too, would have used ultrasonics?

CHEN: If I had nothing better. The meeting must start soon.

ZEPHON: You appear so keen to be a model delegate one might think you are afraid of the Daleks.

CHEN: A dangerous statement. Remember where you are.

ZEPHON: Ha! The solar system is so far behind that it believes the Daleks need to eavesdrop?

CHEN: Of course not.

ZEPHON: The Daleks needed me. Without my help, they would never have got the co-operation of the masters of Celation and Beaus. We are on equal terms.

CHEN: Really? Three galaxies for the price of one.

ZEPHON: I do not understand you.

CHEN: Perhaps I'm the one of those who knows my place. Are you coming in to take your seat?

ZEPHON: They will not start the meeting without me. I feel like waiting here.

(Bowing in a show of hollow courtesy, Chen goes inside, leaving Zephon alone in the reception area.)

[Conference room]

(The delegates are beginning to gather. The Black Dalek Supreme is already in position on a raised dais at the far end of the room. A second Dalek glides over and discreetly makes its report.)

DALEK: Zephon.

BLACK: It was expected. His usefulness is over.

[City wall]

(From the city wall, the Doctor, Bret and the others look down on the spaceport.)

BRET: Look at that.

STEVEN: Just look at those ships. Beautiful, aren't they?

BRET: That one in the middle. That's from Earth. That's Mavic Chen's.

DOCTOR: You know that spaceship?

BRET: Yes, I do. It belongs to the Guardian of the Solar System.

DOCTOR: Oh, then you'll know how to fly it?

BRET: Yes, of course I do, but that's

DOCTOR: Well, that's the one to go for, isn't it?

BRET: I can't believe it. It doesn't make sense.

STEVEN: If you know how to use it, what's the worry?

BRET: He's the Guardian. Don't you understand?

STEVEN: So what? We don't want him, just his ship.

BRET: He's the ultimate head of the solar system. Now what's he doing here with the Daleks?

STEVEN: That's what we'll have to find out, isn't it?

DOCTOR: Will you both be quiet, please! We're going to take that spaceship if we're going to warn Earth.

STEVEN: Look out.

(The Doctor creeps forward along the wall towards the reception area. When he gets to the end he peers round then ducks back out of sight, signalling the others to stay down. About twenty feet away, delegate Zephon is still transfixed by the fire on the horizon. Slowly he moves forward, coming nearer to the Doctor's hiding place. Bret edges towards the Doctor, signing as he approaches. The Doctor presses back against the wall as Bret moves past. When Zephon is near enough, Bret jumps out and knocks him unconscious. The travellers drag the creature out of sight.)

[Conference room]

(Inside the Dalek city, the conference room is almost full. Only one of the delegates is still missing.)

BLACK: Where is the Master of Zephon?

CHEN: He will be here. Eventually.

BLACK: Search for him!

[Outside the Dalek City]

(Steven and Bret finish tying up Zephon with vines and creepers.)

STEVEN: What is it? I've never seen anything like this. It's hideous.

DOCTOR: Well, obvious or not, my boy, it's quite obvious he's one of the representatives.

STEVEN: It's a good job we managed to find these vines.

BRET: Now we can get to the ship.

DOCTOR: No, no. Not yet, not yet. Not until we find out exactly what the Daleks are planning, and this may be our only chance.

BRET: I don't understand.

DOCTOR: I'm going to that conference.

STEVEN: Doctor, that's crazy. You can't go to their conference.

DOCTOR: Why not? If I wear his cloak, why not?

STEVEN: Should they find you, they'll kill you.

DOCTOR: Oh, nonsense. You three can take over the spaceship, and I can join you later.

KATARINA: Are you sure you will be safe?

DOCTOR: Oh yes, now don't worry, my child, don't worry.

(Taking Bret to one side, the Doctor hands him the tape he found in the jungle.)

DOCTOR: I found this, and I don't know whether it's relevant or not, but hold onto it safely.

BRET: Where did you find it?

DOCTOR: Oh, in the jungle. Now I want you, I want you to give me enough time to get to that meeting and find out exactly what's going on. Then I will head back to Chen's spaceship.

BRET: And how long will that take?

DOCTOR: Well, I must leave that to your own judgment. If, of course, you hear any kind of uproar, well then you'll have to get into the spaceship and go off without me.

BRET: Doctor, we can't leave you.

DOCTOR: Oh, nonsense, nonsense. Earth must be warned about the Daleks and about Chen.

BRET: You are a very brave man.

DOCTOR: Rubbish. Rubbish, my boy. I'm only doing what has to be done. Now come on, help me on with this cloak. Be quick about it. Come along.

[City corridor]

(As the Doctor struggles into Zephon's cloak and hood, the Daleks continue to search the city for the missing delegate.)

DALEK 1: Has the representative Zephon passed this way?

DALEK 2: He and the Earth creature went to the reception area.

DALEK 1: Has he returned?

DALEK 2: Only the creature from Earth returned this way.

DALEK 1: Zephon must still be there. Come with me. He has to be found.

[Outside the City]

(Before long, the Daleks find the Doctor, now disguised as Zephon, close to the reception area.)

DALEK 1: Representative Zephon? The meeting is about to begin. You will follow me.

(The Doctor accompanies the first Dalek into the city, the second following behind to ensure his cooperation. As soon as it is safe, Steven, Bret and Katarina emerge from hiding.)

BRET: The old man certainly has got nerve.

KATARINA: The strange ones will not hurt him?

STEVEN: I hope not. Anyway, he's doing his part, we must do ours. Let's get that ship.

(They move off past the prone Zephon, who groans quietly and struggles feebly against his bonds.)

[Conference room]

(The Daleks escort the disguised Doctor into the conference room)

TRANTIS: (with pointed teeth) The master of the Fifth Galaxy has seen fit to join us?

BLACK: Take your place.

(The Doctor moves towards what he hopes is Zephon's chair.)

CHEN: You seem lost, representative Zephon. Here's your place, next to me.

(Hesitantly, the Doctor moves to sit in the chair that Chen has indicated.)

BLACK: This seventh meeting is now in session. Representatives, I have important news. The time destructor is now completed. It only requires the core to be fitted.

(As the assembled representatives enthusiastically signal their approval, Mavic Chen moves up to stand alongside the Dalek Supreme.)

BLACK: Mavic Chen, Guardian of the Solar System, will address the meeting.

CHEN: As your most recent ally, and the newest member to stand in this great universal council, I am delighted to be able to make so significant a contribution to our conquest of the universe. I now present you with the core of the time destructor. A full emm of taranium, the rarest mineral in the universe. It's taken fifty Earth years to acquire even this amount.

TRANTIS: If it has taken so long for the solar system to acquire it, why was not one of us of the outer galaxies asked to provide it?

CHEN: As the Daleks know, taranium can only be found on one of the dead planets of the solar system. Without this, the time destructor is useless. All the plans made here could not succeed. I, Mavic Chen, give you the core of the time destructor.

(Chen places the small box containing the taranium on the table before the Black Dalek. Regaining consciousness, Zephon finds himself tied hand and foot at the perimeter of the reception area. Struggling unsuccessfully to free himself, he spots an emergency alarm and begins to shuffle towards it.)

[Spar ship]

(Meanwhile, Bret has let Steven and Katarina into the spaceport, where they sneak aboard Chen's Spar and take the engineer and pilot by surprise.)

BRET: I'm taking over this spaceship. Over there. Tie them up.

(With great determination, Zephon edges closer and closer to the emergency alarm. As Steven and Katarina dump the bound and gagged crew of the Spar outside the ship.)

KATARINA: The men will not be found?

STEVEN: No, not unless the Daleks patrol the landing area.

BRET: That's the one place they won't be patrolling.

STEVEN: Let's hope not, otherwise it's the end of the Doctor.

KATARINA: He must come. he must come.

(Gasping from the exertion, Zephon finally manages to raise the alarm. Inside the Spar, Bret and the others fear that the alarm must mean the Doctor has been discovered.)

[Conference room]

(The room erupts into chaos.)

DALEK 1: Locate intruders! Locate intruders!

CHEN: What's happening?

DALEK 2: Seal off the area.

DALEK 3: Check alarm location.

DALEK 4: Report! Alarm! Report!

(Seizing his chance, the Doctor snatches the taranium core from the table and makes for the entrance ramp as Zephon appears at the top. The Doctor turns and dashes towards another exit.)

ZEPHON: That's him! Stop him! Stop the creature! Stop the creature!

[Spar ship]

BRET: We've got to go.

STEVEN: We mustn't leave him!

KATARINA: (praying) Great One, don't leave us. Don't let the strange beings catch you.

BRET: He's been caught. We've got to leave.


BRET: He said we had to leave.


KATARINA: Stop! Without him, we can't reach the place of perfection.

BRET: We won't. We're going without him.

(And he gets the engines fired up.)

Episode 3 - Devil's Planet

[Spar ship]

BRET: We're going into countdown.

STEVEN: That light!

BRET: It's the outer door! It's not fully shut. Quick, or we'll all be sucked out!

STEVEN: Hold countdown! It's the Doctor!

(Bret freezes the countdown sequence, and they help the breathless Doctor into the ship.)

DOCTOR: Get us off, Bret! Get us off! Get us off! Take off, man.

BRET: Stand by, everyone. Take off!

DOCTOR: That was rather violent acceleration, young man.

[Dalek Control room]

(The Dalek Supreme is showing signs of great agitation as they track the launch of Chen's Spar.)

DALEK 1: Altitude 5 sections. Speed 3000.

DALEK 2: Vessel attained gravitational escape velocity.

BLACK: Cut in automatic trackers.

DALEK 2: All is ready for their space extinction.

BLACK: Do not destroy! That vessel must not be destroyed.

DALEK 1: Trackers operating.

BLACK: Prepare Neutronic Randomiser.

DALEK 1: Stand by Randomiser.

BLACK: The intruders must be caught alive.

[Spar ship]

(Unaware of the Dalek's intentions, the Doctor and his companions believe they've had a lucky escape.)

DOCTOR: Well done, Bret, Well done. You got us off very well.

BRET: Thanks. I thought you weren't going to make it.

DOCTOR: Of course I was. You're far too pessimistic. Now, where's that little box of mine?

STEVEN: This one?

DOCTOR: Yes. Ah, splendid, splendid. The Daleks' plans are utterly useless without this.

STEVEN: Why? what did you find out at the Council meeting?

DOCTOR: They've allied themselves with the rulers of the outer galaxies to take over the Universe.

BRET: Universe?

DOCTOR: Yes, their first objective being Earth and then the solar system.

STEVEN: Then we've got to warn Earth and fast!

BRET: But what about Mavic Chen?

DOCTOR: Oh, he's one of them, my friend. By sacrificing the Solar System, he hopes to gain more power.

BRET: That's impossible!

DOCTOR: Oh no it isn't, no it isn't! Therefore we must get to Earth before him.

KATARINA: But how can we return to Earth? We've already left it.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know, my dear, but this is not Earth as we see it. Effectively it's something very different.

BRET: What's the matter with this girl? I mean where's she from?

STEVEN: Oh it's all right. She helped us in Troy. She doesn't really understand.

BRET: Troy?

STEVEN: Yes. Well come on, Doctor, what's so special about that box?

DOCTOR: Well, as I said before my boy, the Daleks' plans are utterly useless without this.

STEVEN: Then we've won!

DOCTOR: Tut, tut, tut. Don't open it, please.

STEVEN: Why not?

DOCTOR: It will burn your eyes. You'll go totally blind! That is a full emm of taranium.

BRET: What?

DOCTOR: Taranium.

BRET: That can only be found on the planet Uranus. A full measure would take years to mine!

DOCTOR: Fifty years, to be precise, and Mavic Chen has given this to the Daleks to complete one of the most evil weapons ever devised. Their Time Destructor.

[Conference room]

BLACK: Representative Zephon! You deny that your negligence caused the loss of the taranium core?

ZEPHON: Had the Daleks made full security arrangements, the invaders would not have reached the city.

CHEN: Had the Master of the Fifth Galaxy been less arrogant, he would have gone with me to the meeting. Instead he preferred to keep us all waiting.

ZEPHON: I believe the intruders came from the Solar System.

CHEN: Did you see them?


CHEN: Did they speak and tell you so?


CHEN: Then your accusation is preposterous.

ZEPHON: How is it the intruders knew that the taranium was here and that it was to be handed over, if they did not come from the Solar System? None of the others knew what was that Representative Mavic Chen was bringing here.

BLACK: Have you nothing to say?

CHEN: This is absurd. Why should I arrange that fifty years be spent secretly mining to acquire this mineral only to have it stolen?

ZEPHON: The quest for power. Perhaps you wanted to use the core for yourself!

CHEN: How? Only the Daleks know how to assemble the Time Destructor. I only provided the vital ingredient of the core.

ZEPHON: I didn't know about the core. How could I?

BLACK: You knew about the intruders.

ZEPHON: We all did. You were going to deal with them, or so you said.

BLACK: Silence! It is agreed that you are guilty of negligence.

(Slowly, the other delegates line up behind Mavic Chen and the Dalek Supreme. Zephon knows he's beaten, but offers one final argument.)

ZEPHON: If I go, the Masters of Celation and Beaus go with me.

BLACK: You threaten our unity.

ZEPHON: I have nothing to say. I will leave now.

(Disgusted, defeated, Zephon turns to leave for the spaceport and the safety of his ship, but a group of Daleks move to block his path. Their intention is clear. Zephon's arrogance turns to terror as the Supreme Dalek gives the order.)

BLACK: Execute!

(Zephon topples to the floor in a smoking heap.)

[Dalek control room]

BLACK: Where is the ship?

DALEK: Course 707. It is approaching the influence of the planet Desperus.

BLACK: Prepare pursuit ships. Stand by Randomiser.

[Spar ship]

(The Doctor, Bret and Steven are taking a look at the stolen taranium. They all wear visors to protect their eyes from the intense glare of the core.)

STEVEN: That is taranium.

DOCTOR: Yes, the rarest mineral in the universe.

STEVEN: Funny. It makes your eyes feel strange even with these on. It's like looking into the sun for too long.

DOCTOR: Oh, don't complain, young man. You're a very privileged person. Do you realise very few people have seen this in this universe.

STEVEN: All right, Doctor. But now that we've got it what are we going to do with it?

DOCTOR: Well, for the moment, nothing.

STEVEN: That doesn't make sense. I mean, you said yourself that the Daleks have the most dangerous weapon ever devised.

DOCTOR: We have the taranium, so for the moment we do nothing. And by doing nothing, we do everything. Do I make myself clear?

STEVEN: Come off it, Doctor. What's all that supposed to mean?

DOCTOR: Oh my dear young man, you ask so many questions. Look at Katarina over there. She doesn't ask questions, she just looks and learns. Now, why don't you try the same thing? You know I find all this extremely fascinating. It's a little primitive of course, but it's still very fascinating.

STEVEN: Look Doctor, I'm sorry, but can't we do anything?

DOCTOR: Yes. Bret, can you find me something to play magnetic tape?

BRET: Yes, Doctor. Here.

DOCTOR: Well my dear fellow, that's magnificent. It's all so convenient, isn't it. I'll play that tape that I gave you before I went to the Daleks' conference?

STEVEN: What tape's that?

DOCTOR: Oh, I found a small tape beside a skeleton and it might be able to tell us something. Katarina! Come over here, my child. Now, have a look at another wonder.

KATARINA: Everything is so strange. This isn't like your Tardis.

DOCTOR: No, my dear, no.

STEVEN: Yes, but Doctor, surely, I mean, the Daleks aren't going to leave a tape around with their plans on it?

DOCTOR: No, no, no. Bret here was searching for someone and the skeleton I found was humanoid. Well, whoever it was may learned something that we haven't.

BRET: Marc Cory! You found him? Well, Kurt and I searched that jungle but we could find no trace.

DOCTOR: Well, did you search that pairing twice?

BRET: How do you mean?

DOCTOR: Well, it so happens that kind of jungle is apt to lead you back to the same place more than once.

BRET: Yes but we were methodical or as methodical as the Daleks.

DOCTOR: Oh yes no doubt you were and I suppose I was lucky. Now play the tape. Come along, come along, stop all this talking.

CORY [OC]: This is Marc Cory, Special Security Agent, reporting from the planet Kembel.

BRET: You were right.

CORY [OC]: The Daleks are planning the complete destruction of the Galaxy. Together with the powers of the outer galaxies, a war force is being assembled and

STEVEN: That's all?

BRET: Poor Marc. He never got through.

DOCTOR: But we must. The Daleks will stop at anything to prevent us.

[Dalek Control room]

(Two Daleks continue to track the progress of the Spar as the Dalek Supreme stands behind them to observe developments.)

DALEK: Ship now at closest point to planet Desperus.

BLACK: Operate Randomiser!

[Spar ship]

(Oblivious to the approaching danger, the Doctor and his companions are discussing their next move.)

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, you must find someone who you can trust. Someone in a high enough position that may be able to help.

BRET: Well, Karlton is the man in charge of all Space Security, but he's very close to Chen.

STEVEN: Yes, this chap Karlton, he may be part of the plan with the Daleks.

BRET: It's possible.

KATARINA: What's happening?

(As the Dalek's Randomiser takes effect, the Spar lurches.)

DOCTOR: We're changing course.

(The dials on the control panel begin to fluctuate wildly.)

BRET: The steering boosters won't fire. I can't get her round.

STEVEN: Switch to manual control!

BRET: I can't. We're picking up speed.

DOCTOR: You know I believe we're approaching the gravitation point of that planet.

BRET: Desperus!

(Bret fights with the controls. His expression suggests this is not a planet he would choose to visit.)

DOCTOR: Has it any kind of atmosphere?

BRET: Yes. But we can't get off there, we'll never be able to get off again.

STEVEN: Why not? What's wrong with it?

BRET: Desperus is the penal planet of the Solar System.

DOCTOR: Well, if it's one of your prison planets, surely there are guards and warders there to help us.

BRET: They're aren't any. The only craft which stop there are prison ships bringing other criminals. If we crash there, we'll be left there to rot for the rest of our lives away.

DOCTOR: You must try to land softly somewhere.

BRET: I can't! This vessel is out of my control!

(The Spar plunges towards Desperus.)

[Dalek Control room]

DALEK: Space vessel's instruments now randomised.

DALEK 2: On course for planet Desperus. Impact in point 6. Remote control standing by.

BLACK: Cut in remote control.

DALEK: Now under Dalek control.

BLACK: Reduce descent velocity. Vessel must make soft landing.

DALEK: I obey.

BLACK: Pursuit ships to stand by.

CHEN: A highly effective operation. May I congratulate you?

BLACK: Dalek technology is the most advanced in the Universe.

CHEN: You still haven't recovered the taranium.

BLACK: We shall. It is strange that the intruders took your space vessel. Perhaps they were indeed creatures from Earth.

CHEN: My Spar was the last to arrive here, so consequently was in the best position to leave quickly. But to set your mind at rest, I will return to Earth now and if I find that the intruders do come from there, they will be dealt with quickly and without arousing any suspicion.

BLACK: Very well. A vessel similar to your own craft will be put at your disposal.

CHEN: I will return here as soon as all final preparations for the take over are completed.

BLACK: All will be in readiness.

CHEN: Good. We don't want any more mistakes.

[Spar ship]

STEVEN: We've shut right down.

BRET: We're going to be able to make a soft landing. I don't understand it.

DOCTOR: Yes, I'm afraid I do, only too well.

STEVEN: Daleks? Well, it's some sort of remote control, I suppose. We'd all better prepare for landing.

DOCTOR: You're quite right, my boy.

BRET: If it's the Daleks, it can only mean one thing.

DOCTOR: Yes, it means that they coming after us again.


(Life on Desperus is primitive for those unfortunate enough to be sent there. In a dank gloomy cave three men sit around a rough table engaged in a power struggle that focuses on a crude knife stuck into the centre. After a brief and violent tussle Bors is victorious, and tucks the knife into his belt, nodding coarsely at two women in the corner.)

BORS: It's mine again, and they stay where you are.

GARGE: With the soft life you lead, I'll be able to beat you one day.

BORS: Out on guard!

GARGE: Why is it always me?

BORS: I'm the leader. I have the knife. Do you want to argue about it?

(Garge looks sourly at Bors then, grumbling to himself picks up a crude club and leaves the cave. His leadership confirmed for now, Bors settles down to sleep. Outside, winged creatures wheel and turn in the darkening sky as Garge settles down to guard duty. Soon all is quiet. Kirksen, who is still smarting from his earlier humiliation, cannot sleep, but when he's sure that Bors is asleep, Kirksen edges around the cave stealthily crawling across the floor to where Bors is lying. He reaches for the knife in Bors' belt. Bors is instantly awake and grabs Kirksen roughly by the wrist.)

BORS: And you can build up the fire. Kirksen, like the knife, would you? Then you'd be leader. You could tell Garge what to do, like I do. You can tell me what to do!

KIRKSEN: I'll get it next time!

BORS: Who knows, perhaps you will. Now, get out and get the fuel.

(Kirksen points to the sleeping women.)

KIRKSEN: Why don't you send one of them?

BORS: Get it!

(Garge has spotted the spacecraft overhead)

BORS: I can hear it, now get out before one of the new lot come here and take over our place.

GARGE: That's not a prison ship. It's strange. I haven't seen one like it before.

BORS: Where's it landing?

GARGE: In the swamp by the look of things.

KIRKSEN: It's a strange ship. We can kill the crew and take over.

BORS: Possibly.

KIRKSEN: We can use it to get away.

BORS: It may be a crash landing.

KIRKSEN: But you can kill the crew with your knife.

BORS: Shut up! We'd better get over there right away. Others will have seen it too. Now on your way!

KIRKSEN: What about me? If you're leaving this filthy planet so am I.

(Kirksen searches the cave for some kind of weapon, then hurries out after Bors and Garge.(

[Spar ship]

(Steven and Bret are making repairs to the ship while Katarina watches at the main door.)

DOCTOR: Now, you sure you've got spare parts for this?

BRET: Certain. It's safety regulations.

DOCTOR: It's the worse of these out-of-date and primitive spaceships. One little bump and they all fall to bits.

BRET: Doctor, what are you talking about? This is a Spar, the most technically perfect craft in the history of space travel.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, quite so. That's why we are stranded on this pimple of a planet, whilst you footle with that fuse box.

STEVEN: Oh, come on, Doctor. The Tardis isn't exactly perfect is it? I mean, you can't even control where's we're going.

DOCTOR: Now, you listen to me, young man. Don't you start to criticise my Tardis. And as for space travel, you're still wet behind the ears. Oh, do get on with it both of you.

BRET: What's the matter with Grandpa?

STEVEN: Oh, it's nothing, we all have our obsessions, don't we? Now come on, Do you think we're going to have enough drive force to lift off here and get us back to Earth?

BRET: We've got to. Now, as the Doctor said, let's get on with it.

(The Doctor finds Katarina staring out of the open door into the night.)

DOCTOR: What are you doing out here, child? I thought I told you to keep these doors closed.

KATARINA: There are lights out there.

DOCTOR: Good gracious, so there are. Two. No, three. Yes, we must get on with the repairs to the ship and get away from here. Yes, those men will be vicious out there. We're liable to come under attack. That's marshy ground. Very interesting. Very interesting. Interesting.

[Dalek Control room]

DALEK: The exact location of the ship has been calculated.

BLACK: Inform the pursuit fleet.

DALEK: I obey.

DALEK [OC]: Pursuit Fleet Commander calling control. We will land on planet Desperus at one hundred.

BLACK: When the taranium is recovered, the fugitives are to be eliminated. Is that understood?

DALEK [OC]: I obey.


(Out in the swamp, Bors, Kirksen and Garge are huddled under some bushes, observing the Spar from a safe distance. It appears that they are the first of the resident convicts to reach the crash site but they're still wary.)

KIRKSEN: We were here first, let's go and get it.

GARGE: Keep quiet. This part of the swamp is tricky. We must put out the torches.

KIRKSEN: What about the screamers?

BORS: Shut up and put out that light! They're only bats.

KIRKSEN: Bats! Bats with those wings and that big!

BORS: Oh, now follow us or go back to the cave.

(Bors and Garge move off across the swamp towards the Spar. Kirksen remains where he is, frozen with fear. Out of the darkness the screamers attack. Flailing in terror, Kirksen runs off into the night.)

[Spar ship]

KATARINA: Doctor. Doctor!

STEVEN: Look, hold that reading steady, I think I can get this fixed.

BRET: Good.

KATARINA: Come on, Doctor.

(At last the Doctor appears in the doorway and Katarina helps him clamber back inside.)

DOCTOR: Oh, thank you, my dear. Where is your cactic power, rather, outlet?

BRET: What?

DOCTOR: Cactic outlet?

BRET: It's there.

DOCTOR: Where?

BRET: Under there.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Come here, my dear. No, round this way, child. Now, do you see that switch? I'll tell you when to pull it.

KATARINA: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: Oh, don't ask questions, my dear girl, otherwise you'll become like the other two. Just do as you're told.

(The Doctor pays out a length of cable from the cactic outlet across the control room to the door, where he throws the loose end down into the swamp below.)

DOCTOR: Now then. That should repel any boarders.


BORS: It's there. We'll nearly there.

GARGE: How many do you think are on board?

BORS: How should I know? Difficult to say, with a ship of that size.

GARGE: At least we've got surprise on our side. Pity we lost Kirksen.

BORS: Fool's probably gone back to the cave, frightened by the screamers. Better just the two of us.

GARGE: We've in the swamp now.

BORS: Yes, but go carefully.

[Spar ship]

(Katarina catches sight of the convicts approaching the ship.)

KATARINA: There. Doctor, something moved.

DOCTOR: Yes, I think you're right, my dear. Now you go in and stand by that switch. Wait until I'll give you an order.

(Katarina does as she is told. Outside the convicts creep closer to the ship, eventually breaking cover. The Doctor waits until he's sure the men are close enough, and then)


(Roaring with surprise and pain, Bors and Garge are lit up in a blinding flash of light. They collapse, unconscious.)

STEVEN: What's going on?

BRET: What do you think you're playing at?

DOCTOR: Oh you two go back in there and get on with your repairs. Katarina and I are trying to repel any type of boarders.

BRET: But cactic power isn't strong enough to kill anyone.

DOCTOR: But of course not. But it will knock them unconscious. Now just you remember, young man, I have no desire to kill anyone. Now go in there and get on with those repairs. I want to leave this place quickly. Hurry up please. Wasting my time. Well I think that should do the trick, my dear. Come along, let's get this cable back. There we are.

KATARINA: You show me so many strange mysteries. With you I know I'm safe.

DOCTOR: I hope so, my dear, I hope so.

(There's a loud screeching noise outside. Doctor crosses to the door in alarm. Staring into the sky he realises that the Daleks have caught up with them. He dashes back into the craft, closing the inner airlock door behind him.)

DOCTOR: It's the Dalek Spaceship! It's bound to land. Hurry up!

STEVEN: We're being as quick as we can.

DOCTOR: Get off, get off, get off!

STEVEN: That's it, Bret!

BRET: All right. Right, stand by everyone. As this take off is on now manual, it may not be quite so smooth.

BRET: Doctor, did you close the outer door?

DOCTOR: Oh I'm so sorry, I'm not used to this kind of craft.

BRET: It's all right, it doesn't matter.

(Bret pulls a lever and a red light on the console stops flashing, indicating that the exterior door is now closed. To the scream of rocket motors the Spar heaves itself away from the surface of Desperus. Glancing at the viewing screen, the Doctor is delighted at what he sees.)

DOCTOR: Look! Look! The Daleks' ship made a bad landing. That gives us the time we need.

STEVEN: We made it!

BRET: Next stop, Earth.

DOCTOR: Oh, I'm so glad to hear that, young man. Now, you got some thinking to do. Katarina, check up on that door and see that it is secure.

STEVEN: Do you realise

(Katarina screams.)

Episode 4 - The Traitors

[Spar ship]

DOCTOR: Remember, Chen will have allies on earth and

KIRKSEN: Keep back!

(Kirksen holds Katarina in a vice-like grip.)

DOCTOR: Who are you? What do you want? Release that girl!

KIRKSEN: Never mind! Who's in charge of this thing? Answer me!

BRET: I am.

KIRKSEN: Where are you heading?

BRET: Earth.

KIRKSEN: Change course. Change it!

BRET: Where to?

KIRKSEN: Not Earth. Go to the planet Kembel.

DOCTOR: Kembel!

KIRKSEN: Shut up and do as I say!

BRET: Kembel's deserted, man. It's as bad as Desperus.

KIRKSEN: Nowhere's as bad as Desperus!

STEVEN: The Daleks are on Kembel!


DOCTOR: The Daleks are no help, We're going back to Earth.

KIRKSEN: Then I shall be sent back to the Devil's planet! No, whoever the Daleks are, they'll help me.

STEVEN: You don't know about them.

KIRKSEN: I said go to Kembel! Kembel!

[Dalek Control centre]

(The Daleks receive news from Desperus.)

DALEK [OC]: Only slight damage was sustained. We are ready to continue pursuit of Earth vessel.

BLACK: What is course of Earth vessel?

DALEK: Back on course 707 heading for Earth.

BLACK: Contact Mavic Chen through secret communication red. He must recapture the taranium and exterminate creatures who took it.

DALEK: I obey.

BLACK: Pursuit vessel, return to base.

DALEK [OC]: We obey.

(The Supreme severs the radio link.)

BLACK: Destroy pursuit ship. They have failed in their mission. We will not tolerate mistakes.

[Spar ship]

(Bret and Steven work at the navigation controls.)

DOCTOR: We're changing course. Now release that girl.

KIRKSEN: Do you think I'm a fool?

STEVEN: Course is changed. We're heading for Kembel.

KIRKSEN: It doesn't feel as if we've changed.

BRET: Well, look up at the screen and you'll see.

(Steven launches himself at Kirksen, who shoves him away and drags Katarina into the airlock.)

STEVEN: Well open the door from the control panel. I'll rush him!

DOCTOR: The girl will be dead before the door's half open! Can we talk to him in there?

BRET: Yes, I've turned on the talkback.

DOCTOR: Let's try a little bluff. Now, then! Listen to me, whoever you are. Bring that girl in here, or we will press a button and you will go outside the door into space.

KIRKSEN: Then the girl dies too. If you open the outside door I'll press the inner release and then we'll all be dead!

BRET: We can't seem to get through to him. He's crazy.

DOCTOR: We've got to get Katarina out of there!

(Bret cuts off the audio link to the airlock.)

STEVEN: Stop that! Turn the talkback on again!

BRET: There's no point.

STEVEN: Turn it on again, before he really hurts her.

BRET: Look, he can't kill her or he hasn't a hostage.

(Steven turns the talkback back on and shouts)

STEVEN: You animal!

KIRKSEN: Now that's just for starters. Do as I say!

DOCTOR: Change course!

KIRKSEN: Now, that's more like it!

DOCTOR: Take him back to Kembel. Take him back to Kembel! Let the Daleks deal with him.

STEVEN: Yes, and us.

DOCTOR: Don't worry, dear boy, We'll find a way out.

(Katarina has been screaming almost all the time.)

KIRKSEN: Stop that or you're dead!

BRET: I can't sacrifice everything for the sake of that one girl.

STEVEN: Listen! Without us you wouldn't have got off Kembel at all, and nothing would be worth bothering about!

BRET: All right, so we all go back together. But without me, I doubt that you would have got this far either.

STEVEN: Yes, all right, but I won't let you hurt Katarina. We'll head back for Kembel as the Doctor says. On the way we may find a way to get her out of there.

(Katarina pulls free of Kirksen, clawing at his face with one hand and reaching for the door controls with the other.)

KIRKSEN: You won't.

STEVEN: No, not that one! Katarina!

(The outer doors open, and Katarina and Kirksen are sucked out to die in the vacuum of space.)

STEVEN: Katarina! Too late.

(There's a stunned silence aboard the Spar as the crew try to comprehend what has happened.)

STEVEN: She pressed the wrong button, Doctor.

DOCTOR: She may have wanted to, dear boy. She wanted to save our lives.

BRET: It must have been quick.

DOCTOR: I hope she's reached her Place of Perfection.

STEVEN: Yes, but not that way.

DOCTOR: She didn't understand. She couldn't understand. She wanted to save our lives and perhaps the lives of all the other beings of the Solar System. I hope she's found her Perfection. Oh, how I shall always remember her as one of the Daughters of the Gods. Yes, as one of the Daughters of the Gods.

[Dalek Control centre]

TRANTIS: Dalek Supreme, you have failed to get back the core of the time destructor.

BLACK: We shall get it back.

TRANTIS: You show too much trust in Mavic Chen.

BLACK: Mavic Chen is hungry for power. We have offered him more power than he has ever thought of. He will return to us the taranium core.

TRANTIS: Supposing he fails?

BLACK: He will not. He had been given instructions.

TRANTIS: What instructions?

BLACK: It is not necessary for you to know.

TRANTIS: As Representative of the largest of the outer galaxies, I have the right to know!

BLACK: Representative Trantis. The Daleks will not fail and neither will any of its' allies. If anything tries to stop us we will destroy it. Nothing will be allowed to stand in the way of our plan to conquer the Universe!

[Spar ship]

(The mood is sombre. Bret and Steven are at the controls as it approaches Earth.)

DOCTOR: Judging by the position of those planets, we shall land quite soon.

BRET: Yes and that's the problem. It won't be easy.

DOCTOR: Oh, haven't we sufficient powerdrive to land safely?

BRET: Yes but we can't land at the main landing area. Remember, this is Chen's space vessel.

DOCTOR: Yes, you've got a point there. Where can we land?

BRET: An experimental plant a little way off from Central City. I have a friend there I think will help us.

[Chen's office]

(On his return to Earth, Chen has a meeting in his office with Lizan, and Karlton the Head of the Special Security Service.)

CHEN: So that's our traitor.

LIZAN: Yes, Bret Vyon. Bred on Mars Colony 16. Joined Space Security Service 3990. Gained First Rank 3995. Gained Second Rank 3998.

CHEN: You have a good memory.

LIZAN: Thank you, Guardian.

CHEN: And he looks like that?

LIZAN: Exactly like that. How can he look otherwise? Guardian, have you no faith in computerised data?

CHEN: Every faith. But this information is vital. The man is dangerous and must be caught. I would hate there to be any mistake.

LIZAN: A mistake is impossible. Our computer network contains precise chemical details of every man, woman, and child within our Solar System.

CHEN: There are forty billion people in the Solar System. Doesn't that provide some scope for error?

LIZAN: There is no scope for error.

CHEN: Very well, have it sent out to all stations. Now, what about Gantry, the other traitor?

LIZAN: We're working on his identity projection now. It should be ready shortly.

KARLTON: Since Vyon is in command, I gave priority to his projection.

CHEN: Excellent. Excellent! Vyon and Gantry were the two who never reported in from the planet, Kembel, am I right?

LIZAN: Yes, Guardian.

CHEN: Then they are the two who took over my Spar. It's possible they may be in association with some other creatures. But we don't know where from.

KARLTON: When you catch Vyon and Gantry, you catch them, too.

(Chen turns to gaze benevolently at Lizan.)

CHEN: You've done well. I want all Space Security agents called back to Earth. If the traitors are not caught at the landing zone, then Central City must be cordoned off until they are found. And Lizan! They will be killed on sight. Give out the instructions.

LIZAN: Yes, Guardian.

(Lizan leaves the office, delighted to have been of service to the leader she so admires. Chen turns to Karlton.)

CHEN: I think that takes care of that. You know, Karlton, some of your agents are getting too good. We don't want to spoil things for ourselves at this stage.

KARLTON: They won't. I've already insisted that all future operations shall be cleared with me before they're begun.

CHEN: If you'd done that in the first place, we wouldn't be in this spot.

KARLTON: Cory's mission was one that he kept to himself. It was done without official sanction of any kind.

CHEN: And you could hardly have stopped the others after his distress signal. You must do better than that. I would hate to have to lose you.

KARLTON: You know you can trust me.

[Spar ship]

(Steven and the Doctor are strapped into their seats in preparation for landing.)

BRET: The drive force is very weak.

DOCTOR: But can we land?

BRET: Yes, but I don't know what would happen. The pull is too hard.

STEVEN: We can't crash now!

BRET: I'm afraid I may not be able to help it.

STEVEN: Yes, well remember, Bret, we got some valuable cargo on board.

BRET: What, the taranium?

STEVEN: And the Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, I heard that. Now, don't concern yourselves over me. I can look after myself. The most important factor is this taranium.

BRET: Right, stand by.

[Chen's office]

(Contemplating the huge map of the Universe that dominates the wall of his office, Chen almost forgets that Karlton is still in the room with him. His plans for universal domination are now at risk. Years of careful scheming sabotaged by the theft of the taranium.)

CHEN: Only because of the taranium am I on the council.

KARLTON: It will be returned.

CHEN: It's got to be. I want that position, right beside the Daleks. I'll govern the Universe!

KARLTON: Surely Trantis will be first after the Daleks?

CHEN: Trantis? Trantis! They don't like him. Agreed that his is the largest galaxy, but he's already demanding too much say in what goes on. They'll want him out of the way now, and I have a plan which may help them to achieve just that. Then it'll be me, Mavic Chen, who'll be next in line.

KARLTON: And I will be there behind you.

CHEN: Of course.

KARLTON: Of course.

CHEN: Is your Special Force dealing with Bret Vyon?

KARLTON: Not completely. I thought it wiser to use some of the ordinary security men.

CHEN: Hmm, very good. We'll need your men next time. Who's in command?

KARLTON: Kingdom.

CHEN: Kingdom? Ruthless, hard, efficient. And does exactly as ordered.


(Karlton picks up the communications receiver on the desk and listens for a moment.)

KARLTON: Ah ha! I see. Carry out emergency plan B. The traitors have arrived.

CHEN: Good.

KARLTON: But not at the landing area.

CHEN: What?

KARLTON: They have crash-landed at the experimental station.

[Experimental station]

(Uninjured despite their bumpy landing, the Doctor, Steven and Bret are now inside the main complex.)

BRET: No one here. We'll have to wait. Come on.

(Bret leads the Doctor and Steven into the empty office of his friend Daxtar. As he closes the door, a Special Security agent appears at the end of the corridor.)

[Chen's office]

(A little while later, Karlton reports back to Chen.)

KARLTON: Kingdom is here.

CHEN: Good. Come in, Kingdom, come in.

(Kingdom enters. Sara Kingdom. She is strikingly attractive, dressed in the black cat suit of all SSS operatives but she is unsmiling, her blue-grey eyes lacking any warmth. Here is direct descendant of Princess Joanna from The Crusades, as she is played by Jean Marsh.)

CHEN: You know what's happened?

SARA: Yes.

CHEN: Do you know how many there are?

SARA: Three. Bret Vyon and two strangers. They look as though they could come from Earth but are oddly dressed. None of them can leave the plant.

CHEN: Good.

SARA: They're in the main block. I'm going to capture them myself.

CHEN: Before you do that, there is something you have to know.

[Daxtar's office]

(Steven is restlessly pacing around the room as they wait.)

STEVEN: Look, where on earth is this Daxtar?

BRET: He shouldn't be long.

DOCTOR: And I think we're just wasting valuable time sitting about here waiting for this man, Baxter or Daxtor or whatever he call himself.

BRET: Doctor, Daxtar is in a position to help us.

DOCTOR: Surely everyone must know that Chen's space-ship has crash-landed only a short distance away from here. There must be hundreds of people looking for us!

BRET: Doctor, there are very few people allowed near this place, it's a restricted area. Look, don't you understand that Chen will probably have returned to Earth by this time. He'd have realised that I was the man on the planet Kembel. I expect we're wanted men by this time.

DOCTOR: But this is an experimental plant, There's no scientists, no staff, nobody! We might just as well have landed ourselves on an empty planet. What on Earth is happening?

BRET: Doctor, I don't know anymore than you do.

DOCTOR: Has it occurred to you, by any chance, that we might have deliberately walked into an ambush?

STEVEN: What's the point in standing here just waiting to be caught?

BRET: Because Daxtar is the only man who will believe our story.

DAXTAR: What story?

(The three turn to see Daxtar in the doorway)

[Chen's office]

CHEN: So you will understand that it's absolutely essential that this emm of taranium is returned to me.

SARA: Of course. Every precaution for its safety will be taken.

CHEN: Good. See to it.

(Sara leaves the room, already focused singlemindedly on her mission. Karlton watches her go then turns to Chen.)

KARLTON: She actually believed you.

CHEN: Of course.

KARLTON: I thought for a moment you were really going to tell her about the Daleks.

CHEN: Oh, come. We need that taranium back, but we can't allow any more people to know the plan.

KARLTON: I was watching her all the time. She never doubted anything, even momentarily.

CHEN: A good security agent. A heroic war cry to apparently peaceful ends is one of the greatest weapons a politician has.

[Daxtar's office]

DAXTAR: Mavic Chen? The Daleks? I can't believe it.

BRET: The Doctor saw it.

DOCTOR: Quite true. And then he gave a rather pompous speech of self-satisfaction and handed over the core of the Time Destructor to the Daleks.

STEVEN: They intend to capture or destroy the Solar System and Chen is helping them.

DAXTAR: But why?

DOCTOR: A lust for more power than he already has. Universal power.

DAXTAR: It's incredible.

STEVEN: Oh don't worry about it's incredibility. We got to do something to stop him.

DOCTOR: Yes, quite so. So whatever plans you have, it's essential that Steven and I return to the planet Kembel. I want to recover something of unique value.

DAXTAR: You didn't leave the taranium there?

STEVEN: No, no, the Doctor has it.

DAXTAR: Good. That gives us a little time.

BRET: Very little. We've got to move fast.

DAXTAR: Of course. We must get down to the Security buildings at once. The planets must all be alerted. A combined Task Force must be sent off to Kembel immediately.


BRET: What do you mean, Doctor? What are you playing at?

DOCTOR: I suggest you ask Daxtar what he is playing at.

DAXTAR: I don't understand. Look, this situation must be dealt with at once.

DOCTOR: What price is Mavic Chen paying you for your treachery?

BRET: Treachery? I've known this man all my life. He's no traitor.

DOCTOR: Long acquaintance is no guarantee for honesty. Ask him. Ask him how he came to know that the core of their Time Destructor was taranium!

DAXTAR: Don't be so ridiculous! One of you mentioned it when you were telling me. Why you yourself, mentioned it when you said that Chen handed the stuff over.

DOCTOR: I did not, sir. How long have you been in this conspiracy?

DAXTAR: What conspiracy? You're making a stupid mistake!

DOCTOR: There is you, and Chen, and how many of the others? Or what others are involved?

DAXTAR: Look Bret, you've known me for many years. You know I wouldn't be mixed up in anything like this!

BRET: How did you know about the taranium?

DAXTAR: He told me. For heaven's sake, you must have heard him. You too!

BRET: Traitor!

(Bret draws his gun and Daxtar backs away. Hesitating but a moment, Bret pulls the trigger. Daxtar screams and falls dead. The Doctor looks on, appalled.)

DOCTOR: You brainless idiot! How many times have I told you about taking lives? We have other ways and means of dealing with evil doers.

BRET: He deserved worse.

DOCTOR: Possibly! But now we shall never know whom we can trust!

[Dalek Control centre]

DALEK: A signal from the planet Earth.

BLACK: Report.

DALEK: Mavic Chen has almost recaptured the taranium core and will be returning with it to land here in two Earth days.

BLACK: Have the fugitives been exterminated?

DALEK: The report did not say. But it is believed that they come from the tenth galaxy under the leadership of Trantis.

TRANTIS: That is not true. It is a plot by Mavic Chen to discredit me. He is jealous of my power in the outer galaxies.

BLACK: We shall see. Has the report been confirmed?

DALEK: No. It was a suspicion by the Earth people.

TRANTIS: It is Chen! He is trying to undermine the balance of the Galactic Council.

BLACK: When Mavic Chen returns we shall discover the truth. By then those who stole the taranium will have been identified and exterminated!

[Daxtar's office]

(Bret is working hard to convince the others that he has a workable plan.)

BRET: I'm going to get into the Security building and send out the warning myself.

DOCTOR: And how do you propose to do that?

STEVEN: Yes, we're probably being searched for now by other friends of Chen. I mean Daxtar clearly knew about the disappearance of the taranium.

DOCTOR: Yes, possibly. We filled in the story long before he gave himself away.

BRET: I could try to bluff my way out. Well, it's worth a try. Well you haven't thought of a better idea.

DOCTOR: Yes, possible. If you hadn't killed Daxtar of course there wouldn't be any need to.

STEVEN: Of course there would. We wouldn't have been able to believe anything he said.

DOCTOR: Well, there's not much point in standing here discussing it any longer. We shall have to try out your scheme, though I very much doubt of any sort of success that he might have.

(They're interrupted as the door slides open.)

BRET: Sara!

SARA: Bret.

BRET: You're just the person we need.

SARA: I doubt that. Which of you has the taranium?

(Bret steps in front of her gun)

BRET: Run for it!

(Steven pushes Sara off balance and he and the Doctor dash out of the door.)

SARA: Give me the taranium!

BRET: Sara, please listen.

SARA: Give me the taranium!

BRET: You too?

(Bret goes for his gun, but Sara is quicker.)

BRET: Sara!

(Bret crumples to the floor. Crossing over to the body, Sara searches quickly and efficiently in his clothing. Finding nothing, she moves to the door and calls down the corridor.)

[Station corridor]

SARA: Borkar! Borkar, where are you?


SARA: The two fugitives have escaped. All exits from the main block are to be guarded.

BORKAR: That's Bret Vyon!

SARA: Yes, he's dead. The others must be killed as well. They will be shot on sight, but aim for the head.

Episode 5 - Counter Plot

(from the 'Lost in Time' DVD)

[Station corridor]

(The Doctor and Steven make their escape through the maze of corridors. They stop to catch their breath outside a door marked with a large J.)

DOCTOR: Where's Bret?

STEVEN: He's right behind us, I think. He's probably dealing with that girl.

DOCTOR: Oh, he's an irritating man. Come along. In here, quickly.

[Experiment room]

(The room they enter is stark and cold, with angular silvered panels curving round the walls. There are no windows and light seems to come up from the floor. In the centre is an oddly shaped glass capsule which is part of a larger mechanism. There's a flashing beacon on top and the device emits a regular pulsing tone.)

STEVEN: Strange room.

DOCTOR: Now I wonder what that is?

STEVEN: There are mice inside. Funny sort of cage for mice.

DOCTOR: Yes, it could be some kind of transmitter.

STEVEN: I hope Bret finds us.

DOCTOR: Well, I suggest you stay at that door, and if you hear any noise outside it's bound to be him.

STEVEN: Yes, if it's moving fast enough.

DOCTOR: Mice. Yes. Perhaps it's some kind of experiment.

[Experiment control room]

(Not far away two scientists are fussing over a bank of monitors)

FROYN: Are they ready yet?

RHYNMAL: Pressure count seems have risen again.

FROYN: We have to go ahead anyway. All continuum readings are perfect.

RHYNMAL: No, wait just for a moment.

(Borker and a guard march into the room.)

BORKER: Have you seen two strangers?

FROYN: Get out.

BORKER: We're looking for two men who were headed in this direction.

FROYN: I don't care who you're looking for. We're in the middle of a highly complicated experiment. Now get out of here.

RHYNMAL: All right now. All readings registering normal.

FROYN: Good. Once again, will you get out of here.

(Borker and the guard leave and the scientists return their attention to the experiment.)

FROYN: Starting dissemination countdown in ten seconds from now.

[Experiment room]

STEVEN: I think I heard someone.

[Station corridor

(Sara creeps slowly along the corridor, her weapon drawn and ready. Reaching the door, she opens it and steps inside, watched by a guard)

SARA [OC]: You will stay right where you are, both of you.

[Experiment room]

(Grimly Sara trains her gun on the Doctor and Steven.)

SARA: I'll give you five seconds to hand over that taranium.

DOCTOR: Let me speak, please.

SARA: The taranium!

(As Sara moves forward the walls of the room begin to glow and pulse around them. She freezes, her face contorted in agony. Steven and the Doctor are similarly affected as if every fibre in their bodies is being stretched and distorted. They're all screaming but the pulsing of the room drowns out the sounds of their pain. The light begins to flare brighter and faster.)

[Station corridor

(Borker tries to break into the room.)

BORKER: It's sealed. Open up!

[Experiment control room]

(The scientists observe the progress of the experiment.)

FROYN: High molecular absorption. Planet-side power falling.

RHYNMAL: Projection seven alpha zero sero zeta. Instruments register perfect dissemination.

FROYN: Good. Cutting computer control.

RHYNMAL: Perfect. Absolutely perfect!

FROYN: Just as I thought.

RHYNMAL: Someone's opened the door!

FROYN: Quick!

[Experiment room]

(At the threshold of the room, Borker pauses, perplexed. The room is totally empty. Unable to believe his own eyes he ventures inside to look around. The two scientists hurry in to join him.)

FROYN: What do you think you're doing?

BORKER: What's going on in this room?

FROYN: We've been carrying out a molecular dissemination, and if you Space Security people would stop interfering we'd be able to get on a lot faster.

RHYNMAL: Looks as though it was perfect.

BORKER: You don't understand.

FROYN: Have you touched anything in this room?

BORKER: No! But there were three people in here. Where are they?

(The Doctor, Steven and Sara are floating in a limbo. Their bodies twist and fade in and out of the void, losing cohesion and then reforming. Awareness comes fleetingly, sometimes inspiring awe, sometimes confusion, sometimes bringing agonising pain.)

RHYNMAL: There can't have been. There were only my mice. I know, I set them here myself.

BORKER: You've got to get them back.

FROYN: Get them back? But we can't.

BORKER: What do you mean, you can't. You must.

FROYN: You don't seem to understand. Anyone or anything that was in this room at the time of the experiment is now being transmitted through space.

RHYNMAL: Yes, my friend. They're many light years from Earth by now, moving towards a strange planet in a strange galaxy, the nature of which we can only guess at.

(The planet surface bubbles and heaves, the strange vegetation wreathed in swirling mist.)

[Dalek Control centre]

BLACK: Has any message been received from Earth?

DALEK 1: No.

BLACK: Contract Mavic Chen and ask for a report. He should be bringing the taranium core by this time.

DALEK 1: I obey.

[Experiment control room]

KARLTON: How long will it take till you know if your experiment is successful.

FROYN: We don't know. Once the instruments reform on the planet Mira, they should start transmitting immediately.

KARLTON: Would it not have been wiser to choose a nearer planet than Mira?

FROYN: The whole point was the distance. We already know that certain small objects can be sent by cellular fragmentation over some short distances.

KARLTON: And will these people arrive safely?

FROYN: We don't know. We've never tried to transpose people in this way before.

KARLTON: Why didn't you stop when Space Security came in.

FROYN: The experiment had already started. We couldn't stop.

KARLTON: You're a fool. Why didn't you make them stop?

BORKER: There wasn't time. And we didn't know where these people were.

KARLTON: Inform me as soon as you know that your mechanism has reached Mira.

FROYN: Of course.

(Karlton and Borker leave, watched contemptuously by Froyn. When they've gone Froyn rejoins Rhynmal at the dials.)

FROYN: Is there no sign of anything yet?

RHYNMAL: No, no. Ah! I think something's coming through.

FROYN: Oh yes.

(The glass capsule holding the mice has rematerialised in the middle of an inhospitable and gaseous swamp on Mira. The mice inside are alive and apparently unharmed by their journey across space. There is no sign of the Doctor or the others in the immediate vicinity.)

[Experiment room]

(Chen goes to see the dissemination room for himself, and is close to panic as he realises his plans have failed yet again.)

KARLTON: The instruments reassembled successfully and the mice were alive.

CHEN: You know that might mean nothing. You realise the Daleks might just assemble a force and conquer us, and there'll be nothing we can do.

KARLTON: We still have the power.

CHEN: Where? They're expecting me now to arrive with the taranium.

KARLTON: Calm down. Mira is not far from Kembel, is it?

CHEN: It's nearer Kembel then Earth is. But what help is that?

KARLTON: Tell the Daleks that you trapped the fugitives in the cellular projector and sent them to Mira on purpose.

CHEN: You're mad.

KARLTON: Am I? It was a safety measure. Unwelcome attention was being paid to the fugitives so you send them to Mira on purpose.

CHEN: Ah. We could attribute it to a too-efficient security system. It'll show conclusively that we're completely allied to the Daleks. They would trust us the more.

KARLTON: Exactly.

CHEN: Wait. How do we know that the taranium wasn't destroyed on the way.

KARLTON: We don't.


KARLTON: No buts. The only reason that you as Guardian of the Solar System were admitted to the Universal Council was because of our superior knowledge of mineralogy. Without us they cannot get taranium.

CHEN: Without me, their plan cannot completely work. Without me, they are but nothing. Nothing! When I am next to the Daleks, only they stand between me and the highest position in the universe. Then will be the time for me to take complete control!

(Chen has completely regained his fanatical power lust, and stands arms outstretched savouring his vision. Turning back to Karlton he catches his subordinate staring at him which an expression that could be horrified disbelief or deepest admiration. Chen lowers his arms.)

CHEN: You are a fortunate man, Karlton. You will have a high place in galactic history.

(Chen strides from the room. Karlton watches him go.)

KARLTON: The highest, next to you.

[Planet Mira]

(Some distance from where the mice arrived on Mira, The Doctor lies on the ground. Slowly the old man awakens and sits up, patting himself tentatively to reassure himself that he's still all in one piece. Finally satisfied, he gets to his feet, feeling stronger with every passing moment. He takes the taranium core from his pocket and checks that nothing has happened to it. Thankfully the core appears undamaged. The Doctor finally appears to notice his surroundings for the first time. Intrigued, he ponders how he might have been transported to this strange place.)

DOCTOR: The mice couldn't have done that.

(A little way off, Sara lies unconscious. A lock of her hair twists in the enveloping mist, seemingly of its own accord. Then her arms appear to move by themselves, lifting into the air and dropping back down again. Close by, Steven wakes up. As soon as he's steady on his feet he goes over to where Sara is lying. He takes away her gun then tries to bring her round. The Doctor, now quite recovered, examines the capsule containing the mice.)

DOCTOR: How extraordinary. Most extraordinary. Steven! Steven, my boy, where are you?

(He moves on, looking for the others. He's quite unaware that he's being followed. A vast invisible creature leaves clawed four-toed prints in the ground as it tracks the Doctor through the forest.)

STEVEN: Doctor! Doctor.

DOCTOR: All right, all right, all right.

STEVEN: What's going on? Where are we? What on Earth's happened?

DOCTOR: Calm down, calm down. I don't know where we are. We're safe and sound, that's the main thing. Oh, I suppose she had to come along.

STEVEN: Yes, but what's happened? All I know is she is about to shoot us and there was this fantastic noise.

DOCTOR: Yes, I'm very glad you took that gun away from her. Is she all right?

STEVEN: She hasn't come round yet.

(Sara groans)

DOCTOR: Pull yourself together, madam. I want to ask you a few questions.

SARA: What?

DOCTOR: Take a good look round, dear boy, and find a place to hide. We've a lot to sort out.

SARA: You! The traitors! I must

DOCTOR: Quiet. Do as you're told. Get on your feet. You're lucky to be alive. Now, you come with me, but don't try any tricks. Come along.

(Sara and the Doctor head off after Steven.

[Dalek Control centre]

DALEK 1: The pursuit ship reports that they have landed on the planet Mira.

BLACK: Have they located the fugitives?

DALEK 1: The detectors register strong readings.

BLACK: When the fugitives are captured, report at once.

DALEK 1: I obey.

[Planet Mira]

(The Doctor, Steven and Sara have taken shelter in a cave.)

STEVEN: Feeling better?

SARA: I'll feel a lot better when we get out of this place.

DOCTOR: Getting away from this place sets quite a problem.

SARA: Where are we?

DOCTOR: At the moment, I haven't the faintest idea.

SARA: Well, how did we get here?

DOCTOR: Cellular dissemination.

SARA: Cellular what?

DOCTOR: To put it in lay language, cellular dissemination means our bodies were broken up by some process or other, shot through into the fourth dimension, and at a given point, reassembled again on this planet.

STEVEN: That's fantastic.

SARA: Impossible.

DOCTOR: Fantastic it may be my boy, but impossible, no, because precisely that is what has happened.

STEVEN: Yes, but Doctor what about that transmitter thing? You know, the one with the mice in it.

DOCTOR: Yes, that followed along too and I believe it's sending messages back to Earth. Now that would mean that Mavic Chen will know precisely where we are. Therefore the Daleks will attack once again.

(The Dalek patrol has discovered the capsule containing the mice. One Dalek has a dial device in it's plunger.)

DALEK 1: Detector indicates being at close range.

DALEK 2: An alien device. There are small white creatures inside. They may be hostile.

DALEK 1: It is sending out signals.

DALEK 2: It may belong to the fugitives and register our presence here.

DALEK 1: Destroy it.

(So they exterminate the mice and the beacon.)

DALEK 1: Detector still registers being is very close.

DALEK 2: I can see nothing.

DALEK 1: There is a being near us. Fire at any movement.

(The bushes move, they fire and there is a roar of pain.)

DALEK 2: The beings appear to be invisible. We must continue the search for the fugitives. Keep constant detector readings. Open fire when it registers close proximity.

DALEK 1: I obey.

[Experiment control room]

FROYN: I don't understand it. We were getting such powerful signals. Now we're getting absolutely nothing.

KARLTON: A technical fault?

FROYN: It couldn't be, not just like that.

RHYNMAL: These criminals must have damaged it.

FROYN: Why didn't they do it when they first arrived?

KARLTON: Perhaps they have only just found it. You are certain that there are no natural beings on Mira?

FROYN: Not to our knowledge. Our probes have never shown any.

RHYNMAL: That's why we sent the mice. I was hoping that they might perhaps... Oh dear. Perhaps we should send some more mice?

KARLTON: No. Send nothing further to Mira. Inform me as soon as you regain any form of contact. In the meantime, send no further matter to that planet.

[Planet Mira]

(The Doctor is investigating the area outside the cave. There's movement in the trees and he hears strange noises, a low grumbling roar coming closer. The Doctor lashes out in the general direction of the movement with defends his walking stick and is surprised when it strikes something solid he cannot see. He swings at the invisible shape again and again until it retreats.)

DOCTOR: I might have know it. Visians. The planet Mira.

(In the cave, Steven is arguing with Sara.)

STEVEN: But he was the one person who could have warned Earth.

SARA: So you say.

STEVEN: You killed Bret! You just shot him down.

SARA: He was a traitor. Between the three of you, you had stolen the taranium, the most valuable mineral in the universe. It was needed desperately to spread the peace which was founded in the solar system, to reach the whole galaxy.

STEVEN: What was the taranium going to do?

SARA: How should I know? I had my orders.

STEVEN: Your orders. And even though it meant killing one of your own people, you obeyed them blindly, without question?

SARA: One does not question the orders of the Guardian.

STEVEN: You didn't stop to think how it came to happen that a space security agent, one of your own people, was a traitor?


STEVEN: You didn't give Bret a chance, did you. You couldn't question Chen and you wouldn't question Bret.

SARA: Look, what do you want me to say? That I believe your fantastic story?

STEVEN: It's true.

SARA: It mustn't be.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid it is, my dear.

STEVEN: But Bret had to be killed.

SARA: Shut up! Bret Vyon was my brother.

(Distraught, Sara rushes from the cave.)

DOCTOR: Leave her, my boy. There's nothing we can do. She finally believes us.

(Sara runs back in)

SARA: Something touched me.

(Steven gets out the gun)


DOCTOR: Steven! Listen to me, both of you. This is the planet Mira, and the only beings on here are the Visians. We can't see them, but they're very vicious. We must try to get away from here as soon as possible.

SARA: But how?

DOCTOR: I don't know yet.

(Steven goes to the cave mouth. He can hear a low grumbling roar. Bushes are trampled as the invisible creatures come closer.)

STEVEN: Is that them?

DOCTOR: Yes, and it appears we're trapped!

[Mavic Chen's office]

KARLTON: I am certain that the Daleks have already reached Mira.

CHEN: That means I must return to Kembel at once.

KARLTON: Of course. Everything is arranged.

CHEN: Good. It looks as though the Daleks have believed my story. I must be there before the taranium's bought back.

KARLTON: If it is.

CHEN: Wait till you hear from me, then take your party to Venus. Whatever happens, we shall outwit the Daleks. We should be able to destroy Kembel with help from the rest of the solar system.

KARLTON: But that will only mean mastery of this galaxy.

CHEN: But a start, Karlton, a start.

[Planet Mira]

(The Visians have not yet moved in to attack.)

DOCTOR: I don't think they've quite fathomed us out.

STEVEN: Yes, but when we beat our way through, we've got to stick together.

DOCTOR: And you remember, my boy, aim high. These Visians are eight feet tall.

(A squad of Daleks approaches from behind the Visians and begins to fire on them. The invisible creatures are quickly killed or driven away.)

STEVEN: Daleks!

SARA: You're right, Doctor. They've come.

DALEK 1: You are surrounded. You will come with us.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid, my friends, the Daleks have won.

Episode 6 - Coronas of the Sun

[Planet Mira]

(The Doctor leads the others out of the cave.)

DALEK: You will hand over the taranium core.

DOCTOR: If I do, what guarantee is there that you won't fire your guns afterwards?

DALEK: There is no guarantee.

DALEK 2: Seismic detector shows that the object that he is carrying is the taranium!

DALEK: You will surrender it!

SARA: He will not!

DALEK: Silence! You will not speak!

DOCTOR: You dare not fire, because of this taranium! To end this stalemate, may I suggest

DALEK: There will no more discussion. The core is to be handed over. Re-form line. Prepare to exterminate them. What is that noise??

DALEK 2: The invisible creatures are attacking in force!

DALEK: Patrol alert! Patrol Alert! Annihilate them! Annihilate them!

(The Visians surge forward to attack from all sides, bellowing with fury as they smash at the Daleks with rocks and sticks. The Daleks swing round to counterattack blasting indiscriminately at their invisible assailants. Those creatures caught in the cross-fire become briefly visible before they die. Despite the Visians spirited attack, the Daleks sustain little damage. Whilst the battle rages on, the Doctor and his companions seize the opportunity to make their escape.)

DOCTOR: There's a good boy, keep going!

(A lone Dalek cut off from the rest of the patrol becomes the focus of the Visian fury. The Dalek is helpless as the unseen creatures shove it into a bubbling mud pool where it sinks slowly under the surface. Ultimately however, the battle is short and the result predictable. Forming a tight protective circle the remaining Daleks continue to fire in all directions until they have decimated their attackers. Very soon, the few surviving Visians flee back into the forest.)

DALEK 2: The invisible creatures have been exterminated.

DALEK: Search for the fugitives. They must not escape.

DALEKS: We obey!

[Dalek Control centre]

DALEK: Communication received from the planet Mira.

BLACK: Are the fugitives still evading capture?

DALEK: Yes. There has been no further contact. Reinforcements can be dispatched.

BLACK: Our force already there is sufficient for the task. Contact them and order that the taranium is to be recovered. Failure will not be tolerated!

[Outside the Dalek pursuit ship]

(The Doctor, Steven and Sara have discovered the Dalek pursuit ship in the swamp, and make plans to steal it and escape from Mira. They stand some distance from the ship, staring up at the solitary Dalek stationed at the top of the loading ramp.)

DOCTOR: There's only one guard. Now you know what to do?


(The Doctor moves away.)

SARA: It will never work.

STEVEN: It will. It's got to.

SARA: The other Daleks will be back here before he can get started.

STEVEN: Why should they? They're out looking for us, they won't expect us to come back here.

SARA: Look, they're not complete fools. They know we got to get off Mira and that their ship is our only chance.

STEVEN: Don't worry. Like most of the Doctor's plans, this one's simple. It won't take long.

SARA: Well, why doesn't he get started then?

STEVEN: Give him time. He's got to get round there. Look, you must learn to trust him. He's had dealing with the Daleks before.

SARA: I have no choice. Let's hope you're right.

STEVEN: He should be in position by now. Come on.

(As Steven and Sara edge closer to the ship, the Doctor walks from the trees into full view of the Dalek guard.)

GUARD: Remain where you are.

DOCTOR: I certainly will. I've come to give myself up.

DALEK GUARD: Do you have the taranium?

DOCTOR: I have. I realise of course that I am no match for the Daleks, so if I hand it over, will you help me and my friends to get away from this planet?

DALEK GUARD: Where are the others?

DOCTOR: Oh, they will come when I call them. The taranium. Shall I give it to you or would you prefer me to hand it to you in your ship?

DALEK GUARD: You will wait there until the patrol returns. The others are to join you. If you try to escape you

DOCTOR: Escape! Oh, my tin friend. Never. You mustn't forget that I came here and surrendered of my own free will.

(Steven leaps forward and grinds a handful of mud into the Dalek's eye-stalk.)

DALEK GUARD: Help, help, loss of vision, loss of vision, am under attack! Am under attack! Patrol alert! Patrol alert!

(The Doctor and the others dash up the ramp into the Dalek ship. The guard fires blindly, nearly wiping out the returning Dalek patrol.)

DALEK: Cease firing before we sustain damage. Report!

DALEK GUARD: The fugitives boarded the Pursuit ship!

[Dalek Pursuit ship]

DALEK [OC]: Alert all patrols. Alert all patrols.

SARA: Can you work it, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Oh don't worry my dear. I'm quite accustomed to this Dalek technique. Close the hatches please.

DALEK [OC]: Surround pursuit ship. Surround pursuit ship.

DALEKS [OC]: We obey.

SARA: Doors are not closing! Vacuum-lock reading 2.24.

DOCTOR: The power build-up is far too slow. Feed in that extra energy.

SARA: 3.82 rising.

DALEK [OC]: Avoid firing in area of taranium.

DOCTOR: It should activate at five, zero, zero.

DALEKS [OC]: We obey.

STEVEN: They're forming up to attack.

SARA: 4.32 still rising.

DALEK [OC]: Form up, attack formation.

DOCTOR: Splendid!

DALEK 2 [OC]: Prepare to board the ship!

DALEK [OC]: Exterminate them! Exterminate them!

STEVEN: That was close. It was too close!

DOCTOR: Autogiro. Giro dynamo.

SARA: Coding nine, two. Red, blue, blue.

DOCTOR: Discharge.

SARA: Coding one, zero, zero. All blue reading. Take off now!

DOCTOR: Splendid! Hold tight!

(The ship blasts off)

[Dalek Control centre]

BLACK: Mavic Chen, you have failed in your task.

CHEN: Failed? Is this my greeting? I agree that my mission was to return to Earth and recover the taranium. This I have not done.

BLACK: Failure will not be tolerated!

CHEN: But I did notify you of the fugitives' whereabouts. The planet Mira. There the vital core can be taken from them without suspicion. Their presence on Earth was a constant danger! At anytime they could have contacted forces unsympathetic to our plans.

BLACK: You make your incompetence sound like an achievement.

CHEN: Incompetence now, is it? You forget that the original blunder was not of my doing. I journeyed to and from Earth to correct a failing your security force should have dealt with. The core was stolen from here. My actions have brought about a situation which will allow you to recover the missing taranium easily and simply. If that is a failure, then I have failed.

BLACK: Report.

DALEK: The fugitives have stolen our pursuit ship and left the planet Mira.

BLACK: Stolen! Left the planet Mira! Is their course being computed?

DALEK: It is.

BLACK: What news of our force?

DALEK: They are stranded on the planet and under constant attack from the invisible creatures that inhibit it.

BLACK: Dispatch a rescue ship to their aid. They will be dealt with on their return. Meanwhile, I will personally supervise recovery of the core.

DALEK: I obey.

CHEN: And you had the audacity to accuse me, Mavic Chen, of incompetence.

BLACK: It is

CHEN: A Dalek ship stolen?

BLACK: It is not

CHEN: Really?

BLACK: It is not an emergency!

CHEN: No. More like a catastrophe!

BLACK: They may believe that they have successfully escaped from us, but we, the Daleks, are still in command!

[Dalek Pursuit ship]

(The Doctor makes a full examination of the glowing taranium core, taking measurements and writing notes.)

STEVEN: Will it work, Doctor?

DOCTOR: No, course it won't, my dear boy. That's the whole point.

STEVEN: I mean your plan.

DOCTOR: No, we shall have to make a copy. A copy so exact that we can deceive the Daleks. They'll still want this taranium back, you know. They won't rest until they get it.

STEVEN: Yes, but suppose

SARA: There isn't time to suppose. I'm sure the Doctor can copy it well enough.

DOCTOR: Yes, thank you, thank you my dear, thank you. I'll have a good try. And I think that will give us sufficient breathing space. What's that?

SARA: We're changing course. We're moving away on a selected route.

DOCTOR: Good gracious, we're on the course for the planet Kembel. You know, I'm very much afraid that we're under the Dalek influence.

(Steven notices an auxiliary unit attached to the main controls.)

STEVEN: It's obviously this that's causing the damage.

(Cheerfully, Steven smashes the automatic control unit.)

STEVEN: Ah, that settles that.

SARA: Isn't that a rather a drastic way of dealing with things?

STEVEN: Sara, the technology of my age may be hundreds of years behind yours and the Doctor's, but there are still some things I can handle.

DOCTOR: Yes, of course there is, my dear boy. Of course there is. Come along, young lady, let's get on with our mineral while we still have the time.

[Dalek Control centre]

DALEK: Pursuit ship has broken free of our control.

BLACK: Activate magnetised beam.

DALEK: Magnetised beam activated.

CHEN: I sincerely hope there's not been any further bungling?

BLACK: We have temporarily lost control, but once the magnetised beam reaches them it will pull them to Kembel, where they will be exterminated!

CHEN: After we have the core of the Time Destructor in our possession, I trust.

BLACK: Of course! Of course!

[Dalek Pursuit ship]

(Unaware of the new threat, The Doctor concentrates on replicating the taranium, and is pleased with his progress.)

DOCTOR: Yes I think so, yes, yes, there. That's a good copy, although I say it myself.

SARA: Yes, but there's still the problem of charging it. The Daleks will know immediately that it isn't the real taranium.

DOCTOR: I appreciate that young lady, but this is the right balance and the right weight.

STEVEN: We're still on our own course. The Daleks haven't attempted to divert us yet.

DOCTOR: Oh good, good, good. Well you keep watching, there's a good fellow.


DOCTOR: No, I should try that one.

(Steven examines the copy with admiration. The one thing that gives it away is that it's not glowing with energy like the real mineral.)

STEVEN: This is excellent.

DOCTOR: Isn't it.

STEVEN: How do you propose to activate it?

DOCTOR: Oh, we're working on that. Yes, we're working on it.

STEVEN: We could use the gravity force from the ship's power centre. I mean, there's an outlet here.

SARA: What?

STEVEN: What's wrong with that?

DOCTOR: Too primitive, my boy. Too primitive and far too dangerous.

SARA: Gravity force as a source of energy was abandoned, centuries ago.

STEVEN: We were still using it.

SARA: Oh yes, and the Romans used treadmills.

(Sara follows the Doctor to search for a suitable power source to safely activate the fake taranium. Steven continues to muse on his own theoretical solution.)

STEVEN: I still think G-force would do the trick.

SARA: We're changing course again.

DOCTOR: Back to the planet Kembel but what? You know, it appears that we're being affected by magnetization. We're been held in a very strong beam.

SARA: That will take us right back to the Daleks.

DOCTOR: Let's try and break it, child. Come along.

(While the Doctor and Sara do their best to escape from the beam, Steven decides to take matters into his own hands and attempt to energise the fake taranium using G-force.)

STEVEN: Now we'll see about those treadmills.

(Wiring the copy into the G-force outlet, Steven throws the switch. Argh! Steven collapses instantly.)

SARA: Steven!

DOCTOR: My dear boy! What happened? What's happened? He's still breathing.

SARA: The fool! He's tried his experiment with G-force and reliance power.

DOCTOR: He's still alive, and lucky at that.

SARA: But it worked! Look, Doctor. It's just like the real taranium.

DOCTOR: Oh, isn't that wonderful. That's wonderful! Steven's theory has proved successful. But what about the poor boy?

[Dalek Control centre]

DALEK: Dalek pursuit ship has entered the atmosphere.

DALEK 2: Reducing speed. Ten degrees of light. Eight. Six.

CHEN: It appears that you have at last succeeded in getting the taranium back.

BLACK: Of course. And we shall deal with these fugitives as with all those who oppose us.


BLACK: Do you challenge us?

CHEN: Of course not. But might it not be advisable for me to return them to Earth for trial?


CHEN: They will be tried and found guilty as traitors to the Solar System. After all, the woman is from Earth.

BLACK: The Daleks will deal with them, there is no need for the delay in their extermination.

CHEN: Some people on Earth know that our traitors were transposed to Mira. If they disappear for good, those people will be curious and ask what happened to them. It's possible that they might find out that the Daleks executed them. Then your plans could be hindered.

BLACK: It is essential that you do not allow your Earth people to become curious.

CHEN: Human curiosity is something I can have no control over.

BLACK: You must forestall their questions until it is too late.

CHEN: Too late?

BLACK: Yes! We will have conquered the Solar System before our presence here is discovered.

CHEN: It is possible.

BLACK: Once we have the taranium, there is nothing to stop us!

CHEN: Very well. I leave their fate to you.

BLACK: The Dalek reception force should now be in position at the specified landing point.

CHEN: Yes, they should. And I think it's about time we left to join them, don't you?

[Dalek Pursuit ship]

(The Dalek ship nears Kembel. The Doctor and Sara are powerless to intervene.)

SARA: Height and speed reducing.

DOCTOR: Yes, we should be landing in about five minutes.

SARA: I'll see how Steven is.

(Propped in a corner, Steven seems unable to move but his eyes are open.)

SARA: I think the effect's wearing off.

DOCTOR: No, my dear. He's adapting to it. Can you talk, my boy? No. He's still under the influence of that force field. Nothing further will happen to you. Now don't worry.

(The Doctor moves to touch Steven but draws his hand back as if shocked.)

DOCTOR: Yes, nothing further going to happen to him but I must confess I I have no cure for that condition.

SARA: He's enclosed in a forcefield.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I'm afraid so. Sara, bring me that fake taranium. Yes, yes, yes. Now, listen to me, Steven. Try and understand. This is very important so you must trust me. You do understand? Just try and indicate.

(With a struggle, Steven manages to blink his eyes.)

[Kembel landing pad]

BLACK: Pursuit ship is landing at precise point calculated.

CHEN: Well it appears that everything's going according to plan.

BLACK: The taranium will be recovered.

CHEN: I hope you are right.

BLACK: This time, there will no error.

(The pursuit ship lands.)

[Dalek Pursuit ship]

DOCTOR: We're here. Now we've got to face the Daleks. Open the doors, please. Steven will lead the way. This way, Steven.

(Blank-faced, Steven walks ahead carrying the box containing the fake taranium core.)

SARA: But it won't, it can't work!

DOCTOR: It's our only chance, my dear. And remember, I will do all the talking.

(They follow Steven out of the ship.)

[Kembel landing pad]

(Chen watches as Steven comes down the ramp and instantly recognises the box he is carrying.)

CHEN: The taranium! I would suggest that you give that to me, young man.

DOCTOR: No. And remember, you cannot fire because of the taranium. You'd have another fifty years work.

CHEN: Possibly, But you are still in no position to bargain.

DOCTOR: I will hand over the taranium outside my ship, the Tardis.

CHEN: You heard the condition.

BLACK: It is not acceptable.

CHEN: You heard what the Dalek Supreme said.

DOCTOR: Outside my ship, the Tardis, or nowhere!

CHEN: He seems determined. Does it really matter?

BLACK: Very well. In front of his ship.

DOCTOR: Thank you. Steven?

(Steven sets off into the jungle and the Doctor follows with Sara. Chen catches sight of his former agent.)

CHEN: Kingdom.

SARA: Traitor.

(The Guardian is taken aback by Sara's venom and follows behind with the Daleks.)

[Outside the Tardis]

(After a tense trek through the jungle they reach the Tardis. The Doctor gives Sara the key.)

DOCTOR: Sara, open the door please. The young man will give you the taranium when the girl and I are safely inside my ship, the Tardis.

BLACK: Very well.

CHEN: Making sure of your escape, eh, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Remember to do exactly as I say, Steven. I will give you further instructions from inside my Tardis.

(Steven nods. The Doctor and Sara go inside.)

DOCTOR [OC]: Steven, hand the box over to Chen. Then come inside the Tardis.

(Steven offers the box to Chen who snatches it from him. Chen is delighted when he opens the box and has to shield his eyes against the fierce glow.)

CHEN: This is it! The core of the Time Destructor!

(The Daleks turn on Steven.)

BLACK: Exterminate him!

(As the Daleks open fire Steven dives with inside the Tardis with the rays bouncing off his forcefield, and the door slams shut. The Tardis dematerialises.)

BLACK: The ray guns did not take effect!

DALEK: All were operated at full power.

BLACK: No human being can withstand their fire.

CHEN: What happened is unimportant! We have the taranium! The invasion can go ahead. The Universe will be ours!


(Steven is recovering quickly.)

SARA: Are you sure you're all right?

STEVEN: Yes, more or less.

DOCTOR: The Dalek guns must have destroyed that forcefield completely. It's a good thing they didn't fire a second time.

STEVEN: I don't really know what happened.

SARA: You were enclosed in a field of Gravity force and reliance power.

DOCTOR: You had a shield round you. You know, similar to that one that protects the Tardis. Oh, that's remind me. Where is that genuine Taranium?

SARA: Over here.

STEVEN: It's a pity I blacked out. I mean, if I knew the ratio readings, we could use the same force again to protect us from the Daleks.

DOCTOR: Certainly not! What you did was very dangerous and extremely stupid.

STEVEN: Oh, come off it. It worked.

DOCTOR: One more experiment like that and you really will be dead.

STEVEN: Oh, nonsense.

DOCTOR: Now, now, now, you listen to me, young man. I warned you it was dangerous before you tried it. You might have killed yourself and blown up the space-ship. Then, where would we all be?

STEVEN: I know where I'll be. I don't know about you lot.

DOCTOR: Now, now, now, now don't be cheeky.

STEVEN: Look, if it haven't been for me, how would you have charged the taranium and carried out the hand-over? I think we should experiment further.

DOCTOR: I don't care what you think. We're not going to repeat it. Why do you think science turned down your discovery? Because it isn't safe. So perhaps in future you'll pay attention to what I say and remember that I happen to be the leader of this expedition and I don't want to keep on repeating myself.

STEVEN: But Doctor

DOCTOR: Never mind the buts! If you don't like it, you can get off!

STEVEN: All right Doctor, I promise that I won't experiment with it any further.

DOCTOR: I hope not.

SARA: Something's gone wrong.

DOCTOR: What's the matter?

SARA: It's stopped going up and down.

STEVEN: That's means that we've landed.

DOCTOR: Oh, tut, tut, tut. That scanner's not working.

SARA: Can you mend it?

DOCTOR: Yes I shall have to repair it, of course, yes, yes, but that means checking up on the whole circuit.

STEVEN: Well, let's get on with it.

DOCTOR: Ah, ah, ah. Don't you dare touch that.

STEVEN: Why not?

DOCTOR: Well, just look at those dials. Look! Look here, Sara. You see those dials, now you know what that means? If either of you went outside, it would be extremely dangerous. The whole atmosphere is entirely poisonous.

Episode 7 - The Feast of Steven

(Broadcast on December 25th 1965)


(In fact, the poisonous atmosphere is no more than 1960's urban pollution.)

SERGEANT: What in the name of?

(The Tardis looks quite at home outside a Police Station somewhere in the North of England.)

SERGEANT: Who put that there?

(Returning to the station in their car, two police officers are full of seasonal cheer, and singing carols.)

CONSTABLE 1 (the driver) + CONSTABLE 2 (the passenger): When a poor man came inside, gathering winter fuel.

CONSTABLE 1: Here, I reckon we could charm the birds of the trees.

CONSTABLE 2: I'd settle for some from the coffee bars.

CONSTABLE 1: Here, what about 'While Shepherds Watch'? do you think they'd appreciate that?

CONSTABLE 2: Hey, now here's the Sergeant. Come on.


CONSTABLE 2: Hello Sergeant, what you doing out here?

SERGEANT: Hey, come and have a look at this.

(They gather around the Tardis.)

CONSTABLE 2: Well, where did that come from?

SERGEANT: You tell me.

CONSTABLE 1: Oh, perhaps someone sent it to the Inspector as a Christmas box.

SERGEANT: And perhaps you'll both just stay out here and watch it.

CONSTABLE 1: Why? Do you think it's going to fly away?

SERGEANT: Just you stay there and keep an eye on it, right?


STEVEN: And just why, if it isn't safe for us, is it safe for you?

DOCTOR: Will neither of you understand?

SARA: For heaven's sake, let's go and fix the scanner!

DOCTOR: No! Where you come from, in both places, the air is pure. Outside there is the worst kind of pollution I've met in years.

STEVEN: Right, then you shouldn't go out there, either.

DOCTOR: Ah, my dear boy, I'm used to all sorts of atmospheres. It won't affect me. I shall have to go out and do the repairing myself.

SARA: But suppose something happens to you?

DOCTOR: Then, and only then, can you come out. But you must be very, very careful.

STEVEN: And how are we supposed to know that something has happened to you?

DOCTOR: My dear young man, just give me a few minutes and if all is well, I shall be back inside again to tell you.

STEVEN: And if not, we come out and find you? I seem to have been through all this before.

DOCTOR: Now, look here, my boy. You will do as you're told! Now you just open the doors and remember to close them after I've gone.

STEVEN: Yes, sir!


(The Doctor comes face to face with a policeman on guard outside.)

CONSTABLE 1: Good evening.

DOCTOR: Good evening.

CONSTABLE 1: Hey, you!

(The Doctor ducks back inside the Tardis.)

CONSTABLE 2: What's up?

CONSTABLE 1: See that?

CONSTABLE 2: See what?

CONSTABLE 1: That then.

CONSTABLE 2: What when?

CONSTABLE 1: That door,

CONSTABLE 2: That door?

CONSTABLE 1: It opened,

CONSTABLE 2: Did it?

CONSTABLE 1: There's a bloke in there.

CONSTABLE 2: Oh, aye?

CONSTABLE 1: A bloke with long white hair. I just saw him.

CONSTABLE 2: Did you?


CONSTABLE 2: It's locked.

CONSTABLE 1: But I just saw him.

CONSTABLE 2: Oh, aye.


DOCTOR: No, police. P-O-L-I-C-E.

SARA: Oh, I see. We've landed on your own planet.

DOCTOR: Oh, nonsense, child. We're back on Earth.

SARA: But that's what's written outside the Tardis.

DOCTOR: Oh, never mind. Never mind. I shall have to go outside and try and distract them. Meanwhile, you can stay here for a while then come out and do the scanner.

STEVEN: Yes. But, you said the air out there was so bad, that if we went out

DOCTOR: Never mind what I said, my dear boy. Do as you're told. Now open the doors and remember to shut them after I've gone.

STEVEN: Yes, sir.


(The Doctor is about to walk away when two voices stop him in his tracks.)


CONSTABLE 2: It wouldn't be Father Christmas, would it?

CONSTABLE 1: All right lad. It's a fair cop.

(The Doctor is escorted into the police station.)

[Police station]

(The desk sergeant is dealing with another visitor.)

SERGEANT: All right. What can I do for you?

MAN: I've got a complaint.

SERGEANT: Well, the doctor's just around the corner.

MAN: No, no, no, no. I, I mean, I want to make a complaint.

SERGEANT: Oh, I see. Well, let's have your name then.

MAN: They keep moving me house.

SERGEANT: Moving your what?

MAN: House!

SERGEANT: They keep moving your house?

MAN: Yes. Me greenhouse. It's the rebels.

SERGEANT: The rebels?

CONSTABLE 1: Anyone in CID.?

SERGEANT: Oh, straight through.

CONSTABLE 1: Good. Come on.

DOCTOR: (to the man) Haven't I seen your face before somewhere?

MAN: Where?

DOCTOR: Yes, of course, I remember now, yes. The marketplace at Jaffa.

MAN: Jaffa? The young chap said I should come to see you about.

SERGEANT: Do what?

MAN: About me greenhouse. It's the rebels.

(Having seen the Doctor taken away, Steven emerges from the Tardis intent on trying to rescue him, but he's forced to hide behind the nearby police car when one of the officers reappears.)

[Inspector's office]

(The Doctor is being questioned by CID.)

INSPECTOR: I've heard of a housing shortage, but I never knew it was so bad you'd have to spend Christmas in a Police Box.

DOCTOR: Oh, Christmas. Oh, is it? Of course. Yes, yes, yes, yes. That accounts for the holly in the hall.

INSPECTOR: You mean you didn't know?

DOCTOR: Well, of course I didn't know. I travel about too much.

INSPECTOR: And why is that?

DOCTOR: Well, a quest of knowledge, dear boy. I mean, you have a saying in this country, have you not? Travel broadens the mind?

INSPECTOR: You mean you're not English?

DOCTOR: No. Gracious, no.

INSPECTOR: Scottish?


INSPECTOR: Are you Welsh, then?

DOCTOR: Oh, you'll have to think in a far bigger way than that. Your ideas are too narrow, too small, too crippled.

INSPECTOR: All right, all right. What are you then?

DOCTOR: Well, I suppose you might say that I am a citizen of the universe, and a gentleman to boot.

CONSTABLE 2: He's having us on a bit, isn't he sir?

INSPECTOR: Now, look lad.

(Outside, the police officer moves and Steven comes out of hiding. He seems unsure how best to proceed, but then spots the tunic of a police uniform on the back seat of the car. Making sure no one is about, Steven opens the car door.)

[Police station]

MAN: And now they've been and gone and moved it again.

SERGEANT: Oh, where to this time?

MAN: I don't know. That's why I came to see you. The young fellow.

SERGEANT: You sure it's not out there along beside the, oh, here, just a minute.

(Steven comes in, now dressed in police uniform.)

STEVEN: Er, excuse me.

SERGEANT: Ah. You must be the new bloke from G Division, come to help us out.

STEVEN: I, I beg your pardon?

SERGEANT: I said you must be the new bloke from G Division.

STEVEN: Must I? Oh! Oh, yes. Yes, that's right. Yes, I've called about the old man.

SERGEANT: Old man? What old man?

STEVEN: Well, he was brought in here a minute ago.

SERGEANT: Oh, he's with the CID. You'd better wait until they've finished with him.

STEVEN: Fine, yeah. Well, I've got to get to him.

SERGEANT: Well, you'll have to wait, lad. He'll be out here again soon. Now wait over there.

MAN: Now what about my greenhouse?

SERGEANT: Oh, yes. Now where was it you said?

MAN: Well, for a start, it's not in me garden.

[Inspector's office]

DOCTOR: I don't think you really understand. That object in the yard out there isn't really a police box.

INSPECTOR: No, no, of course it's not. It's the new Brighton ferry.

DOCTOR: It is a machine for investigating Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.

(The officers draw discreetly to one side.)

CONSTABLE 2: He's a nutter.

INSPECTOR: He's straight from a funny-farm, if you ask me.

DOCTOR: Do I take it that you gentlemen are imputing that I am mentally deranged?

CONSTABLE 2: I told you. He's a nutter.

INSPECTOR: Was he the only bloke in the box?

CONSTABLE 1: Well how should I know?

INSPECTOR: Well didn't you check? There might be a whole army of them in there, living like gypsies in one of Her Majesty's police telephone boxes.

CONSTABLE 2: And just how many people do you expect to come out of one box?


(Sara comes out of the Tardis, considering how she might climb up to fix the scanner eye, and rather concerned that the Doctor and Steven have not yet returned. SARA: Where have they got to?

CONSTABLE 1: Hello, Hello. What are you doing hanging around here on Christmas Day?

SARA: Nothing.

CONSTABLE 1: Surprised to see a police box here, I suppose?

SARA: Oh! You think it's yours?

CONSTABLE 1: Well, not mine exactly. Well, let's say it belongs to us, eh? So why don't you leave it where it is and just move along, eh?

SARA: I've got to fix it.

CONSTABLE 1: Fix what?

SARA: The scanner eye.

CONSTABLE 1: The scanner eye?

SARA: Yes.

CONSTABLE 1: Oh, you do?

SARA: Yes.

CONSTABLE 1: Oh. Well, we usually get the jokers around here at Christmas time, but we have to be lenient. So, just move along, eh?

SARA: I can't.

CONSTABLE 1: Oh, yes you can, young lady. That's enough of joking. I'm sure you're going to enjoy yourself at that party you're going to, so why not go down there now.

SARA: I'm not going to a party.

CONSTABLE 1: Well, wherever you are going dressed up in them fancy clothes, you leave now and there won't be no trouble.

SARA: I've got to stay here.

CONSTABLE 1: Now you take my advice, young lady, and leave now. Otherwise, I might have to run you in for loitering or something like that. I wouldn't like to have to do that. We've had a bit of trouble like that already tonight. You see, we don't like people hanging around. But at Christmas time we have to be lenient, and we don't want to be too difficult for you.

SARA: But. Oh, very well.

CONSTABLE 1: Have a, have a, have a swinging time. Funny girl.

SARA: The idiots. They've obviously got themselves into some kind of trouble.

[Police station]

SERGEANT: Why don't you sit down, lad. You're making the place look untidy.

(At that moment, the Doctor is brought out of the interrogation room.)

STEVEN: It's all right?

DOCTOR: Of course, of course. And what are you doing here?

INSPECTOR: Who are you? Do you know this man?

STEVEN: Yes. I, I mean, aye.

SERGEANT: He's the extra bloke from G Division, sir.

STEVEN: Oh, yeah. It's all right. I'll look after him.

INSPECTOR: Well, if you know him, perhaps you can tell us what he's doing in a police box.

STEVEN: A what?

INSPECTOR: That police box across the yard. He claims to live in it.

STEVEN: Hold on, just a minute. It'll be all right. Just a minute. Oh, er, it's all right, er, you see, he's a funny fellow but I know how to handle him. We're used to him down in G Division.

INSPECTOR: Very well. Well, get him out of here, and see that he steers clear of that police box.

STEVEN: Right. I'll do that, sir. Right. Er, come on then, old man.

DOCTOR: Enough of the old man either. What's all this funny accent?

STEVEN: Everybody else is doing it.

SERGEANT: I'll come with you, make sure you can manage.

(Steven makes a great show of manhandling the Doctor out into the street.)


CONSTABLE 2: Hey, you! Hey you, what you playing at?

STEVEN: We've got to reach the Tardis, and hurry.

(Now Sara has been apprehended.

CONSTABLE 2: I don't know what it is about that police box, but first of all, the old bloke comes out of it. Now I catch this lass climbing about on it.

SARA: Please let me go!

STEVEN: It's all right. I know her too.

SERGEANT: Aye. You seem to know all the queer people. Well, who is she?

STEVEN: Well, she's a, she's a friend of the old man's.

SARA: Let me go! Come on, Steven.

(With a well-aimed elbow, Sara struggles free, and she and Steven slip into the Tardis after the Doctor. It dematerialises.)

CONSTABLE 1: Hello. hello. What's up with you? 'ere, 'ere, it's gone.


CONSTABLE 1: That telephone box, it's gone. Weren't it meant for us?


STEVEN: I found this jacket, so they thought I was one of their group. And when you appeared on the scene they were completely mystified.

DOCTOR: Well, even I, dear boy, must admit that I enjoyed myself. Did you fix the scanner?

SARA: I did. And no help from either of you.


STEVEN: At least it's working.

DOCTOR: Have you checked it?

SARA: Of course not. After that man grabbed me I didn't have a chance.

DOCTOR: Never mind, never mind. Is the taranium safe?

STEVEN: Yes. Over there.

SARA: Oh, I'd forgotten about the Daleks.

DOCTOR: Now, that's one thing you mustn't do, my dear. Remember, they have the same type of machines and they can follow us.

STEVEN: Yes. But, they won't have found out about the switch yet.

DOCTOR: No, I sincerely hope not.

SARA: While we have the taranium their plan cannot work.

DOCTOR: I don't think the Daleks will attack the Solar System until they've checked their Time Destructor.

STEVEN: Then what can we do?

DOCTOR: Well, I think we might, perhaps, be able to destroy the taranium before they catch us up.

SARA: I think we've stopped again.

DOCTOR: Yes, we might, we might still be on Earth. Wait a minute.

DOCTOR: Oh, no. The atmosphere has improved considerably. Yes, let's have a look at the scanner. It might tell us something.

(The Tardis appears to have materialised inside a wood mill. A woman screams.)

DOCTOR: The door!

(A tall man in a long dark cape comes into view, dragging a young girl across the barn towards a huge circular saw.)

[Wood mill film set]

(There's a piano playing in the background.)

BLOSSOM: (screaming) Oh, No! No! No!

TRANTON: And then my secret will be safe forever. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

BLOSSOM: (screaming) No! Help me! Somebody help me!

TRANTON: Your cries cannot be heard. The sawmills are miles from anywhere. Ha, ha.

(Steven, still dressed as a policeman, dashes from the Tardis and attacks the man, knocking him over. Sara rushes forward and unties the girl. But all is not as it seems. The Tardis has landed on a Hollywood movie set in the early days of film.)

BLOSSOM: Oh! Somebody! Oh! Stop! Oh! Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it!

GREEN: Cut! Cut! Who let those bums in here?

BLOSSOM: Steinberger, they've ruined my scene! Oh!

GREEN: It's that guy, DeMille. He's trying to sabotage me! Get those bums out of here!

(Several cameramen move in to overpower them. Sara uses her combat skills to decimate the opposition, Steven helping as best he can. In the melee they manage to escape.)

GREEN: Did you see those two? Wait. I want them back here.

BLOSSOM: Oh, Steinberger, what are you going to do about it?

(Steinberger P Green is delighted with their performance, Blossom LeFevre and the leading man less so.)

GREEN: Pipe down now. There's no camera running now. Save it for later.

TRANTON: Steinberger, look at my eye.

GREEN: (to a crewman) Hey you!

TRANTON: Look what they've done to my eye.

GREEN: I want those two back here. He's great!

TRANTON: Am I, or am I not, the star of this picture?

GREEN: bigger than Fairbanks! Well, don't just stand there,

TRANTON: Look what they've done to my eye. Look at my eye! Look at my eye!

GREEN: Go get them!

(And so the hunt was on.)

[Studio corridor]

(Running down the corridor between two studios Steven meets the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Where's Sara?

STEVEN: I must've lost her. Where are we?

DOCTOR: In here quick.

(They pass a small figure that looks suspiciously like Charlie Chaplin then dive through a door into a vast room full of costumes.)

[Sheik's tent set]

SHEIK: And then I will come to you on my camel, and sweep you away across the desert.

INGMAR: No. No. Terrible!

ASSISTANT: OK, Harry. Cut that at 23 (other words are drowned out as he continues the stage instructions)

INGMAR: You've got to give it more feeling. She's not a sack of potatoes.

VAMP: No. He is the sack of potatoes. Where did you find him, on a rubbish dump?

SHEIK: I resent that!

GREEN: Iggy. Iggy! Did you see them?

INGMAR: Who? Who?

GREEN: A guy and a gal. They just beat the living daylights out of my camera crew. It was great!

INGMAR: Perhaps you like your film interrupted, but I do not. Please do not interrupt me when I am creating.

MAN: Mister Kenoff? Mister Kenoff?

INGMAR: Knopf. Ingmar Knopf.

MAN: Mister Knopf, Professor Webster's here, sir.

INGMAR: Ah, good. Send him to me at once. I need him in this next scene.

MAN: Yes, sir.

GREEN: You should have seen him! He was great! Bigger than Fairbanks! I've got to find a name for him! Something suave!

INGMAR: No please, no please, do whatever you like, but leave me alone! Get off my set! I'm trying to make a film!

(Knopf spots Sara creeping round the back of his set.)

INGMAR: Who is this girl? If she's one of the harem, why is she wearing that extraordinary clothing? Tell her to get them off! Send her to wardrobe!


(The door from wardrobe to the corridor opens and Steven and the Doctor emerge.)

DOCTOR: No, I must find Sara.

STEVEN: You think she's still in this place?

DOCTOR: I'll try out there first. You wait here.

(An assistant director spots Steven in his police uniform.)

ASSISTANT: Oh, there you are! Everybody's waiting.


ASSISTANT: Don't argue. Come on.

(The Assistant Director puts a truncheon into Steven's hand and drags him to the nearby set, a Keystone Kops movie. Steven is horrified.)

STEVEN: I'm nothing to do with your film.

(Steven breaks free and dashes down the passageway closely pursued by two other Kops. A moment later he's carried kicking and shouting back the way they came.)

STEVEN [OC]: Put me down! Put me down!! I have never taken part in a scene I swear.

(Despite his protests, Steven is bundled off into the action and soon finds himself embroiled in a crazy car chase, which ends in rather inevitable disaster. As the dust settles, Steven takes his chance and runs off again.)

ASSISTANT: Now where's he got to? We need him to do that scene again.

[Sheik's tent]

SHEIK: And then I will come to you. And then I will come to you. And then I will come to you on my camel and I will sweep you away across the desert.

INGMAR: All right. All right. Professor Webster isn't here yet, so please don't exhaust your capabilities.

SHEIK: Now look here, Mister Kenoff!

INGMAR: Knopf. Ingmar Knopf.

SHEIK: Kenerve. You can't talk to me like that. I am an actor!

VAMP: What? He is not an actor. You are a cheap pig.

SHEIK: Get lost, fraulein.

(As the crew ready themselves for the next take, the Doctor appears and enters into the spirit of things by immediately being mistaken for someone else.)

INGMAR: Professor Webster! Where have you been all this time?


INGMAR: We've been waiting for you. As our expert on Arabian customs we need your help.

DOCTOR: Certainly, certainly. My help? Oh, I shall be delighted. Yes. (speaks arabic).

INGMAR: How very good, Professor.

DOCTOR: Doctor, please.

INGMAR: Oh, Doctor! Now this is a rich Sheik's tent.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. And who is this?

INGMAR: She is an Arabian princess.

DOCTOR: Nonsense! You put some more clothes on, child. Go along. And what's all this?

(The Doctor raps on a nearly chest. It opens and Sara climbs out.)

INGMAR: What are you doing in there? Please, get out. You are in the next scene, the harem scene, please.

DOCTOR: Come on. To the wardrobe. The wardrobe.

INGMAR: Doctor, where are you going?

(But what has happened to Steven?)


(Eluding the Assistant Director, Steven takes the precaution of removing the police tunic to avoid any future misunderstandings. He's heading back to the Tardis when - )

STEVEN: Sara, where've you been?

SARA: I don't know, but a strange man kept telling me to take my clothes off.

DOCTOR: Now, come along. We must go back to the Tardis. This is a madhouse. It's all full of Arabs. Come along.

(Meanwhile, all was not well at the old barn.)

[Wood mill film set]

GREEN: Sure, baby, sure. I know it was a bit of a shock.

BLOSSOM: You're trying to get rid of me. You don't want me as your star any more.

GREEN: Of course I do, baby. You're great. I don't want those kids for your kind of a picture.

BLOSSOM: But, you said you were going to make him bigger than Fairbanks. I suppose you're going to make her bigger than (lost under background dialogue)

GREEN: No, honey, no. She's not that kind of a girl. You're the one I'm gonna make great. Now look. You're gonna, you're gonna take one more take, huh? Please?

BLOSSOM: Oh, all right. But this will be the last time.

GREEN: Sure, sure. Quiet everybody! Set up for a take!

MAN: Set up for a take!

VOICES: Set up for a take!

GREEN: Makeup!

MAN: Makeup!

(Suddenly Green spots Steven and Sara trying to sneak around the back of the set towards the Tardis.)

GREEN: Stop! Stop those two!

MAN: Hey, you two! Come back here!

GREEN: Stop those two!

BLOSSOM: No! No, no, no, no. Oh!

(The Chase was on.)

STEVEN: Come on, Sara.

GREEN: Stop those two!

(During the chase, the Doctor finds a dejected looking clown leaning against the Tardis door.)

DOCTOR: Come back, you two!

CLOWN: Typical. When you're new around here, they chase you, but after a while, you're off.

DOCTOR: What's that?

CLOWN: All the time they want something new. New jokes. There aren't any.

DOCTOR: Aren't there? Well, that's a joke in itself.

CLOWN: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. ha, ha, ha, ha.

(Sara and Steven race down some stairs, once again interrupting the work of the great Ingmar Knopf.)

[Sheik's tent]

INGMAR: What are you two doing? Get them out of here. And will you please tell those girls to get changed?

AIDE: Ya, ya, Mister Knopf.

(Meanwhile, back at the Tardis)

[Wood mill film set]

CLOWN: Custard pies have been done by Chaplin, so I'm not allowed to.

DOCTOR: Quite, quite. Now would you mind moving

CLOWN: A drink of water, done by Chaplin. Banana skins

CLOWN + DOCTOR: All done by Chaplin.

[Sheik's tent]

(Knopf is setting up another shot.

CAMERAMAN: Now we start in close, see? And then we'll dolly back down along there.

INGMAR: Hey, where's Webster?

GREEN: Which way did they go?

INGMAR: What are you up to? Please, where's Webster?

GREEN: They came through here! Where did they go?

INGMAR: Two fools rushed over there somewhere.

GREEN: Wait!

INGMAR: Where's Webster? Where's Webster?!

[Wood mill film set]

CLOWN: They They won't even let me do the wallpaper and paste routine. You know why?

DOCTOR: Done by Chaplin.

CLOWN: Yeah.

DOCTOR: Now would you excuse me?

CLOWN: I'll tell you something. That little Englishman has done everything. I think I'll give it up and take to singing.


CLOWN: But who'd use a singer with a name like Bing Crosby?

DOCTOR: Custard pies and Bing Crosby! Ha!

STEVEN: Doctor!

(Sara and Steven finally manage to get back to the Tardis and dash inside, pulling the Doctor in after them. It dematerialises. Neither Steinberger P Green, nor Ingmar Knopf have ever seen an illusion like it.)

BLOSSOM: Steinberger, just when are we going to do my scene, huh?

GREEN: What a great trick! They just disappeared!

INGMAR: Webster! Come back! Come back, Webster! Come back!

GREEN: What a great trick. It's the greatest! How's it done?

(Fighting his way through the confusion, a little Englishman in pebble glasses approaches Knopf.)

GREEN: Hey, come back! Where is it? Come back!

WEBSTER: Excuse me.

INGMAR: What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?

WEBSTER: I'm Professor Webster.

INGMAR: Who? You?

WEBSTER: Yes, Professor Webster.

INGMAR: Darling!

(And so they all lived happily ever after)


SARA: Whatever was that place?

STEVEN: Oh, I've no idea. I'm glad we got away.

SARA: What were they doing?

STEVEN: Your guess is as good as mine. Let's hope we never land there again.


DOCTOR: Here we are.

STEVEN: What's this?

DOCTOR: Well, we so rarely get a chance to celebrate, but this time we must.

SARA: Celebrate?

DOCTOR: Yes. It's Christmas.

SARA: Is it?

DOCTOR: Don't you remember? The police station? Christmas?

STEVEN: So it was, yes.

DOCTOR: Here's a toast. A Happy Christmas to all of us.


STEVEN: Same to you, Doctor. Sara.

DOCTOR: (direct to camera) Incidentally, a Happy Christmas to all of you at home!

Episode 8 - Volcano

[Dalek base]

(On the planet Kembel, the Daleks have completed work on the Time Destructor.)

DALEK 1: Inform the Dalek Supreme that the Time Destructor is ready for testing.

DALEK 2: Are all circuits operational?

DALEK 1: Yes, the taranium core has been fitted.

[Dalek Control room]

CELATION: Having had your contribution to this great weapon stolen, it must be a relief to you now that the Daleks have managed to recover it.

CHEN: Without my help, it is unlikely that they'd have got it back.

TRANTIS: At least that absurd story that it was my people from Trantis who stole the taranium has been discredited.

CELATION: Yes. They were from Earth, I believe.

CHEN: Only two of them and they are under the influence of some creature from another galaxy.

TRANTIS: He looked like an Earth creature.

CHEN: That's only a disguise. The Daleks know of him. He is some kind of time and space traveller.

CELATION: Then he is nothing to do with me. We have not yet conquered the dimension of time.

CHEN: I hear your experiments in that field are progressing, Trantis.

TRANTIS: We have not yet succeeded. Only the Daleks know how to break the time barrier.

CELATION: And this other creature, from wherever he comes.

CHEN: Oh, he's of no importance now. After all, we're here to witness the testing of the Time Destructor, are we not?

BLACK: All is ready?

DALEK: It is.

BLACK: Programme it for testing.

DALEK: All that is needed is a subject.

BLACK: The subject has been selected.

(It looks at Trantis.)


(The Doctor is viewing the read out on the console with some concern.)

SARA: What do you mean, you don't know?

DOCTOR: My dear, this machine can only tell us we're being followed, ,ot who by.

STEVEN: It must be the Daleks.

DOCTOR: Yes, a hasty conclusion, but possibly right. Although I don't understand how they could have tested that taranium so quickly.

SARA: We must get back to the planet Kembel.

DOCTOR: Oh, nonsense, my dear.

SARA: We must. We've got to destroy the Daleks' invasion fleet.

[Dalek Control room]

(From the observation area, Celation and Chen watch as a petrified Trantis is forced into the test chamber by two Daleks.)

CELATION: I wonder why they chose him?

CHEN: It was his own choice really.

CELATION: What do you mean?

CHEN: He was so eager to make a contribution to the time destructor that they've let him make one. His life.

BLACK: Prepare to activate the time destructor.

DALEK: Are the other two creatures to be present at the destruction?`

BLACK: Yes. Their greed for power is so great that they can be trusted. Activate the machine.

DALEK: I obey.

(The Time Destructor is energised, humming and pulsing into life. Prepared for the worst, Trantis sinks to his knees, his face twisted in terror.)

CHEN: So that's what's supposed to happen. A kind of abject insanity.

CELATION: I do not know, though I always thought Trantis was a little unstable anyway.

CHEN: Nothing's happening to him.

CELATION: The Time Destructor does not work.

CHEN: But that's impossible. It must work. It must.

BLACK: The destructor is having no effect.

DALEK: The mechanism is functioning perfectly. The fault is in the taranium!

(The truth begins to sink in. The Dalek Supreme glides across the control room to confront Chen.)

BLACK: The taranium core has failed.

CHEN: It can't be true. There must be some mistake.

BLACK: The Daleks do not make mistakes. You have lied to us. You have not given us the taranium.

CHEN: Why should I lie? I can only benefit from my alliance with you. I brought you taranium, the real taranium.

BLACK: The core is worthless.

CHEN: No! No, it can't be. It came from Uranus. I know it did.

BLACK: We fitted the core you gave us. It has failed to activate the Time Destructor, therefore it is not taranium.

CHEN: It was the old man, that time-traveller.


CHEN: He must have changed it.

CELATION: But it was you who said that what he gave you was the taranium core.

CHEN: I know, but I didn't check. How could I? The old man fooled us. The Daleks should have checked before they fitted it, before they let the old man go.

BLACK: Report to Skaro. They must send a time machine to us immediately.

DALEK: I obey.

BLACK: You will both wait here.

CELATION: But this is nothing to do with me. I was invited as an observer.

BLACK: Very well, you can return to your section. You, Mavic Chen, will wait here for the arrival of the time machine.

CHEN: Yes.

DALEK: What about the subject?

BLACK: The subject? Exterminate him.

(Emerging from the test chamber, Trantis believes for a moment that he's escaped death, before he's ruthlessly destroyed. As Trantis falls to the floor, Chen tries to conceal his horror at this callous demonstration.


(Steven is monitoring the time curve indicator)

STEVEN: It's still following us.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes.

SARA: When are we going to land?

DOCTOR: Pretty soon, my dear, pretty soon.

SARA: And I thought you knew what you were doing.

DOCTOR: I know full well what I'm doing, child. Now don't get so excited.

STEVEN: They're getting closer, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Hmm? Yes, I see. Yes, I must do something drastic.

SARA: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: Landing, my dear. That's what you wanted, wasn't it?

[Cricket ground]

(At the Oval in South London, a match is in full swing.)

TREVOR: Well, the English batsmen are really fighting against the clock now, Scott.

SCOTT: (Australian) My word, yes. Seventy eight runs in forty five minutes to win.

TREVOR: It really has been an exciting game, hasn't it, Scott?

SCOTT: Very exciting.

TREVOR: Well, let's have a look at the scoreboard, shall we? Now, you'll see. Goodness me, take a look at that, Scott.

(The Tardis materialises on the field.)

SCOTT: Take a look at what, Trev?

TREVOR: There's a police telephone box on the pitch.

SCOTT: My word, yes.

TREVOR: Well this really is extraordinary. You don't remember anything like this happening before, do you, Scott?

SCOTT: No. No.

TREVOR: Well, anyway, Ross is looking through the record books and if there has been anything like it before, I'm sure he'll find it for us.

SCOTT: You know, Trev, this puts a new light on the game.

TREVOR: What light's that, Scott?

SCOTT: Well, I know your ground staff are excellent, but even assuming they get rid of it in say, ten minutes, England will still have to get their seventy eight runs in thirty five minutes.

TREVOR: Yes. Yes, well I think we can safely say this has been a very bad break for England.

SCOTT: A very bad break. Especially as the weather's been holding off so well.

TREVOR: Yes, it has, hasn't it. Been holding off remarkably well. Well, let's have another look at the scoreboard shall we, although not very much has been happening these last few

SCOTT: It's making a funny noise.

TREVOR: What's that, Scott?

SCOTT: A funny noise coming from the police box.

(The Tardis dematerialises.)

SCOTT: It's gone again, Trev.

TREVOR: Yes, so it has. Well, that wasn't too bad was it, Scott?

SCOTT: Two and a half minutes, I make it, Trev.

TREVOR: Yes, well there's the position. England wanting seventy eight runs in forty two and a half minutes to win.


DOCTOR: Yes, it's definitely some sporting occasion.

SARA: Oh, I hardly think so, Doctor.

STEVEN: Was it on Earth, do you think?

DOCTOR: Oh, possibly, my dear fellow, possibly.

STEVEN: Yes, well, wherever it was, there's still someone on our tail. Here, look at this.

DOCTOR: Yes, my plan hasn't worked. Following us closely.

[Dalek Control room]

(A Dalek time machine materialises.)

DALEK: Your order has been carried out. The time machine is ready to commence operations.

BLACK: Excellent. Organise a task force for the pursuit of the time travellers.

DALEK: I obey.

BLACK: Ascertain their position on the space time scope.

DALEK: I obey.

BLACK: Mavic Chen, you will accompany the task force. You will ensure that the taranium core is returned to Kembel.

CHEN: Of course. I shall do everything in my power.

BLACK: If you fail, or if we find that you have deceived us, you will suffer the same fate as the time travellers. Annihilation!


(The planet Tigus is riddled with volcanoes, lava running in steaming bubbling rivers. It is here the Tardis materialises on the slopes of a deep volcanic crater.)

SARA: Where are we, Doctor? Do you know?

STEVEN: It doesn't look very pleasant, does it?

DOCTOR: No, we must take off quite soon.

SARA: It's stopped.

STEVEN: What does that mean, Doctor? Have we shaken it off?

DOCTOR: No, my boy, we haven't shaken them off. Whoever it was following us has landed. They've landed out there.

(Not far away, a large boulder stands alone on the uneven volcanic ground. It appears even more odd when a door opens in the side of the boulder and the figure of a man in monk's robes appears. The Monk scans the horizon using a pair of binoculars and is delighted when he spots the Doctor's Tardis a short distance away.)

[Planet surface]

STEVEN: You know, Doctor, it would help if we knew what we were looking for.

SARA: I still say it was madness to come out here. We should have taken off again or tried to get back to Kembel.

DOCTOR: My dear young girl, what good would it be to run away? The sooner we find who's pursuing us the better.

(Steven sits down on some rocks then stands up again hurriedly.)

STEVEN: Hey! Hey, this is hot.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, I can well imagine that. This is a new planet, my boy. It's cooling down, cooling down. Fascinating. Yes, extremely fascinating. I wonder? I wonder who'd take the time and trouble to follow us? Yes, I think there is an explanation, but unlikely. Possible, very possible.

(As the Doctor and his companions widen their search, The Monk circles round behind them. He manages to avoid being spotted and at last reaches the Doctor's Tardis. Petulantly he kicks at the ship but only succeeds in hurting his foot. It's time for a more scientific approach. The Monk takes a small pencil laser from his tool bag and puts on a pair of dark goggles to protect his eyes. He applies the laser to the Tardis lock. There is no apparent damage to the Tardis, but the Monk seems delighted with his handiwork. Putting his tools away, he sets off back to his own ship.)

DOCTOR: Hello there! Hello! Don't you think we should meet and talk it over?

STEVEN: Doctor, who are we waiting for?

DOCTOR: Oh, you'll see, my boy, you'll see.

STEVEN: Oh, come on, tell us, otherwise you'll say you're right whoever we meet.

DOCTOR: You lack one quality of all the others, my boy, and that is patience.

(On a ridge above them, the Monk comes into view, a large rock raised defensively over his head.)

SARA: Doctor, look!

DOCTOR: Ah, tut, tut, tut, my dear Monk. Now don't be so ridiculous. Put that down at once.

MONK: Well, hello, Doctor. Keeping well?

DOCTOR: Oh, no complaints, no. And you?

MONK: Oh, so so, you know, just so so.

SARA: Who is it?

MONK: Delighted to see you again, young man.

STEVEN: Thanks. I wish I could say the same for you.

DOCTOR: I suppose congratulations for your escape are quite in order.

MONK: Oh, thank you. Most kind of you, Doctor. Yes, it took a bit of time, but I finally managed to bypass the dimensional controller.

DOCTOR: Yes, a very interesting solution, yes, I'm sure, though I think it would make for rather an uncomfortable ride. However, I don't suppose it affected you very much, being an amateur.

MONK: Yes, it was rather uncomfortable, but then, we can't have everything, can we? As for being an amateur, we shall see. Anyway, it was better than 1066.

DOCTOR: Yes, I suppose so.

SARA: What's he talking about, 1066?

STEVEN: It's all right. We've met the Monk once before. I'll explain later.

DOCTOR: And you returned here for one obvious reason, did you not?

MONK: I'm afraid so, Doctor. Revenge is a strange thing, isn't it?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, quite, quite. Tell me, any plans?

MONK: And all carried out as well. Oh, ho. Doctor, you remember you left me in 1066? Now I've marooned you on the planet Tigus. Look! Oh, it's funny this. Forgive me laughing, Doctor, but I don't seem to be able to control it. Well, goodbye, Doctor. Perhaps I'll come back one day and rescue you.

STEVEN: Hey, wait a minute.

DOCTOR: Don't waste your breath, young man. The most important thing is, is to find out what he's done to the Tardis. Come on.

[Outside the Tardis]

(The Doctor tries to unlock the door but his key will not work.)

DOCTOR: Reset the lock mechanism. He probably used some kind of ray.

SARA: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: That means we cannot get back into the Tardis, child!

(From a safe distance, the Monk watches gleefully as Steven tries picking the lock without success.)

DOCTOR: Oh, you will achieve nothing, dear boy, nothing.

SARA: Yes, perhaps, but it's better than just accepting everything.

DOCTOR: Yes, like I am, I suppose?

STEVEN: Well, you haven't been taking much interest have you, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Oh, and why not, dear boy, why not? Because I am using my brain. I'm trying to solve this problem.

(The Doctor takes off his ring and looks at it thoughtfully.)

DOCTOR: Now just stand back and cover your eyes, please.

(He angles the ring so as to reflect the glare of Tigus' sun onto the lock.)

STEVEN: What does that do?

DOCTOR: Perhaps nothing, perhaps everything. Will you do as you're told at once. Cover your eyes, please.

(Sara tries the door.)

SARA: It hasn't worked.

DOCTOR: Wait a moment, child.

(The Doctor uses his key to unlock the door then stands aside.)

DOCTOR: Now try.

STEVEN: You're a genius, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know, my boy. I know.

(The Tardis dematerialises. The Monk can barely believe his eyes.)

MONK: Oh, no, no. Don't think I'm going to leave it at this. You haven't heard the last of me, Doctor. You haven't heard the last of me!


STEVEN: If you ask me, we haven't heard the last of that monk.

DOCTOR: Quite so, dear boy. He'll be on our trail again as fast as he can get going.

SARA: Yes, but next time we'll be expecting him.

DOCTOR: Exactly, my dear, exactly. Now, Steven, there's something I want you to do. Go to that indicator and let me know the instant the Monk's Tardis registers.

STEVEN: Yes, all right, but first you tell us something. How did you break that lock?

DOCTOR: Oh, that's all very simple, dear boy. You see the sun in that particular galaxy has very unusual powers. I merely reflected its powers through that ring.

SARA: Is there something special about it?

DOCTOR: Yes, it has certain properties. The combined forces of that sun together with the stone in that ring was sufficient enough to correct the Monk's interference.

STEVEN: Yes, but what properties has it?

DOCTOR: Now, I don't want to discuss this anymore. Please, about turn, and do as you're told. Go along.

[Dalek Control room]

(The Dalek's time machine is prepared and ready to leave Kembel. A squad of Daleks files aboard, accompanied by Mavic Chen. The door closes behind them.)

DALEK: The task force is now aboard.

BLACK: Commence count down.

(In the background a Dalek counts down from 100.)

DALEK 2: The enemy ship is preparing to land.

BLACK: Compute their bearing and advise task force. Task force will use the homing beam.

DALEK: Enemy ship located. Space time bearing, planet Earth, London, 1966.


(The Tardis has materialised in Trafalgar Square just before midnight, New Year's Eve 1966. Not knowing quite what to make of it, Steve observes the boisterous revelry on the scanner.)

STEVEN: Well, you won't be able to carry out your repairs here, Doctor.


SARA: It's some sort of celebration, isn't it?

DOCTOR: I don't quite know, you just listen, my dear, listen.

(Church bells are pealing.)

[Dalek Control room]

DALEK [OC]: Twenty two, twenty one, twenty, nineteen, eighteen


DOCTOR: It's Earth. I've seen that place before.

SARA: What do you think they're celebrating?

DOCTOR: Well, as far as I can remember, I've seen them behave in a fashion like that on a former occasion.

STEVEN: What was that?

DOCTOR: The Relief of Mafeking.

[Dalek Control room]

DALEK [OC]: Four, three, two, one, zero.

(The Dalek time machine dematerialises.)

BLACK: Report to Skaro. Our time machine is now in pursuit. Nothing can match Dalek technology. The universe shall be ours. Conquest is assured.

ALL: Conquest! Conquest! Conquest! Conquest! Conquest!

Episode 9 - Golden Death

(The Tardis lands close to the base of the Great pyramid in ancient Egypt.)

[Dalek Time machine]

(The Dalek task force leader is coloured red.)

RED: Mavic Chen, the recovery of the taranium core is your responsibility.

CHEN: I welcome it. Guile and cunning will succeed where force would fail.

RED: Once the taranium core is in your possession, we shall eliminate the humans.

CHEN: Of course.

(Chen indicates the desert terrain shown on the scanner.)

CHEN: And I assume that that is where they've landed?

RED: You are correct and we shall arrive shortly. In four Earth minutes.

CHEN: They must have equipment in their ship. Equipment that would inform them of our pursuit.

DALEK 1: The time traveller is making no attempt to take off.

CHEN: That's very strange. Why should they choose to wait and face us?

[Outside the Tardis]

(The Doctor and his companions have no desire to remain in Egypt any longer than necessary, but as a result of the Monk's tampering, the Tardis lock needs to be properly repaired before they can leave.)

STEVEN: How long is it going to take you to mend the lock, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Well, it's hard to say, my boy, but I think that its going to be a little more difficult than I thought.

STEVEN: Oh yes, and the other time machine is still registering.

DOCTOR: Yes, but I don't think so for much longer. It's about time you know that that wretched Monk landed and I think he will quite soon.

STEVEN: Well, it's quite impressive isn't it?

DOCTOR: Well, yes, the pyramids are the seventh wonder of this ancient world, I should say the word impressive is rather an understatement.

STEVEN: Yes, you could be right. Well, they've finished it you think? There doesn't seem to be anyone around.

DOCTOR: Would you mind passing me the diatrab, dear boy, please.

(Steven hands the Doctor what he thinks is the correct tool. The Doctor looks at the strange gadget he's been handed. It's not what he asked for at all.)

DOCTOR: I said the diatrab. I said the diatrab.

(In exasperation the Doctor takes the diatrab for himself.)

STEVEN: There's not much cover, is there? If the Monk's Tardis lands this side of the pyramid, we should see it easily however it disguises itself. You know, I think I'll take a look from up there, It'll give me a better view.

(Steven clambers up on some stone blocks and disappears out of sight.)

DOCTOR: Yes, I think perhaps it would be a good idea if you keep your eye on the Monk, so if you climb higher. Talking to myself.

[Dalek Time machine]

DALEK 1: Stand by for materialisation.

DALEK 2: Continuum stabiliser reading four, three, two, one, zero!

DALEK 1: Materialising now!

[Outside the Tardis]

(From his vantage point, Steven sees the Dalek's time machine materialise.)

STEVEN [OC]: Doctor! Doctor, I can see it. I saw it land! Doctor!

(Steven comes back down)

STEVEN: Doctor

DOCTOR: Calm down. Calm down. What's all the fuss? Is that you bawling your head off?

STEVEN: Yes, I saw it land over there.

SARA: Doctor, whatever was following us has stopped registering on the time curve indicator.

STEVEN: It's over there, Sara. About a quarter of a mile away.

DOCTOR: Now that's very good. Yes, very good. Now, please excuse me.

STEVEN: Well, oughtn't we to take the initiative, and go and meet the Monk?

DOCTOR: Oh, my dear young man, I have no intention of leaving the Tardis unlocked. And another thing you should know. Do you realise I had to strip the whole of this mechanism down before I could put it right.

STEVEN: How long are you going to be?

DOCTOR: Oh, I don't know. But anyway I dare say I can catch you up somewhere. But be careful. You know that Monk can be very harmful if he wants to.

STEVEN: Don't worry Doctor, we'll watch him.

(Left alone, the Doctor turns back to his work, but he's unaware that he's being watched from a distance by Tuthmos, an overseer at the great pyramid. Making sure that he is not spotted by the Doctor or his companions, Tuthmos goes report what he's seen to Hyksos, the Captain of the guard.)


TUTHMOS: Master! Strangers at the tomb!

(Hyksos summons a party of guards to investigate.)


[Gaza platform]

(From atop the piles of stone, Steven and Sara have an excellent view of the newly arrived ship, an oval shaped metallic craft with inset archways.)

STEVEN: Well, it didn't work this time, did it?

SARA: What hasn't?

STEVEN: The Monk's Tardis. It usually blends in with it's surroundings like the Doctor's should.

SARA: Maybe the Monk didn't bother this time.

STEVEN: Yes, maybe, but I thought it was automatic. Anyway, let's take a look.

(They're about to move when Sara grabs Steven's arm. Mavic Chen and a group of Daleks emerge from the ship.)

STEVEN: Daleks!

SARA: I knew we should have tried to get back to Kembel.

STEVEN: It's a bit late for that now. We've got to warn the Doctor. Come on.

(They start back to the Tardis, running straight into an ambush by Hyksos and his men.)

HYKSOS: Take them away!

(Steven and Sara are quickly overwhelmed.)

HYKSOS: The rest of you follow me. More of them!

(Hyksos has spotted Chen and the Dalek up ahead.)

HYKSOS: Seize them!

(But the Egyptians remain frozen to the spot as the Dalek approaches them.)

HYKSOS: Seize them, you cowards!

RED: Exterminate the creatures. Pursue and exterminate.

(More Daleks emerge from their ship. The terrified Egyptians turn and flee as the Daleks glide after them in pursuit. Relentlessly the Daleks track the men across the site and exterminate them one by one. Witness to the brutal and efficient massacre of his men, Hyksos realises he cannot defeat these strange metal creatures without help. Managing to evade the Daleks, he finds his way back to Tuthmos who has watched unfolding events with horror)

HYKSOS: Tuthmos, a slaughter! I must fetch reinforcements.

(The surviving guards retreat to safety, taking Steven and Sara with them. Elsewhere, Chen emerges from where he's hidden during the fighting. DALEK 1: Did we sustain damage?

DALEK 2: No. It was only inhabitants of this time and planet.

DALEK 3: Unimportant.

DALEK 1: Exterminate them on sight.

[Outside the Tardis]

(The Doctor has finished his repairs, unaware of events taking place elsewhere. He's packed away his tool kit and emerges from the Tardis cane in hand, locking the door behind him.)

DOCTOR: Well, that's finished. Now I must go. I wonder where those other two are now. Sara? Steven?


(The Doctor wanders through the pyramid workings searching for Steven and Sara. Not far from the Tardis he has to tip-toe past a sleeping guard. Piled up around him are the Pharaoh's treasures intended for the tomb. Linens, urns, statues and a stone sarcophagus. As the sun beats down the Doctor soon becomes uncomfortable in the oppressive heat. There's no sign of Sara or Steven. At last he's forced to stop and rest, taking the opportunity to mop his brow with his handkerchief and loosen his collar. He's about to resume his search when a familiar sound stops him in his tracks. Amused, the Doctor moves closer to where the Monk's Tardis, now disguised as a large block of stone, has materialised. From his hiding place, the Doctor watches as the Monk emerges from his time machine, blinking in the strong sunlight. A moment later the Monk ducks back inside to reappear seconds later wearing a pair of sunglasses. The Monk sets off across the pyramid workings. Allowing him a small head start, the Doctor moves to follow, dodging around the blocks of stone in order to keep out of sight. But after a few steps he stops in his tracks as an awful thought occurs to him.)

DOCTOR: Who was it landed here before, then? The Daleks!


(Steven and Sara are dragged into the Egyptian compound, pushed roughly to the floor and bound hand and foot. Hyksos watches over them. He's no patience for tomb raider.)

HYKSOS: Plunderers! Murderers!

(Khephren, architect of the great pyramid, nods in agreement.)

KHEPHREN: What of the others?

HYKSOS: I will journey to the next encampment. We'll need an army to do battle with their fire-throwing machines.

KHEPHREN: Yes, and I will take my slaves to the tomb. The treasures that Pharaoh has sent for his journey to the afterlife will be placed inside. There they will be easier to guard.

(Khephren leaves, and Hyksos turns to Tuthmos.)

HYKSOS: I will return when the sun is above us.

(Taking two men, Hyksos leaves. Tuthmos stands guard over Steven and Sara.)

STEVEN: How long are you going to keep us here?

SARA: Yes.

TUTHMOS: Until your friends have been brought to join you. Then you will answer for your crimes.

STEVEN: We haven't got anything to answer for. We're not interested in your treasures.

TUTHMOS: Not even the old man?

STEVEN: Not even the old man.

TUTHMOS: Then why did he examine so carefully that large blue box?

STEVEN: Well, probably because the large blue box was his.

TUTHMOS: Now, I know you lie. Everything the slaves hauled here across the desert belongs to Pharaoh>

(Tuthmos turns away dismissively. After a moment, Steven feels movement behind his back.)

STEVEN: What are you doing?

SARA: While you were talking, I managed to find a piece of broken pottery. With a bit of time I think I can get though these bonds.

STEVEN: Great. Keep sawing.


(Out in the heat of the day, the Monk is sneaking around the pyramid workings looking for the Doctor. Not far behind him, the Doctor follows, ducking out of sight when necessary. Alerted by a faint sound up ahead, the Monk looks for cover then hears someone approaching. There's nothing for it but to bluff it out. As the Doctor watches, the Monk pockets his sunglasses, draws up the hood of his habit and turns towards the newcomer.)

MONK: Good morning, my son.

(It takes a moment for the sight before him to register.)

MONK: A Dalek!

CHEN: Wait! Don't fire!

DALEK: Dalek exterminations will not be questioned.

CHEN: This could help us recover the taranium core.

DALEK: Explain.

CHEN: In a moment. So, you have heard of the Daleks?

MONK: Yes, yes, by reputation.

CHEN: Then you are certainly not of this time.

MONK: No, oh no, certainly not, no. Just a passing time traveller anxious to be on his way, so if you'll excuse me I'll

DALEK: Halt!

CHEN: Three time machines in one infinitesimal speck of space and time. Of course, a coincidence is possible, but hardly likely. You would agree?

MONK: Oh, yes, I would agree.

CHEN: Then why have you arrived here?

MONK: Three, three time-machines? Yes, well, the odd one out belongs to a certain Doctor.

DALEK: The enemy ship!

MONK: Yes, that's right. The enemy. I have an old score to settle with him, but I'm sure yours is the prior claim.

CHEN: He is a friend of yours?

MONK: Friend? No, no, an enemy. An enemy to end all enemies! I came here to inflict a terrible vengeance on him. I mean, we're all on the same side here, aren't we.

CHEN: But he knows you.

MONK: Well, er, in a manner of speaking, yes, and again in another manner of speaking, no.

CHEN: Could you gain his confidence?

MONK: Certainly, certainly. If you wanted me to. Oh, there's no question about it. No doubt at all.

CHEN: Then you may have a slight chance of saving your life. The Doctor and his friends have in their possession a full emm of taranium.

MONK: A full emm of taranium.

CHEN: It belongs to the Daleks. You will recover this and return it to us within one Earth hour.

MONK: Oh, I will. I promise.

CHEN: And I need hardly remind you that the Daleks will reward failure on your part with elimination.

MONK: Elimination. Thank you. Elimination! Oh, you'll get it back, have no fear.

CHEN: Then you'd better leave at once, and waste no more of your valuable time.

[Gaza platform]

(The Egyptian slaves have been busy carrying all the treasures down the narrow passageways into the burial chamber at the heart of the great pyramid, the Doctor's Tardis among them. Returning to his ship, The Monk goes inside. From afar, the Doctor is keeping pace with him and watches his every move.)

[Outside the Monk's Tardis]

(The Monk emerges from his Tardis carrying a small compass-like unit in his hand. An energy locator that will help him find the Doctor's machine. Mindful of the deadline he's been set, the Monk begins his search immediately. Once he has gone, the Doctor emerges from hiding. Checking the doors to the Monk's ship, he finds them unlocked.)

DOCTOR: Good heavens. You're given an opportunity you didn't before.

(The Doctor slips inside. After a few second, the Monk's Tardis changes shape. It takes on many forms, a Greek column, a silver leafed tree, a stage-coach, an igloo, a Sopwith Camel, a one man rocket ship, before settling in the familiar shape of a blue police telephone box. The Doctor comes out of the ship. He's carrying a directional unit which he's removed from the Monk's control console. Most pleased with his handiwork, the Doctor sets of back across the site.)


(Meanwhile, Sara has nearly sawn through Steven's ropes.)

STEVEN: How's it going?

SARA: I think that's done it. Yes.

(Once Steven's hand are free he quickly unties Sara.)

STEVEN: Now for those guards.

SARA: Come on!

(Attacking from behind, Steven and Sara take the three guards by surprise. As Steven struggles to bring the largest man down, Sara grabs another and chops proficiently at his exposed neck. The guard drops to the ground. The third man closes in on Sara. Spinning round she kicks him hard in his stomach, winding him. Before he can catch his breath, Sara grabs his head and smacks it against the wall, sending the unfortunate guard crashing to the floor. Steven is still struggling. Wading in to help, Sara delivers a knockout punch. As Steven gets to his feet, Sara eyes him approvingly.)

SARA: Not bad. Remind me to teach you a few tricks sometime.

STEVEN: Remind me not to pick a fight with you. Come on.

[Gaza platform]

(Using his locator, the Monk has arrived at an area of open ground. The original landing site of the Doctor's Tardis, now nowhere to be seen. Puzzled the Monk looks down at the locator again as the needle swings around to point at the pyramid. The Monk moves off. Behind him the Doctor looks worriedly at the spot where the Tardis once stood, then hurries after his quarry.

[Inside the Pyramid]

(Nervously, the Monk enters the tomb. The Monk looks around him. Sarcophagus, the urns and paintings, the white linen, then he notices the Tardis, smiles, goes up to it and tries the door.)

DOCTOR: You're wasting your time. You won't get in.

MONK: Doctor, you've been following me.

DOCTOR: For a time, yes, for a time. I've been glad to. You know, I don't think I would have found my Tardis without the help of that energy counter.

MONK: No. Come in very handy, hasn't it? You know, Doctor, if your machine would blend in with its surroundings, people wouldn't be able to find it and then we wouldn't have all this trouble.

DOCTOR: Yes, like your machine, I suppose.

MONK: Exactly, Doctor. Like mine. I could teach you a thing or two, you know.

DOCTOR: Well, you know, my way has its advantages. The Egyptians thought it was a very good idea, otherwise they wouldn't have brought it in here. As for your machine, well, it's probably disguised as a what, a sort of a block of stone?

MONK: Now, Doctor, it's a pity we're having this feud, you know. Oh, by the way, you didn't track me on your time curve indicator this time, did you?

DOCTOR: Not your machine, no. I didn't realise it at the time.

MONK: I jump crossed the track.

DOCTOR: Really?

MONK: It's simple, really, you know, Doctor. I mean, it's up to you, of course. If you'd like to come inside, I'll show you how it was done.

DOCTOR: And then you would be able to see the taranium, too.

MONK: Yes, yes. Do you know, I knew there was something I had to tell you. I've come here to warn you about the Daleks.

DOCTOR: Warn me?

MONK: Yes. Oh, I played them along their own game of course for quite a time but they don't like you, you know. They don't like you at all.

DOCTOR: Why didn't you?

MONK: What?

DOCTOR: Warn me.

MONK: Oh well, you were talking at the time. I didn't want to interrupt.

DOCTOR: You know, I think before I go, I should put you safely out of the way.

MONK: Oh, come now, Doctor. Surely you don't think I was going to help the Daleks?

DOCTOR: I did.

MONK: Now, Doctor, look, let's talk this over like civilised time-travellers. It's the taranium core they want, not you. Why don't you give it to them then we can be all on our way.

DOCTOR: If you believe that, my friend, you will believe anything!

MONK: Doctor, don't do anything you might regret. Doctor. Doctor!

[Dalek Time machine]

RED: Give your report.

DALEK: The time-traveller has not made contact.

RED: He has betrayed us. Prepare a task force to attack. All the humans will be exterminated.

DALEK 2: I obey.

[Gaza platform]

SARA: The Tardis! It's gone!

STEVEN: Well, the Egyptians must have taken it into the tomb already. Come on!

[Inside the pyramid]

STEVEN [OC]: Doctor! Doctor!

(Entering the burial chamber, they find it eerily silent.)

STEVEN: Doctor?

(They immediately notice the Tardis and the sarcophagus on the opposite wall.)

STEVEN: Doctor? No Doctor.

SARA: Unless he's inside.

(Sara knocks on the Tardis door.)

STEVEN: Doctor! Doctor!

SARA: Steven.

(Sara stares wide-eyed)

SARA: Steven, look.

(The lid of the sarcophagus rises and a bandage wrapped hand reaches out towards them.)

Episode 10 - Escape Switch

(from the Lost in Time DVD)

[Inside the pyramid]

(The occupant of the coffin tries to speak through his bandages)

STEVEN: He's trying to say something.

(Steven unwraps the mummy's face to reveal the wonderful Peter Barkworth.)

MONK: Well, thank goodness for that!

[Dalek Time machine]

DALEK: The plan has failed.

CHEN: We can't be certain. Although the time travelling Monk has not yet contracted us, we don't know what difficulties he's had to face.

DALEK: The Earth hour allowed has expired.

CHEN: In the present situation we can't afford to measure time exactly.

DALEK: The time traveller has deceived us!

CHEN: I don't think so. He dare not. Will the Daleks never learn that all things do not work to a pattern? That flexibility can also lead to conquest.

DALEK: Silence! All Daleks will disembark. All forms of life will be treated as hostile.

DALEKS: We obey!

DALEK: You, Chen, will come with us.

CHEN: But recovery of the taranium core was made my responsibility

DALEK: Orders will not be questioned!

CHEN: If you insist on this approach, I fail to see how I can be made to answer for the consequences.

(Chen hits the Dalek on the eyepiece.)

[Inside the pyramid]

(Helping the Monk out of his wrappings)

STEVEN: And it was the Doctor who did this?!

MONK: Yes. It's unbelievable, isn't it. Absolutely unbelievable. I admit I succumbed to temptation

SARA: What did the Doctor say?

MONK: Well, he didn't say anything really. Nothing. There I was, trying to warn him of the Daleks and suddenly there I was in the sarcophagus.

SARA: Oh, well I'm sure he'll apologise when he hears your story.

MONK: Well, of course, I'm not one to bear a grudge, and we all know what the Doctor's like. No, I think it was just one of those things.

STEVEN: Where do he go?

MONK: I'm afraid I don't know. Unfortunately, immediately after this brutal attack, the next thing I remember was

SARA: He probably gone looking for us.

STEVEN: Well then, what do we do? Go out again and take a chance on missing him, or stay here?

SARA: If he meets the Daleks he'll need our help.

MONK: Stay here, definitely. I've got a terrible headache.

STEVEN: What happens if we meet them?

SARA: We just have to take that chance.

MONK: No doubt the Doctor's got some some drug or other.

STEVEN: All right, but I won't pretend that I like the idea.

MONK: Well, if you give me the key to the Tardis

SARA: What about him?

MONK: I can go and get something out.

STEVEN: He can come with us. That way we can keep an eye on him.

SARA: Come on, then.

MONK: Oh dear.

STEVEN: What are you waiting for?

MONK: Well, are you going to let me into the Tardis or not?

STEVEN: I couldn't even if I wanted to. The Doctor's the only one with a key.


STEVEN: Come on, we'll find him.

MONK: That's what I'm worried about.

[Outside the Pyramid]

(Chen hears Steven calling)

STEVEN [OC]: Doctor! Doctor!

STEVEN: Doctor, where are you?

MONK: Doctor. Doctor. There you are, you see. You're wasting your time.

SARA: Doctor! It's hopeless.

STEVEN: Yes, I know it is. But what else can we do?

(The Monk sneaks round the corner and meets two Daleks.)

MONK: Ah, there you are. I'm been looking for you.

SARA: Who's that?

DALEK: You will join the other human. Move!

(Steven and Sara go round the corner)

DALEK 1: Prepare to exterminate them.

MONK: Exterminate? What, when I've fulfilled our part of the bargain?

CHEN: Give me the taranium core!

MONK: I, I haven't actually got the core, but I've brought you hostages.

STEVEN: Hostages?

CHEN: Hostages. Yes, that could work. The Doctor's loyalty to his friends is beyond question.

DALEK: No more discussion.

CHEN: In exchange for their lives, the Doctor would hand us the core of the time destructor.

DALEK: Is that true?

CHEN: Their silence confirms that it. They know that it's true.

DALEK: Take them back to the time machine.

DALEK 1: I obey.

(Steven and Sara leave)

MONK: Well, now that little problem's settled, I think I'd better

DALEK: You will return with us!

MONK: Return with you. That was what I was going to say.

[Khephren's workshop]

TUTHMOS: Master. The prisoners escaped

KHEPHREN: Escaped? We left the tomb unsealed.

TUTHMOS: We must take the men and go after them.

KHEPHREN: No, the war machines would destroy us all. Hyksos said he would return when the sun was above us. See, we do not have long to wait.

[Dalek Time machine]

DALEK 1: The voice audio has been adjusted.

DALEK: What is its present range?

DALEK 1: Seven earth miles.

DALEK: Mavic Chen can issue the ultimatum. Bring Chen to the voice audio.

DALEK 2: I obey.

MONK: Well now, there seems to be quite a bit of activity going on. What's the matter? Is it something I've said?

STEVEN: Don't you think you've done enough?

MONK: Done enough? Yes, I suppose that saving your life

SARA: What?

MONK: Well, we're all here, aren't we? It was very quick thinking on my part. Very quick indeed.

STEVEN: I don't believe it!

MONK: Do you mean to say you actually think I meant what I said to the Daleks? My dear fellow, this was a desperate gamble, risking my own life to save yours.

STEVEN: We can trust him about as much as we can trust the Daleks.

MONK: You mean my performance was that good? I knew I had to fool the Daleks, but I thought you would see through it.

SARA: He could be telling the truth, Steven.

MONK: Only could be? You don't think I'd take the side of these creatures against you, do you? You do. Honestly, this baffles me, destroys my faith in human nature.

STEVEN: Yes, well you can have your faith destroyed.

SARA: Stephen.

(Mavic Chen has entered)

DALEK: Speak the ultimatum into the voice audio.

CHEN: Doctor? Doctor, you should be able to hear me now, wherever you are.

DALEK: Continue, voice audio is functioning.

SARA: A kind of loudspeaker system.

STEVEN: Yes. Maybe it would be better if the Doctor didn't hear it.


(The Doctor does hear it. Everyone does, and the Egyptians prostrate themselves)

CHEN [OC]: Doctor, listen carefully to what I have to say. It is useless to try to fight us any more. Your two young friends are held prisoners by the Daleks. You know why we have pursued you through time and space. We want the taranium that you stole. You are to proceed to the Dalek time machine, south of the Great Pyramid, and receive your instructions. The vital core will be returned to us. Failure will mean the death of your friends.

[Khephren's workshop]

TUTHMOS: Master, it is the voice of the gods.

KHEPHREN: No, Tuthmos. The gods would speak words we understood.

TUTHMOS: Who else but the gods could speak in a voice like thunder?

KHEPHREN: The same mortals who would build war machines that throw fire. When Hyksos returns, you will see the end of your gods.

[Dalek Time machine]

(The Daleks leave)

CHEN: For your sake, I hope the Doctor does not keep us waiting long.

(Chen leaves)

SARA: We might try to warn the Doctor.

MONK: Warn him? Whatever for?

SARA: If one of us could get to that microphone.

STEVEN: No, Sara, it wouldn't stop him coming here. It'd probably make him more determined.

DOCTOR [OC]: All right, I'm here. Tell me what you want me to do.

[Outside the Dalek Time machine]

DOCTOR: I am here. Can you hear me?

CHEN: Yes, Doctor. We heard you.

DOCTOR: Where are they?

CHEN: Now come, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Where are they!

CHEN: It seems that the Doctor requires proof of what we say.

DALEK: Put the prisoners on view.

CHEN: We want the taranium core back Doctor, and there's nothing you can do to stop us now.

(Steven, Sara and the Monk come out)

MONK: Hello, Doctor.

DALEK: Silence!

DOCTOR: Very well, I will hand over the taranium core.

CHEN: Ah. Very wise.

DOCTOR: But on my terms.

CHEN: You are in no position to make demands, Doctor. A Dalek escort will

DOCTOR: No escort, and on my terms.

DALEK: We could exterminate you now.

DOCTOR: Yes, indeed. Indeed you could, but then you'd never get back the taranium core, would you now, hmm? Would you?

CHEN: What are your terms, Doctor?

DOCTOR: You will release your prisoners. I also include that Monk fellow too, though I don't know why I should bother with him. Bring all three to the place of rendezvous, and hand them over at the same time.

CHEN: Why can't you come here?

DOCTOR: You should know the answer to that as well as I do. None of you can be trusted. You and one Dalek, at the west angle of the Great Pyramid.

DALEK: We accept. Take the prisoners inside.

CHEN: I should go now, Doctor, before the Daleks change their minds.

(The Doctor leaves)

CHEN: I'm surprised that you met his terms so readily.

DALEK: One Dalek is capable of exterminating all!

[Khephren's workshop]

HYKSOS: Khephren!

KHEPHREN: Have you enough men?

HYKSOS: Yes. They are already moving into position and waiting for my command. Have the war machines been seen?

KHEPHREN: No, but we have heard them speak with a mighty roar!

HYKSOS: My men will soon destroy them! Come!

(Meanwhile, the Doctor gets the core from the Tardis)

[Dalek Time machine]

DALEK: It is time for the rendezvous.

CHEN: You heard what the Dalek said.

STEVEN: If you try any more of your funny business, I'll exterminate you myself.

MONK: Funny business? Me?

[Outside the Dalek Time machine]

HYKSOS: Be on your guard. The war machines of fire will destroy without warning. Follow me.

[Outside the Pyramid]

RED: Halt. This is the location. Mavic Chen, you will receive the taranium.

CHEN: Yes, of course.

DALEK: There will no movement from you until the hand over is completed.

MONK: It's not being done on your terms, Why don't you shut up?

DOCTOR [OC]: Stay where you are. You will move when I tell you to.

(The Doctor is behind some blocks of stone)

DOCTOR: Mavic Chen, walk towards me. Dalek, halt! Mavic Chen, you have disregard my conditions. I said one Dalek.

CHEN: But I am not their master.

DOCTOR: Before we go any further, you will release your hostages. Then, and only then, will I hand you the taranium core.

STEVEN: Don't trust them, Doctor!

DALEK: You are released.

DOCTOR: Away, all of you. Mavic Chen, join me at the back here. I am now about to hand over the taranium core to Mavic Chen. Follow me.

(The Doctor give Chen the core and runs)

HYKSOS: Smash the war machines! Smash them to bits!

DALEK: Attack formation.

(The Egyptians die quickly, but some lure the Daleks into a construction area where they are pinned in by bodies and piles of stone rubble)

DALEK: Help! Help!


STEVEN: You did it, Doctor. We got away again.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid not, young man.

SARA: Why not, Doctor? What went wrong?

DOCTOR: I had to hand the real taranium core over to Mavic Chen. I know I should have tried to get him but it was hopeless. There was so much chaos going on, and now it's too late.

SARA: That means that the Daleks have won. There's nothing to stop them now.

DOCTOR: Except this.

SARA: What's that?

DOCTOR: That is the directional unit from the Monk's Tardis.

STEVEN: Directional? But with this we can get back to Kembel.

DOCTOR: Perhaps, perhaps.

SARA: But that's marvellous, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, I suppose it is. But that isn't all, my dear.

STEVEN: No, I'm sure it isn't Doctor, but this is hardly the time or the place to tell us about it. I mean, the Daleks will be here soon.

DOCTOR: I think not, dear boy. I had to take precautionary measures in case my plans didn't work. Now whilst I was collecting that unit, I changed the Monk's Tardis into a police telephone box.

SARA: Like yours.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, exactly like mine. Well of course the Daleks will be on our track but I think, should my plan succeed, they will find the Monk.

STEVEN: By the way, what happened to him? He was with us.

DOCTOR: I don't care if he's in Timbuktu.

(And they go into the Tardis)

[Outside the Monk's Tardis]

MONK: I got away from that Steven and Sara. Oh. The Doctor. He transformed my Tardis.

DALEK [OC]: There is one of the time travellers. Stop his escape. Exterminate him! Exterminate him!

(The Monk scrambles inside his Tardis)

DALEK: Combined fire!

(As they fire, the Monk's Tardis dematerialises.)

DALEK: They have escaped. We shall pursue them through eternity. The taranium core must be recovered!

CHEN: This patrol is obviously out of touch with events.

DALEK: What do you mean?

CHEN: All this hysteria is unnecessary. The operation was a complete success. I have the taranium here.

DALEK: You have done well. Patrol, return to the time-machine. We must leave for Kembel at once.


STEVEN: Yes, well, I hope the Daleks don't catch the Monk.

SARA: After all that he's done?

STEVEN: Yes, even after all that.

DOCTOR: Oh, I shouldn't worry any more, my dear boy. There's no doubt about it, he's right away by now.

STEVEN: Do you think he'll come looking for revenge again?

DOCTOR: Perhaps, yes. Perhaps one day. At the moment, I should say that he's had quite enough for us for a while. Having taken his directional unit, it will take him quite a time to make the necessary repairs to his ship.

SARA: What about our repairs? Will the unit work?

DOCTOR: Well, I'm not certain. It's a Mark four, remember. There are two possibilities. One, it would work.

STEVEN: Go on, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Number two, the increased energy rate will certainly destroy the centre column.

SARA: But we do have a chance?

DOCTOR: Yes, my dear. A chance. A slim one.

[Dalek Time machine]

DALEK: Course for Kembel has now been computed.

DALEK 2: Has all preparations for take-off being made?

DALEK: They have.

DALEK 2: Prepare to dematerialise now.

[Ice planet]

(An iceberg materialises and the Monk steps out)

MONK: A planet of ice? I didn't set course for this. The Doctor again. The Doctor. He's stolen my directional unit. Now I'll have to wander through time and space as lost as he is. I'll get you for this, Doctor! I'll get you one day!


DOCTOR: There we are. That's finished. It's a pity we haven't got a more reliable way of testing it.

SARA: Well, come on, I thought you said that it's was finished.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, it is finished, my dear. But, er.

STEVEN: Oh, come on, Doctor. We haven't got time for buts. This is our only hope.

DOCTOR: Yes. You realise, of course, we're taking a terrible chance.

STEVEN: You can save your breath. We've got to try it.

DOCTOR: Very well, my boy. Pull the main switch.

(Smoke fills the Tardis as it goes out of control)

Episode 11 - The Abandoned Planet

[Dalek Control centre]

(The Dalek time machine materialises)

CHEN: The mission has been completed successfully. With guile and cunning, I have been able to repossess the taranium.

BLACK: Are you certain it is the real core?

CHEN: Of course. I had it examined before we arrived here. It is ready to be fitted to the Time Destructor. I hope that the Daleks will not suffer any more setbacks which could upset the plans for our conquest of the universe.

BLACK: The final conference of the remaining members of the Galactic Council awaits you.

CHEN: I shall go and address them, presently.

(Chen leaves the control room.)

RED: The task force has disembarked.

BLACK: Excellent. Is the core fitted to the time destructor?

RED: That is being done. Do we now deal with Mavic Chen?

BLACK: No. His arrogance and greed have a further use for us. Alert the council to attend their final conference.


DOCTOR: Well, fortunately there's no damage done to the control panel itself.

STEVEN: But the directional unit?

DOCTOR: Oh, that's useless, dear boy, useless. Take a look for yourself.

SARA: What happened?

DOCTOR: Well, the unit required a much higher energy rate then we possess.

SARA: Then why did it burn out and not the Tardis controls?

DOCTOR: A built-in safety measure, my dear. You see, the excess energy must have forced itself back into the directional unit and that means that our plans to return to Kembel have failed.

STEVEN: That means that the Daleks can invade the universe and conquer it.

DOCTOR: Yes, and there's nothing that we can do about it.

SARA: There must be something we can do, Doctor. You must try to think of some way.

DOCTOR: Well, our only chance, my dear, is to try and capture the Monk's time machine or that of the Daleks.

STEVEN: Yes, well, let's get going.

DOCTOR: Have patience, dear boy. It's highly probable they've all left by now, and I should think there's one or two of those Egyptians around. Let's take a look on the scanner.

SARA: But that's not ancient Egypt.

STEVEN: It's, it's more like Kembel!

DOCTOR: Yes, it's vaguely familiar. It might be Kembel. Do you know that means that that directional unit must have burned itself out after we'd dematerialised. I wonder if you'd bring that er, that impulse compass.

STEVEN: Yeah, sure.

DOCTOR: Well, now, young lady? Perhaps you'll have more faith in me in the future. I thought something would work out.

SARA: But it was you who said we'd failed!

DOCTOR: Oh, nonsense, nonsense.

SARA: Well, it wasn't me!

DOCTOR: Of course it was.

STEVEN: Oh, come on, Doctor, you'll have to forgive her. After all, she hasn't known you very long.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, perhaps, perhaps. Anyway, now we're here I think we'd better make a plan.

STEVEN: How far do you think that we are from the Dalek city?

DOCTOR: I've no idea. Though I think we might be able to make it on foot. Perhaps I'd better go out and take some bearings. Open the door, dear boy.


SARA: That man! He was as much in the dark as we were and now he has the gall to

STEVEN: Very good. You're getting to know him quite well.

SARA: Before this is over

STEVEN: Ah, ah, ah, save it for the Daleks.

[Conference room]

CELATION: There has been too much time wasted through the folly of the representative from Earth. Surely, it is only right that on his return he be removed from this council.

BEAUS: But without him there will be no taranium!

CELATION: The Daleks have assured us that they will recapture the core of the time destructor.

BEAUS: Then we do not need Mavic Chen?

CELATION: Exactly! He no longer merits a place on this Galactic Council. I call for a censure motion.

(The delegates thump the conference table in agreement. Chen and the Dalek Supreme enter to witness this treacherous display.)

BLACK: Silence! The final conference is now in session. Mavic Chen, representative from the Solar System, will address the meeting.

(Chen bows to the Dalek then crosses to the table to address the other delegates.)

CHEN: Fellow delegates. Even as you sit here, the great war force assembled under the Daleks, is awaiting the final order to set out and conquer the universe!

BEAUS: Why is Mavic Chen speaking for the Dalek Supreme?

CHEN: The final checks are being made and in a very short time that final order will be given!

CELATION: Why is it that Mavic Chen is in possession of information denied to the rest of this Council?

CHEN: Though we are all equal partners with the Daleks on this great conquest, some of us are more equal than others.

BEAUS: The Representative speaks out of turn!

CHEN: No! My contribution of the emm of taranium, is greater than all of yours put together. You have been dwarfed, dwarfed!

CELATION: This violates the agreement by which this council was assembled.

BEAUS: Arrest him! Arrest him! Arrest him!

CHEN: You have no power to arrest anybody. You are nothing, do you hear me? Nothing!

(The council members are united in their condemnation of Chen's ambition. The representatives are all on their feet, shouting. Giron moves forward to attack Chen. There's the sound of a weapon and Giron crumples to the floor. Smiling, Chen stands over Giron's fallen body, a blaster in his hand. The other delegates are stunned into silence.)

CHEN: Before this conference began, the Dalek Supreme and I spoke together. This Council now is under my power. I will give the orders. You will obey them.

[Kembel - Jungle]

(Steven is making a path through the thick vegetation, using a compass-like device to try to find their way back to the Dalek city. He reaches a clearing and stops to wait for the others to catch him up.)

STEVEN: You all right?

SARA: Yes, though this jungle is hardly the place I choose for a gentle stroll.

STEVEN: Just be careful of the Vargas.

SARA: Vargas? I haven't seen any Varga plants.

STEVEN: They've all over the. Come to think of it, neither have I. I thought the Daleks scattered them all over Kembel.

SARA: Steven, you're sure we are on Kembel?

STEVEN: Of course I am. The Doctor was certain when he took these rea. Where is he?

[Conference room]

CELATION: We have all served the common cause! All of us!

CHEN: Indeed we have. But I, Mavic Chen, was solely responsible for the recovery of the core of the time destructor. Because of this, I naturally precede anyone here. For without my power, the Daleks cannot succeed. You do appreciate the point.

CELATION: There remains one question. Where is our co-ruler, the Dalek Supreme?

CHEN: He was

(Chen turns and realises with some surprise that the Dalek Supreme has left the conference chamber. He climbs to the top of the exit ramp and finds the doorway barred. But Chen's vanity cannot be so easily contained.)

CHEN: It is clear that he knows that I can run this council without his aid. Now, gentlemen, we come to the main discussion before this meeting. The apportioning of the government of the universe after the conquest. All of you will be allowed to oversee your own galaxies, but all of you will be responsible to the Dalek Supreme and me.

(Unnoticed, a party of Daleks has re-entered the room.)

DALEK: This meeting is over.

CHEN: But it's isn't

DALEK: There will be no more discussion. All representatives will come with us.

[Outside the Tardis]

(Still searching for the Doctor, Steven and Sara return to the Tardis.)

STEVEN: Where can he have got to?

SARA: Anywhere you like, out there.

STEVEN: This is serious. Perhaps the Daleks have caught him?

SARA: Then now they'll be looking for us. Look Steven, with or without the Doctor we've got to get to the Dalek city and find a way of putting that place out of action.

STEVEN: Yes, but, Sara, what about the Doctor? He can't just have vanished into thin air. We've got to find him.

SARA: No, not yet. Mavic Chen will have returned with the taranium. That means the Daleks plans will be ready to go ahead and we've got to stop them.

STEVEN: I understand that. We can't just leave the Doctor wandering around lost in this jungle.

SARA: If I know anything about him he's already reached the city. If we go there we can stop the Daleks and find the Doctor.

STEVEN: Yes, all right.

(They set off back through the jungle, making slow progress through the thick undergrowth.)

[Kembel - jungle]

(Steven keeps one eye on the compass.)

STEVEN: The stronger signal's on bearing 242. According to the Doctor the Dalek city is over there.

SARA: Where to now?

STEVEN: I'll just take another reading.

SARA: What exactly is

STEVEN: Shush. So far, so good. We're on the right track. The source of power is still 242.

SARA: Would you mind telling me how that thing works?

STEVEN: What now?

SARA: Yes, now.

STEVEN: Look Sara, this is no time for a lesson on the power impulse compass.

SARA: Supposing something happens to you?

STEVEN: What are you talking about?

SARA: I'd have to go ahead and reach the city alone. Don't you think you ought to show me how it works in case of accidents?

STEVEN: Oh, you're so cheerful, aren't you.

[Dalek Control centre]

DALEK: The Galactic Representatives have been detained as you instructed.

BLACK: They will be destroyed at the same time as the headquarters, at the start of the conquest of the planet Earth. Commence invasion count-down.

[Kembel - jungle]

(Steven and Sara finally reach an area of the jungle where they can overlook the Dalek city spaceport.)

STEVEN: There it is. The take-off area.

SARA: Yes. Are those the Dalek ships?

STEVEN: No. Those belong to the other representatives.

SARA: Where's the Dalek landing area?

STEVEN: There too, possibly. But those representative ships'll have to take off first to collect their forces for the invasion.

SARA: Right, let's get going.

STEVEN: Just a minute!

SARA: Why? We've got to defeat the Daleks.

STEVEN: We've got to try to defeat the Daleks. If you and I just charge in there what chance do you think we've got against the greatest war force ever assembled.

SARA: Oh, for heaven's sake, we'll go carefully. Look, Steven, just because the Doctor isn't here don't think that you're the only one who can outwit the Daleks.

STEVEN: Look, I don't think that. But as you said, in any case, we'll probably find he's here already.

SARA: Come on.

(Using what cover they can, Steven and Sara cautiously approach the city walls.)

[City corridor]

(Not quite believing their luck, they find an unguarded entrance and slip inside. Before long, however, they realise something is not right.)

STEVEN: I don't get it. It's uncanny. I mean, where have the Daleks got to?

SARA: It's like a city of the dead.

STEVEN: Let's see if there's any sign of life down here.

(They move off down another corridor, moving deeper into the city and expecting at any moment to encounter a Dalek patrol.)

STEVEN: We should have been challenged by now.

SARA: We haven't come very far yet.

STEVEN: What's that got to do with it?

SARA: They're probably making final preparations for the invasion.

STEVEN: Yes, well, they'd still need guards out here.

SARA: Maybe they're not frightened.

STEVEN: They always take some precautions.

SARA: All right, you think of an explanation.

STEVEN: Well, look, suppose. Suppose the Doctor did come here and they have caught him.

SARA: Then now they'll be looking for us.

STEVEN: No, possibly not. Not if he said he was alone.

SARA: Huh. They wouldn't believe him.

STEVEN: Why not? We weren't anywhere around.

SARA: Steven, this could all be a trick. If they have caught the Doctor then they could be waiting for us.

STEVEN: No. No, if they've caught the Doctor they won't worry about us. We've got to find him.

[Dalek control centre]

STEVEN: This place is empty too.

SARA: Then this must be a trap.


SARA: Well, it looks like a control room. The Daleks wouldn't leave a place like this unguarded.

STEVEN: Yes, that's true. That means they must have the Doctor if they can be this sure of themselves. Hey, isn't this their time machine?

SARA: Now we can get back to Earth and warn them.

STEVEN: Yes, except that neither of us knows how to work it. We could bluff them.

SARA: How?

STEVEN: If we could lock ourselves inside their time machine until they let the Doctor come to us. Well, he could work it.

SARA: It's worth a try. Now we've got to contact the Daleks. Steven! Here's the Dalek loudspeaker system. This is Sara Kingdom of Space Security. Send the Doctor to the control room.

STEVEN: I'd better try and get into that time machine.

CHEN [OC]: Hello, Kingdom, Where are you?

SARA: That's Chen.

STEVEN: He must still be working with them. Mavic Chen, can you hear me?


STEVEN [OC]: Let us speak to the Doctor.

CELATION: Is this more treachery? Who are these people?

CHEN: They are the people who stole the taranium!

CELATION: Why have they come back?

CHEN: I don't know! You must let me speak to them!

CELATION: No! Already you have betrayed us. This could be another trick.

STEVEN [OC]: Mavic Chen! Let me speak to the Doctor.

[Dalek Control centre]

SARA: Don't waste time. They'll be on their way to us by now.

STEVEN: Yes, but if they don't bring the Doctor the plan's useless.

CELATION [OC]: Listen to me.

SARA: Who's that?

CELATION [OC]: Through the treachery of Chen we have been imprisoned.

SARA: Who are you?

CELATION [OC]: We are the Galactic Council. Will you release us?

STEVEN: Where are you?

CELATION [OC]: In a detention cell.

STEVEN: Yes, but where?

CELATION [OC]: We do not know!

STEVEN: We got to find them!

SARA: No, wait! This could be all part of the trick.

STEVEN: No, I don't think so. Look, if there were any Daleks around they'd be here by now. They must have gone. Maybe the Doctor's with the Council. Come on!


CELATION: Mavic Chen, if this is a further trick we shall destroy you before they could destroy us.

CHEN: It's not a trick!

DELEGATE: Then why have they come back!

CHEN: If you'd only think! Is there no sense in the outer galaxies? It is clear that they have lost their leader, the one they call the Doctor. The girl has bought the young man here to look for him, but really she has come back out of loyalty to me. To ensure my safety as the Guardian as the Solar System.

[Conference room]

SARA: Now where?

STEVEN: How should I know? Just look at this place. It's fantastic.

SARA: Come along, no time for sightseeing. Let's try down here.


CHEN: The efficiency of our security system is one of the main reasons for our natural supremacy.

CELATION: What about the Daleks?!

CHEN: Once we are out of here, we can destroy the Daleks. Between us we can muster a greater force than they. We can form our own galactic council.


(At the sound of footsteps approaching, the delegates crowd around the door. Chen pushes his way to the front.)

STEVEN: That's them.

CHEN: Kingdom! You've done well. Now let us out of here.


CHEN: What do you mean, no?

STEVEN: Where is the Doctor?

CELATION: If he is your leader he is not with us.

STEVEN: Where is he?

CHEN: I don't know. Now let us out!

STEVEN: So that you can rejoin the Daleks! Not likely.

CELATION: Absurd! The Daleks have betrayed us!

DELEGATE: Betrayed!

CELATION: Why should we rejoin them?

SARA: If we let them out, there's just a chance that some of them could mobilise a force to defeat the Daleks.

DELEGATE: Of course we will!

CELATION: You must! The Daleks must be destroyed. All our galaxies are in danger!

SARA: We have no choice.

STEVEN: Very well. But the Daleks have already left Kembel. It's probable that their invasion plans are already going ahead and the universe can be taken by surprise because of your greed!

CHEN: Must you moralise at us?

STEVEN: Your only chance is to go back to your own people and warn them.

DELEGATE: Our people will kill us!

CELATION: Not if we save them. We must destroy the Daleks.

OTHERS: Destroy!

MALPHA: We agree to go and defend our galaxies and to organise a search for the Dalek invasion force.

SARA: Let them out, Steven.

STEVEN: Yes, all right.

(Steven reluctantly activates the door release. The delegates hurry away.)

CHEN: You are a sensible woman, Kingdom. I will see you are justly rewarded.

[Kembel - Jungle]

(At the spaceport, there's a flurry of activity as the delegates return to their ships and prepare to leave Kembel.)

SARA: There they go.

STEVEN: Yes, let's hope they'll be in time. Look, there's the ship of Celation and Beaus.

SARA: Chen's ship is still there.

STEVEN: Yes, he must be nearly the last one to take off.

SARA: What about the others?

STEVEN: Those must belong to the dead representatives.

SARA: Chen's taking his time to get off.

STEVEN: There he goes. No!

SARA: Something's gone wrong.

(The Spar ship explodes in a ball of flame.)

STEVEN: He's had it.

SARA: Now he won't be able to get back to Earth and warn them.

STEVEN: Let's hope that the others can mobilise fast enough. There must be something we can do.

SARA: Yes. Find the Doctor.

(Steven and Sara move off into the jungle to begin their search.)

STEVEN: Shush!

SARA: What?

STEVEN: Listen.

SARA: The Doctor?


(Steven ducks out of sight, pulling Sara with him. After a moment, a Dalek glides past them.)

SARA: They're still here.

STEVEN: We must follow it. Quickly!

(Following at a safe distance, Steven and Sara track the Dalek to a steep ramp that leads to a tunnel mouth at the base of a mountain.)

STEVEN: It went down there, right into the heart of the mountain.

SARA: Underground. Why didn't we think of that before?

STEVEN: Sara, it's possible the invasion hasn't started yet. Maybe the rest of the forces are down there.

SARA: Or part of them. There must be hundreds of places like that.

STEVEN: Yes, but that Dalek must know that the representatives got away.

SARA: They might even know that we're on Kembel.

STEVEN: With the representatives gone and the Doctor disappeared, we're going to have to put them out of action ourselves.

SARA: Can we?

STEVEN: We've got to. Earth will still be invaded.

CHEN: Certainly. Thanks to you.

SARA: Chen! But you're dead!

CHEN: Not yet, my innocent one, though I'm delighted my pyrotechnical display impressed you. No, I am alive and soon shall be master of the universe. Perhaps, Kingdom, you'd like to lead the way.

SARA: Down there?

CHEN: Of course. I'm certain the Daleks will be delighted to see you.

(With Chen's gun at their backs, Sara and Steven move down the ramp towards the underground base until they're swallowed up in the darkness.)

Episode 12 - The Destruction of Time

[Metal corridor]

STEVEN: Don't you understand? By bringing us down here, you're doing exactly what the Daleks want.

CHEN: Of course.

SARA: He's mad!

CHEN: Take care, Kingdom. I could easily forgo the pleasure of giving you to the Daleks. I could kill you myself.

STEVEN: Why did you come back? This couldn't have been planned. You weren't to know that we'd come back and set you free.

CHEN: I'm not a fool. I guessed your plan.

SARA: Our only plan is to destroy the Daleks.

CHEN: You were both able to fool the others, but you can't fool me. Where is the old man, the one you call the Doctor?

SARA: We were looking for him.

CHEN: Yes, of course. And that's why you came here. Now do stop this masquerade! See, I know he is trying to usurp my position with the Daleks.

STEVEN: That is absurd. The Doctor's always fought the Daleks. Why don't you believe us? We don't know where he is.

CHEN: Yet I find you at the entrance to the Daleks' secret headquarters. I know the Doctor's here and that he's trying to take my place. But I'll soon change that.

STEVEN: Why can't you understand the Daleks do not make allies?

SARA: Save your breath, Steven, you'll never convince him. I tell you, he's mad!

CHEN: The Daleks need me. And now I'll be able to show them the Doctor would betray them. Lead on.

(Tired of talking, Chen gestures with his gun and Sara and Steven reluctantly move forwards.)

[Dalek control centre]

DALEK 1: Assault division of five thousand Daleks awaits orders.

BLACK: The time destructor will be placed in the lead ship.

DALEK 2: Prisoners have been taken at entrance five.

BLACK: Prisoners?

DALEK 2: Dalek guard reports that the group consists of Mavic Chen and two of the time travellers.

BLACK: Have them bought here to main central control.

DALEK 2: I obey.

[Metal corridor]

(An escort of Daleks leads Chen, Sara and Steven towards the control room. Although Chen still has his gun, he's made to feel very much a prisoner.)

CHEN: Your assistance, although welcome, is entirely unnecessary. I demand to take them to the Dalek Supreme alone.

DALEK: Central control has been advised.

CHEN: Well advise them again. Until you realise that these people are my prisoners, I shall refuse to hand them over.

DALEK: I will verify my orders.

CHEN: Good.

SARA: There is still no proof that the Doctor is here.

CHEN: Whatever else is thought about you, one cannot help but admire the way you both continue with your absurd bluff.

DALEK: Representative Chen, new orders have been received. You are to escort the prisoners to the Dalek Supreme.

CHEN: Excellent! After you.

(Chen smiles triumphantly and turns his gun on Sara and Steven. They move off again. Once they're out of earshot the Dalek continues.)

DALEK: But we are still to assist him.

[Dalek control centre]

DALEK 2: The prisoners have arrived.

BLACK: Bring them in.

DALEK 2: I obey. Bring in the prisoners.

(Steven and Sara enter the room. Chen, who still has his gun, follows them, a smug smile on his face.)

CHEN: Once again, I, Mavic Chen, Guardian of the Solar System, have helped the Daleks with their conquest plan.

BLACK: Our alliance has ended.

CHEN: What? But I have helped you time and time again with your absurd incompetence! I, Mavic Chen, will decide when the Alliance is at an end. You, Dalek Supreme, tell them they're to take their orders from me.

(The Daleks do not move, nor do they speak. They watch Chen impassively.)

CHEN: I assume that this silence means that the orders have been passed. Good. You, bring me the invasion reports. It is essential that I know what stage that countdown has reached. Now, move! You did not pass on my order. Why?

(Chen aims his gun at the Dalek Supreme.)

CHEN: Failure to obey the orders of your ruler brings only one reward.

(He fires at the Dalek, but the weapon has no effect. The Daleks move to encircle Chen, ready to defend their leader. He drops his gun.)

BLACK: Take him away and exterminate him, but do not fire in here. You will damage us and some of the controls.

CHEN: You cannot turn against me! I, Mavic Chen, first ruler of the universe, am immortal!

(Chen breaks away and dives for the doorway.)

BLACK: Pursue and exterminate in safe area. Repeat, in safe area.

(The Daleks file from the control room, their other prisoners forgotten in the confusion. Then, from the shadows, a familiar figure appears.)

STEVEN: Doctor, how on earth?

DOCTOR: Don't say anything. Just do what I tell you. Take that.

STEVEN: What? The key to the Tardis?

DOCTOR: Yes. Now, when I tell you, I want you to take Sara back to the Tardis. You still have that power impulse compass?


DOCTOR: Good. Now follow bearing 627 to the Tardis.

SARA: But what about you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Shush. There is no use in all of us taking risks. You must do as I say.

STEVEN: Yes, but how did you get here?

DOCTOR: I followed a Dalek here, of course. Now let me get on. I am going to activate the time destructor.

[Metal corridor]

(The Daleks pursue Chen through the corridors of the base. Very soon he finds himself cornered.)

CHEN: You will pay for your crimes against your ruler. You cannot kill me!

(Famous last words.)

[Dalek control centre]

STEVEN: Be quick! I'm sure they're coming back.

DOCTOR: Ah ha, that's it.

(The time destructor begins to glow and pulse with energy.)

DALEK: Move back, all of you.

DOCTOR: I am afraid you're too late. The time destructor is activated.

BLACK: Do not fire!

DOCTOR: No, you cannot fire, can you? You dare not. If you were to, yes, you could kill us, but you would totally destroy your equipment. I think it is checkmate. Send one of your Daleks over here. Remember, the time destructor is working, working slowly, but if you disobey me, I can accelerate it!

BLACK: Do what he says.

(A Dalek glides across the room to a spot directly in front of the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Turn about. You two, behind it. Steven, take my stick and clamp it down on his gun. Forward!

(Using the Dalek as a shield they edge towards the exit, the Doctor carrying the time destructor in his hands. The Daleks observe their progress across the room, waiting for the chance to stop them. At last they reach the corridor and retreat, using their Dalek shield to block the doorway.)

[Metal corridor]

DOCTOR: Now, both of you, back to the Tardis.

STEVEN: What about you, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Do as I say, quickly!

STEVEN: Go on!

(Steven grabs Sara's arm and drags her away. After a short distance, Sara stops and pulls herself free.)

SARA: Wait, Steven. We can't just leave him.

STEVEN: The Doctor knows what he's doing. At least, I think he does.

SARA: All we're doing is running to save our own lives. If anything goes wrong and the Daleks recapture the time destructor, we'll have failed for ever.

STEVEN: I know what you're saying. I'd go back too if I thought it would help. Whatever he's doing, he's doing because he thinks it's the best way. Now, come on!

[Outside the Dalek control centre]

(The Doctor is engineering his own escape. He gives the Dalek in the doorway a hard shove into the control room and throws his cloak into the door mechanism as it slides down, jamming it shut.)

BLACK [OC]: Pursue and recapture. Pursue and recapture. Activate alarm! Activate alarm!

DALEK [OC]: Door control jammed. Contact broken.

BLACK [OC]: Correct fault immediately, then pursue and recapture.

[Metal corridor]

(As he hurries away from the control room, the Doctor meets Sara.)

DOCTOR: What are you doing here?

SARA: I came to help you.

DOCTOR: You must remember, my child, this machine is working. It's working slowly because its range is rather small at the moment, but it is working. Now, if you start to feel strange, you must let me know at once.

SARA: Yes, all right, but what about them?

DOCTOR: First, back to the Tardis. Is Steven not with you?

SARA: No. I came back that way.

DOCTOR: Hurry, my child, hurry!

[Kembel - Jungle]

(Making his way back to the Tardis, Steven realises he is alone.)

STEVEN: Sara! Sara!

(Not far behind, the Doctor and Sara emerge from the Dalek base.)

SARA: Hurry, Doctor!

DOCTOR: My dear, are you beginning to feel strange?

SARA: The wind. Listen, can't you hear it? I've never heard that on Kembel before.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, perhaps it's this time destructor having an effect on the elements.

SARA: Then destroy it!

DOCTOR: No, no, that's impossible, my dear. There's one thing I do know about this machine. It will continue until the taranium has finally burnt itself out. Our only chance is to get back to the Tardis. Then I can neutralise it.

SARA: Hurry.

[Dalek control centre]

DALEK 1: Secondary door circuit completed.

BLACK: Operate.

DALEK 2: Obstacle clearing.

BLACK: Pursue and exterminate!

(The Dalek Supreme watches as a squad of Daleks glides from the control room, intent on recapturing the time destructor.)

[Kembel - Jungle]

(Steven reaches the safety of the Tardis and stumbles inside. Still clutching the time destructor, the Doctor leads the way back through the jungle but realises that Sara has fallen behind.)

DOCTOR: It's not far now. Sara!

(Sara is aging before his eyes.)

SARA: Keep going! The Daleks must be after us by now!

DOCTOR: The time destructor is

(His words are lost in the gale force winds)

SARA: You think I don't know?

(The Dalek patrol leaves the underground base and sets off in pursuit of the Doctor. Ahead, the Doctor does his best to help the increasingly infirm Sara struggle onwards, despite the ever-worsening environment.


(Meanwhile, Steven is pacing impatiently up and down. Not sure what else to do, he turns on the scanner.)

STEVEN: Nothing.

(Feeling helpless, Steven takes out his frustration on the Tardis console.)

[Outside the Tardis]

(The Daleks maintain their dogged pursuit. All around them the jungle is changing, plants withering and dying, lush foliage shrivelling up and turning to dust. Apparently unmoved and unaffected by the vast power of the time destructor, the Daleks continue to close in on their quarry. Yet the effects are taking a heavy toll on both Sara and the Doctor. Frail and weak, the old man stumbles onwards, all too aware that time is quite literally running out for his companion. At last they see the Tardis ahead but the Doctor can barely stagger a few more steps before he falls to his knees unable to go on. With a final desperate effort, Sara helps the Doctor up and they stumble a few short paces further before the Doctor falls again. The time destructor slips from his fingers, rolling away to lie just inches from his hand. Beside him, Sara pitches forward in the dust, unable to remain upright. She barely has the strength to open her eyes but somehow finds the will. She attempts to claw her way over to the time destructor.)

SARA: Doctor.

(The last of her strength gone, Sara falls and lies still.)


(Steven's delight at seeing his friends appear on the scanner turns to shock as they sprawl in the sand.)

STEVEN: Doctor! Sara!

[Outside the Tardis]

(Steven rushes outside. The Tardis now stands in harsh desert, buffeted by gale force winds and flying detritus. He looks around for his companions. Finally an indistinct shape catches his attention.)

STEVEN: Dust! It's all crumbling into dust.

(Steven stumbles over to where Sara lies, unmoving. Before he can reach her a gust of wind seems to lift her up. He watches in horror as her skin and hair fade away, her bones dispersing as dust on the wind.)


(Steven staggers over towards the Doctor. As he does so, he feels the effects of the time destructor working on him too. There is very little time left. The time destructor lies half buried in the dust. Steven falls to his knees and attempts to smash it. Then he flicks a switch on the side of the device. When nothing seems to happen, Steven abandons it and makes once more for the Doctor, who appears to have rejuvenated slightly and is again making an effort to get himself back to the Tardis.)

STEVEN: Come on, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, don't touch me.

STEVEN: I must help you.

DOCTOR: You must get back to the ship! Go forward.

(Steven grabs the Doctor and with a supreme effort manages to help him to his feet. Together they stumble through the screaming winds towards the ship. With every step they feel their youth and strength returning, and finally they reach the sanctuary of the Tardis.)


DOCTOR: Close the door. Thank you, my friend. Thank you, Steven. By chance, you reversed the time destructor. Instead of time rushing forward, it's now racing back. Sara? You realise she came to look for me, to see if I was all right?

STEVEN: I was forcing my way through the jungle. I didn't even see her go.

DOCTOR: The Daleks!

(The Doctor and Steven watch as the Dalek patrol appears on the scanner. Approaching the Tardis, the Daleks are moving much more slowly than normal.)

[Outside the Tardis]

(In an attempt to destroy the weapon they fought so hard to acquire, one of the Daleks fires at it. The time destructor is unharmed by the blast. Hurricane force winds spin the Daleks around and out of control. As time continues to race backwards, the Daleks start to decay. Their metal casings split and melt away, briefly revealing the clawed mutants inside. Helpless, the creatures scream, reduce to embryonic state then turn to dust. The ground shudders and heaves.)

(After a time, the Doctor and Steven emerge from the Tardis. The landscape of Kembel has been devastated and reshaped beyond all recognition.)

DOCTOR: Oh, dust. Nothing but dust!

(Steven finds a chunk of twisted rusting metal lying on the ground.)

STEVEN: The time destructor, what's left of it.

DOCTOR: Mavic Chen's taranium core has finally burnt itself out.

STEVEN: I wish Sara could have seen the end.

DOCTOR: Yes, my boy, so do I. You know, Steven, the one thing that Sara lived for was to see the total destruction of the Daleks. Well, now it's all over. Without her help, this could never have been achieved.

(The Doctor notices something in the sand and reaches down to scoop it up in his hand.)

STEVEN: What is it?

DOCTOR: Millions of years of progress reversed back.

(The Doctor opens his hand to show Steven a tiny dead embryo.)

DOCTOR: That's all that remains of a Dalek.

STEVEN: Let's go, Doctor. I've seen enough of this place.

DOCTOR: Well, my boy, we finally rid this planet of Daleks.

STEVEN: Bret, Katarina, Sara.

DOCTOR: What a waste. What a terrible waste.

(They go into the Tardis and it dematerialises.)

Next Episode - War of God

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