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The Aztecs Original Airdate: 23 May, 1964

 The Aztecs

Original Airdate: 23 May, 1964

Episode One - The Temple of Evil


(The Tardis has landed inside a tomb chamber. There is a table upon which a corpse is laid out in all his jeweled finery)

BARBARA: Look at that.

SUSAN: I am.

BARBARA: It's an Aztec mask. He must have been a priest.

SUSAN: Well, the Aztecs were Mexicans. We must be on Earth again. I wonder what year it is.

BARBARA: He must have died around 1430, I should think.

SUSAN: How do you know that?

BARBARA: All these things belong to the Aztec's early period.

SUSAN: That's what I call really knowing your subject.

BARBARA: Ah, well, that was one of my specialties, Susan.

(She puts on an arm band)

SUSAN: The little I know about them doesn't impress me. Cutting out people's hearts.

BARBARA: Oh, that was only one side to their nature. The other side was highly civilised.

SUSAN: The Spanish didn't think so.

BARBARA: They only saw the acts of sacrifice. That was the tragedy of the Aztecs. The whole civilisation was completely destroyed, the good as well as the evil.

SUSAN: Cortes landed in 1520, didn't he? Hey, look, cartoons! They've got bubbles coming out of their mouths. Oh, hey, Barbara, look!

(The section of wall with the painting on it hinges horizontally at head height, and is opening)


SUSAN [OC]: Don't go too far.

BARBARA: It's all right, there's no one here.

SUSAN [OC]: I think I'll get the others.

(The door swings closed again)

BARBARA: It's perfect.

AUTLOC: Woman, how came you here? The temple is sacred to the memory of the High Priest Yetaxa. You trespass and must be punished. Warriors!

(Four burly men grab Barbara, then the priest sees the arm band she's wearing)


DOCTOR: I don't care if she is interested in them, I told her repeatedly not to go off on her own.

SUSAN: The door! It's closed.

IAN: (in normal shirt and trousers this time) Now where is this door, Susan?

SUSAN: Here. Ah.

(It swings open again for her)


IAN: Barbara? Barbara? No sign of her.

SUSAN: She was here just now.


(They walk out onto the open sacrifice platform)

IAN: Doctor, look at this extraordinary city down here.

DOCTOR: The Aztecs. They knew how to build.

IAN: We must be pretty high up here. Place seems absolutely deserted.

DOCTOR: Yes, I hope you're right. These Aztecs had some rather gruesome habits. I should hate to be carved up on that by some Aztec high priest.

IAN: The door!

DOCTOR: Quickly!


(But the door has shut again)

IAN: There's nothing to get a grip on.

SUSAN: There must be some way of opening it.

DOCTOR: Yes, you push from the other side. These tombs were designed to prevent grave robbers, not to aid and abet them.

AUTLOC: Autloc, High Priest of Knowledge, most humbly greets the servants of Yetaxa.

DOCTOR: The servants of whom, sir?

AUTLOC: Yetaxa, the High Priest.

IAN: Where's Barbara?

AUTLOC: Of whom do you speak?

IAN: The woman who was here a moment ago.

AUTLOC: In due time you shall meet again, but first grant us our courtesies. No evil exists in our hearts towards you. In fact, we honour you.

DOCTOR: What is your name, sir?

AUTLOC: Autloc.

DOCTOR: And you are the High Priest?

AUTLOC: As such I serve.

DOCTOR: You know where we came from?

AUTLOC: The tomb.

DOCTOR: Tell me, is there a way through from this side?

AUTLOC: The tomb is sealed. Go now with these attendants, and soon you shall meet the one who wears the bracelet of Yetaxa.

DOCTOR: What's he talking about now?

SUSAN: He must be talking about Barbara. She picked up a bracelet from the tomb.

IAN: Well, perhaps we'd better go and meet her.


(Out on the platform, Susan recoils from a man with a painted face)


DOCTOR: You know who he is?

IAN: The local butcher by the look of him.

DOCTOR: Exactly.

AUTLOC: You have seen her?

TLOTOXL: (as Richard Crookback) A vision is with us, Autloc. When does it rain?

AUTLOC: This day. When the sun's fire first touches the horizon to the west.

TLOTOXL: At that moment shall I present her to the people. A vision is with us and shall stand before them. And I, in supplication to the Rain God, shall offer human blood. The rains will come. No more talk against us that the gods were against us and brought drought to the land. The rains will come and power shall again be ours.

AUTLOC: I tell you the rains will come with or without sacrifice.

TLOTOXL: Does the High Priest of Knowledge only worship him who has fallen, and not him who has made us strong?

AUTLOC: I worship the same god as you.

TLOTOXL: Then above all, honour him. He has made us rulers of the land. For this he demands blood. And he shall have it.

[Ante Chamber]

SUSAN: Well, they've treated us all right so far.

DOCTOR: The Aztecs always showed the utmost courtesy towards their intended victims.


(There, in Aztec finery and sitting on a very uncomfortable looking stone throne is -)

IAN: Barbara!

BARBARA: Leave us.

(The warriors all file out)

DOCTOR: Good gracious.

IAN: What on earth are you doing there?

BARBARA: They think I'm a reincarnation of that priest in the tomb. I found this and put it on, and when the High Priest caught me I was still wearing it.

SUSAN: So he thought you were a god?


SUSAN: But the priest in the tomb's a man! How can you be a reincarnation of him?

BARBARA: The form the spirit takes isn't important, Susan. This is what's important.

IAN: Yes, that High Priest, what was his name?

DOCTOR: Autloc.

IAN: That's right, Orkloc.

ALL: Autloc!

IAN: Autloc. Well, he said we were the servants of Yetaxa. Is that who they think you are?


IAN: And we're your servants?

BARBARA: That's right.

DOCTOR: Charming.

BARBARA: Well, it's very useful for us, Doctor. It means we can go into the tomb any time we want to, get into the Tardis and leave.

SUSAN: We can't. It only opens from the inside.

DOCTOR: Reincarnations can come out, but human beings can't go in.

IAN: We must find out how that door opens.

DOCTOR: That's one thing you mustn't do. As Yetaxa, you're supposed to know everything. If the Aztecs decide you're not what you're supposed to be, then we shall all die.

(Autloc and Tlotoxl enter and bow)

TLOTOXL: Great spirit of Yetaxa, I, Tlotoxl, High Priest of Sacrifice, salute you.

DOCTOR: As you said, Chesterton, the local butcher.

BARBARA: I acknowledge the High Priest's greeting.

AUTLOC: For many days the Rain God has looked away from us, and the land withers and the people groan.

TLOTOXL: We have prayed that the land may again be bountiful. And this day we honour Tlaloc's name.

AUTLOC: When the sun's fire first touches the horizon to the west, the people will stand before the temple in obedience to our commands. We humbly beg, Great Spirit, that at that time the people shall see you and know that their suffering draws to an end.

DOCTOR: And Barbara will appear and down will come the rains.

BARBARA: I shall do as the High Priest requests.

AUTLOC: We also beseech you, Great Spirit, to permit your handmaiden and your servants to move freely among our people.

DOCTOR: O, Great Spirit, grant us this our wish, that we may be your eyes and ears among the people to do our best and serve in all our interests.

AUTLOC: The aged servant of Yetaxa speaks with wisdom.

BARBARA: My handmaiden remains with me. The others may do as you wish.

AUTLOC: We shall await you.

(The two priests leave)

DOCTOR: A wonderful performance, my dear. Congratulations. We now have everything we want, exactly.


DOCTOR: Yes. You and Susan here in safety, and Ian and I outside finding out about the tomb.

IAN: Yes, it sounds all right, but I don't think we should take our eyes off those two for a second.

DOCTOR: Oh, I shouldn't mind them. They're far too bust timing their miracle.

SUSAN: What miracle?

DOCTOR: Presenting Barbara to the public one second before it rains.


TLOTOXL: Autloc, who serves Yetaxa?

AUTLOC: We do, as High Priests of the Temple.

TLOTOXL: What purpose then serve the others?

AUTLOC: Yetaxa

TLOTOXL: Would it not be better if one led our force of arms?

AUTLOC: The young man?

TLOTOXL: A warrior favoured of the gods.

AUTLOC: But Ixta is our chosen warrior.

TLOTOXL: Let Ixta prove himself more worthy than the servant of Yetaxa. (to Ian) It has been decided. The old man may walk abroad. You shall train to command our army.

DOCTOR: Surely that is for Yetaxa to decide?

IAN: Yetaxa would not refuse so great an honour. I accept.

TLOTOXL: Autloc, take the old man into the Garden of Peace, that he may sit in comfort. Come now and encounter Ixta.

IAN: Who is he?

TLOTOXL: Your rival to command.

[Warriors hall]

(There are shields and swords aplenty, as well as beautiful pottery jars. A man is practising swinging a short sword)


IXTA: I greet you, Tlotoxl. What manner of warrior is this?

TLOTOXL: He is the servant of Yetaxa.

IXTA: I had heard that Yetaxa again guides us in wisdom and in strength. Would the High Priest care for me to demonstrate my skill?

TLOTOXL: (to Ian) To command, one must prove oneself in courage, skill, intelligence. Ixta has taken many prisoners on the battlefield. He has no fear of death.

(Ixta summons a sparring partner, and they fight with wooden staves. Ixta's stave breaks and he grabs another weapon. Soon he disarms the other man. Still fired up, he smashes a shield with his weapon)

TLOTOXL: So shall other tribes fear the Aztecs even more.

IXTA: Tell Yetaxa that I shall serve well.

TLOTOXL: I shall carry your salutation for you. He remains.

IXTA: Here dwell only warriors chosen to command.

TLOTOXL: I know it.

IXTA: What name did your mother give you?

IAN: Ian.

IXTA: Then I tell you, Ian, six warriors dwelt here. Only I remain. There is no fear of you in me. Rather I welcome you. For one day all men shall fear Ixta, the Aztec commander who killed the chosen servant of Yetaxa.

TLOTOXL: Let him be clothed according to his rank.

IXTA: It shall be done. Is he to assist at the ceremony of the Rain God?

TLOTOXL: Ian is as you are, a chosen warrior.

(Tlotoxl leaves)

IAN: What duties must I perform at this ceremony?

IXTA: All honour rests with us. We shall deliver the human sacrifice to Tlotoxl.

[Garden of Peace]

DOCTOR: Why are all these people here?

AUTLOC: It is our law that all who attain their fifty second year shall pleasurably pass the remainder of their lives free from responsibility and care.

DOCTOR: Poor old souls, they must be bored to tears doing nothing.

AUTLOC: We often seek the accumulated wisdom of their years.

DOCTOR: What about?

AUTLOC: All manner of things. Each person here has served the community in one way or another. He was a weaver of priestly garments, she was a woman of medicine. That man

DOCTOR: And what about her?

AUTLOC: Cameca? Of all those here, her advice is most sought after.

DOCTOR: What did you say her name was?

AUTLOC: Cameca. You will find her a companion of wit and interest. And now I beg permission to depart.

DOCTOR: Of course.

(Autloc leaves, and the Doctor goes straight to Cameca)

DOCTOR: In spite of the drought, there's plenty of water for the flowers.

CAMECA: Better to go hungry than starve for beauty.

(She hands him a flower)

DOCTOR: Thank you. Mmm, all the perfume of the gods. I find this place delightful. So restful.

CAMECA: It is the Garden of Peace.

DOCTOR: A very apt description.

CAMECA: The words of Topau.

DOCTOR: Topau?

CAMECA: The man who built the temple.

DOCTOR: Oh, he designed all this, did he?

CAMECA: As a labour of love.

DOCTOR: Yes, one senses that immediately. Does he come here often?

CAMECA: He watches over us constantly.

DOCTOR: Oh, I see, he's a gardener.


DOCTOR: But you just said that he watches

CAMECA: So he does. In spirit.

DOCTOR: Yes, I see. He's dead.


DOCTOR: Please.

(They sit in front of a decorated wall)

DOCTOR: I would have liked to have met him. You knew him?

CAMECA: Well. His son lives.

DOCTOR: Ah, a builder.

CAMECA: A warrior.

DOCTOR: Yes, still I suppose he knows much of his father's work. I find the temple here very fascinating.

CAMECA: A meeting between you could be arranged.

DOCTOR: My dear lady, I should be so grateful.

(Ian enters in full armour)

IAN: Doctor.

DOCTOR: My dear Chesterton, this dear lady has promised me to arrange a meeting between myself and the son of the man who built the temple.

IAN: Most kind of you, madam.

CAMECA: Pray excuse me, then you may talk more freely.

DOCTOR: Charming person.

IAN: Doctor

DOCTOR: So intelligent and gentle.

IAN: Doctor, there is to be a human sacrifice today at the ceremony for the Rain God, and I have to

DOCTOR: Just a minute, what are you supposed to do?

IAN: I must escort the victim to the altar and hold him down. Doctor, I can't

DOCTOR: Do it, man! Do it but don't interfere.

IAN: But

DOCTOR: There's no buts about it. If human sacrifice is essential here and it's their tradition, then let them get on with it. But for our sakes, don't interfere. Now promise me, please. Promise. I'll go and tell Barbara.


(Susan is trying on Barbara's headdress)

SUSAN: Hey, Barbara.

BARBARA: Just the thing for the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.

SUSAN: I'm rather mad about being handmaiden to a goddess.

BARBARA: Well, I must admit that this end of it isn't too hard to take, either.

SUSAN: Isn't that beautiful?

BARBARA: You know, that's what gets me. I mean, take Autloc. He's sensitive, intelligent. And then there's

SUSAN: Tlotoxl. It's incredible, isn't it? Beauty and horror developing hand in hand.

DOCTOR [OC]: Get out of my way. Go on. Let me pass. I must talk to Yetaxa.

(The Doctor enters)

DOCTOR: Susan, please go outside and don't let anybody in.

SUSAN: Right.

BARBARA: What is it? What's happened?

DOCTOR: There's to be a human sacrifice today at the Rain Ceremony.

BARBARA: Oh, no.

DOCTOR: And you must not interfere, do you understand?

BARBARA: I can't just sit by and watch.

DOCTOR: No, Barbara! Ian agrees with me. He's got to escort the victim to the altar.

BARBARA: He has to what?

DOCTOR: Yes, they've made him a warrior, and he's promised me not to interfere with the sacrifice.

BARBARA: Well, they've made me a goddess, and I forbid it.

DOCTOR: Barbara, no!

BARBARA: There will be no sacrifice this afternoon, Doctor. Or ever again. The reincarnation of Yetaxa will prove to the people that you don't need to sacrifice a human being in order to make it rain.

DOCTOR: Barbara, no.

BARBARA: It's no good, Doctor, my mind's made up. This is the beginning of the end of the Sun God.

DOCTOR: What are you talking about?

BARBARA: Don't you see? If I could start the destruction of everything that's evil here, then everything that is good would survive when Cortes lands.

DOCTOR: But you can't rewrite history! Not one line!

SUSAN: Barbara, the high priests are coming.

DOCTOR: Barbara, one last appeal. What you are trying to do is utterly impossible. I know, believe me, I know.

BARBARA: Not Barbara, Yetaxa.


(Barbara is escorted out by the warriors. The sacrifice is already lying bent back over the stone)


SUSAN: Grandfather? Grandfather, what's happening? Why can't I see what's going on?

DOCTOR: You must stay here, child. You must.


AUTLOC: A vision has come to us, my people. The High Priest Yetaxa has returned that you may look once more upon the sign of the coiled serpent. Great Spirit of Yetaxa, stand forth that we may honour you.

(Barbara walks forward and the crowd cheers. She goes to the back of the platform again, and Tlotoxl steps forward for his bit in the ceremony)

TLOTOXL: Take his arms. Take his legs. Great Tlaloc, God of Rain, I Tlotoxl, High Priest of Sacrifice, call upon you to look with favour upon our land. Give us the water that is our life, and we will honour you with blood.


BARBARA: Stop. I, Yetaxa, command you. There shall be no more blood spilt.

MAN: You have denied me honour.

TLOTOXL: Honour us then with your death.

(So the man jumps off the platform instead of having his heart cut out. In the distance, the thunder rumbles)

TLOTOXL: With death came rain.

BARBARA: Without your sacrifice came rain.

TLOTOXL: Does Yetaxa speak with the voice of the gods or as the protector of a handmaiden?

BARBARA: As a god.

TLOTOXL: Then let the handmaiden be punished. She cried out and desecrated sacred ground. She transgressed the law.

BARBARA: She did not know it.

TLOTOXL: Then let knowledge be beaten into her.

BARBARA: No one shall be punished for an offence committed in ignorance.

TLOTOXL: I demand that she be punished.

BARBARA: No! Let her instead be taught respect for your customs.

AUTLOC: I will take her to the seminary.

BARBARA: So be it, Autloc.

AUTLOC: The Great Spirit of Yetaxa has spoken.

TLOTOXL: No, no, this is not Yetaxa. This is a false goddess! And I shall destroy her.

Episode Two - The Warriors of Death


DOCTOR: Well, young woman, I hope you're satisfied. A happy day for you.

BARBARA: Doctor, please.

DOCTOR: You wouldn't be advised, would you. Oh, dear me, no, you knew better.

BARBARA: I couldn't stand by and watch that man being sacrificed.

DOCTOR: Do you think we felt any differently?

BARBARA: No, of course not.

DOCTOR: Then why not leave well alone? Human sacrifice is their tradition. Their religion. There's nothing we can do about it.

BARBARA: I had to try.

DOCTOR: Yes, and what happened? Tlotoxl lost faith in you, our lives are in danger, and Susan is locked up in some kind of seminary.

BARBARA: Well at least she is safe there.

DOCTOR: Safe? Safe, my dear child? She was perfectly safe here until you started meddling.

BARBARA: Look, I wanted it to rain without that man being killed. I wanted them to see that his death was unnecessary.

DOCTOR: Don't you realise he wanted to be offered to the gods? It made him feel one.

BARBARA: I just didn't think about it.

DOCTOR: No, that's just it. You didn't think.

BARBARA: Oh, go away. Leave me alone.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry, my dear. I didn't mean to be so harsh with you.

BARBARA: No, you had every right.

DOCTOR: However, what's done is done, and now it's up to you what happens next.


DOCTOR: Yes, you'll have to hold Tlotoxl off.

BARBARA: How can I? He's lost faith in me. He thinks I'm a false goddess.

DOCTOR: No, not to Autloc.

BARBARA: You want me to play them off against each other?

DOCTOR: Yes. The more Tlotoxl doubts you, the more you must convince Autloc that you are Yetaxa.

BARBARA: Tlotoxl won't dare defy Autloc.

DOCTOR: Exactly.

BARBARA: What about you and Ian?

DOCTOR: Oh well, Ian can look after himself, and I think I shall know more about the entrance to the tomb tonight. I've met somebody who knows how the temple was built. An Aztec lady.

BARBARA: You're an old rogue.

DOCTOR: Yes, but really it's up to you, Barbara. We're quite safe here as long as you're here. So

(Tlotoxl enters)

BARBARA: You enter unannounced.

TLOTOXL: I proclaim myself only to my gods. Let the old man go down to the garden.

BARBARA: Enjoy the company of your new-found friends.

DOCTOR: As Yetaxa commands.

(The Doctor leaves)

TLOTOXL: I would ask you, how shall a man know his gods?

BARBARA: By the signs of their divinity.

TLOTOXL: And what if thieves walk among the gods?

BARBARA: Then indeed, how shall a man know?

TLOTOXL: By the secrets of the gods' minds.

BARBARA: It is true. Their knowledge will reveal them.

TLOTOXL: How many heavens are there?

BARBARA: Does Tlotoxl covet the mantle of the High Priest of Knowledge?

TLOTOXL: How many heavens?

BARBARA: Thirteen.

TLOTOXL: Name them.

BARBARA: If the truth of my divinity lies in my mind, let Autloc seek it.

TLOTOXL: So he shall, just as Ixta now challenges the servant of Yetaxa.

BARBARA: For what reason?

TLOTOXL: To discover who shall live to command our armies.

[Warriors hall]

(Ixta is practising with a spear)

IXTA: Thus shall my enemies fall.

IAN: Real enemies can hit back.

IXTA: I have no fear of death.

IAN: Perhaps not. The dead never win.

AUTLOC: How would you attack?

IAN: I should use more cunning. Surprise my enemy.

IXTA: This also I can do.

(Ixta turns away then pulls a knife on Ian. Ian laughs and holds up his thumb)

IAN: This is all I need.

AUTLOC: To win a victory with your thumb needs magic.

IAN: To know your enemy's weakness isn't magic, it's common sense.

IXTA: What weakness have I that is vulnerable to your thumb?

IAN: You'll be surprised. I won't kill you this time. Not this time, Ixta.

IXTA: You mock the arts of war. I defy you to harm me.

IAN: Pick up your club.

(As Ixta leans across, Ian grabs the back of his neck and pushes his thumbs into the pressure points. Ixta passes out)

IAN: Don't worry, he'll be all right.

TLOTOXL: Autloc, there is a (sees Ixta slumped across the table)

AUTLOC: No, he sleeps. Yetaxa's servant won the victory with his thumb.

TLOTOXL: You saw the blow?

AUTLOC: There was no blow. He fought with his thumb.

IAN: Tell him to have a good rest when he wakes up.

AUTLOC: Where do you go?

IAN: For a walk.

(Ian and Autloc leave, and Ixta wakes)

TLOTOXL: Could you not fight against it?

IXTA: I was powerless.

CAPTAIN: The Perfect Victim desires to be admitted.

TLOTOXL: All his requests must be granted. (to himself) Must be granted.

(The Perfect Victim enters)

TLOTOXL: You grace us here with your presence. Ixta. Here is one who would be Commander of our armies. His name is Ixta.

CAPTAIN: All have heard of the prowess and bravery of Ixta.

TLOTOXL: Now there are those who say that the stories and the truth are far apart.

IXTA: No man can win against me.

TLOTOXL: No man? Not one?

IXTA: I shall lead the armies. It is my right.

TLOTOXL: Yesterday it would seem so.

CAPTAIN: You would make an enemy?

TLOTOXL: I? I only know that I have seen one who could defeat him.

VICTIM: Defeat Ixta?

IXTA: Once, and by a trick. I tell you, face to face I can pull him down.

TLOTOXL: Perhaps.

VICTIM: You drive the man. How often have you and Oftla instructed me that small failings in a man may be his saving graces.

TLOTOXL: But you, O Perfect Victim, are, as your name implies. When you meet the gods, you will be able to tell them of the Aztecs. A commander should be as pure, so that his name may be held in very awe and dread.

VICTIM: Then he who defeated Ixta should be our commander.


TLOTOXL: It may be that the other won by a trick. A second contest would show, but I cannot order it.

CAPTAIN: Only the Perfect Victim may be obeyed at all times.

VICTIM: My faith in Ixta is supreme. I wish to see him meet the other man.

TLOTOXL: So be it. I shall arrange it at the sunset.

CAPTAIN: Ixta could challenge the other.

VICTIM: Let it be so.

(The Perfect Victim and the Captain of the Guard leave)

TLOTOXL: This I promise you. All honour and glory shall be yours if you destroy him.

[Garden of Peace]

DOCTOR: What leaf is this?

CAMECA: It's from a herb. The sap is used by our medicine men to induce sleep, but the leaves are harmless.

DOCTOR: I think I know about it.

CAMECA: You are a healer?

DOCTOR: No, no, they call me the Doctor. I am a scientist, an engineer. I'm a builder of things.

CAMECA: Now I understand your interest in the temple.

DOCTOR: Yes, there are one or two features inside the temple that intrigue me.

CAMECA: I have some knowledge of it.

DOCTOR: Yes, for instance, the tomb is sealed. Now surely the builder had some way of opening it?

CAMECA: My knowledge is too limited to answer you, but the builder's son may know.

DOCTOR: Yes, of course I don't wish to pry into family matters

CAMECA: No one could think that of you. I shall arrange a meeting.

DOCTOR: Oh, my dear, how charming of you.

CAMECA: When shall it be?

DOCTOR: Oh, any time. Today?

CAMECA: An interested mind brooks no delay.

DOCTOR: Yes, and I'm sure that's true of you, too.

CAMECA: It was true. Now I am content to spend the time here like the others.

DOCTOR: Oh, but their minds are old, Cameca, and that's something I'm sure yours will never be.

CAMECA: Your heart is young too, Doctor.


(Barbara is enthroned, and surrounded by guards, as Tlotoxl enters from the platform)

TLOTOXL: Leave us.

CAPTAIN [OC]: Warriors.

(The guards leave)

TLOTOXL: The High Priest of Knowledge will question you.

BARBARA: And if he finds I am the spirit of Yetaxa returned?

TLOTOXL: Then I shall beg forgiveness of the gods.

BARBARA: The High Priest of Sacrifice has spoken. I shall remember his words.

TLOTOXL: Remember this also. Whilst your divinity is in dispute, only those who serve the temple may approach you.

BARBARA: My servants also?

TLOTOXL: No, you must remain alone.


TLOTOXL: A false goddess and her servants could conspire against us. This is a danger we are not prepared to face.

BARBARA: Then tell my servants that they may not enter here.

TLOTOXL: They shall be told.

[Warriors hall]

CAMECA: Ixta, you wish to see me?

IXTA: I greet you warmly, Cameca, and would seek your advice.

CAMECA: If I can give it, I shall.

IXTA: What do you know of magic?

CAMECA: Nothing, though it's my belief I know one who does.

IXTA: Name him.

CAMECA: The old servant of Yetaxa.

IXTA: He is of no use to me.

CAMECA: But you can be of service to him. He seeks an interview with you.

IXTA: To what end?

CAMECA: He is interested in your father's work.

IXTA: Does he know my name?


IXTA: Tell him I will speak with him.

CAMECA: Where?

IXTA: In the garden.

CAMECA: I shall tell him, Ixta.

(Cameca leaves)

IXTA: What better way to destroy your enemies than to let them destroy themselves.


(Susan is looking at a pictogram book)

AUTLOC: You have studied the Code of the Good Housewife?

SUSAN: I have.

AUTLOC: I would hear it.

SUSAN: Tend well your nurseries and your flowerbeds. Keep clean your pot and stew pans. Do not spend recklessly. Do not destroy or cheapen yourself. Erm, erm.

AUTLOC: You will never have a house.

SUSAN: Yes. You'll never have a house or home of your own if you live like that.

TONILA: She has learnt diligently, Autloc.

AUTLOC: Susan is a good pupil. She uses her intelligence. Susan, this is Tonila, one of the Priests of Knowledge.

(Susan goes to shake his hand)

AUTLOC: No, no, you do not greet your elders in such a manner.


AUTLOC: No, you stand still, not looking around. You keep your eyes fixed on the person you're being introduced to, unless you're meeting your future husband for the first time. Then you keep you eyes downcast.

SUSAN: Well, how will I know?

AUTLOC: Know what?

SUSAN: Well, that he's to be my future husband.

AUTLOC: You'll be told.

SUSAN: Told? I'm not going to be told who to marry.

AUTLOC: What say have you in the matter?

SUSAN: It's my life, I'll spend it with whom I choose, not someone picked out for me.

[Garden of Peace]

(Ixta is wearing a jaguar head as a helmet)

IXTA: You are the old servant of Yetaxa?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, indeed, I am.

IXTA: My father built the temple.

DOCTOR: Oh, indeed, yes. Well, I find the entrance to the High Priest's tomb a particularly fine piece of work.

IXTA: Few temples have an entrance like it.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes, of course, yes, yes, he kept that secret, didn't he.

IXTA: He has drawn it.

DOCTOR: Really? I wonder if it's at all possible that I might see the drawings, hmm?

IXTA: Can a humble warrior deny the request of Yetaxa's servant? I will bring it to you after sunset, if the gods are willing.

DOCTOR: Oh, I don't see why not, hmm?

IXTA: Tonight, at sunset, I have to meet another warrior in combat.

DOCTOR: Oh, I hope not to the death?

IXTA: No, but defeat would mean disgrace. No man could look upon me or speak to me for many days.

DOCTOR: Yes, I see.

IXTA: My opponent has been selected. I know his name and I fear defeat.

DOCTOR: And what weapons do you use?

IXTA: Only my hands. My strength lies in the use of a spear or a club.

DOCTOR: Really? Indeed. Yes. Oh, dear, dear, dear, and I would have loved to have seen those drawings.

IXTA: No more than I desire a victory.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, may I suggest that we assist each other?

IXTA: I thank the older servant of Yetaxa.

(Ixta leaves, the Doctor picks an arum leaf and puts a needle through the stem)

DOCTOR: Yes, I think a little horticulture might go a long way.

[Warriors hall]

(Ian is practicing brandishing a club)

TLOTOXL: Does fatigue affect the servant of the gods?

IAN: Does the High Priest scorn my attempts to be worthy of command?

(Ixta enters)

TLOTOXL: (quietly) Can you conquer him?

IXTA: I know it. Ian.

IAN: Yes, Ixta.

IXTA: I challenge you to a contest of strength.

IAN: A fight?

IXTA: Without weapons. Your hands have defeated me. Let mine try to win a victory over you.

TLOTOXL: Will you deny him?

IAN: No.

IXTA: We will fight here as the sun sets.

IAN: All right.

(Ian leaves them to whisper)

TLOTOXL: You are confident of victory?

IXTA: If you wish it, he shall die.

TLOTOXL: Let him die.


BARBARA: I tell you, Tlotoxl is determined to destroy me.

AUTLOC: He cannot while I believe you to be Yetaxa.

BARBARA: Yet you question me at his bidding.

AUTLOC: We both serve the gods.

BARBARA: Do you? Were you not angry when I forbade the sacrifice to the Rain God?


BARBARA: Do you question the value of such sacrifice?

AUTLOC: I accepted it. But we send messengers to the gods, why should the gods not send a messenger to us?

BARBARA: To say there shall be no more human sacrifice?

AUTLOC: I shall not oppose the gods if it is their will that such sacrifices cease.


BARBARA: The High Priest of Knowledge speaks with great wisdom.

AUTLOC: If your words are denied, shall we not be living in defiance of the gods?

BARBARA: Famine, drought and disaster will come, and more and more sacrifices will be made. I see a time when ten thousand will die in one day.

AUTLOC: Where will it end, Yetaxa?

BARBARA: In total destruction. Your civilisation will pass forever from the land.

AUTLOC: You prophesy our doom.


AUTLOC: Let me think upon these words, Great Spirit.

BARBARA: As the High Priest desires.

[Garden of Peace]

IXTA: The thorn of a cactus will give me victory?

DOCTOR: Yes, and make sure that you don't scratch yourself.

IXTA: The aged servant of Yetaxa offers poison.

DOCTOR: No, it won't kill. It'll slowly drain away the strength of your opponent. And scratch here.

(The Doctor indicates the inside of his wrist)

IXTA: I thank you.

DOCTOR: Oh, and young man, you won't forget the drawings, hmm?

IXTA: I shall be here after sunset.

DOCTOR: So shall I.


TLOTOXL: She prophesied our doom?


TLOTOXL: To avert her own. I tell you she is a false goddess.

AUTLOC: I do not know it.

TLOTOXL: You will question her again?


TLOTOXL: Conceal yourself.

(They hide around the corner and watch the Doctor go into the temple)


DOCTOR: Barbara? Barbara!

BARBARA: Doctor, go away.


BARBARA: You're not allowed in here.

DOCTOR: Nonsense. I'm supposed to be one of your servants.

BARBARA: Hasn't Tlotoxl told you that while I'm being questioned no one is allowed to see me.

DOCTOR: All right, I'll go, but first, I think I shall know more about the entrance to the tomb tonight.


DOCTOR: All I had to do was make certain some warrior won a fight.

BARBARA: What warrior?

DOCTOR: I don't know. But he had a sort of mask or face like a cat.

BARBARA: But that's Ixta, Doctor, and he's fighting Ian.

DOCTOR: Ixta? Ixta! I must warn Ian.


TLOTOXL: Hold him. He has transgressed the law.

DOCTOR: Sir, I will not have

CAPTAIN: Do you wish him confined or

TLOTOXL: Take him to the barracks.

DOCTOR: I demand to be released. Take your hands off me, sir. How dare you! How dare you!

(The Doctor is hauled away)

BARBARA: He had no right to arrest my servant.

AUTLOC: The old man transgressed the law.

BARBARA: He did not know it. No one told him.

AUTLOC: If that is so, to hold him prisoner would be unjust. I shall obtain his release.

BARBARA: Thank you. Autloc? There is to be a contest between Ian and Ixta. I forbid it.

AUTLOC: Great Spirit, it cannot be avoided. Only one of them can command our army.

BARBARA: Then let it be Ixta.

AUTLOC: You deny your servant honour?

BARBARA: The contest is ill-timed. Ixta has trained for many months.

AUTLOC: Yet I have seen your servant defeat him, and it is not a mortal combat.

BARBARA: Then see that it remains so.

AUTLOC: The spirit of Yetaxa has spoken.

[Warriors hall]

VICTIM: Let the contest begin.

(And so it does, with Ian throwing Ixta in an easy shoulder roll. Then another simple throw, and another. Ian is obviously a fan of wrestling on British television in the sixties.)

DOCTOR: Ian, don't let him scratch you.

IAN: What?

(Too late, that diversion was all Ixta needed to do the deed. The fight resumes)

DOCTOR: Tlotoxl, stop this nonsense. Stop it!


DOCTOR: Ixta is using that magic I gave him.

TLOTOXL: Then you should rejoice. Ixta will win.

(Not by the looks of the arm lock Ian has Ixta in. Then Ixta gets Ian on the floor, slams his head against the ground a few times and stands on his throat)

DOCTOR: Autloc, stop this!

TLOTOXL: No. Let it continue, to the death!

(Ian throws Ixta off, but he is starting to get whoosy)

TLOTOXL: Destroy him, Ixta.

AUTLOC: Yetaxa forbids it.

TLOTOXL: A false goddess forbids it. Destroy him.


TLOTOXL: Your place is in the temple.

BARBARA: I am loyal to those who serve me.

TLOTOXL: If you are Yetaxa, save him.

Episode Three - The Bride of Sacrifice

(Barbara snatches a knife and holds it to Tlotoxl's throat)

BARBARA: If my servant dies, so does Tlotoxl. Put it down.

(Ixta puts down the club)

BARBARA: I did as you commanded. Now you must obey me. Those who serve me shall not be punished.

TLOTOXL: So be it.

(She takes the knife from his throat)

VICTIM: The contest is ended. Ixta may not claim the victory.

(The Perfect Victim, Tonila and the guard leave)

AUTLOC: Attend Yetaxa's sermon. Take the old man to the courtyard and in obedience to Yetaxa, release him.

(Tlotoxl goes to Ixta and takes the needle)

TLOTOXL: Is it true? The old man gave you this to win a victory?

IXTA: It is true.

TLOTOXL: It is not magic. It is the juice from a plant. Tonila will know. Why did he aid you?

IXTA: It was a trick. He did not know that I was to fight Ian. He promised to help me if I told him the secret of my father's work.

TLOTOXL: What secrets?

IXTA: How the tomb of Yetaxa may be opened.

TLOTOXL: I must question him about it.

IXTA: Tlotoxl, what of Ian? He was at my mercy.

TLOTOXL: So shall he be again. I promise it.

IXTA: And next time you will honour your promise.


AUTLOC: Tlotoxl was humiliated. He will not forget, nor will he forgive.

BARBARA: I did as he commanded.

AUTLOC: But not as he expected.

BARBARA: What did he want? A miracle?

AUTLOC: We all awaited it.

BARBARA: Why should I use divine powers when human ability will suffice?

AUTLOC: Yetaxa has spoken.


BARBARA: Has the High Priest of Knowledge thought about my prophesy?

AUTLOC: I have. It is true, if we defy the gods we shall be destroyed.

BARBARA: There are two ways. The god's way, and Tlotoxl's, which is evil and must be destroyed.

AUTLOC: He is the High Priest of Sacrifice.

BARBARA: When is the next sacrifice?

AUTLOC: Three days from today. The moon will pass before the sun and then all will be in darkness.

BARBARA: At noon?

AUTLOC: Even so.

BARBARA: There's to be an eclipse. And Tlotoxl will offer human blood so that the sun will shine again.


BARBARA: But it's a trick! As the High Priest of Knowledge, you know the sun will shine again.

AUTLOC: Unless the gods withdraw their favour from us.

BARBARA: Am I not a god? Support me. Tlotoxl won't dare defy us both.

AUTLOC: If I take that course, there is no way back for me. In all humility, I beg you, do not deceive me or prove false to me.

[Garden of Peace]

TLOTOXL: The priest Tonila's knowledge of plants has served me well.

DOCTOR: I'm delighted.

TLOTOXL: What manner of servant are you?

DOCTOR: Oh, go away, Tlotoxl.

TLOTOXL: I'm curious about you. First you try to give Ixta victory.

DOCTOR: Ixta cheated me.

TLOTOXL: I wonder.

DOCTOR: I am faithful to my friends.

TLOTOXL: Yet you deceive Yetaxa.

DOCTOR: Not at all.

TLOTOXL: You try to get into the tomb without her knowledge. What is it you want from the tomb?

DOCTOR: What is it you want from me?

TLOTOXL: I want but one thing. Proof that she is a false goddess.

DOCTOR: Then open the tomb.

TLOTOXL: That cannot be achieved.

DOCTOR: Then talk to Ixta. He has some drawings.

TLOTOXL: In whose service are you?

DOCTOR: I serve the truth. Help me, Tlotoxl, and I promise you, you will find it.

[Warriors hall]

(Ian wakes to see Ixta caressing a knife)

IXTA: Do not be afraid of me, Ian. Now that I can defeat you openly, I have no need to destroy you in secret.

IAN: Whatever it was you scratched me with beat me, not you, Ixta.

IXTA: Did you yourself not say use stealth, surprise your enemy?

IAN: True.

IXTA: Did I not do those things?

IAN: Yes, you did.

IXTA: A thorn, some poison, and the aged servant of Yetaxa.

IAN: Did the Doctor help you?

IXTA: Your friends make strange allies, Ian.

IAN: Did he know you were going to fight me?


IAN: I need some fresh air.

IXTA: Let me help you. Now that I have proved that I can be the victor, we two can be friends for the little while that you have left to live.

IAN: Oh, I'm going to die, am I?

IXTA: Oh yes, Ian. Next time I shall not fail to kill you.

TLOTOXL: Ixta. I see your strength has been restored to you.

IAN: Don't tell me you're my friend now.

TLOTOXL: Ixta, I have need of the drawings.

IXTA: The ones I promised to the old man? None exist. The secret of the tomb died with my father.

TLOTOXL: Why did he not set it down?

IXTA: He thought to, but disappeared before it could be done.

IAN: So that's why the Doctor prepared a thorn for you.

IXTA: Yes, and now the old man waits in vain for the drawings. Stealth and cunning, Ian.

(Ixta and Ian leave, but Ian hangs back to eavesdrop)

TLOTOXL: You are well versed in these matters, Tonila. Just as the old man helped Ixta defeat Ian, so shall you help me destroy the false Yetaxa.

IXTA [OC]: Ian?

(Ian has to leave)

TONILA: I cannot do this. No, I will not. Destroy the gods and we destroy ourselves.

TLOTOXL: The gods are immortal, are they not?


TLOTOXL: Then how can we, mere flesh and blood, destroy them?

TONILA: But did you not suggest the use of knowledge of poisons against Yetaxa?

TLOTOXL: I say that such a test would prove the woman. If she dies, she is mortal. If she lives, then she is indeed the spirit of Yetaxa returned. Now, would you deny yourself the glory, Tonila, of seeing the gods proved before your eyes?

TONILA: I shall prepare the mixture, then you and I and Autloc will test Yetaxa.

TLOTOXL: Autloc? I think not.

TONILA: Why not?

TLOTOXL: His mind is set that she is Yetaxa. He would forbid the test. No, you and I will do this thing, Tonila. For once, the High Priest of Knowledge shall be in ignorance.

[Garden of Peace]

AUTLOC: Such happiness, Cameca, outshines the sun.

CAMECA: And may outlast it, Autloc.

AUTLOC: What brings about such joy?

(She looks over at the Doctor)

AUTLOC: Then I am grateful to him. You carry cocoa beans. For barter?

CAMECA: I've been to the market and obtained food.

AUTLOC: Then these must be for drink.

CAMECA: Only the gods may know.

AUTLOC: And the mortals live in hope.

CAMECA: He is a gentle companion, and most dear to me.

AUTLOC: Then prepare these beans as a love potion.

CAMECA: That would be too bold. Rather he should show his love for me.

AUTLOC: You wish him to prepare it?


AUTLOC: Good fortune.

(Autloc leaves, and Cameca goes over to the Doctor)

CAMECA: I greet the good and noble Doctor.

DOCTOR: Ah, my dear Cameca. How nice to see you again. The garden's been a lonely place without you.

CAMECA: If one's interest is held, loneliness does not exist.

DOCTOR: I was merely passing the time until you arrived. Oh, this sign. I hadn't noticed it before.

(A design within a circle carved on the wall)

CAMECA: It is the Yetaxa sign. In almost every building, honour is paid to Yetaxa.

DOCTOR: Oh, really?

(Cameca spills the cocoa beans)

DOCTOR: Oh, my dear. Cocoa beans?

CAMECA: We use these to barter for our daily needs.

DOCTOR: What am excellent idea. A currency you can drink. Delicious.

CAMECA: You know our custom?

DOCTOR: Yes, my dear, of course.

CAMECA: The drinking of cocoa has it's own special meaning.

DOCTOR: Yes, I agree. A rare delight. We should take a cup together.

CAMECA: Are you certain?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, quite. Now, give me some beans and I'll prepare them.

CAMECA: You insist upon this?

DOCTOR: I do. I insist absolutely. As a token of my esteem.

CAMECA: The gods are smiling favour through your eyes. May it always be so. My dear Doctor, I accept with all my heart.

DOCTOR: Wait here, my dear. I'll be back.


BARBARA: Why do you take such risks?

IAN: Because I overheard something that Tlotoxl said to Tonila.

BARBARA: Tonila? I didn't know they were allies.

IAN: They're planning something against you. I'm sure of it.

BARBARA: I'll watch them both. Tlotoxl's dangerous. He seems able to bring people around to his way of thinking.

IAN: You've got it all wrong, Barbara. All the people here share Tlotoxl's views.

BARBARA: What about Autloc? I'm sick and tired of all this arguing and quarrelling. First the Doctor and now you. Why can't you see what I'm trying to do?

IAN: I can.

BARBARA: Well you're not helping. Tlotoxl's evil and he'll make everyone else the same.

IAN: They are the same, Barbara. That's the whole point. You keep on insisting that Tlotoxl's the odd man out, but he isn't.

BARBARA: I don't believe it.

IAN: Well, you must. If only you could stand away from this thing, you'd see it clearly. Autloc's the extraordinary man here. He's the reasonable one, the civilised one, the one that's prepared to listen to advice. But he's one man, Barbara. One man.

BARBARA: Then everything I've tried to do. Oh, I thought I could alter them.

IAN: You can't fight a whole way of life, Barbara.

BARBARA: I suppose not. I've just been fooling myself. Ian, what can we do?

IAN: We can get into that tomb and leave them alone.

BARBARA: Yes. Ian. There's someone coming.

(Ian hides, and Tlotoxl enters with Tonila)

TLOTOXL: We greet Yetaxa.

BARBARA: What do you want here?

TLOTOXL: I come before Yetaxa in humility.

BARBARA: Such quiet words do you credit.

TLOTOXL: We have both spoken hot words and thought black deeds, and I must be the one to find a common ground.

TONILA: End this conflict.

BARBARA: Drink this draught with us as a symbol of our new friendship. Then I will serve you, and whatever words Yetaxa speaks, I shall echo.

TONILA: I am the witness.

BARBARA: Then I accept.

TLOTOXL: I hear your words and I rejoice.

(He hands her the cup. She's about to speak when she spots Ian waving frantically not to)

BARBARA: Tlotoxl, you do believe me to be Yetaxa?

TLOTOXL: I shall proclaim you when we stand together before the people.

BARBARA: Then I would have you perform one small service. For as I prove my faith in you, so must you prove yours to me.

TLOTOXL: Tell me quickly, that I may obey and all the past be forgotten.

BARBARA: Drink first.


BARBARA: Drink it.

(She offers it to Tonila, who also shrinks away in fear)

BARBARA: So this is your friendship. (she smashes the cup) You defile this temple. Get out of my sight. Go!


(Tonila flees, but Tlotoxl falls against the sacrificial stone)

TLOTOXL: I only meant to test you.

BARBARA: With poison?

TLOTOXL: Yetaxa would have lived. The gods are immortal.

BARBARA: Well I would have died. I am not Yetaxa.

TLOTOXL: False. False! I knew.

BARBARA: And who will believe you? I warn you, Tlotoxl, you say one word against me to the people and I'll have them destroy you. Destroy you!

(Tlotoxl slinks off, and Ian comes out)

IAN: Don't worry, Barbara. It'll be all right. We'll get away from this place.

[Garden of Peace]

(The Doctor and Cameca are about to share the cocoa)

DOCTOR: Happy days, my dear.

CAMECA: The happiest of my life, dear heart. Was ever such a potion brewed? In bliss is quenched my thirsty heart.

DOCTOR: Very prettily put, my dear.

CAMECA: Oh, sweet-favoured man, you have declared your love for me, and I acknowledge and accept your gentle proposal.

(The Doctor nearly chokes on his cocoa)


AUTLOC: What progress do our pupils make at the seminary, Tonila?

TONILA: All are diligent in their studies.

AUTLOC: And how does Yetaxa's handmaiden fare?

TONILA: Her intelligence far exceeds that of the others, and she has knowledge of things known only to the priests.

AUTLOC: You are surprised? She also serves the gods.

TLOTOXL: She serves other gods than ours.

AUTLOC: Tlotoxl, when will you cease to doubt Yetaxa's divinity?

TLOTOXL: I know she is false. She has come amongst us to destroy us.

AUTLOC: Or to save us.

(Autloc enters the temple)

TLOTOXL: Autloc believes in Yetaxa. What of you?

TONILA: I'm not sure. I do not know whose voice to hear.

TLOTOXL: When I have the proof, my voice will be like thunder in the sky. But what is the way? She is too clever. Her handmaiden. Alone, in the seminary.

TONILA: She's intelligent, but self-willed.

TLOTOXL: Tell me about her.

TONILA: One day, in the presence of Autloc and myself, she said she would only marry someone of her own choosing.

TLOTOXL: She would not marry on advice or for honour?

TONILA: Not unless she chose the man.

TLOTOXL: Then we must find a suitable husband for her, Tonila. Yetaxa's weakness lies not in herself, but in her servants.


AUTLOC: In the annals of Kohurticlan, there is the myth of the Five Suns in the Sky. Name them.

SUSAN: The first was known as Four Tiger, the second the Sun of Air, the third the Son of Fire and Rain, the fourth the Sun of Water, and finally the present one, the Sun of Man.

AUTLOC: Excellent, Susan.

TONILA: I greet you, Autloc.

AUTLOC: I honour you, but why do you come here?

VICTIM: It is my wish to look upon her.

AUTLOC: Do you know who she is?

VICTIM: Does she know who I am?


VICTIM: Tell her.

AUTLOC: In a few days time, Susan, darkness will descend upon the land even though it is day.

TONILA: The sun will be hidden from our eyes.

SUSAN: You mean there'll be an eclipse.

AUTLOC: At that time, a sacrifice will be made to the Sun God, and this young man

SUSAN: Is to be the victim. Oh, it's horrible.

VICTIM: But it is a great honour for me to be chosen. I shall take her as my bride.

SUSAN: Bride? He thinks I'll marry him? He must be mad.

TONILA: For his last few days of life, all that he desires is granted to him.

SUSAN: Well, that doesn't include me. Let him die if he wants to die, but don't ask me to marry him.

AUTLOC: It is the Aztec law, Susan.

SUSAN: It's barbaric. I won't do it. I won't.

TONILA: For this you will be most severely punished.

AUTLOC: But, Tonila.

TONILA: She has broken the law. It must be reported to Tlotoxl.

AUTLOC: Whatever's in my power, I shall do.

SUSAN: You're monsters. All of you, monsters. Oh, Grandfather. Grandfather.

[Garden of Peace]

CAMECA: My dear, I'm glad to find you alone.

DOCTOR: Cameca.

CAMECA: I have a gift for you. It signifies my love for you. It came from Yetaxa's tomb.

(It is a medallion)

DOCTOR: From where?

CAMECA: The tomb. See, it has Yetaxa's sign on it.

DOCTOR: Magnificent, my dear. Where did you get it?

CAMECA: Ixta's father. He was in love with me. He gave it me the night before he disappeared.

DOCTOR: In this garden?

CAMECA: Yes. He was never seen again. But all this is a long time ago, and I now look forward to a life of bliss with you.

DOCTOR: And I with you, my dear.

CAMECA: Peace and contentment.

DOCTOR: Serenity.

CAMECA: We must have a garden of our own.

DOCTOR: Yes, why not? A garden of our won.


BARBARA: Why do you attend me?

TONILA: There is a matter we would place before you. BARBARA: Tonila, you wish the gods to favour you with their good opinions?


BARBARA: Yet you sin against them with your test of poison.

TLOTOXL: Let us talk of this when

BARBARA: Be quiet. Tonila, we freely forgive you your sins against us.

TLOTOXL: What is the punishment for one who talks out against our teachings?

BARBARA: In public?

TONILA: Yes, and after warnings.

BARBARA: Who heard this?

TONILA: Autloc and I.

BARBARA: Autloc?

TLOTOXL: Then it must be true.

TONILA: Great Spirit, the penalty is set. The offender must be publically scourged and ridiculed.

TLOTOXL: The tongue and ears must be pierced with thorns.

BARBARA: No, I cannot agree to that.

TLOTOXL: Would you deny a punishment that Autloc himself upholds?

TONILA: Without discipline what purpose is there? We would all scatter and give way to weakness.

BARBARA: When is this punishment to take place?

TONILA: On the day of darkness.

TLOTOXL: Before the people. You must be there so that all know the gravity of the offence.

BARBARA: I wish my servants to be present. The two men and my handmaiden.

TLOTOXL: I shall arrange it. The two men and your handmaiden shall be there.

[Warriors hall]

DOCTOR: That came out of the tomb. And the man who discovered it later disappeared in the garden. And on the wall is a stone with Yetaxa's sign on it.

IAN: You mean there's a tunnel from there to the tomb?

DOCTOR: Yes, that's what I suspect.

IAN: Where did you get hold of this?

DOCTOR: My fianc�e.

IAN: I see. Your what?

DOCTOR: Yes, I made some cocoa and got engaged. Don't giggle, my boy, It's neither here nor there. We must find that tunnel tonight.

IAN: Yes, all right.

DOCTOR: Now, I'll wait for you in the garden, and when Ixta's asleep, you come out.

IAN: Yes, I will. All right. Oh, by the way, Doctor. Congratulations.


AUTLOC: Is it still your intention to intervene at the human sacrifice?


AUTLOC: I shall match your courage, Yetaxa.

BARBARA: Thank you, Autloc.

AUTLOC: I thought. It grieves my heart, as it must yours.

BARBARA: Oh, I shan't be sorry to see the end of the sacrifices.

AUTLOC: I refer to your handmaiden.

BARBARA: Susan? What about her?

AUTLOC: She spoke against our teachings.

BARBARA: So she's the one to be punished. I must stop it, Autloc.

AUTLOC: You cannot.

BARBARA: Yes, I can. She'll be punished at the eclipse. So when we've stopped the human sacrifice, I can order Tlotoxl to release her.

AUTLOC: But Susan will be punished first, before the sacrifice.

BARBARA: I can't let him harm her. I can't.

AUTLOC: Will you sacrifice us to save your handmaiden pain?

[Warriors hall]

(It's night. Ian leaves, but Ixta wakes and sees him go. He gets a knife and follows)

[Garden of Peace]

(The Doctor is trying to crowbar out Yetaxa's stone, when he hears someone coming and hides)

IAN: Doctor? Doctor?

DOCTOR: Ian. I can't move that an inch.

IAN: Let me try. Yes, it does move.


IAN: There is a tunnel.

DOCTOR: Yes. You stay guard.

IAN: No, no, no, no, no. I'll go.

DOCTOR: Both of us.

IAN: No, no, Doctor. It's too dangerous.

DOCTOR: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Take that. You might need it. (a torch)

IAN: Yes, thanks.

(Ian goes into the tunnel, and Ixta sneaks up on the Doctor)

DOCTOR: Oh, yes, a pleasant evening.

IXTA: A fine night for walking.

DOCTOR: Yes, exactly. I was just about to do that.

IXTA: I myself could not sleep.

DOCTOR: Oh, dear, what a pity.

IXTA: That stone must be replaced.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Somebody must have moved it. I suppose they had a reason. I should leave it where it is.

IXTA: The garden would be ruined.

DOCTOR: What do you mean, ruined?

IXTA: There is a tunnel. My father built it. A water course from a lake in the hills. Would you see the garden flooded?

DOCTOR: It's perfectly dry.

(Ixta gets the stone back in place)

IXTA: There's a small gate near the entrance by the lake. It is opened and closed often. I must replace the stone before the tunnel fills with water.

(and in the tunnel, Ian's feet are getting wet with the running water)

Episode Four - The Day of Darkness

(In the tunnel, Ian has found a slab in the roof with Yetaxa's sign on it. He pushes it up and crawls into another tunnel)

[Garden of Peace]

DOCTOR: Open this, Ixta. Ixta, please. Please open it.

IXTA: Why?

DOCTOR: Ian Chesterton is in there.

IXTA: I thank you, old man. This time you have really given me my victory.

(Ixta leaves, laughing)

DOCTOR: Open it! Open it!


(The tunnel comes out underneath Yetaxa's bier. Ian looks for something strong enough to attach to a hook at the top of the pivoting door and uses straps from the body. He pulls the door open and goes out into)


(He lets the door close while still holding onto the strap)


IAN: Barbara, there's a tunnel all the way up from the garden into the tomb!

BARBARA: You came through there?

IAN: Yes.

DOCTOR: Barbara! Barbara! Something terrible, my dear. I just don't know how to tell you. Ian

IAN: I'm all right.

DOCTOR: My dear boy, I thought you were drowned.

IAN: I nearly was. Who put that stone back?


IAN: Oh, so he followed me, eh?

DOCTOR: Yes, of course he followed you. But never mind about that. How does that door work?

IAN: Don't worry, I've got it licked. All we have to do is get Susan up here.

BARBARA: We can't. She refused to marry the victim for the next sacrifice so she's to be punished.

DOCTOR: Is she still at that seminary?

BARBARA: I think so, but she'll be heavily guarded.

IAN: Don't worry, I'll get her out. Now you stay here.

DOCTOR: Thank you. And watch out for that man Ixta.

[Warriors hall]

TLOTOXL: The chosen warrior has done well. With Ian dead they are at completely at our mercy. The rewards I promised you shall be yours.

IXTA: Thank you.

TLOTOXL: I have a task for you.

IXTA: Tell me.

TLOTOXL: Guard the handmaiden.

(Susan is brought in)

TLOTOXL: Do not let her escape nor release her to Autloc. His faith in our gods is wavering.

SUSAN: Why have I been brought here? Does Autloc know I'm here? What of Yetaxa? I'm her handmaiden. She wished to see me.

TLOTOXL: Oh, she will see you, at the appointed time.

IXTA: Rest there.

TLOTOXL: Tlotoxl thanks you.

(Tlotoxl and the guards leave)

IXTA: Do you ask yourself where Ian is? I can tell you. He is dead.

SUSAN: I don't believe you.

IXTA: The old man saw him die. He knows it to be true.

(Ian is behind them)

IXTA: Now seven warriors have challenged my right to command and only I survive.

IAN: Good commanders don't jump to conclusions, Ixta.

(Ian knocks out Ixta)

SUSAN: Ian! I knew he was lying.

IAN: Yes.

SUSAN: He said you were dead.

IAN: I nearly was. Come on, let's get going.

SUSAN: Where are we going?

IAN: The Tardis. Come on.


BARBARA: It'll soon be light.

DOCTOR: Yes, it's bound to take him some time to get there and back.

BARBARA: Oh, I just want to get out of here as quickly as possible.

DOCTOR: Hmm, and the history?

BARBARA: Remains unchanged.

DOCTOR: No rewriting?

(He goes to the strap Ian left running under the entrance to the tomb)

DOCTOR: This isn't going to be easy, you know.

BARBARA: Well, if we all pull.

DOCTOR: Yes, we can pull, but I think we'd better do it at an angle. What we really need is a pulley.

BARBARA: A pulley? But the Aztecs don't have the wheel.

DOCTOR: I know, but it isn't going to be easy.

SUSAN: Grandfather!

(Susan and Ian enter)

DOCTOR: My dear Susan. I'll tell you how glad I am to see you later on. Come along. Don't waste time.

IAN: All right. Susan, as soon as the door opens, grab it.

SUSAN: All right.

DOCTOR: Now, this is not going to be so easy as you think, young man.

IAN: Oh? Well let's give it a try, anyway.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, be careful.

IAN: Ready, steady. Pull.

DOCTOR: Cord's old. It might break. No, no, wait. Let's do it at an angle. Come along.

IAN: All right.

(The Doctor puts the strap or cord over the top of Yetaxa's throne)

DOCTOR: That's it, it's safer.

IAN: Right?

DOCTOR: Right.

IAN: Ready?


IAN: Pull!

DOCTOR: Harder!

(But it does snap against the edge of the throne)

[Warriors hall]

IXTA: How could he have escaped?

TLOTOXL: Did you not let the handmaiden escape? She must be in my power.

IXTA: I shall find her.

TLOTOXL: No, I shall. I have another task for you.

IXTA: Tell me.

TLOTOXL: Should Autloc learn of the warrior's return, he will be truly convinced that she is Yetaxa.

IXTA: What can I do?

TLOTOXL: His faith in her must be completely destroyed. (picks up a weapon) Is this one Ian's? Then use it on Autloc.

IXTA: To strike down a High Priest? There is no greater offence.

TLOTOXL: Would you see us humiliated? Each day as the sun rises, Autloc walks in meditation alone in the garden. Approach him with stealth and strike him down. Leave this close at hand.

IXTA: So that Ian will be blamed.

TLOTOXL: This time, Ixta, do not fail me.


IAN: Yes, I must try that stone in the garden.

DOCTOR: I think you're right.

IAN: But I'll need someone to watch.


BARBARA: No, I think Susan should stay here.

IAN: Yes. We'd be careful, Barbara. If Susan and I can get that stone free, we can let you into the tomb from the other side.


BARBARA: All right.

IAN: Come on.

SUSAN: Don't worry.

(Ian and Susan leave)

BARBARA: Oh, we're like drowning people, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Oh, now, now, now, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. Don't give up hope.

BARBARA: Maybe it's this place. I just feel sometimes as if all the people who've died here are watching, waiting for me to die, too.

[Garden of Peace]

IAN: Get yourself down behind that bush.

SUSAN: Right. I'll whistle if anyone comes.

IAN: All right.

(But he's hardly got his hands on the stone when - )

SUSAN: Ian! Look. Is he dead?

IAN: No.

(Autloc groans)

IAN: This is a trap. This is mine. Ixta gave it to me. Come on, let's get out of here.

CAPTAIN: Hold him! This belongs to you?

IXTA: Yes, I gave it to him. (helping Autloc up) Ian was helping the handmaiden to escape. He struck you down from behind.

IAN: How do you know he was hit from behind?

IXTA: That club belongs to Ian. Take them away.

AUTLOC: You are the servants of a false goddess.

[Warriors hall]

TLOTOXL: She is a false goddess, and now Autloc has proclaimed it. Yet we cannot destroy her, Tonila, until the time is ripe.

TONILA: The people would not understand.

TLOTOXL: The day of darkness is the perfect time. As the Perfect Victim leaves this land, so shall the woman who calls herself Yetaxa also depart.

TONILA: How shall it be done?

TLOTOXL: As the gods appear, may they not also disappear just as suddenly? I shall arrange it. I had a vision, Tonila, of a room with three walls. The false Yetaxa shall be placed in that room and the fourth wall added. Then order shall be restored.

[Garden of Peace]

(The Doctor is carving himself a pulley wheel)

CAMECA: Of all Aztec men, the High Priest of Knowledge is the most gentle.

DOCTOR: Ian didn't hit him, Cameca.

CAMECA: Yet his club was found here.

DOCTOR: Yes, and as Ian has said, he was in the garden. I know, and he's innocent.

CAMECA: Yet he is to die.

DOCTOR: Yes. Butchered by Ixta.

CAMECA: If it is your wish, let our marriage be postponed. What is it you're making.

DOCTOR: Oh, just something to take my mind off the problems.

CAMECA: Let me intercede with Autloc on your friend's behalf.

DOCTOR: It isn't just Tlotoxl that we have to contend with. He and his kind will destroy all this one day.

CAMECA: How can it be prevented if it is the will of the gods.

DOCTOR: It isn't the will of Yetaxa.

CAMECA: The gods wish an end to sacrifice?

DOCTOR: Yes, and Yetaxa speaks for them. But Autloc is needed here, and he won't go to the temple.

CAMECA: I shall persuade him to go to Yetaxa, beloved.


BARBARA: I thank you for attending me, Autloc.

AUTLOC: Such gratitude is due to Cameca.

BARBARA: Then thank her for me. My servant did not strike you, Autloc.

AUTLOC: The evidence we have proves he did.

BARBARA: If that is true, then I am unworthy of your trust. Of all people, Autloc, why should I harm you? No, there's some plan here. Who would benefit most by breaking up our friendship? Tlotoxl.

AUTLOC: Tlotoxl hates you, I know that, and Ixta does his bidding. And I am bewildered by the things that happen. I have many doubts, but in this matter I must believe you. As for the others, I do not know if you are Yetaxa. I do not know what you are.

BARBARA: My servants are in danger. Will you see them die?

AUTLOC: Your handmaiden I may be able to protect, but the young man Ian is too closely guarded.

BARBARA: He didn't strike you, Autloc. He didn't.

AUTLOC: I cannot save him.

[Garden of Peace]

(The pulley wheel is being admired by its creator)

DOCTOR: There you are, my dear, it's nearly finished.

CAMECA: As is our time together. I do not know what its purpose is, but I've always known it would take you from me.

DOCTOR: Yes. I'm sorry, my dear.

CAMECA: Tomorrow will truly be a day of darkness.

DOCTOR: For both of us.

CAMECA: Tlotoxl is determined to destroy Yetaxa?

DOCTOR: He must do to safeguard his own beliefs.

CAMECA: We are a doomed people, my dear. There's no turning back for us.

DOCTOR: You're a very fine woman, Cameca, and you'll always be very, very dear to me.

(Cameca walks away from the Doctor)

AUTLOC: Cameca, I must speak with you. You are sad, Cameca.

CAMECA: I have just lost all that is dear to my heart.

AUTLOC: The same cloud hangs over us. The sunlight of the truth is darkened and I must know the reason for that darkness.

CAMECA: Yours is a tragedy far greater than mine.

AUTLOC: Yet we may help each other. Although I have lost my faith in our traditions, I keep my faith in you.

CAMECA: And I in you, High Priest.

AUTLOC: See this ornament? It proves the title to my dwelling house and all my wealth. You will take it to the one who guards Yetaxa's handmaiden. It will serve to turn his head away while you take the girl up to the temple.

CAMECA: I shall do it. Where will you seek your truth?

AUTLOC: In the wilderness, away from the influence of other men.

CAMECA: You shall not search in vain.

AUTLOC: And you, Cameca, be happy in the trust I place in you.

[Warriors hall]

(It's very crowded with all the guards)

TONILA: May your sacrifice bring pleasure to the gods and peace to our lands.

VICTIM: I thank Tonila for his many gratitudes.

TONILA: I have come to escort you as you walk among the people before you find your destiny.

SUSAN: What's to happen to us, Tonila?

TONILA: You shall both be punished before the Perfect Victim goes to find his heaven.

IXTA: I, Ixta, the Chosen Warrior, shall proudly lead you to your glory.

VICTIM: May victory always rest upon your shoulders.

IXTA: When we have reached the temple steps, bring them on. We shall have one more meeting, Ian.

IAN: Yes, a final one.


(The pulley is being installed)

BARBARA: Doctor, why won't you listen to me?

DOCTOR: They're all busy at the ceremony and this is just the right time.

BARBARA: But they'll be here at any moment. Don't you realise that?

DOCTOR: Yes, now let me see. Oh, I think you ought to order Autloc to release Susan and Ian.

BARBARA: What, in front of everybody?

DOCTOR: Yes. It'll only take me a moment to open the doors and then we shall all dash through there and


(He hides behind the throne and Barbara goes forward to stop whoever coming fully into the room)

TLOTOXL: The procession has started. Are you ready to attend the ceremony?

BARBARA: Where's Autloc?

TLOTOXL: He will not be present.

BARBARA: Why not? What have you done with him?

TLOTOXL: I? Nothing. He has gone into the wilderness.

BARBARA: When will he return?


[Warriors hall]

CAPTAIN: I greet you, Cameca.

CAMECA: Do you know this ornament? Autloc desires that it shall be yours. It is the title to his dwelling and all his possessions.

CAPTAIN: Give it to me.

CAMECA: You must earn it.


CAMECA: Send away the warriors from outside this place.

(The Captain goes outside)

IAN: What are you doing?

CAMECA: I've come to help you. It is important that the

(The Captain returns and holds out his hand)

CAMECA: As I give you this, so you shall close your eyes. Autloc desires that the handmaiden shall leave here with me. There is position and honour in this ornament.

(The Captain has now got his back to Ian, so he gets knocked out with a double fisted blow)

IAN: Well somebody had to make up his mind for him.

(Cameca puts the ornament into the Captain's hand)

CAMECA: Come, quickly. The handmaiden must come to the temple with me.

IAN: Go on, Susan.

(Ian takes the Captain's ceremonial helmet)

[Garden of Peace]

TONILA: The Perfect Victim stands before the people.

TLOTOXL: The darkness approaches. Now here is the order of my plan. We shall despatch Ian and the girl, and then the sky will grow black. Then follows the Perfect Sacrifice. Then you and I, Tonila, will retire into the temple and bind the false Yetaxa. As light appears in the sky we shall again stand in our places. Autloc has gone into the wilderness. You shall be High Priest of Knowledge in his place.

TONILA: I shall be at your side.


SUSAN [OC]: Grandfather! Grandfather.

(She comes running in)

DOCTOR: Oh, my dear Susan.

SUSAN: Where's Barbara?

DOCTOR: She's in there.

SUSAN: Barbara. Barbara?

(Susan goes into the antechamber as Cameca enters)

CAMECA: I honour Autloc's trust. I bring you your handmaiden.

DOCTOR: That was a very brave thing for you to do, Cameca, but you can't stay here.

CAMECA: I'd hoped I might stay by your side. Then think of me. Think of me.

[Warriors hall]

(The Captain is waking up, as Ixta discovers Autloc's ornament in his hand)

TLOTOXL: Why do you delay?

IXTA: He has betrayed us. Ian and the girl have gone.

TLOTOXL: We dare not wait. The darkness will come and go. Sacrifice must be made! Kill him.


TONILA: Escort Yetaxa to the sacrificial altar.

(The disguised Ian leads his men in, and they escort Barbara out again)

TONILA: Go now and bring those who are to be punished.

(The guards leave, but Ian stays behind Barbara)

BARBARA: Where's Tlotoxl? The ceremony cannot begin without him.

TONILA: He comes with the handmaiden. She shall be pierced with thorns.

TLOTOXL: False goddess, you have betrayed us. I shall destroy you.

(Tlotoxl goes to stab Barbara, but Ian grabs his arm)

TLOTOXL: Ixta! Ixta!

(Ixta is at the bottom of the temple pyramid, and has to make his way up)

IAN: Run, Barbara.

(Tlotoxl and Tonila flee while Ian stands guard and the Doctor, Susan and Barbara work the strap and pulley to open the door to the tomb)

(Ixta arrives at the platform, the two warriors remove their ceremonial cloaks and have a club fight. Ixta soon has Ian on the defensive, but once Ian is on his back by the edge, he propels Ixta over the side with his feet. Ian takes off his helmet and goes to help the others)


IAN: It's opening!

DOCTOR: Go! Quickly!

(Ian takes the pulley with him)

(Guards rush in but the door is already shut)

TONILA: The darkness, Tlotoxl!

TLOTOXL: Let them go.


(They go out onto the platform where the Perfect Victim has laid himself across the sacrificial stone. The eclipse reaches totality)

TLOTOXL: Great God of the Sun and the Warriors, I, Tlotoxl, thank you for this victory. In your honour, let Perfect Sacrifice be made.


BARBARA: We failed.

DOCTOR: Yes, we did. We had to.

BARBARA: What's the point of travelling through time and space if we can't change anything? Nothing. Tlotoxl had to win.


BARBARA: And the one man I had respect for, I deceived. Poor Autloc. I gave him false hope and in the end he lost his faith.

DOCTOR: He found another faith, a better, and that's the good you've done. You failed to save a civilisation, but at least you helped one man.

(Barbara puts the ceremonial ornaments with Yetaxa's corpse and goes into the Tardis. The Doctor nearly leaves the gem that Cameca gave him, but changes his mind and puts it back in his pocket.


(The Tardis has been travelling for some time. Everyone is in normal clothing again)

IAN: What's the matter, Doctor.

DOCTOR: We have a bit of a mystery, my boy.

BARBARA: What sort of mystery?

DOCTOR: My instruments.

SUSAN: Yes. According to these controls here, we've stopped.

DOCTOR: Yes, and those instruments say that we're still moving.

IAN: Perhaps we've landed on top of something.


BARBARA: Or inside something.

Next episode - Strangers in Space

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