Wednesday 3 February 2021

5 Things We Can Do To Cultivate Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing.

 5 Things We Can Do To Cultivate Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing. 

That's start at how we see someone we will call him Fred. 

Fred is married has children and works to people who know him he looks happy but deep inside Fred is the 1 in 4 people who suffer from mental health which affects his mental;physical;and spiritual wellbeing. 

What can  help do culivate  this in Fred to help him here are some ideas. 

Mental _It always better to talk about what you are feeling perhaps with a loved one or friends it may help you to realise you are not alone.

Physical _Take up a form if exercise as this will release endorphins from your brain which in turn make you feel  better. 

Emotional _Never be afraid to cry ,laugh, shout it's a great way to release all that pent up emotions. 

Spiritual wellbeing can be enhanced by practising mediation as this tuning into your inner self is way to find who you really are.

By Mark Antony Raines  

Things We Can Do To Cultivate Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing. 

That's start at how we see someone we will call him Fred. 

Fred is married has children and works to people who know him he looks happy but deep inside Fred is the 1 in 4 people who suffer from mental health which affects his mental;physical;and spiritual wellbeing. 

What can  help do culivate  this in Fred to help him here are some ideas. 

Mental _It always better to talk about what you are feeling perhaps with a loved one or friends it may help you to realise you are not alone.

Physical _Take up a form if exercise as this will release endorphins from your brain which in turn make you feel  better. 

Emotional _Never be afraid to cry ,laugh, shout it's a great way to release all that pent up emotions. 

Spiritual wellbeing can be enhanced by practising mediation as this tuning into your inner self is way to find who you really are.

By Mark Antony Raines  

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