Friday, 22 January 2021


 It was a black plutonium night;no star light  and not even a moonbeam to break the darkness. 

The weather was so cold if you placed a pint of milk outside the contents inside the plastic bottle  would be frozen into icicles. 

In the background and car is heard screeching off the tarmac road ;leaving behind four forelorn  subject s .

Each wandering  what had their done to deserve to arrive at this situation. 

The four looked  at their new surrounding s and instantly began to sense a dread of foreboding was in the atmosphere. 

Clive the oldest of the four spoke frist. 

"Well  it's not use feeling scared and sorry for youselfs  as we need to get moving to find food;something to drink and some forms of warmth  if we going to see a way out of this situation "

Clive had ginger hair was physically stronger then the other remaining three orphans. 

Clive had an inbred sense of responsibility inherited from his mother and father who both instilled in him that he as the big brother to his brother and sister s it was his job to protect them.

Annie in her usual timid  voice said. 

" It's easy  for you to be notified scared ;I don't want to move in case mum and dad come to find us?"

Annie had jet black hair and was naturally shy and timid from an early age which sometimes held her back from enjoying day to day thing so the rest of her family took for granted. 

Thomas with his multi coloured hair  which to him made it look like he was a bit rebellious and thought rules were for square s :people who liked to do boring things: was the next to speak  up .

"Oh don't be silly Annie ;mum and dad did not even see us leave as we were forced against our will and dumped wherever here is"

Sally the final member of these abandoned orphans was the last to speak. 

She had   fine blonde hair  which to some appeared white which she never truly understood. 

"No that's do as Clive says as I am beginning to feel hungry and to be really honest quite cold ".

All four journeyed on,the trek was getting rougher  due to the terrain of the unfamiliar scenic rustic  countryside. 

Each of the four were beginning to tire their limbs feeling like lead weights. 

Thier bellys were rumbling :thrist queaching thier dry chapped lips when suddenly in the distance using his excellent eyesight Clive spots a bright light in a square shaped window. 

" Look Annie, Thomas ,Sally  hope is in the horizon "

"Why?" Exclaimed Sally. 

"Don't you see that bright lights in the square window it means possible food,water; warmth "

Says Clive. 

"What if the people in the home are like the others that were so cruel and horrid to us in the frist place and left us in the cold ?"said Thomas. 

"Not everyone is the same we have to take a leap of faith to have a chance of survival "says Annie. 

Inside the house with the window with the bright light on were sitting Mr and Mrs Sherwood. 

An elderly couple sipping a cup of tea and eating a round of cheese and pickle sandwiches listening to the local radio phone in talk show. 

Mrs Sherwood got up to take the dirty cups and dishes to the sink which just happened to be by the window showing the bright light against the darkness almost like when people used to put candles in the window to show the way home to their loved ones the way home. 

Poor Clive; Annie,Thomas; Sally decided it was time to sleep their eyelid s were getting really heavy even a matchstick would not stop them from closing. 

The sandman was waiting and by his side was a dark shadow of whom one day we all shall face and his name was death.

Annie let out a final sounding faint cry which luckly or was it fate was heard by Mrs Sherwood as she opened the window to let out the steam from the hot water tap  to get ready to wash all the items used for teatime usually in fairy liquid. 

She always used fairy washing up liquid as  the adverts told you it was the best. 

On hearing the faint cry she informed Mr Sherwood to go outside to look were the cry came from. 

So Mr Sherwood got up from his chair went towards the back door and opened it to his astonishment  four young cats were curled up looking bedraggled and on the verge of losing their tiny life's. 

In a flash he scooped all of them up and quickly put them inside by the warm fire and Mrs Sherwood made sure to give them food and some milk full of cream. 

So that's when the orphans became adopted as part of the family of Mr and Mrs Sherwood. 

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