Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Norman Plotkin-Author, Editor, Speaker, Hypnotherapist, Coach.

Website -https://normanplotkin.com

Master Mind Master Life details the history of hypnosis, the background behind this ancient method for connecting with the subconscious mind, what science has to say about what is happening during trance and the many applications for health and wellness of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. If you have unexplained pain, chronic conditions, an extra few pounds you just cannot get rid of, or if you have tried everything, maybe even been told it is all in your head, or been on pills for years without relief then Master Mind Master Life can help you learn about a process that can help you take your life back. It is time to learn about how to reprogram your autopilot once and for all.

Product details

  • Item Weight : 4.5 ounces
  • Paperback : 122 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1735235407
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1735235400
  • Dimensions : 5 x 0.28 x 8 inches
  • Publisher : Norman Plotkin (July 21, 2020)
  • Language: : English

Book Review
BY writing how applicable and approachable hypnotherapy is for a wide range of issues and that one can take charge of one’s health and or behavioral issues.This is a interesting,inspiring book,excellently written by Author
5-5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟highly recommend by Ghostman Radio Station

Check out-

Master Mind Master Life [Print Replica] Kindle Edition-https://www.amazon.co.uk/Master-Mind-Life-Norman-Plotkin-ebook/dp/B08DHG6VW5/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1607402759&refinements=p_27%3ANorman+Plotkin&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Norman+Plotkin


Author, Editor, Speaker, Hypnotherapist, Coach.  

Norman Plotkin spent 25 years in Sacramento as a consultant and lobbyist working in, around and for the California State Legislature.  

He represented fortune 500 companies and trade associations in the medical, automotive, energy and petroleum industries.

Surviving cancer in his forties, his journey awakened in him a desire to serve others and opened his eyes to the notion that sometimes tragedy through the right lens can be seen as a gift.  

He writes about this gift in his book, Take Charge of Your Cancer, The Seven Proven Steps to Healing and Recovery.

The experience also awakened a desire to survey many healing modalities across time, cultures and beliefs. Plotkin published his second book recently titled Master Mind master Life, wherein he details the history, science and application of the modality of hypnotherapy.

Embracing ancient wisdom and sharing the power of uncomplicated techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, self talk, reframing and emotional intelligence, Norm helps clients with steps toward self-mastery and away from chemical therapies.

Committed to helping others engage in rapid healing and lasting wellness, 


A cancer diagnosis can bring with it shock, anger, and fear. Add to that a feeling of disconnection from the body and the prospect of facing a mountain of technical information, and it’s hard to know what to do next. Take Charge of Your Cancer offers step-by-step direction for managing the journey of healing and recovery.
Coach, cancer survivor, and former health policy lobbyist Norman Plotkin has mastered the key steps that give cancer patients the power to influence outcomes and make their bodies their business. Take Charge of Your Cancer is for cancer patients who want proven tools that make a real difference, including tools that engage the power of the subconscious mind.
Being an active participant in the healing process is critical for recovery. People who feel more in control of their own wellbeing are more likely to make sustained lifestyle changes to improve their health. Reframing cancer to be an opportunity for personal growth—a challenge rather than a threat—can transform a cancer diagnosis into a positive turning point, one that redirects toward healing, surviving, and thriving.
Take Charge of Your Cancer is the guide for that journey.

Product details

  • File size : 1638 KB
  • Word Wise : Enabled
  • Print length : 111 pages
  • Publisher : Morgan James Publishing (4 Sept. 2018)
  • X-Ray : Not Enabled
  • Screen Reader : Supported
  • ASIN : B07D988M4H
  • Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
  • Text-to-Speech : Enabled
  • Language: : English
Book Review
This book helps  people understand how much mindset affects the healing process. This author provides  all the tools, information to gain a better understanding of the mind healing process. Excellently written by the author.
5-5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟highly recommend by Ghostman Radio 2

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