Friday, 13 November 2020

House is Alive By Mark Antony Raines co Author H.P.Lovecraft _unfinished version


House is Alive 

By Mark Antony Raines 

 co Author H.P.Lovecraft

Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd 


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter  1 

This house was originally a old farm which faced south and one of its gables ends were buried to the lower  windows 

Built over a century  ago by a Lane leading to  the graveyard which in turn gives it a sense of foreboding. 

I heard many tales in my youth that this house was shunned due to  the fact that people died in alarming numbers who had lived there. 

I wish to purchase this so-called cursed house so I did an inspection after receiving the keys from the estate agents. 

The house was full of dampness and fungus growth s and had an odour of sickish smell. 

I decided there and then to buy it and stay and see if it lived up to its haunted expectations so I could record them for  my next book. 

Chapter  2

So as I began to reside in my new abode I began my research  for my future writing of a book. 

After an exhaustive research to study the house inhibitors I found hidden in the library and old book in which was written by a person like myself; curious for  knowledge of previous inhabitants. 

The first was a William Harris who had a wife called Rhoby and four children; Elkanah; Abigail;William Jr and Ruth.

In April in the year of our Lord 1762 both Abigail and Ruth died of an unknown illness and it found to be contagious it soon killed the servants of the household then William senior died.

His widow  Rhoby never recovered his death then Elkanah died two years after  her father. 

Rhoby fell victim to a mild form of insanity and was confined to  her room.

In her madness she dreamt of dreams of a hideous sort and was often heard  screaming for long periods. 

The second owner was an Rathbone Harris who legend states dealt with the occult arts and the Devil himself and his servants refused to  use the fungous and malodorous cellar as it bore the queer quasi human diabolical outline s .

Superstition among the locals that buried under the cellar was a vampire :one of the dead who retain their bodily forms by drinking the blood or the breath of the living and pray on their victims by night and able to  cover vast distances by transforming into a bat or wolf.

It is believed to  kill such a creature  you must exhume it's body and burn its heart or drive a stake through  its heart. 

To add to the legend death certificates of fever patients were sometimes recorded as sucked to death .And on one occasion the local doctor Chad Hopkins found four deceased fever victims were unaccountably lacking in  blood. 

I reread one of Rhoby Harris dairies and saw she wrote about seeing a  half visible presence who had sharp teeth and a glass eye that shone in the light. 

Back to my research I found an article in the Providence Gazette and Country Journal dated April 12;1815 in which both papers were detailed appalling grisly circulating duplication deaths.

One was an old lady and the other a school teacher who upon visit s by their doctors would attempt to bite the throat of the attending physician. Both were  housed at an asylum for the criminally insane were within the walls each craftily took their own life's by incisions in the neck or wrist and bled to death. 

Chapter  3

As my research carried on it found a french connection to the house; this was a person by the name of Etienne Roulet and his wife. 

This couple experienced racial and national prejudice due to being French. 

I discovered that the Roulets were related  to Jacques Roulet of Claude who in 1598 was condemned to death as a demonic but was saved at the last moment by the Paris Parliament and shut  away in an asylum. 

He was found covered in his own blood due to the fact he had taken a local boy to the woods and staked him to the ground and cut him open to be torn to shreds by a group of wolves. 

This made me more Obsessive to find out  more about this cursed house. 

I searched the library thoroughly and hidden inside one of the books was a key  to a door i had up to now be unable to open 


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