Saturday, 19 September 2020

Strange News -Holsworthy



New gecko species discovered in Ganjam

The New Indian Express

BHUBANESWAR: A team of researchers has discovered a new species of gecko, commonly known as lizards, in a sacred grove near Humma in ...

University researchers discover new plantspecies in Mt. Arayat National Park

DENR-Central Luzon executive director Paquito Moreno, Jr. said that the discovery of the new plant species is “an indicator that Mt. Arayat National ...

Beneath the Canopy, Lichens Shroud Alaska's Coastal Rainforests

Hakai Magazine

Some 10 percent of the lichens couldn't be categorized into a known species and 27 new species were discovered. Though coastal Alaska is a lichen ...

120000-Year-Old Human Footprints Have BeenDiscovered in Saudi Arabia


... following the discovery of ancient human and animalfootprints in the Nefud Desert that shed new light on the routes our ancient ancestors took as ...

Frog tales: Finding an alter ego a thousand kilometer away

Research Matters

Researchers discover a visibly different individual of the Eastern Ghats cricket ... Well, a relative of this frog, belonging to the same species, was first found ... in India, new species of which are increasingly being discovered, to drive ...

Invasive, Blood Sucking Parasites on Shrimps Continue Moving Northward

Science Times

The mud shrimp parasite, a bopyrid isopod, was discovered by the ... RELATED: New Species of Shrimp Discovered in Panama's Coiba National Park ...

Chinese paleontologists discover oldest knownanimal sperm in Myanmar amber


"This new discovery is indisputable evidence that giant sperm is at least 100 million years old, and probably much older," Robin Smith, an ostracod ...

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