Thursday, 20 August 2020


Poppy ;Erin;Jubilee ,Gipp ;Merlina and Rocky are talking among themselves as thier rest between play and eating in the hallowed grounds of the Tower of London.
Times were getting harder due to the lack of vistors due to corvert 19 .
Being Ravens they got bored very quickly if had no inaction.

The only real human they saw was the ravenmaster who occasionally trims each of they plutoian black feathers to encourage them to stay but each can fly aware whenever they wish .

The ravens often talk among themselfs :usually not a word can be dichiphed but today we are lucky for i the writer of this tale has give a special raven speech translater.

Gripp"I heard that the last one of us that escaped was seen in Greenwich "
Erin" Do you remember George he used to try to eat television aerials "
Poppy "What reception did he get"
Merlina "None hence no aerial"

The ravenmaster knew that his charges or this batch of the latest Ravens at the Tower of London could mimic sounds;play games and solve problems.He also like to think he was thier boss;but that what the ravens lwt think anyway.

Rocky "Oh its food time and my favorate buscuits soaked in blood"

Poppy "Yeah i bet thats why the oldest raven lived to the grand age of 44 mind you that was back in 1884"

Jubilee "What to you call a collective of Ravens?"
Poppy "Unkindness"
Rocky "Treachery"
Erin "Conspiracy"

Gripp "I heard that if all us ravens were to leave the tower of london England would fall"

Jubliee "I thought that was just a Victorian flight of fancy in our ravem mythology."

"Ravens have been present at the Tower of London for Centuries"

Merlina"Yes always the number six and one spare just im case anything happens to us."

Erin "The myth that the crown and kingdom will fall if we leave steems from the times of Henry VIII wheb us ravens eerily sat silent on the battlements while Ann Boylen was being beheaded in 1536"

Jubilee "I heard we enjoyed pecking out the eyes of prisoners"

Poppy  "No you two idiots are both wrong the myth relates to when King Charles II s astronmer John Flamsteed comlpained we were clattering too much and it was putting him off his work;how rude:mind it was the 1600s"

Merlina "Yeah and old Charlie boy ordered us to be all destroyed but was warned by a haggard women :a possible witch :warned it would be dir luck that infect the crown and country so old Charlie instructed we be fed and sheltered foreever "

All the ravens in unison "Good old great great great great and so on grandmother did a great job of mimicary that day;hoorah"
© Mark Antony Raines

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