Sunday, 19 July 2020


My strange science friction journey began as I was walking down the street in my way home to my bungalow a group of people dressed totally in black,or should I say non white as it getting confused if I say that colour I may be indirectly insulting people of that colour.
Anyway these people introduced them themselves as  technologists from the far off future who were looking for subjects to do a complete life swap with,I thought about it for all of ten seconds and readly accepted on the spot as at least it was
 an escape from the doom and gloom of coronvirus.
So I was beamed up onto a spaceship and strapped to a cold steel table,I joked please if you are going to insert a prob at least but me dinner frist,I just got tumbleweed.
Then I awoke in my new body as I had a cheeky peek at my self in a near by reflective surface I realised two things,I was green and no longer a human but an alien to boot.
Its the year of our Lord 1920 and we had crashed landed in a small island somewhere in the South Pacific,this was most unfortunate but we managed to survive for a further hundred years keeping the our existence a secret from the mostly hairless,different body shaped bi peds know as humans.
But soon due over population and exhausted resources we had to go into the city centre of the nearest mainland where we disguised ourselves as street buskers.
We soon raised enough funds to set up Nano Repair s gone wrong which was not the most enticing way to offer a serious of offers including time travel at discount prices.
One of our clients with a lot of help from us found a cure for Alzheimer's but it did have an unintentional side affect it changed which sex you where and you could only speak French,oh La la.
One invented bionic body parts with a twist wheels for feet,weaponized limbs,sunglass eyes but a hacker broke into the code and people ended up doing crazy stunts that somehow got filmed an appeared on YouTube funny complications.
We had a teacher come in with the idea to brainwash all the children in the world,we had to explain this was already been done by us inventing video games and making them highly addictive.
A local care home had a great idea on their residents reaching hundred years old they would reverse them to their ten year old selves and hire them out as cheap Labour or put them into foster homes to obtain my money.
Due to raising popular Intergalactic cruises  from other alien species we had to convince people it was all an illusion and not unidentified flying objects.
I feel something pulling at me,a siren alarm goes off the background,my name is being called in a eerie voice.
I open my eyes ,I am back in my comfortable bed with a comic by my side,my science fiction journey.

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