Sunday 5 April 2020

Dairy by Mark Antony Raines

Yesterday I nearly give up everything as I was getting bombarded with constant gloom and doom to the point I thought why bother living if we have no  hope you might as well get a gun and put it to your head.

Still mindless idiots going out to parks and beaches like it's a big holiday adventure but every time they do this they are putting at risk someone s life.

I beginning to think money is all people really care about as that so the average complaints that or I lack of food the only thing I can say is want these people told me all my life tough shit just get on with it.

Saw on the news that now carers who visit homes to attend to people various needs are kicking up about lack of PP E protection it's been the same since I was in care work so why no plus I like many others care for partners and loved ones and all I have is gloves.

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