Tuesday 24 March 2020

Retired from Care by Mark Antony Raines

Yet again and again I offered my help as a volunteer.On local groups but some reason my face does not fit that's why yesterday I officially retired as a care professional.Noone wanted to use my experience as a mental health professional of 10 years dealing with numerous problems or my experience dealing with special needs and challenging.behaviour of my experience working in elderly homes,or my befriending skills or  the knowledge gained as a Deputy Manager of a care home.My numerous volunteer work it makes me feel it was all a waste of time and effort getting by NVQ 2 MENTAL HEALTH problems and Special needs.
I am not a person who is trying his best to.help out  but is rejected time after time.
To all the group's i.put my name forward to all the agency s crying out for help I was here but I was rejected on to the dump.
To all their are others like me whom try but get rejected time after time.I say
I offered .
Yours Angry,Upset ,feeling unworthy.
Mark Antony Raines
Known bad Ghostman Raines on Facebook.

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