Sunday, 28 January 2018

Are we not all the same?

Thier are two facts in life every  person  on the planet  that  makes us all equal ;we are all born; we all die.What you do in between  then defines you  as a person  I am going  to put my beliefs  on this post and I don't  expect  people  to  agree  with  me but  I am willing  to listen  to a sensible debate  or evidence  not a witchhunt as this cheapens  the whole  reason  for  debate. I believe  in ghosts;u.f.o;big cats  exist  in Britain; I believe  in British  bigfoot  .I am a  student  of cryptozoology and that when  the  end comes we go into the galaxy  to form  stars and I practise  karma .Does  this  make  me less of a person  that  up too you  dear reader  to judge. If you  read  my posts  or listen  to  my podcast  show  or watch  my videos at least  be objective and if I was  to witness  any of my beliefs  yes I would  write or podcast  them and I would  expect  the usual  not being  believed or treated as a  crackpot  nut what I hate is it to get political  and point  scoring by so called  concrete  thinking   try to be opened  minded  and if you  wish  to  question  do in a sensible  and evidence  based  fashion  and both views can be judged  on merit   ty for  mark

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