Sunday, 28 August 2016

Bagpipe lung can kill you, scientists warn

Edinburgh-military-tattoo-Christopher-Furlong-Getty.jpgWind instrument players are being warned by doctors over possible lung damage after a bagpipe player is believed to have died from a reaction to mouldy pipes.
Doctors writing in the journal Thorax have said instruments should be cleaned regularly to avoid "bagpipe lung".
Dr Jenny King, a member of the team at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester that treated the piper, told the BBC that if caught early, similar problems could be treated with a good prognosis.
The 61-year-old patient described in the journal practised every day and had been ill for a number of years.
Doctors realised the bagpipes might have been the cause of the problems when he travelled abroad for a few months without his instrument and his condition improved.-read more

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