Tuesday, 6 January 2015


Representative Independent Distributor loribogedin@youngliving.org www.madepurecure.com www.youngliving.org/loribogedin Owner/Operator Twigs Restaurant October 1999 – Present (15 years 4 months) Owner Twigs Restaurant November 1999 – Present (15 years 3 months)Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania Our Mission at Twigs Cafe is to, "Offer outstanding food expertly served in a relaxed, casual and friendly atmosphere." Lori and Jerry Bogedin Executive Chef Ryan Ganesko, along with Sous-Chef Ca and our outstanding kitchen staff uses only the freshest market ingredients. Incorporating the finest foods from around the globe. Administrative Manager Jennifer Higgins Bogedin makes sure that our great friendly service never fails to serve. As active members of the Tunkhannock community, Twigs enjoys participating in many area projects. Twigs believes that it is just a matter of getting up and getting involved! Here at Twigs we know that getting active in your community is the best way to directly improve daily life in any neighborhood. Jerry and I are so very proud to be part of such a wonderful community. We know we have the greatest family, friends, employees and costumers ever! A Delicious Destination! A Delicious Destination! Certifications Usui System of Natural Healing Sho-Den Second Degree Usui Reiki Ryoho Minister of Divinity Universal Ministries School of Theology Publications MIRACLES HAPPEN The Transformational Healing Power of Past Life Memories(Link) Brian L. Weiss and Amy E. Weiss ~ HarperOne October 2, 2012 I was chosen to offer an insightful section in Brian L. Weiss and Amy e. Weiss New York Times bestselling book "Miracles Happen". Brian Weiss is the author of Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss MD delivers a powerful revolutionary teaching on the physical, emotional and spiritual healing available to all through embracing the reality of reincarnation. Filled with incredible true stories,...more Small Town(Link) Gravel Literary Journal November 3, 2014 This magazine is produced by the MFA program in creative writing at the University of Arkansas at Monticello editorial staff. I offered five of my photographs that I named Small Town. Volunteer Experience & Causes Community Outreach Twigs Restaurant October 1999Social Services As active members of the Tunkhannock and surrounding communities, Twigs enjoys participating in area projects, organizations and local needs. I believe it is just a matter of getting up and getting involved! Personally and as a small business, our philosophy is that becoming actively involved in your community is the best way to directly improve daily life in any neighborhood. Opportunities Lori is looking for: Skills-based volunteering (pro bono consulting) Causes Lori cares about: Animal Welfare Economic Empowerment Environment Organizations Lori supports: http://www.truefriendsanimalwelfarecenter.com http://www.howlandpreserve.com https://www.facebook.com/truefriends.animalwelfare?fref=nf https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfHowlandPreserve Projects Enlighten Me EXPO(Link) October 2013 – March 2014 Comprised of subjects from leading experts such as, self-awareness, mediation, cosmology, new wisdom understanding, Zen teachings, Feng Shui, dream interpretation, creative manifesting, yoga, healing energy therapies, spirituality, herbal and other dietary practices, and many other mind-body practices, NEPA's first annual Enlighten Me Expo 2014 was a huge success! 2 team members Lori Bogedin Lori Bogedin Owner/Operator Twigs Restaurant Dave Andrews Dave Andrews Author, The 30-Day Sobriety Solution®: How to Quit or Cut Back Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home ● Recovery Coach, the married part, the kids and grand-kids sound great, not so much the dizzy spells - yuk! Is it all the time or does it come and go? And living life as it comes is probably good advice for everyone! Me I am just a normal old country girl that owns and operates a restaurant where I live in Northeastern PA USA - About 25 years ago I had an out of body experience in which I am writing about, that changed my life - for the better. Anyway I have been fascinated with all things spiritual, metaphysical, science based and religious that might explain what happened. Over the years I have gained much insight into the experience and now want to figure out how to reproduce the event or at least the feeling of oneness that I gained from it.

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