Wednesday, 5 March 2014

CARL MARSHALL: interviewed by Mark Antony Raines

I would have to say the biggest inspiration to me is my father, as it is he who first inspired me as a child to develop an interest in the animal kingdom - my father was a Taxidermist for 50 years and is a brilliant naturalist, and even as an adult he consistently amazes me with what he knows, often informing me of something I was previously unaware of - usually something ornithogical.  As for my interest in Cryptozoology I would have to say it was reading the works of Bernard Heuvelmans, Karl Shuker and then later,  Jonathan Downes.

My long term aims are to continue working in zoology at Stratford upon Avon Butterfly Farm and to continue my travels searching  for species of interest, and to seek out and document any cryptozoological reports along the way. 

After my next Borneo expedition in November - investigating claims of 10 metre+ reticulated pythons, I will be seriously considering trips to both Sumatra - mainly in search of its "forgotten Ape",  the orang pendek -and to Tazmania for any credible evidence of surviving thylacines.

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