Tuesday, 15 October 2013

o.c.d-or help me iam being complied by my thoughts

10 tell tale signs.Excessive cleaning,fearing,being contaminated by germs or dirt.Fixated everything must line up.Handwashing countless times,repeatedly cheecking doors are locked and taps and cookers off.Counting and arranging things in alphabetical or coloured order,hoarding possessions worried you may lose or have taken.Seeking reasurrance and an overwhelming need to confess,repeating  words and aactions to counter obsessive thoughts.Excessive focus on moral ideas,irrational fear of causing harm to yourself  others.O.C.DUK.44 per cent of brits now cliam obsessive compulse disorder and its on a person,education,career and relationships.I AM ONE OF THE  44 PER CENT.read more on how to cope or deal with illness on site

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