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Thursday 25 July 2024

Holsworthy -Town that is a village

 Holsworthy describe s itself as a town and is recorded in the doomsday book but it's essence it is still a village.

Mostly its a friendly place,people say good morning,crime rate is low but like most villages it still has an elements of it you are not part of a click you are judged not to be deemed worthy.

The (Town) itself is is in disarray as we have like many no more banks,we have only one chemist due to the one in the square being closed down for legal reasons,the market is not what it was and at one point their was discussion of closing it down.

We have one major supermarket ,and two smaller  ones,3 charity  sh ops,numerous cafes,pubs,hairdressers.

The school are both well attend the college has a bit of reputation ,the local doctors is struggling to cope I think mainly due branching out too much.

The local (Town) council has very limited powers ,the place is generally clean and tidy,we are served by church and chapel,we have a skate park ,a local museum and did to sign of the times a community fridge .

Two martial arts clubs,a small leisure centre which if college did not exist suspect would close down.

We have limited visitors attraction s mostly ok drive through

Don't get wrong I love living here as I don't need a car or public transport to access local park,shops etc.

This is just my opinion

Holsworthy 44 26-28 07-2024 -Holsworthy Devon Programme of Events

Holsworthy 44 26-28 07-2024 -Holsworthy Devon 

Programme of Events

Stanhope Park Holsworthy Part 2

Stanhope Park Holsworthy Part 2 

Holsworthy Saga (Reason Why Not On Social Media)(But Went back)

're Edited Post -14-07-2024

When  I was on Local Facebook Group Holsworthy Moan And Groan I shared a video promoting local cafe  In Stanhope Park,Holsworthy not expecting to later on to get harassment from one of its members accusing me of being P..v..t  and even going to the length s of ringing up said cafe to complain about me.

Evidence _Video taken of local cafe in Stanhope Park to share on YouTube,and put on Holsworthy Moan And Groan , only one person complained unsure why , sometime later I asked by owners of said Cafe to take video down which I did but i felt as if I was being accused of something anyway i put about not illegal to film or photo in public place and i always have the option not to include any pictures of children 

I was asked to take the video down so I did as I was asked ,but still sense this created a toxic vibe with some people hence why I have come off social networking,yes I was angry and upset to point it affected my cognitive health.

're Edited 

After some reflection I have gone back on social networking with the renewed confidence that if get toxic comments from people I shall just block them,turn off notification,leave group,I shall only keep my comments to emojis,and I will no longer sure from other groups bar my own or post on other groups

I was vaguely threatened by this person to come and meet up with them  which I ignored due 

1-Martial Arts Training -Best Thing To Do in A Fight Is To Walk Away

2 -The Hardest Thing is to Forgive the person involved but this I do via this post 

I wrote an email to cafe involved their were very understanding,but I just wanted to post and share how easy it is to destroy someone else's life with your actions and deeds via the media which is social networking ,so lesson learnt 


What is illegal video recording?

Illegal video recording is taking videos without permission or otherwise capturing videos in a way that violates any prior agreement. That means filming or screen-recording content you don’t have permission to film.

Illegal video recording might take place for personal use. However, it’s often done so the person recording can distribute their illegal footage, for free or otherwise. They might share the videos privately or make them publicly available online.

When do people illegally record videos?

There are plenty of occasions that people take advantage of to record videos illegally. Perhaps the most obvious example is in cinemas. Whenever you go to see a movie, you’re expected to put all devices away, especially video equipment. This is partly to prevent you from taking videos without permission. Of course, unless you run a movie theatre, you’re unlikely to experience this type of illegal video recording firsthand.

In business terms, people might illegally record videos during calls or conferences. If your small business phone services offer you the chance to speak to customers or team members via video calls, you may find employees creating personal records of those videos. They might then make them less personal by sharing them online.

Businesses might also host events that are susceptible to illegal recording. For example, speeches and workshops could be recorded without the hosts’ or participants’ knowledge or consent. In short, if there’s an event happening, either virtually or in person, it’s always possible that illegal recording might take place

Sunday 21 July 2024

The Whispering Gallery

 The Whispering Gallery

Chapter I: The Accusation

In the heart of the ancient city, where cobblestone streets whispered secrets and gas lamps flickered like dying stars, there stood the House of Ravenswood. Its timeworn façade bore witness to centuries of sorrow, and its halls echoed with the anguished cries of those who had once sought refuge within.

I, Nathaniel Blackwood, was the unfortunate tenant of this cursed abode. My days were spent poring over dusty tomes in the library, seeking solace in forgotten knowledge. But one fateful evening, as the moon hung low and the wind clawed at the windowpanes, my life took a sinister turn.

The constable arrived, his lantern casting elongated shadows across the parlor. His eyes bore the weight of judgment, and his voice dripped with accusation. A murder most foul had occurred—the Lady Isadora, daughter of the neighboring Lord Ashcroft, lay lifeless in the garden maze. Her throat, delicate as a swan’s neck, had been slit from ear to ear.

And they pointed their bony fingers at me.

“Blackwood,” the constable sneered, “you were seen near the maze, your coat stained with crimson. A lover’s quarrel, perhaps? Or something darker?”

I protested my innocence, but my words fell upon deaf ears. The evidence was circumstantial—a twisted dagger found beneath my bed, its blade still wet with Lady Isadora’s blood. The court of public opinion, fueled by gossip and superstition, condemned me outright.

Chapter II: The Raven’s Judgment

The trial was swift, the jury merciless. The judge, a man with rheumy eyes and a penchant for hanging, pronounced my fate: the gallows awaited me at dawn. My pleas for reason were met with the cawing of ravens perched atop the courthouse, their ebony feathers a mockery of justice.

That night, I paced my cell, the walls closing in like a coffin. The moon peeked through the barred window, illuminating the etchings on the stone—a desperate plea for salvation. But salvation was a phantom, and the noose tightened around my neck.

Chapter III: The Haunting

As the sun painted the sky crimson, I ascended the gallows. The crowd jeered, their eyes devoid of pity. But then, a whisper—a spectral murmur that cut through the clamor. The Lady Isadora herself stood at the foot of the scaffold, her throat still gaping, her eyes accusing.

“Why?” I rasped, my voice a mere echo.

Her ghostly lips moved, forming words only I could hear. “Seek the hidden chamber,” she said. “The truth lies within.”

And so, with the hangman’s knot tugging at my life, I stumbled back to Ravenswood. Beneath the floorboards of my study, I found the concealed passage—a tunnel leading to the heart of the maze. There, amidst thorny vines and moonlight, I discovered the true murderer: Lord Ashcroft, driven mad by forbidden love and jealousy.

Chapter IV: The Raven’s Redemption

I confronted Lord Ashcroft, his eyes wide with guilt. He confessed to the crime, his trembling hand guiding mine to the hidden dagger. Justice, it seemed, had a taste for irony.

As the sun rose, the ravens circled overhead, their caws a requiem for lost souls. I was exonerated, but the House of Ravenswood would forever bear its scars. Lady Isadora’s spirit, freed from her earthly bonds, whispered her gratitude before vanishing into the mist.

And so, dear reader, beware the whispering gallery of fate. For in its dark corners, innocence and guilt entwine like ivy, and justice wears a raven’s mask.


Ah, there you have it—a tale of woe, betrayal, and spectral justice. May it send shivers down your spine, much like a midnight breeze through an abandoned graveyard. Now, tell me: Have you ever encountered a mysterious house or felt the weight of unjust suspicion? Or perhaps you’d like another eerie tale? 🕯️🌑

: Image source: Pixabay

: Inspiration drawn from the works of Edgar Allan Poe, particularly “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.”

Doctor Who City Of Death Part 1