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Sunday 16 September 2018

Korean warngi,s made sick by ufo

When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick

When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick

Theories range from high-tech Soviet death rays to extraterrestrials studying human combat to combat-stress-induced hallucinations.

In May 1951, one year into the Korean War, PFC Francis P. Wall and his regiment found themselves stationed near Chorwon, about 60 miles north of Seoul. As they were preparing to bombard a nearby village with artillery, all of a sudden, the soldiers saw a strange sight up in the hills—like “a jack-o-lantern come wafting down across the mountain.”
What happened after—the pulsing, “attacking” light, the lingering debilitating symptoms—would mystify many for decades to come.
As the GIs watched, the craft made its way down into the village, where the artillery air bursts were starting to explode. “We further noticed that this object would get right into…the center of an airburst of artillery and yet remain unharmed,” Wall later told John P. Timmerman of the Center for UFO Studies in a 1987 interview. Suddenly, the object turned, Wall said. And whereas at first, it had glowed orange, now it was a pulsating blue-green brilliant light. He asked his company commander for permission to fire at the object with armor-piercing bullets from an M-I rifle. As the bullets hit the body of the craft, he recalled, they made a metallic “ding.” The object started behaving still more erratically, shunting from side to side as its lights flashed on and off.
Wall’s recollections of what happened next are stranger still. “We were attacked,” he said, “swept by some form of a ray that was emitted in pulses, in waves that you could visually see only when it was aiming directly at you. That is to say, like a searchlight sweeps around and the segments of light…you would see it coming at you.”
He remembered a burning, tingling sensation sweeping over his body, as if he were being penetrated. The men rushed into underground bunkers and peeped through the windows, watching as the craft hovered above them and then shot off, at a 45-degree angle. “It’s that quick,” he said. “It was there and was gone.”
Three days after the incident, the entire company of men was evacuated by ambulance, with special roads cut to haul out those too weak to walk. When they finally received medical treatment, they were found to have dysentery and an extremely high white- blood- cell count. “To me,” says Richard F. Haines, a UFO researcher and former NASA scientist, “they had symptoms that sounded like the effects of radiation.”
Was it an experimental new Soviet weapon?
In the wake of the Korean War, which ended in July 1953, dozens of men have reported seeing similar unidentified flying objects over the course of the 37-month conflict. The craft often resembled flying saucers. According to unofficial reports, as many as 42 were corroborated by additional witness reports—an average of more than one a month in just over three years.
At first, according to Korean war historian Paul M. Edwards, many researchers believed that the sightings were Soviet experiments, based on German technology and foreign research in anti-gravity. “These were supposedly so large they could carry 50 tons of weight and were powered by electromagnetic propulsion,” he writes in Unusual Footnotes to the Korean War. “What was being sighted, it was suggested, were discs the Russians were testing over the Korean skies.” But in the years since the fall of the Soviet UnionIron Curtain came down, a number of Soviet reports of sighting UFOs over Korea have trickled in, discrediting these theories.
Why were there so many UFO sightings throughout the Korean war? Were they the product of thousands of exhausted men under incredible stress—or a sign of something more mysterious? From 1952 until 1986, the United States Air Force ran Project Blue Book, a systematic study into unidentified flying objects and their potential threat to national security. When it was shuttered, in December 1969, the Air Force announced they had found nothing of note, and terminated all activity under the auspices of the study.
But many believe that the project ended abortively, and that there was more work to be done—leading to similar interviews with witnesses and other investigations being done by dozens of volunteers for decades after the project ended. Haines is one of them. He describes himself as a scientist with an open mind, rather than someone with something to prove. “I don’t believe in them, I don’t not believe in them,” he says. “I’m trying to let the data convince me one way or the other, which is the scientific approach.” But, he says, it’s striking how many accounts there are of similar sightings in the Korean War and other conflicts.
An aerial view of the Korean DMZ in the Chorwon District, where Francis P. Wall saw the UFO.
An aerial view of the Korean DMZ in the Chorwon District, where Francis P. Wall saw the UFO.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Getty Images
Other explanations?
In the early years of the Cold War, it was often theorized that these crafts might be Soviet or Chinese vessels, with technology unknown to American troops. Haines believes this theory has been conclusively disproved.
“If they were,” he says, “they would have been building those crafts for use in later wars like the Vietnam War, for instance.” The Soviet UFO sightings Edwards describes make it similarly unlikely—as do the impossibly high-tech specifications of some of the sightings. In Wall’s case, for instance, he described a kind of force field taking effect a while after he began shooting, where his bullets simply ricocheted away from the craft.
Haines, for his part, believes the rash of sightings across the Korean war might suggest that something in the universe is especially interested in how human beings behave in the throng of military action. “We tend to be very creative to fight a war,” Haines says, listing off the various sciences and technologies that might come into play in military action. “If you were interested in how another country or another race of people fought their wars, you’d want to collect information on that, wouldn’t you?” He trails off. “That’s one possible explanation. There may be others.”
But the vast majority of UFO sightings—as much as 80 percent—are later found to be totally ordinary phenomena, like clouds or human crafts, rather than anything otherworldly. In Wall’s case, precisely what he saw that day has never been conclusively proven or disproven. Without the testimony of other men in Wall’s regiment, it’s hard to ascertain whether they too had the same strange experience—, even if it can be corroborated that many did get very ill.
Why such long-lasting after-effects?
In the years following the war, Wall lost contact with many of the men in his regiment. After the experience, he remembered his company agreeing that they would not file a report, “because they’d lock every one of us up, and think we were crazy,” he told Timmerman. What made him choose to make a testimony, however, was the lasting after-effects of his illness, including permanent weight loss from 180 pounds to 138, stomach problems and periods of disorientation and memory loss after returning to the United States.
He retired in 1969, at the age of just 42, his daughter Renae Denny says, and spent 30 years out of work, struggling with the after-effects of the war. “Back then they didn’t know the name of it, but I guess you could say it was a form of PTSD,” she says. Over the years, he would tell and retell the tale of his strange UFO sighting. “The story was always the same,” says Denny. “It never changed through the years.” But there was other fallout: He was especially affected by the sounds of airplanes and once knocked his mother and sister to the ground after mistaking them for enemy troops. “I guess he would have flashbacks,” she says.
Wall’s recollections of the UFO sighting were consistent and acute. But whether what he remembered actually happened is harder to prove. Fighting conditions were almost intolerably stressful, and it’s entirely possible that he may have experienced some kind of hallucination, brought on by the terror of the situation, where he regularly feared for his life. It might also have been a moment of feverish delirium: Even the raised white-blood cell count that surprised army doctors, and Haines, is consistent with many of the bacterial infections which might also cause severe dysentery—as are hallucinations. In a later interview with Haines, Wall described how he had discussed what he saw with some 25 other men—but none ever came forward or could later be traced.
In 2002, British researchers demonstrated a link between UFO sightings and Cold War hysteria—and pointed out how the number of sightings had nosedived as radar improved. “That cannot be a coincidence,” David Clarke told the Guardian. “Those early confirmations were just a product of a primitive radar system.” The flurry of UFO sightings Haines describes may have been the dual effect of these two threats: a potentially world-destroying war on the horizon, and the incredible pressure of being in the military.
Wall had experiences in those years in Korea that would scar him until his death in 1999. One night, Denny says, he managed to make his way through a pitch-dark minefield, praying for his life as he went. Others who made the same journey were not so fortunate. “When he went in [to the war],” she says, “he was happy-go-lucky, just a totally different person to when he came out.”
Whether the UFO sightings that Wall and so many other men reported were a product of this personality-altering trauma, or the effects of something requiring much greater investigation, remains a mystery.

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Saturday 15 September 2018

Tim Swatz

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Laurie Wickens

Terri Brown

Terri Brown...Terri Brown is living and experiencing paranormal activity and possible demon in her home based on Tennessee .She and her family have been living in a series of events that would drive others away.During our chat I experienced various electronic  problems and at near the end of our chat Terri,s phone completely shut down on her.Terri is hoping to do a investigation of her home and put events and reading on YouTube channel some time in October.You can find Terri Brown under Paranormal Brown Girl.

Laurie Wickens

Laurie Wickens...Laurie Wickens....The Shag Harbour UFO incident was the reported impact of an unknown large object into waters near Shag Harbour, a tiny fishing village in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on October 4, 1967.Laurie is a witness to this Event and a volunteer at Shag Harbour UFO Centre .
Hello again, Laurie!

Success! I just found my notes. I knew I had written something on them.

Now, this was on June 6, 2018 during our Spirit Radio – the Paranormal Experience broadcast, when you were our guest.  I called you on your landline: 902-723-0226 at the beginning of the show. (I mention this because it wasn’t a cell number which means there’s much less of a likelihood that we would get disconnected.)  I didn’t log down when we were cut off, but when it happened, the line simply went dead. There was dead air. I said I’d call you back. (Willy has since edited that out of the final posting to the Internet.) And when I said that, it was going out over the radio waves, not over the phone.

I called you back on the studio phone at that number twice – no answer. On the third try, you answered, and we were cut off again. I tried a fourth time.  This time there was a recording that said: Smart Phone Screener; State your name.  I said, “Lynne”  then nothing. I hung up and called you a fifth time and this time, the call not only went through but we weren’t disconnected again.

Now oddly enough, I’ve got one more element to add. In my notes I wrote:  Smart Phone Screener, then ‘Secret Screening or Screener’, but quite frankly, I can’t remember if that second element was spoken, or if I just wrote it.  It definitely said “Smart Phone Screener” first though, then, “State your name.”  Of that I’m sure.

I hope this helps, Laurie.

Also, I’ve given a trip to your August event serious consideration.  The best way to do it would be to take the ferry out of Portland, Maine, but the cargo vehicle fee is a bit much, and it’s a long way to go and not stay a few days. The ferry fee for a human is reasonable, but you need transportation once you get there, and I’d rather bring my own car and travel. At this point, it’s a bit cost-prohibitive. I’d love to hear what the Cousteaus have to say as well as the rest of the speakers!

Let me know if you’ve got any more questions, Laurie!

My best to you!


Tim Swartz

Tim Swatz...
Tim R. Swartz is an Indiana native and Emmy-Award winning television producer/videographer, and is the author of a number of popular books including The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla, America's Strange and Supernatural History, UFO Repeaters, Time Travel: Fact Not Fiction!, Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr, Admiral Byrd's Secret Journey Beyond the Poles, and is a contributing writer for the books, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The First Ghostbuster, Brad Steiger's Real Monsters, Gruesome Critters, and Beasts from the Darkside, and Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits and Haunted Places.
As a photojournalist, Tim Swartz has traveled extensively and investigated paranormal phenomena and other unusual mysteries from such diverse locations as the Great Pyramid in Egypt to the Great Wall in China. He has worked with television networks such as PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and ESPN. He has also appeared on the History Channel's programs "Ancient Aliens"; "Evidence"; "Ancient Aliens: Declassified"; and the History Channel Latin America series "Contacto Extraterrestre."
His articles have been published in magazines such as Mysteries, FATE, Strange, Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe, Flying Saucer Review, Renaissance, and Unsolved UFO Reports. Currently, Tim writes a column about high-strangeness in Indiana for the magazine "Daydrifter."
As well, Tim Swartz is the writer and editor of the online newsletter Conspiracy Journal; a free, weekly e-mail newsletter, considered essential reading by paranormal researchers worldwide.
Tim is also the host of the webcast "Exploring the Bizarre" along with Timothy Green Beckley,

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Octavian Hallow Horror Host

Octavian Hallow Horror Host

Octavian’s bio:
In the 17th century, there were many that fleed to the new world to escape England and all the King’s taxes. There was also a smaller group that not only wanted to safeguard their wealth from the king but from their poorer Puritan neighbors as well. This small group of settlers set up their new New England home in a desolate area surrounded by miles of wetlands making it difficult for outsiders to invade. And if that wasn’t enough, they made a pact with a coven of witches that cloaked the village from outsiders in exchange for a custom estate of their own and the promise of protection from being.
This bargain lasted a good spell and in that time a child was born in the coven who grew to be a very powerful warlock called Octavian Hallow. His conception was believed to be the result of a union between a young witch and a demon that posed as a settler. This child was albino and a fright to behold so the coven kept his existence a secret from the village of Haven Falls.
This coven was also charged with the duty of protecting  the scalp and horns of a defeated demon, the owlish looking Jagular. One day Jagular employed the aid of a faux traveling priest called Father Grimm who had designs on robbing the wealthy residents of Haven Falls. Grimm stole from the town and framed the coven who was quickly taken into custody to be tried and executed. In a desperate attempt to save his coven, the albino bastard-child Octavian took up the power of Jagular’s horns to free his family. Octavian was forced to surrender in exchange for the coven’s freedom and was executed. The village went back on their word and executed all but o e witch that managed to escape. She summoned Octavian from his grave and his power and rage was unlimited and he extracted bus wrath upon the village. Jagular confronted Octavian in an attempt to reclaim his horns and power but they both perished into purgatory but the remaining witch freed Octavian’s spirit by casting him into the form of an owl.
The power of the dagger gives those who have come in contact with it, the coven, Octavian and Grimm, to resurrect upon their demise. Memories of their past lives are buried but eventually surface with time. At least one witch must remain as the watchtower for the rest of the coven to keep their memories alive, octavian’s burial place a secret thus continue to keep the horns affixed to Octavian’s skull safe from any that seek their power.
Octavian’s spirit was trapped in the form of an owl for centuries until one point in the 1960’s the regenerated coven attempted to resurrect him. His spirit was freed from the owl form yet the location of his hidden remains remains a secret.
Octavian has little knowledge of the events of the past and the rest of the coven try to keep it that way fearing if he was to reunite with his hidden and preserved body and his remains, all hell would literally break loose.
Octavian finds peace in the grounds of Haven Falls that is now a cemetery. The town of Haven Falls had since been depopulated by a small community as it is still difficult to commute in and out of the town and remains uncharted on any New England map.
Octavian made many supernatural friends in the cemetery. At one point he wondered why the cemetery was getting vandalized in weekend nights. Apparently some of the undead had discovered a nearby house that broadcasts horror shows. The cemetery residents would later have night,ares from these movies and later sleep walk a path of destruction.
Octavian tracked down the source and discovered a small scale horror host called Doctor Boo who was generating a cable access show called “Haven Falls Shadowbox Theater” from his cellar. Octavian  confronted Doctor Boo, who was struggling with his show’s ratings, and proposed that he would “Fixx” Boo’s show by hosting it and turning “horror into humor” by messing around with the films and making them comical. This not only kept Boo from being cancelled and loosing his job, it also calmed the moods of the cemetery residents and the graveyard destruction stopped.
By hosting the show, Octavian discovered there were many other supernatural types and horror hosts that might know where the location of his hidden remains are. He has crossed paths with Bobby Gammonster, Halloween Jack, the Bone Jangler, Slash Cooper, Vincent Grimmly, Deadhead Daddy, Chuckles the Klown and many others in an attempt to reunite with his hidden corpse and buried memories.

  HAVEN FALLS HORROR FIXX..Frank Wilmoth was born in Newport, Rhode Island USA September 13, 1966. The youngest of 5 children always possessed artistic and musical abilities but was and still is shy and semi-introverted. He always enjoyed horror and the supernatural equally with his mother and 4 siblings as his father was a 20 year navy man and was often away from home.

Circumstances always seemed to interfere whenever Frank attempted to pursue his artistic education and career and became tied down with domestic responsibilities but still kept his heart in the eerie late night.

A local horror host show, Simon’s Sanctorum, was Frankie’s first exposure to horror hosting as a child. It was that along with Universal and Hammer horror films, The Munsters, good old fashioned ghost stories and Alice Cooper that planted the seed that led to the birth of Octavian Hallow in the early 1980’s. Octavian was originally a horror character but over time evolved into a more comical character in the spirit of Beetlejuice and the Ghostbusters.

The presence for cable and cable access shows from Elvira’s Movie Macabre to Penny Dreadful’s Shilling shockers led Frank to the realization that this may be Octavian’s calling. It is the one venue that allows Frank to utilize all of his creative outlets from acting, writing, graphics, music and editing and all in a genre that he has loved since the Exorcist scared the hell out him as a child.

Frank has done local theatre on and off since his high school years and even wrote and directed a couple of full length comedy plays for his then local community theatre. Along with his girlfriend, Mary Mallozzi aka Mystika Wanders, they have been part of paranormal investigation groups, local theatre and were even extras in The 2016 Ghostbuster’s motion picture (vendors in the Rock concert scene that was actually filmed in Boston's Wang Theater).

Presently, Frank assists Halloween Jack and The Bone Jangler with The Monster Channel and The Eerie Late Night Horror Channel by creating some of the graphics, music and promos for the channel. His show has been on a temporary hiatus as he uses that time to prepare for the next string of horror host projects that include two new shows… One which is a limited episode prequel to HAVEN FALLS HORROR FIXX called HAVEN FALLS SHADOWBOX THEATER and and upcoming half hour show that will spotlight other horror hosts that appear on the Monster Channel and Eerie Late Night.

Frank’s has also had a strong bond and love for his ancestral United Kingdom and is a life long follower and fan of products from there such as The Beatles, Doctor Who, BBC programming, Hammer Films, and the Union Jack flag. He visited England in October 2000 and was fortunate to take a fantastic road trip from London (Royal Albert Hall) to Bournemouth with friends. He hopes to return someday and also visit the other countries of his heritage… Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany and Netherlands. He recently learned that the majority of his British ancestors originate from Liverpool.

Octavian Hallow can be seen exclusively on The Monster Channel/Eerie Late Night Horror Channel on occasion and is always haunting the venue in one form or anything another. Most recently Octavian composed and performed the new theme to The Eerie Late Night Radio show and is making a cameo appearance on Slash Cooper’s Graveyard Tales this Saturday on The Monster Channel ( 10 pm (eastern time zone-U.S.A.).

Octavian would lov to be to England what Vincent Grimmly is to France. Both Frank and Octavian are happy and honored to join Mark tonight and they hope to be welcome back to the great St country in the world 🇬🇧

  HAVEN FALLS HORROR FIXXFrank Wilmoth was born in Newport, Rhode Island USA September 13, 1966. The youngest of 5 children always possessed artistic and musical abilities but was and still is shy and semi-introverted. He always enjoyed horror and the supernatural equally with his mother and 4 siblings as his father was a 20 year navy man and was often away from home.

Circumstances always seemed to interfere whenever Frank attempted to pursue his artistic education and career and became tied down with domestic responsibilities but still kept his heart in the eerie late night.

A local horror host show, Simon’s Sanctorum, was Frankie’s first exposure to horror hosting as a child. It was that along with Universal and Hammer horror films, The Munsters, good old fashioned ghost stories and Alice Cooper that planted the seed that led to the birth of Octavian Hallow in the early 1980’s. Octavian was originally a horror character but over time evolved into a more comical character in the spirit of Beetlejuice and the Ghostbusters.

The presence for cable and cable access shows from Elvira’s Movie Macabre to Penny Dreadful’s Shilling shockers led Frank to the realization that this may be Octavian’s calling. It is the one venue that allows Frank to utilize all of his creative outlets from acting, writing, graphics, music and editing and all in a genre that he has loved since the Exorcist scared the hell out him as a child.

Frank has done local theatre on and off since his high school years and even wrote and directed a couple of full length comedy plays for his then local community theatre. Along with his girlfriend, Mary Mallozzi aka Mystika Wanders, they have been part of paranormal investigation groups, local theatre and were even extras in The 2016 Ghostbuster’s motion picture (vendors in the Rock concert scene that was actually filmed in Boston's Wang Theater).

Presently, Frank assists Halloween Jack and The Bone Jangler with The Monster Channel and The Eerie Late Night Horror Channel by creating some of the graphics, music and promos for the channel. His show has been on a temporary hiatus as he uses that time to prepare for the next string of horror host projects that include two new shows… One which is a limited episode prequel to HAVEN FALLS HORROR FIXX called HAVEN FALLS SHADOWBOX THEATER and and upcoming half hour show that will spotlight other horror hosts that appear on the Monster Channel and Eerie Late Night.

Frank’s has also had a strong bond and love for his ancestral United Kingdom and is a life long follower and fan of products from there such as The Beatles, Doctor Who, BBC programming, Hammer Films, and the Union Jack flag. He visited England in October 2000 and was fortunate to take a fantastic road trip from London (Royal Albert Hall) to Bournemouth with friends. He hopes to return someday and also visit the other countries of his heritage… Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany and Netherlands. He recently learned that the majority of his British ancestors originate from Liverpool.

Octavian Hallow can be seen exclusively on The Monster Channel/Eerie Late Night Horror Channel on occasion and is always haunting the venue in one form or anything another. Most recently Octavian composed and performed the new theme to The Eerie Late Night Radio show and is making a cameo appearance on Slash Cooper’s Graveyard Tales this Saturday on The Monster Channel ( 10 pm (eastern time zone-U.S.A.).

Octavian would lov to be to England what Vincent Grimmly is to France. Both Frank and Octavian are happy and honored to join Mark tonight and they hope to be welcome back to the great St country in the world 🇬🇧

Octavian Hallow Horror Host...Octavian’s